Hello Woo Crew and Clif aficionados! What a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Love you guys!

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Stop Killing Volcanoes

to make Lava Lamps!

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Hello humans. Love you all!

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Geometry is the intelligence of life and is used to create the hologram we have our consciousness…..torsion fields/consciousness

I use these energy to restore the deep intelligence within to heal and regenerate. Restores consciousness

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It’s the time in our woo world! 🌍 be safe my woo people !

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The Elohim worship cult ruined the universities by introducing DEI. It bit them in ass eventually. They are not the geniuses they claim to be.

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Phi is pronounced pie.

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It's weird to be looking at the progression of society et al. from so many perspectives. On the one hand, I've got the minute-by-soundbyte-minute with Trump and the chaos going on with keeping the Republic, the realization that the "beloved Israel" is a fake due to the Elohim worship cult trying to influence everybody with their righteousness, and your discussion of the L-O-N-G view (presupposing our various reincarnations yet to occur) will solve all questions and straighten everything out because of the galactic energy influencing attitudes, decisions, mindsets and cultural fluctuations (not to mention debunking all BS) through the yugas. Did I leave anything out? All of which presupposes that potential nuclear stupidity, global cognizance and potential space aliens coordinate at the specific timeframe to effectuate the presumed future, regardless of bleeping in and out or reality at a more-than-blinding speed. (I'm exhausted!)

So what your telling us is hell-on-earth is about to descend, about which we have little-to-no influence to ameliorate, but buck up, buttercup, in 25 years, it's all going to be fine because the fucking universe/time/existence is going to blink on and off and recreate reality to suit our fondest dreams. Can I opt out and just pick up in 25 years? This is exhausting!

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Clif, I've come across 3 ideas in your talk here in the following:

1) The Closing of the Muslim Mind, talks specifically about the creation/destruction of the universe 21 (or 22?) trillion times per second.

2) Elrond Hubbard's 'Mission Earth' sci-fi series where he describes 'out of phase' reality, which provided an unreachable place/time for concealment

3) Stargate Atlantis where the premise is this gate/portal that requires you to enter in an 'address' and it connects you to this other location (via a hollywood tunnel-like experience). Also in the Stargate series was a material much like you described that composed the Wraith's space ships...a biological/non-biological "skin" making their ships oganic in nature (and also very creepy!)

These ideas are so 'out there' at first, my human mind could not process it in any other way except as fiction. Fantasy. Wild, fantastic. The fact that Muslims believe that God destroys then rebuilds our entire universe was, I thought, proof that they were batshit crazy, and no wonder I could not understand them. My husband Tom read the book and would sift, then summarize, but sometimes quoted the juicy sections, so I didn't actually read the book, but got the highlights through him. He was equally blown away at this concept and concluded also these people were irretrievably gullible. Now I am forced to reconsider...EVERYTHING. Dammit man, that's what I like about Clif, I am forced to think deeply, update where new information becomes available. And I DO do that.

BTW, I should mention the subtitle of that book too, because it helps form an opinion of the author which is "How Intellectual Suicide Created the Modern Islamist Crisis" by Robert R. Reilly, who's saying Muslims don't question things, deeply or otherwise, they instead "believe". That their core concepts are so bizarre we needed help understanding them as a culture since they make up a large fraction of humanity now.

About Stargate, there are too many things packed into that show to be coincidence, the mind-to-machine interface chair, I thought "if Clif's interpreting ancient texts and they describe a user guide for this very kind of thing" well, might be something more, a lot more, to it.

I'm getting a warning light that says "Please add more RAM if you want to process this type of data". mind is blown (just the way I like it!)

Thanks, Clif!

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24 or 25 years from now, what does it matter? I'll be 99 by then....

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Freeze Frame🎼

Black Hole Sun🎼

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cool story bro

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This is the sort of discussion which will set off a feeding frenzy among the know-it-all’s that populate these platforms.

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please do another episode talking about physical changes to humans if they were able to travel forward and backward in time. thanks😁

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