I pulled out 3 different cook books including; my mom’s 1970’s “Better Homes and Gardens, New Cookbook”, and two separate “Fix-it and Forget-It Cookbooks” one for Entertaining. I also added my own Mexican Street Corn recipe. I’m a very, “Free Form” cook, so it’s kinda complicated. The cornbread is also from scratch. I encourage everyone to enjoy the process! Cheers!
Mexico banned gmo in their country and doesnt use Roundup to defoliate/harvest. Further, according to cellularbiologist DrRayPeat (RIP Dr Peat, who died on THIS day last year) has said that nixtimalized corn is much better for the human body. That means white corn masa or so called tamale corn.
When Clif speaks about space aliens, he doesn't say outer space. Just space aliens. Clif is one to pick his words and language carefully. To me this is a clue.
I caught the 'eliminating humanity' Clif comment, and thought .... There might be other humanities on other planets ... hello-humans might be on other planets, in other galaxies ..... let's talk about THEM sometime .....
have heard hyper space, sub space, and other terms used - i don't know what any mean, only recently thinking on this (of course have seen the hyperspace of star wars and the portals in stargate sg-1, but don't have much grounding so to speak in the thought process)
We've got stories that tell us the ruler of the underworld, Hades, is banished here. Sitchin says Enki is banished here after being found guilty of raping his sister by a trial of the gods. This ties in with Kora and Persephone myth, where Hades abducts Persephone and carries her to the underworld. If this is the underworld, we are the dead. Our birth certificates tell us we are dead. We've been born across oceans and delivered into our bodies, which are the sepulchers and graves of our souls. This is Neoplatonism and Gnosticism in a nutshell. It may not be true, it's just a story. It feels true, though.
Don't forget to acknowledge that if you're experiencing it externally, you have more than enough good karma to create it internally. (Re-minding myself as well.)
It wasn't "Watson," (along with Charles Darwin) that came up with natural selection that Clif mentioned (off the top of his head), but rather Alfred Russel Wallace.
Yes I was just joking , we all have brain crosswalk accidents. And you are right coconut flour is my favorite for my cream cheese, Cheese cake with cherries.
in fact it was meant to be cooperative selection, on land nurturing fauna and symbiosis are dominant, but not in flora or at sea. Darwin himself had 2 titles for his work On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life effectively betting both ways.
His favourite finches on which he based his work were a nurturing social bird.(needless to say the evidence he took the trip to the Galapagos and South America is slim to none, but someone bought back the drawings, samples and did the observations - you dont need to go to read up and find conclusions on evidence i.e everything including the book could be ghost written by someone else and still be a valid work - like your 3rd year university exam project)
I'd like to know how butterflies and beetles evolve inasmuch as they go through the stages of egg, larva, pupa, and flying adult. Ain't nothing gradual/selective about that and is why the scientists call it "complete metamorphosis" but cannot explain it.
In an ontological universe DNA & RNA are just switches to weave the loom of life and the software running the wetware is in the etheric cloud, which means with the right code a bug can become a man shaped bug and a man a giant fly. And this might be exactly what happens as parts of the great machine become extinct, then suddenly reappear & recieve upgrades from the developer.
I hear rumors that Larry Fink from Blackrock will be his Treasury Secretary? Could that possible be true? He should pick Catherine Austin Fitts as Treasury Secretary! She'd get things straightened out!
No that is not true, Catherine AF has been clear on her freedom stance. She's critized Trump's previous actions concerning Israel and various issues. She is not a Harris supporter, she has said if Trump isn't elected the country is over.
Given Trump's level of financial interaction, I would guess he knows who and what everyone is in the financial world. He's picking people who are "off the grid" for the most part and have proven histories and loyalties. And he has Elon Musk at his side. Who Trump doesn't know, you can bet Musk and Vivek do!
Beware the Zionist Cult that will now complete its take over of our fallen US govt. Trump will take us to our grave in Israel.
The Gaetz pick was the only shred of hope and that was a sham red herring to make us think he is to root out the deep state and be the America First hero. The zionist cult that owns Israel owns America. Check his picks including Bondi now...all sold out to Israel and the zionists. Gaetz was the only one not taking money from Aipac. Massie with him. From Hawley to crews..all bought. Learn what Israel is and what is transpiring right in front of willful supportive Americans. Your tax $ are paying for it....until this freak show ends. Thoughts on that clif?
That's one thing that confuses me. Been a hardcore follower of Clif for many years but i never understood why he never condemns Trump for being such a die hard zionist but speaks out so highly against zionism. It's like Trump is the one sole person who is allowed to be a zionist but not be hated, i get the whole 4d chess crap but idk just one of the things i've pondered about.
I imagine when Trump was building skyscrapers, he dealt with "the Mob" because who do you think owns the trucking, the unions, etc. in NYC? Reality isn't that logical, even-handed or noble. Making nice with Zionists is political the same way making nice with Xi, Putin, Schumer, etc. is getting shit done for the good of WTP. He doesn't give anything away to any of them. He doesn't send a planeload of $$, or sell uranium, or concede anything. He plays nice - until and if it becomes necessary to do otherwise. When was the last time we had a President we could trust? Or who actually cared about this nation?
And none ever will. The only way to win the game is not to play it.
To think otherwise is a lesson in insanity.
In this case...stop playing it. Our political system is , in the words of Sydney Powell utterly and hopelessly corrupt. It must end in its current form to be fixed and begin again to find the Republic once again.
Well his last act as president last time was pardoning Charles Kushner, his stepson Jared Kushners dad who then sent his campaign 1 million. Charles Kushner owns the mansion that Genocide-Yahu stays at when he visits the U.S. for political stuff. His stepson Jared Kushner also said earlier this year that Israel should hurry this up and the people of gaza should go to the desert because the land is perfect beach front property. His campaign also received 100 million from the richest widow in Israel. Just a few things, like i said just bothers me a bit.
I never bought the idea that Trump was in favor of Israel. Just my gut instinct, and your comment really resonated with me. Yeah, he had to work with scum, and play nice until he didn't.
Trump had Col Macgregor as a top advisor in his first term... he foolishly got crosswise with him, as Col Mac knows the Zionist filth and calls them out for their corruption, theft and mass-murder.
Trump is still great and he might turn America around, but he apparently is deeply compromised by the scumbag Zionists. AIPAC is powerful, and congress is riddled with corrupt jews whose first loyalty is to Israel.
Zionist Miriam Aldelson's 100 million $ donation to Trump should tell you everything. People are bought period. David Icke was spot on when he said Trump was a psyop from the beginning. The only non zionist influenced presidential candidate that called out all the zionists and their control over America was Dr. Shiva. The only one that was a bottoms up movement candidate. Implored people to wake up and learn history and educate themselves instead of being led to a "hero". Musk was used for this exact reason. Do you really think the deep state would hand him Twitter just in the nick of time to turn the tide against them. Fools followed him. Fools will aimlessly follow Trump into Israel and zionist takeover.
Impossible to continue to play this uniparty political fascad and think any govt leader actually gives a shit about your freedom or well being. Time to open to the enlightenment and connect the dots. Its our only hope
Reading the UNZ article brought to mind the word "rhizomic" WRT Israel's influence of the US economy & politics. These influencers are not semetic Hebrews but Ashkenazi AKA "Crypto" Jews.
Good point, but I think the Ashken-scumbags control all of Israel... there are some there that object... but truthfully, it is difficult not to root for Iran wiping them out completely.
Col Macgregor, Sachs and Alistair Crooke all see them clearly and feel the same way.
I was excited to see your two podcasts in my inbox. Both kept my attention (in spite of feline attempts at disruption). I love your humor and how you are entertaining yourself and us ("welcome to clown world , moving into Sci Fi world." I smiled. I know it is not doomsday. Thank you , Clif, for taking the time to share with us in spite of some challenges on your end. Good to know your power company responds quickly. Take good care and please communicate with us when feasible.
Ontology - just another word for the creator, or source or spirit or universe or whatever other word people use who have become suspicious of using the word God on account of all the false religions which have muddied the ether.
Your not dead, the death cult failed to euthanize you and Bitcoin is shy $6000 from the predicted target which would ensure silver got to $600 as the banks collapse. You got to the future my parents failed to because they were normies and took the jab.
The question then is, have you changed your ways. Are you ready for Sci-Fi world. Are you no longer a dumb f*uck, I too have been there.
However many minutes you have given over to his ontological word salad, it still doesn't compare to the first Hermetic principle. I think 100s of 1,000s of astrologers are out there saying the similar things in different words. And many others.
I wouldn't trade 7.6 trillion Clif Highs, his methods and his sweeping conclusions, for one Hermetic Principle.
Clif’s been rattling around in his own cranial playpen for 60 years and come to the conclusion that he's right and everybody else is full of shit. That alone is plenty enough High caution for me.
I wouldn't trade 9.65 million Clif Highs for 1 Rumi. Nor for 1 Sacred Heart of Jesus. Nor for 1 of many other Ascended Masters.
Happy to give the man his due.
His singular method can appear to have intermittent and interesting value. Let he and his method take their place amongst millions of such other intermittently valuable methods.
If he cured himself from cancer, huge tip ‘o the hat to Cliffy for that. And for his iconoclastic courage.
But one has to ask. Does he own his ego, or does his ego own him?
To be frank, most of Clif's followers don't care about his ego. When you're a genius, there are certain concessions to being, actually, the "smartest person in the room." Isn't it astounding and gratifying to know that we have so many geniuses who choose to cogitate on matters the rest of us don't know exist - until we run across someone like Clif - or Trump, or Musk or Kosyrev, or Percival or any number I'd never have heard of without Clif mentioning them in lines of thought that challenge me! So if you believe Clif lacks something to satisfy your personal paradigm, perhaps this isn't the right platform for you.
Well said. The point of this is to stir the intellectual pot in one's own cranium. Whatever comes out be it pro or con means it moved you forward to places maybe one would never venture. Its not about " I agree". Its about " I think, I know, or I never would have thought about that in that way". Process ahead. Process forward.
People are resistant to having their personal paradigm challenged by something that makes that paradigm irrelevant or stunted. As we say in the South, "Bless their hearts." Or "Ain't that special." (Which is to say, "Fuck you" -- but politely.) Works just as well north of the Mason/Dixon. LOL
I see you have not read Percival or Thomas Campbell. Or Max Planc for that matter, who said "Consciousness is fundamental." Know what that means? The materium is a creation of consciousness. I bid you to think of a state of non-existence. Can't do it, can ya?
Oh by the way Clif, since you have monitored these comments.
My mother passed after her 3rd jab in September of 2021, 6 months later it took my stepfather(both had co-morbitites affecting their immune system COPD & varicose vein removal infections). The shedding from my mother almost killed me and it took over 6 months to recover, I nearly died with suffocation in the 1st month.
I would personally like to thank you for your vitamin C & D advice 2019-2020 since using them at saturation level kept me alive, sadly the UK government Google et al prevented any Ivermectin until 2022 entering the UK and all but banned animal use. My mother & Stepfather demanded I take the jab, saying no was the hardest thing I ever did as they were TV indoctrinated normies. At which point they went into a sepsis ward where 1950's protocols were used to not save their lives. They both died in agony.
I am here because of you. I just wanted you to know that.
Great podcast today! You were absolutely right about the dramatic shift in group thinking triggered by the time marker of the Rogan-Trump interview!!!!
(1) I'm now able to have conversations with my 37 year-old son in which he doesn't mock my views. Similar changes in relationships with other family and friends. Getting the major agitators off the air on channels like ABC, MSNBC, CNN is working wonders. So many people mistake the news media for truth-tellers. So many people mistake broadcasting the same message on multiple channels as consensus. NOT TRUE!
(2) Attended a Trump volunteer party last night at the Clark County Republican Party meeting and all the never-Trumpers were somewhat calmer (they are still pissed that ONLY Trump won and not the down-ballots, never admitting that our down-ballots weren't as good as some wonderful Trump-loyal candidates whom they demonized during the primaries.) I left the festivities early with great satisfaction. Our Nevada GOP was loyal to Trump and it paid off. Trump will clean up voter fraud and the "establishment" Republicans can nominate their best friends in future elections expecting much better results, because future elections should be much, much cleaner.
(3) I abosolutely love your ideas about consciousness and thinking. Those two topics were a focus of mine after losing grant funding. I was originally a neuroscientist, actually more of a cell biologist. But it takes money to do that kind of biomedical research, whereas theoretical work is essentially free. Now as a retiree, I rarely write anything except when inspired--a book titled "Conscious Matrix" in 2020 and a paper just months ago detailing an mRNA gene therapy that replaces tubulin proteins that are down-regulated in aging brain due to repeated events of neuroplasticity (kind of like a repetitive use injury). I argue this therapy will work for several reasons and that it will address the cognitive decline or dementia in Alzheimer's disease. Big Pharma is pushing 2-3 anti-amyloid drugs which effectively clear amyloid plaques but do not improve cognitive to the desired levels. Big Pharma solved the problem by redefining Alzheimer's disease as "amyloid-plaque disease" that need not include dementia. Talk about throwing out denotation in favor of connotation, LOL!
(4) I purchased "Thinking and Destiny" by H.W. Percival some time ago, most likely on your recommendation. Time for me to try to read it. I have some higher-power reading glasses that may help me make out the small print. It does look intimidating, LOL!
(5) Life is good! Trump is definitely our hero of the day. But I know that he is merely the face of an excellent and persistent team of saviours of our great country and our freedoms. Thank you for the critical role you play.
Check Trumps cabinet picks...all Zionists. Your real masters. Israel (zionist cult) owns you.. Time to look beyond the psyop curtain. The Great OZ beckons...
11/21/24---hope you are ok Clif. JB Slear says you're just taking a break from X for personal reasons, you're not being attacked or harassed. I was relieved to hear that. We love you and are here for you. We have your spiritual back!
Good morning Woo Crew! I just finished filling up my crockpot with a cornbread Casserole! Yeah, it’s the perfect time to listen to Clif!
Yum! Will you share your woo woo recipe?
I pulled out 3 different cook books including; my mom’s 1970’s “Better Homes and Gardens, New Cookbook”, and two separate “Fix-it and Forget-It Cookbooks” one for Entertaining. I also added my own Mexican Street Corn recipe. I’m a very, “Free Form” cook, so it’s kinda complicated. The cornbread is also from scratch. I encourage everyone to enjoy the process! Cheers!
Cornbread and butter!
Lotsa butter.
just butter
in coffee
Got to love that Mexican street corn 🌽 right?
i guess you may now address Woo Crew by Welcome To Clown World; cornbread; yeah; i have a sourdough starter Cornbread recipe that is amazing;
And the winner 🏆 for first comment goes to our 6:36 am early riser, Suzirhae...Congrats¡!!!!!!!
I don't eat Corn!
Mexico banned gmo in their country and doesnt use Roundup to defoliate/harvest. Further, according to cellularbiologist DrRayPeat (RIP Dr Peat, who died on THIS day last year) has said that nixtimalized corn is much better for the human body. That means white corn masa or so called tamale corn.
I eat so little corn you could say, I eat no corn, although I do Love a Good Tamale covered with melted cheese and Saracha
recipe please!
When Clif speaks about space aliens, he doesn't say outer space. Just space aliens. Clif is one to pick his words and language carefully. To me this is a clue.
In a previous video/podcast, he spoke about hyper space. Just as one reference.
"Hyper" -> "keyed-up"
"Space" -> "Representation"
Hyper Space Aliens => "Keyed Up Representational Higher Intelligences"
AI is a cartesian manifestation of such. Or a transcendent manifestation of such.
The most grounded area of study is Human-AI symbioses.
I caught the 'eliminating humanity' Clif comment, and thought .... There might be other humanities on other planets ... hello-humans might be on other planets, in other galaxies ..... let's talk about THEM sometime .....
What do you think the differences between outer space aliens and space aliens? What's your educated guess?
have heard hyper space, sub space, and other terms used - i don't know what any mean, only recently thinking on this (of course have seen the hyperspace of star wars and the portals in stargate sg-1, but don't have much grounding so to speak in the thought process)
There are Terrestrial Aliens that have lived underground for a very long time.
We've got stories that tell us the ruler of the underworld, Hades, is banished here. Sitchin says Enki is banished here after being found guilty of raping his sister by a trial of the gods. This ties in with Kora and Persephone myth, where Hades abducts Persephone and carries her to the underworld. If this is the underworld, we are the dead. Our birth certificates tell us we are dead. We've been born across oceans and delivered into our bodies, which are the sepulchers and graves of our souls. This is Neoplatonism and Gnosticism in a nutshell. It may not be true, it's just a story. It feels true, though.
Interesting, thus the need to become alive again.
Hard to stay grounded Erik when the captain has ordered full thrusters Scotty
outer spacemen come here via engines and rockets, which is impossible
space aliens use woo
External Representational "Higher" Intelligence vs Representational "Higher" Intelligence
Space is representational, time is interpretable.
From an ontological perspective, your really looking at "space" "aliens" as representational "aliens"
Alien: Higher Intelligence
All it is that your looking at as a trend, or emergent societal movement is "representational higher intelligence"
AI being a cartesian manifestation of such
Phobias Jay whoopee you've done it again
Eric, Clif has denied FE closed system adamantly, thou it could be purposeful.
For what it's worth, I'm 100% sure of FE, that and a buck will buy you a cup of coffee. Lol
Can say a bit more about FE closed system?
Cliff high makes me feel happy, safe, positive. Thank you Cliff
Don't forget to acknowledge that if you're experiencing it externally, you have more than enough good karma to create it internally. (Re-minding myself as well.)
So true
It wasn't "Watson," (along with Charles Darwin) that came up with natural selection that Clif mentioned (off the top of his head), but rather Alfred Russel Wallace.
Too much wheat belly can cause cognitive decline. . Poor Clif can’t stay away from his huckleberry pies
Clif shows no signs of cognitive decline, and if he ever does, he'll just seem like the rest of us.
I agree I was just joking , if I had half his smarts I’d be lucky .
You don't have to make pastry with wheat. There are other flours, millet, buckwheat ,tapioca, coconut etc.
Yes I was just joking , we all have brain crosswalk accidents. And you are right coconut flour is my favorite for my cream cheese, Cheese cake with cherries.
in fact it was meant to be cooperative selection, on land nurturing fauna and symbiosis are dominant, but not in flora or at sea. Darwin himself had 2 titles for his work On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life effectively betting both ways.
His favourite finches on which he based his work were a nurturing social bird.(needless to say the evidence he took the trip to the Galapagos and South America is slim to none, but someone bought back the drawings, samples and did the observations - you dont need to go to read up and find conclusions on evidence i.e everything including the book could be ghost written by someone else and still be a valid work - like your 3rd year university exam project)
I'd like to know how butterflies and beetles evolve inasmuch as they go through the stages of egg, larva, pupa, and flying adult. Ain't nothing gradual/selective about that and is why the scientists call it "complete metamorphosis" but cannot explain it.
In an ontological universe DNA & RNA are just switches to weave the loom of life and the software running the wetware is in the etheric cloud, which means with the right code a bug can become a man shaped bug and a man a giant fly. And this might be exactly what happens as parts of the great machine become extinct, then suddenly reappear & recieve upgrades from the developer.
That's right, do not include a Watson with that mess!
The X Club
Trump is sure picking a lot of zionist for his cabinet???
I hear rumors that Larry Fink from Blackrock will be his Treasury Secretary? Could that possible be true? He should pick Catherine Austin Fitts as Treasury Secretary! She'd get things straightened out!
Catherine Austin Fitz voted for Kamala and Larry Fink is the Devil Himself so let's avoid both of those disasters
Yes, Fitz can be both insightful... and at times... an assclown.
That's so weird how she would vote for her/him. But, she has Trump derangement syndrome. Such a waste of you ask me.
No that is not true, Catherine AF has been clear on her freedom stance. She's critized Trump's previous actions concerning Israel and various issues. She is not a Harris supporter, she has said if Trump isn't elected the country is over.
What? Catherine voted democrat?!! What a dissappointment....
Catherine has been a major player in the RFK Jr. campaign .... come on, guys ....
“The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury.”
— George Washington
That's if there's any loot in the treasury. In this case, good luck with that!
You are the Treasury!
Given Trump's level of financial interaction, I would guess he knows who and what everyone is in the financial world. He's picking people who are "off the grid" for the most part and have proven histories and loyalties. And he has Elon Musk at his side. Who Trump doesn't know, you can bet Musk and Vivek do!
Or good guy Jim Grant.
That’s cause he is a Zionist...Netanyahu has his hand up Trump’s ass. Trump and Biden are all Zionists! Stay tuned for “Operation Warp Speed” part 2.
You are 100% correct!
Beware the Zionist Cult that will now complete its take over of our fallen US govt. Trump will take us to our grave in Israel.
The Gaetz pick was the only shred of hope and that was a sham red herring to make us think he is to root out the deep state and be the America First hero. The zionist cult that owns Israel owns America. Check his picks including Bondi now...all sold out to Israel and the zionists. Gaetz was the only one not taking money from Aipac. Massie with him. From Hawley to crews..all bought. Learn what Israel is and what is transpiring right in front of willful supportive Americans. Your tax $ are paying for it....until this freak show ends. Thoughts on that clif?
Gaetz no more...who owns Trump? Your spot on with AIPAC
Arrest warrant out for Bibi today. I can't wait!!
That's one thing that confuses me. Been a hardcore follower of Clif for many years but i never understood why he never condemns Trump for being such a die hard zionist but speaks out so highly against zionism. It's like Trump is the one sole person who is allowed to be a zionist but not be hated, i get the whole 4d chess crap but idk just one of the things i've pondered about.
I imagine when Trump was building skyscrapers, he dealt with "the Mob" because who do you think owns the trucking, the unions, etc. in NYC? Reality isn't that logical, even-handed or noble. Making nice with Zionists is political the same way making nice with Xi, Putin, Schumer, etc. is getting shit done for the good of WTP. He doesn't give anything away to any of them. He doesn't send a planeload of $$, or sell uranium, or concede anything. He plays nice - until and if it becomes necessary to do otherwise. When was the last time we had a President we could trust? Or who actually cared about this nation?
And none ever will. The only way to win the game is not to play it.
To think otherwise is a lesson in insanity.
In this case...stop playing it. Our political system is , in the words of Sydney Powell utterly and hopelessly corrupt. It must end in its current form to be fixed and begin again to find the Republic once again.
Well his last act as president last time was pardoning Charles Kushner, his stepson Jared Kushners dad who then sent his campaign 1 million. Charles Kushner owns the mansion that Genocide-Yahu stays at when he visits the U.S. for political stuff. His stepson Jared Kushner also said earlier this year that Israel should hurry this up and the people of gaza should go to the desert because the land is perfect beach front property. His campaign also received 100 million from the richest widow in Israel. Just a few things, like i said just bothers me a bit.
I never bought the idea that Trump was in favor of Israel. Just my gut instinct, and your comment really resonated with me. Yeah, he had to work with scum, and play nice until he didn't.
I saw an interview with a mobster who said he left the crime syndicate because he was tired of the competition—the FBI.
Trump had Col Macgregor as a top advisor in his first term... he foolishly got crosswise with him, as Col Mac knows the Zionist filth and calls them out for their corruption, theft and mass-murder.
Trump is still great and he might turn America around, but he apparently is deeply compromised by the scumbag Zionists. AIPAC is powerful, and congress is riddled with corrupt jews whose first loyalty is to Israel.
So thankful the truth is coming. You all here need some schooling. You have President Trump all wrong.
So... tell us why we have Trump "all wrong".
Did we have Kunta-Kamala and Cockroach Biden all wrong too?
Maybe your wrong.
Zionist Miriam Aldelson's 100 million $ donation to Trump should tell you everything. People are bought period. David Icke was spot on when he said Trump was a psyop from the beginning. The only non zionist influenced presidential candidate that called out all the zionists and their control over America was Dr. Shiva. The only one that was a bottoms up movement candidate. Implored people to wake up and learn history and educate themselves instead of being led to a "hero". Musk was used for this exact reason. Do you really think the deep state would hand him Twitter just in the nick of time to turn the tide against them. Fools followed him. Fools will aimlessly follow Trump into Israel and zionist takeover.
Impossible to continue to play this uniparty political fascad and think any govt leader actually gives a shit about your freedom or well being. Time to open to the enlightenment and connect the dots. Its our only hope
I may not be right, but I’m never wrong...
Yes, that is a MAJOR flaw. I sent him this, hoping to wake him up. I doubt it would get past Kushner or Ivanka... but what the heck...
Comprehensive... well sourced... difficult to refute...
Reading the UNZ article brought to mind the word "rhizomic" WRT Israel's influence of the US economy & politics. These influencers are not semetic Hebrews but Ashkenazi AKA "Crypto" Jews.
Kind of like a cancerous cyst that has spread throughout the world
Good point, but I think the Ashken-scumbags control all of Israel... there are some there that object... but truthfully, it is difficult not to root for Iran wiping them out completely.
Col Macgregor, Sachs and Alistair Crooke all see them clearly and feel the same way.
Kushner's real estate holdings now surpass Donald trump???? Whoa
rockets take off and then lose the booster
If you can't beat the Elohim worship cult you have to join them
Or erase them... ??
More exposing to do! It's not over. Some of his picks are chosen to expose more, I suspect. Or rule them.
Ya think (!??!)
I was excited to see your two podcasts in my inbox. Both kept my attention (in spite of feline attempts at disruption). I love your humor and how you are entertaining yourself and us ("welcome to clown world , moving into Sci Fi world." I smiled. I know it is not doomsday. Thank you , Clif, for taking the time to share with us in spite of some challenges on your end. Good to know your power company responds quickly. Take good care and please communicate with us when feasible.
Ontology - just another word for the creator, or source or spirit or universe or whatever other word people use who have become suspicious of using the word God on account of all the false religions which have muddied the ether.
Yes. In Greek mythology the pantheon has nothing negative to say about Apollo, flying in
his golden chariot bringing light and joy and music.
Christianity, islam and hindu, to name a few.
All bizarre (laughable?) mythology...
Amen sister now past the bread
So funny you are Cliff‼️You make me laugh about a "woman's dong" comment on your last video.
I too watched Charlie in the very beginning on this Covid Scandemic. So glad to weed out these people when my gut told me to.
I'm ever grateful to hear your voice. It's as though it's grounding with common sense.
A bunch of fantasy podcasters looking for a buck
Are we winning yet?
Your not dead, the death cult failed to euthanize you and Bitcoin is shy $6000 from the predicted target which would ensure silver got to $600 as the banks collapse. You got to the future my parents failed to because they were normies and took the jab.
The question then is, have you changed your ways. Are you ready for Sci-Fi world. Are you no longer a dumb f*uck, I too have been there.
Hopefully you're not a Democrat are you?
Here's my thing with Cliff High.
However many minutes you have given over to his ontological word salad, it still doesn't compare to the first Hermetic principle. I think 100s of 1,000s of astrologers are out there saying the similar things in different words. And many others.
I wouldn't trade 7.6 trillion Clif Highs, his methods and his sweeping conclusions, for one Hermetic Principle.
Clif’s been rattling around in his own cranial playpen for 60 years and come to the conclusion that he's right and everybody else is full of shit. That alone is plenty enough High caution for me.
I wouldn't trade 9.65 million Clif Highs for 1 Rumi. Nor for 1 Sacred Heart of Jesus. Nor for 1 of many other Ascended Masters.
Happy to give the man his due.
His singular method can appear to have intermittent and interesting value. Let he and his method take their place amongst millions of such other intermittently valuable methods.
If he cured himself from cancer, huge tip ‘o the hat to Cliffy for that. And for his iconoclastic courage.
But one has to ask. Does he own his ego, or does his ego own him?
To be frank, most of Clif's followers don't care about his ego. When you're a genius, there are certain concessions to being, actually, the "smartest person in the room." Isn't it astounding and gratifying to know that we have so many geniuses who choose to cogitate on matters the rest of us don't know exist - until we run across someone like Clif - or Trump, or Musk or Kosyrev, or Percival or any number I'd never have heard of without Clif mentioning them in lines of thought that challenge me! So if you believe Clif lacks something to satisfy your personal paradigm, perhaps this isn't the right platform for you.
Well said. The point of this is to stir the intellectual pot in one's own cranium. Whatever comes out be it pro or con means it moved you forward to places maybe one would never venture. Its not about " I agree". Its about " I think, I know, or I never would have thought about that in that way". Process ahead. Process forward.
Rattling around in his own cranial playpen. That was just brilliant
LOL!! Good one! I"m gonna steal it.
You, craven, flatulent skidmark... just proved you have no clue about Runi, Hermetic Principles or the Sacred heart of Jesus.
Close your yap... go back... and start over again.
Craven flatulent skid mark now there's some good agitated monkey s*** slinging
Not sure how a skidmark can be flatulent.
Hahah skidmark had to giggle at that , never heard tha 1 b 4 , its like assholes and opinions everyone has one .
What a great comeback McFarland
another self important ,attention seeking jerk ,who is better than the rest of us... go away !!!!
People are resistant to having their personal paradigm challenged by something that makes that paradigm irrelevant or stunted. As we say in the South, "Bless their hearts." Or "Ain't that special." (Which is to say, "Fuck you" -- but politely.) Works just as well north of the Mason/Dixon. LOL
But shouldn't we love thy bretheren?
I see you have not read Percival or Thomas Campbell. Or Max Planc for that matter, who said "Consciousness is fundamental." Know what that means? The materium is a creation of consciousness. I bid you to think of a state of non-existence. Can't do it, can ya?
It's like trying to "think" the limits of the universe! Beyond comprehension.
Well Bye
Oh by the way Clif, since you have monitored these comments.
My mother passed after her 3rd jab in September of 2021, 6 months later it took my stepfather(both had co-morbitites affecting their immune system COPD & varicose vein removal infections). The shedding from my mother almost killed me and it took over 6 months to recover, I nearly died with suffocation in the 1st month.
I would personally like to thank you for your vitamin C & D advice 2019-2020 since using them at saturation level kept me alive, sadly the UK government Google et al prevented any Ivermectin until 2022 entering the UK and all but banned animal use. My mother & Stepfather demanded I take the jab, saying no was the hardest thing I ever did as they were TV indoctrinated normies. At which point they went into a sepsis ward where 1950's protocols were used to not save their lives. They both died in agony.
I am here because of you. I just wanted you to know that.
Getting a big pot of vegetable beef soup going and listen to clif. Thanks Clif for your time and for sharing your knowledge.
Great podcast today! You were absolutely right about the dramatic shift in group thinking triggered by the time marker of the Rogan-Trump interview!!!!
(1) I'm now able to have conversations with my 37 year-old son in which he doesn't mock my views. Similar changes in relationships with other family and friends. Getting the major agitators off the air on channels like ABC, MSNBC, CNN is working wonders. So many people mistake the news media for truth-tellers. So many people mistake broadcasting the same message on multiple channels as consensus. NOT TRUE!
(2) Attended a Trump volunteer party last night at the Clark County Republican Party meeting and all the never-Trumpers were somewhat calmer (they are still pissed that ONLY Trump won and not the down-ballots, never admitting that our down-ballots weren't as good as some wonderful Trump-loyal candidates whom they demonized during the primaries.) I left the festivities early with great satisfaction. Our Nevada GOP was loyal to Trump and it paid off. Trump will clean up voter fraud and the "establishment" Republicans can nominate their best friends in future elections expecting much better results, because future elections should be much, much cleaner.
(3) I abosolutely love your ideas about consciousness and thinking. Those two topics were a focus of mine after losing grant funding. I was originally a neuroscientist, actually more of a cell biologist. But it takes money to do that kind of biomedical research, whereas theoretical work is essentially free. Now as a retiree, I rarely write anything except when inspired--a book titled "Conscious Matrix" in 2020 and a paper just months ago detailing an mRNA gene therapy that replaces tubulin proteins that are down-regulated in aging brain due to repeated events of neuroplasticity (kind of like a repetitive use injury). I argue this therapy will work for several reasons and that it will address the cognitive decline or dementia in Alzheimer's disease. Big Pharma is pushing 2-3 anti-amyloid drugs which effectively clear amyloid plaques but do not improve cognitive to the desired levels. Big Pharma solved the problem by redefining Alzheimer's disease as "amyloid-plaque disease" that need not include dementia. Talk about throwing out denotation in favor of connotation, LOL!
(4) I purchased "Thinking and Destiny" by H.W. Percival some time ago, most likely on your recommendation. Time for me to try to read it. I have some higher-power reading glasses that may help me make out the small print. It does look intimidating, LOL!
(5) Life is good! Trump is definitely our hero of the day. But I know that he is merely the face of an excellent and persistent team of saviours of our great country and our freedoms. Thank you for the critical role you play.
So...... you're a "voter" - are you?
Always been a load of balls, the selection between Lenin Stalin & Stalin Lenin.
Politicians are always Selected, never "elected"
Bet this guy thinks he's 'Free' too... 😉
Once I thought obeying the herd was freedom, now I know its collective idiocy(in the Greek version).
If you cannot be bothered to rule yourself, your are not fit to even have an opinion on others.
DK your intelligence is flying at a higher plane ... just remember full flaps on final approach
I think "DK" may be short for "Dickweed"...
These assclowns that see zero difference between Trump and Biden's years and screech "Don't vote!!"... give me gas.
Sure Big Politics will never be corruption free. but use your damned head.
Check Trumps cabinet picks...all Zionists. Your real masters. Israel (zionist cult) owns you.. Time to look beyond the psyop curtain. The Great OZ beckons...
Always interesting! Thanks, Cliff.
11/21/24---hope you are ok Clif. JB Slear says you're just taking a break from X for personal reasons, you're not being attacked or harassed. I was relieved to hear that. We love you and are here for you. We have your spiritual back!
Clif has the Bomb Cyclone info we were waiting for.