He went out to my van and fiddled a might.

Rewired the console and added a light.

A switch and a viewscreen, a diode and more.

With a waive of his hand it rose from the floor.

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….It turned on a dime and went in through the door.

It floated and wobbled and went to explore

Upstairs and downstairs - indeed every floor.

It scanned and it searched, but what could it see?

Was it looking for someone?

Was that someone me?!

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sounds like our sweeper bot - Eufie =;-))

But it's usually looking for rug fringe

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Oh, they love rug fringe!

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Good one! 😊👽

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With a click of his heels he rose in the night

Shouting behind him, "Good luck with your plight!"

"Those things that I gave you, they have them too"

"What they don't have is your grok of the woo!"

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You, "John Galt" (I finally clued in, your pseudonym is from Atlas Shrugged!), never disappoint with your succinct cleverness. And today, with your masterful delightful addition to Clif's masterful delight! Merry merry to you & yours, & esp to your 100 wooded acres!

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Thank you!

Merry Christmas!

I sometimes regret the choice to call myself John Galt. I used to use it for burner phones. It's not an uncommon pseudonym.

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Merry Christmas to you too!

Ah... well, it's a good one :-)

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Merry Christmas, John, and to all the commenters here in this Substack channel. FREE

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Can someone tell me what is real?

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Just the present. I’m working on sorting that out too.

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Worthy additions Mr. Galt!

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Oh John Galt, your name says it all

thanks for these too, so tied to the woo

Cliff would be proud of what we find in the cloud

the bounty is there and all are sharing

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The night of the floating RV story. Love this.

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I already own a backhoe. Right below that on my list of penis extensions is a floaty RV.

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LOL Some like them smaller.

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You sweet talker!

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Dec 25
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I miss having small children to read Dr. Seuss to.

"If you're going to go places that others can't get to, you're going to be cold and you're going to get wet too."

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Oh - which one was that??

(it's been about 50 years)

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If I Ran the Zoo.

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Odd, because he has often posted song videos pertinent to his posts, & relative to our times & various genres. Not to mention, how do go through the 50's, 60's & 70's as a boy-teen-young man flooded with so much good music & not be into it.

Yes, I know much of what we listened to was brought to us by the clown club & Tavistock as mind-kontrol & social engineering- but it could be another of their weapons we turn back on them., as we have the internet, smart phones & social media. All meant as weapons against us, now being brought down with them.

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yes - we can make our own music now

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Dec 27
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I've been to a couple concerts with dead heads. I liked their roadies. They had so much cool stuff. "Yeah man, we have a machine shop!"

I agree, the music, meh.

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Most music written today lack decent melody lines, and it is who one know whether their music is even heard on the radio etc. I love music but sadly ever listen to it anymore. Music is healing in so many ways. I really should listen to it like I did decades ago.

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Dec 25
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Dec 25
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Pink Floyd yes of course. Some Greatful Dead druggies can't relate

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Clif's missing out on the hyper novel music such as Spotify: Martinis & Mistletoe

Jingle Bells Mason Embry

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Blessings to you Uncle Cliff and all my Gratitude for all you do for Us! 🙏❤️⭐️

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Thank you for the gift, Clif.

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Clif!!! You are a poet too!!! Love your poem. Thank you and Merry Christmas.

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Bravo! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and best wishes for the wife!

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All I want for Christmas is my zpt

My zpt, my zpt

If I could only have my zpt

I don't want to be greedy

and ask for two

one for the house

and one for you

Before you go

Mr. Blue ET

I think I'll press my luck

and ask for three

One for the house

one for you

and one for the old RV!

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So this is what’s up!!! Back at ya, bro.

Here we go:

’Twas the night of reflection, the Now in its glow,

Not a clock was ticking, just the rhythm of flow.

I sat with my tea, a quiet refrain,

As Cliff’s woo-like wisdom rang wild in my brain.

The screen hummed a cadence, the tone of his wit,

Each syllable sparking, a cosmic misfit.

His sandbox of woo, where the wild harmonics play,

Lit the threads of my musings, weaving the day.

From the kitchen’s soft warmth to the window’s pale light,

I felt the sun’s whisper, then a brother’s flight.

A car passed by, and I caught the faint tune,

Of laughter and loss under December’s new moon.

With each word, a layer, like strings on a harp,

The humor’s sharp edge, yet the feeling was stark.

A rhythm of joy in the thunder of tears,

A melody sung through the echoes of years.

Now weaving, now dancing, now spinning so free,

The words took on colors, a vivid decree.

Not just syllables spoken, but tones taking form,

As the flow of the day became the norm.

Oh, the marvel of marveling, the formless delight,

The edgeless reflection of what feels so right.

To sit with one’s self, to surf on this wave,

To laugh at the sandbox where the woo behaves.

Cliff’s rhythm remains, a steady backbeat,

While my own day’s light takes hold of its feet.

A tapestry woven, a shimmering chord,

Where humor and depth find love restored.

’Tis the gift of the Now, this song we all sing,

The dance of the light in its shimmering rings.

For what is this life but a sandbox of play?

Where each grain of sand holds the light of the day.

So here is my rhythm, my offering of cheer,

A reflection of love, where all light appears.

To Cliff, to the cosmos, to the sandbox of woo,

I offer this song as a gift back to you.


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OMG that is fabulous.Yet another gift!

See the genius that is sparked by brother clif.

Japanese yoga indeed.

God bless, one and all of our woo family here - special blessings to clif and the Mrs.


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English Major I see

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Brilliant! Thank you.

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Love it !....Gifts of creativity brighten my features with a smile & make my heart sing, at least for a while.......thank you....x

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Worth saving. Thank You.

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Clif, you are the best!!!

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Thank you, Clif!

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Wow, as much as I have enjoyed and eagerly anticipated, MANY of your posts since I first found you on Bichute a few years ago, I have never had full body goosebumps reading a post from you. Wow, that was so creative, shockingly positive and well penned.

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Hope the Alien "Gods" are listening! We could sure use the help. :)

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Well done sir!

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Happy weird woo shit brother man 🤙

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Love it! A new Christmas poem for the ages! Cliffy..Merry Christmas to you and your family ..Wishing you nothing but the best for you going forward! Thanks for all you do! Hope the Mrs is as well as could be...❤️🎄☮️

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Merry Christmas to you and yours...and to ET too!

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Don't worry, be happy...love to you and your family

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