Hello Woo Crew and Clif aficionados! What a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Love you guys!

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The Inspiration Channel on YouTube is doing an excellent job of explaining the book, “The Naked Bible”. It’s a series and is worth watching. A lot of the material that Clif talked about last year. Cheers!

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The Naked Bible is authored by Giorgio Cattaneo (Author), Mauro Biglino (Author). The other book that's of interest by Biglino is 'God's of the Bible', excellent and informative. Mauro does not provide opinion, he translates ancient Hebrew texts, Sanskrit texts, Sumerian texts and many of the Old Testament books that were discarded by the Council of Nicea. History that churches and schools never taught.

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Biglino is a Satanic Freemason. Search him, you will find that.

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Mauro Biglino gets his beliefs from Zechariah Sitchin an amateur archaeologist who was connected to the Rockefellers and Eric Von Daniken, a UFO writer. This is History Channel ancient aliens baloney. And you believe this ridiculous claptrap. He lives in Italy with access to the Vatican and he can only come up with History channel version of reality? Don't believe me, see for your self. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mauro_Biglino

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Wikipedia is a captured Globalist organization....think MSM & all of the "FACT" checking sites. Honestly, this is Wake-Up 101 info.

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It should be renamed WikiELpedia.

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Don't school me, I've been researching the elites since 1998, long before Clif High had any idea about any of it, he admitted that just 2 years ago. Mauro Biglino is a lying suckhole but you are incapable of doing research of any kind you are a flat out moron if you believe Sitchin was anything but a Rockefeller sycophant. You are just another Cult of Clif High member with the ring in your nose, and you would follow him off any cliff into any of his crazy speculations in a second, this is just his latest hole he has fallen into. A few years ago he was spouting the Oannes fish god baloney, now it's aliens. Go get yourself one of his time travel mirrors and tell us all about the Elohim why don't you?

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RemovedApr 25
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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

you think ANYTHING on wiki is not propaganda? especially things that are so outwardly important to mind control? you are a sap. you make me sick , it is embarrassing that stupid useless turds like you are here , listening to your betters , MY GOD I WOULD LOVE to see you face to face fucker, THE JOY I would take, hurting you, for such statements as you have made publicly here, will one day carry CONSEQUENCES and they will be dolled out by people like ME

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You sound like a miserable human being I would hate to be your wife Your not a very nice person Why are you here? Your actions will cally consequences Did you ever hear of karma ?Be kind or just move on

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

you sound like a JOKE< what in GODS name are you posting LIES for? YOu are either a mason OR you are a JEW SHILL< go fuck yourself NOW!~ go away from this stream, we do not welcome those who try to muddy waters so evil can continue, IF YOU Are a stupid useless bible thumper, same applies, go climb a tree and get some perspective

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Read the book...outstanding!

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I will try to get it, thanks! Great advice!

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I have the book. That's all, I have so much to read.

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I think we're going to have a lot of time to read as the SHTF. Better save some for the dark times coming! And get some candles! :)

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Piers just interviewed Alec Baldwin pal "Crackhead Barney"... who was just announced as pastor of the new Episcopalian church, now THAT's "christianity"!!


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Holy crap !! Is she an actual pastor, .. or is it an honorary thing?

I kind of had her pegged as a Baptist, .... Must be muh racism.

Dang, if they would have said anything about her being a pastor, it would have been a three-folder pastey. "Rust Killer", "Clown World" and "Religion" .

People have lost their fucking minds, .... and I bet she already has a Gofundme stacked with donations too. sigh.

Are we ready for the total collapse yet ?? I'm getting rather tired of waiting. lol

What was it that old black-light poster with the buzzards said, ... "Patience My Ass" ??

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Yes I’ve been listening as well it’s great stuff! Woo away 😍

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I have the book. Biglino is a gem. When you take religion out of the text it all makes sense.

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Careful... the religious nut-rolls here will come for you bleating, screeching, cursing you and carrying torches!!!

(Very "christian" of them...) 🤪

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Yeah, I hear you. I imagine that they are going to have a very difficult time with all of it. I somehow find it rather comforting, that I have been right about the situation since the age of eight, when I got kicked out of Sunday school because I believed in dinosaurs! Cheers!

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Oh Dear.......Dinosaurs exist? It may be another myth.

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They used to be called Dragons! Dinosaurs are a made up term that kept the WOO away. :)

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They do cling to their Bible's, iron grip, could say a lost cause.

Highly credible Jordan Maxwell destroys the hope within the Bible, stating it was given to us by our controllers.

No misunderstanding, Creator of all does exist, call him Source or Lord, and we are his. ...or her's!

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But what form does the "Creator" take? Certainly not anything that would have a gender... Possibly/likely one not accessible to primitive animals like us...

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No form just the Mother/Father Divine consciousness, the Source of All beingness.

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It's fun to speculate... but none of us know anything about it... those claiming some sort of "connection, communication or relationship" are simply using their imaginations to fulfill a personal need... Organized "religion" is still valid only in it's corrupt power to control lower intellect sheep.

Judging the state of the earth... "for he so loved the world..." is obviously bunk and bunkum. The koran and talmud are repellent loads of offal. Again, control is the goal.

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Hey Suzirhae, do you have a link to that channel? Thanks.

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You Tube - jewish. Biglino? High cranial jew. These authors have too much time on their hands. Time for some down and dirty farming or highway shoulder clean-up. Work will make them free.

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Stop Killing Volcanoes

to make Lava Lamps!

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we need a 'Lava Lamp Halving' like they just did with bitcoin

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Hello humans. Love you all!

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Geometry is the intelligence of life and is used to create the hologram we have our consciousness…..torsion fields/consciousness

I use these energy to restore the deep intelligence within to heal and regenerate. Restores consciousness

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It’s the time in our woo world! 🌍 be safe my woo people !

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The Elohim worship cult ruined the universities by introducing DEI. It bit them in ass eventually. They are not the geniuses they claim to be.

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I thought atheist liberals came up with DEI

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Roughly the same group. Or am I missing something?

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Atheists don’t believe in “God” or the “Elohim worship cult”. And liberals believe in only themselves. They took over the universities and education system decades ago.

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Phi is pronounced pie.

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I pronounce it phie. But it's possible that I've never heard it uttered.

I pronounce PI pie. (3.14159265349)

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Stop talkin about pie! Only cake emojis...

I like a good key lime. Pumpkin. Cherry. Blueberry. Whatever!

My wife is a pie person. Had pies and tarts at our wedding.

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Pie was the first thing I learned to cook. Gramma got old and someone had to take up the slack.

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Just made a fish pie. Very popular in England, I don't know if you make fish pie in USA? Chunks of moked haddock, cod, prawns [some people add salmon, but I don't think it works all that well with the other fish..] All baked in a creamy sauce with a pie crust of oven baked [slightly crispy] mashed potato over all. Somewhat like Shepherd's pie... Comfort food, for phi time. Also cz UK bitterly cold for April presently. ....effing chemtrails.

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I just now finished some fish chowder I made the other day, but no, never made a fish pie.

Sounds good. I experimented with pork pies a few years ago, those are good.

I wouldn't think salmon would go well either, I like salmon but I don't eat it, the industry has poisoned even the wild ones.

Weather here (Canada) is seasonal, I want to put my leetle plants in the ground, still a little cool.

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Fish chowder, very nice. I'll do that next time. For fish pie you would also probably add to the fish/sauce: chopped fried shallots, hard-boiled eggs, some peas or roughly chopped spinach, black pepper and some grated salty cheese such as parmesan. A smoked fish in the mix is essential, for the smokiness that brings it all together. :)

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I have never been all that fond of fish, and I have never even thought about making a fish pie. For me, I think it would suck all the joy out of pie.

When I was a kid we crossed the Narrows out Clif's way and headed out onto the peninsula north of Lakebay to pick Huckleberries all weekend for Grandma, while she made pies and stacked them into the chest freezer for all year long pie. Good times. I wonder if Huckleberries would grow in Arizona? Yeah, wishful thinking, ... probably end up with raisins on the bush. lol

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Hell yes someone does. And there's currently a LOT of slack out there these days.

More pie!!

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My daughter gave me a t-shirt that says "√-1 2^3 Σ π and it was good."

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When and what flavor?

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pronounced fi with a long i https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJWIX46GpH0

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Ahh, good.

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Close, pronounced “pea” or just like the letter is named “P”

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No, it is pronounced “fee” in the Greek. My first language.

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Fi. Pi is pie

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noit's not

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Ok whatever. Look it up. With love kim

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You need to "look it up"!Different letters of the Greek alphabet.So,whatever!And with love.

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Yes with lots of love

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It's weird to be looking at the progression of society et al. from so many perspectives. On the one hand, I've got the minute-by-soundbyte-minute with Trump and the chaos going on with keeping the Republic, the realization that the "beloved Israel" is a fake due to the Elohim worship cult trying to influence everybody with their righteousness, and your discussion of the L-O-N-G view (presupposing our various reincarnations yet to occur) will solve all questions and straighten everything out because of the galactic energy influencing attitudes, decisions, mindsets and cultural fluctuations (not to mention debunking all BS) through the yugas. Did I leave anything out? All of which presupposes that potential nuclear stupidity, global cognizance and potential space aliens coordinate at the specific timeframe to effectuate the presumed future, regardless of bleeping in and out or reality at a more-than-blinding speed. (I'm exhausted!)

So what your telling us is hell-on-earth is about to descend, about which we have little-to-no influence to ameliorate, but buck up, buttercup, in 25 years, it's all going to be fine because the fucking universe/time/existence is going to blink on and off and recreate reality to suit our fondest dreams. Can I opt out and just pick up in 25 years? This is exhausting!

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Clif, I've come across 3 ideas in your talk here in the following:

1) The Closing of the Muslim Mind, talks specifically about the creation/destruction of the universe 21 (or 22?) trillion times per second.

2) Elrond Hubbard's 'Mission Earth' sci-fi series where he describes 'out of phase' reality, which provided an unreachable place/time for concealment

3) Stargate Atlantis where the premise is this gate/portal that requires you to enter in an 'address' and it connects you to this other location (via a hollywood tunnel-like experience). Also in the Stargate series was a material much like you described that composed the Wraith's space ships...a biological/non-biological "skin" making their ships oganic in nature (and also very creepy!)

These ideas are so 'out there' at first, my human mind could not process it in any other way except as fiction. Fantasy. Wild, fantastic. The fact that Muslims believe that God destroys then rebuilds our entire universe was, I thought, proof that they were batshit crazy, and no wonder I could not understand them. My husband Tom read the book and would sift, then summarize, but sometimes quoted the juicy sections, so I didn't actually read the book, but got the highlights through him. He was equally blown away at this concept and concluded also these people were irretrievably gullible. Now I am forced to reconsider...EVERYTHING. Dammit man, that's what I like about Clif, I am forced to think deeply, update where new information becomes available. And I DO do that.

BTW, I should mention the subtitle of that book too, because it helps form an opinion of the author which is "How Intellectual Suicide Created the Modern Islamist Crisis" by Robert R. Reilly, who's saying Muslims don't question things, deeply or otherwise, they instead "believe". That their core concepts are so bizarre we needed help understanding them as a culture since they make up a large fraction of humanity now.

About Stargate, there are too many things packed into that show to be coincidence, the mind-to-machine interface chair, I thought "if Clif's interpreting ancient texts and they describe a user guide for this very kind of thing" well, might be something more, a lot more, to it.

I'm getting a warning light that says "Please add more RAM if you want to process this type of data". mind is blown (just the way I like it!)

Thanks, Clif!

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24 or 25 years from now, what does it matter? I'll be 99 by then....

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Freeze Frame🎼

Black Hole Sun🎼

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cool story bro

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This is the sort of discussion which will set off a feeding frenzy among the know-it-all’s that populate these platforms.

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please do another episode talking about physical changes to humans if they were able to travel forward and backward in time. thanks😁

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