Boom! Anyone who finds a way to tie in Swami Sri Yukteshwar, teacher and guru of the great Paramahansa Yogananda and Berwick (LOL) in the same sentence has my attention. 100% agree on Yukteshwar’s perspective.

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May 21, 2023Liked by clif high

So, if my arithmetic is correct, we are looking at some 6875 years before we clear the introductory initiation into the "Golden Age." The way people talk, one would think that we are entering that now or will soon with high levels of spirituality and abilities. Sorry, not really. Things will continue to get better, but we have a long way to go to that supreme point.

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Thank You Clif,

Hello Humans Hello Humans, Reeeeeeeeeee, God Bless

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Humans need hope to survive. I'll take it.

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Berwick follows some yoga dude’s videos, I can’t remember the name. He probably never researched what the yoga dude said and assumed it was correct. I probably wouldn’t have bothered researching it either, but then, I don’t care about what the yoga dude says. I think Berwick means well, and I think you do too. That’s why I still follow both of you.

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May 21, 2023·edited May 22, 2023

What you write regarding Sri Yukteswar's comments may well be true, but it seems that they are something that are based on only theory and conjecture, and are not something that could ever be proven: neither that Yugas actually exist, nor that if they do exist, which one we are currently in. Nevertheless, if they do, I would of course prefer that Sri Yukteswar be correct.

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Thank you again sir...

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People (even awakened people) should be open minded to other narratives that don’t suit your chosen narrative.

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Wonder if you've looked at Jason Breshears work on Archaix.com? Would love to hear the two of you debate/discuss your understandings of Universe.

The Eastern Astrologer, Joni Patri, says we are still in the age of Pices and will not move into Aquarius for about another 700 years if I heard her correctly. Was wondering what astrology/astrologer you use to determine that we are in Aquarius. Would like her to be incorrect.

Thanks for all you do and it is always a happy thing to find a new clif high post!

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Oh, thank God I read Clif's latest bloviation on this highly important topic. I'm especially relieved that HE FORGIVES JEFF BERWICK AND MOST OF THE OTHER MISGUIDED MYSTICS ON THE PLANET. ONLY CLIF KNOWS WHAT IS CORRECT BECAUSE HE APPARENTLY READS QUITE A BIT. What I am totally STOKED ABOUT is that the bad evil satanic pedophiles running the planet WONT WIN. UNIVERSE WONT REWARD THEM> IT WILL DESTROY THEM. I'm just about on my last complete functioning brain cells and related nerve fibers that still work in my brain after the last 63 years, especially the last 7 insane years watching the USA being KILLED IN BROAD DAYLIGHT BY SATANIC PEDOPHILE PSYCHOPATHS. Always good to see clif still has something NEW to rant and correct others about.

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No, I don't agree, another highly skilled skywatcher, John Lamb Lash (author of Not In His Image, restorer of the Fallen Goddess Story from the old Nag Hamadi texts, skilled entheogenic shaman) calculates we are in the last few hundred years of the Kali Yug which ends by his calculations in 2216, the end of glalctic year for us. I take his calculations as being superior to anyone on the planet. Don't agree with no electricity etc. In Kali Yug only about 25% of humanity has an actual clue as to what is happening, has the innate ability to comphrehend divinity. As evidence I give you the fact that only @25% of us refused the clot shot- an abysmally low number. Don't agree with this at all.

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I am going out to get a T shirt printed. ‘Same shit -different yuga! 😂

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YEP! The Procession of the Equinoxes brought us to a different place in space. We are reaping huge new benevolent energies, in our ascension and the shift in consciousness which is taking place globally. The earth has entered into the sixth civilization. And, the old playbook isn't going to work. LIGHT is exposing all that has been hidden and unseen for eons. This is a total evolution of humanity and the black hats are losing! Sri Yukteshwar is right on in his predictions--and aligns with the Mayan long-count calendar. Good stuff Clif!

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This is such good news. Sri Yukteswarji was a great being. No on has ever written about this like this and it makes so much sense. I can't wait to feel more relief from Kali Yuga. I see everything so much more clearly.

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I don't think so...

30+ years ago I learned from those who had a very sound grasp of spirituality, that we are in fact just entering the Kali Yuga; that the worst is yet to come.

An example was given that, in the future, that it would be common for some children to kill their parents. Horrible. This was over 30 years ago and what do we see happening? Fasten your safety belts.

The only way out of this swamp is through inner knowledge, enlightenment & work on the Self - it's a hard row to hoe but no other way..

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