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I'm following you. I'm female too. I even understand what you're saying.

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LOL! As a straight line that's a 9.5 :)

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Well, you know how Clif thinks about woman. He's said some things recently that leads me to believe he thinks of females like the ones he says jigged us at the start.

The fact I don't have a foreskin does not preclude me from flying one of those machines. I have a type of 'thrust' he'd envy, if I let him measure it. 😄

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Oh this is an interesting and a somewhat endlessly dispiriting message about women.

Man loves woman... man is deeply attracted to woman... man feels woman has power over him and then vilifies woman (with lots of twists and complexities coming from man and woman)... man works to disempower woman. (This is a gross generalization, I certainly hope.)

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That's just exactly what it is. "man feels woman has power over him...."

I think it's silly. We all have power. Too bad we can't work together against the common enemy.

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The history of this is very dense. The relation of man to woman, owner and property very distinctly in some periods of history.

And in our present moment there is such a twist/perversion of our sexuality culturally, that has been going on for a long time as well.

It's so amped up right now. I believe to really destroy our power (not in power over another). Our 'energetic' power. How energy moves through us, flows.

'We' are well trained to disempower each other without much thought/consciousness around our sexuality.

I am just glossing over this unfortunately. (And I should add that I don't think shaming is the way)

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Wouldn't that be lovely!

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Bingo! Playing the division game while the useless rulers AKA useless eaters AKA grasshoppers) rub their hands in delight.

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Men cannot control his weakness/attraction to woman so they oppress and control the woman instead of their urge. Blame misplaced. Hate induced.

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I have a different perspective on this. First man's sex is very public in a way. Think of a young boy who is starting to feel sexual excitement. It is very public and can then be coupled with shame early on. Now I am not a man so I don't know what it is like to grow and develop sexually as a man.

I also feel that sex is vilified as something bad, from many fronts. Which might take us back to how the early experience of sexual arousal is experienced.

But if men, in a very generalized way are repressing their sexuality and then are aroused by women, there's going to be an internal battle there.

I would not describe sexuality as a weakness though.

I think our culture perverts it and it gets confused.

Quite possibly as a horrible purposeful agenda that is coming quite clear right now.

My feeling is many men are craving/needing to be met intimately. Not just sexually though. And it gets confused.

There are a lot of pieces here.

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Yes, I agree. There are a lot of pieces here. I can't attest for the way men feel and right now we are getting mostly the LBGTQ+ version. Heteros aren't discussing any of this. Natural arousal is a necessary reaction to progression as a species. But, sexualization is another animal. Women are being degraded. You can see it in the trans selfish way of 'acting as a woman' desired. Uncontrolled desire is the agenda not Love. **ck 'em and leave was not the intended route to 'go forth and multiply' and honor your parents.

Women have more to offer than just a body. Women nourish & share, men hunt & destroy. Men live selfishly not having to sacrifice body & soul for another life. Men can have children and not be changed by it. Not so much for women.

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I don’t think it’s possible to remain unaffected by having children--it’s not in the genetic code. A part of a social code, perhaps.

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I've seen many men ignore their offspring until later in life when they are looking for that legacy thang :)) Invisible until useful.

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There’s a fine line when it comes to that “legacy” construct and the actual communication involving DNA. Your point is taken, however v.

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I understand your feelings.

I understand your words.

I don't disagree.

I think we are being pushed to fear, to be divided. To be angry and feel rage.

Our boundaries are being violated in horrifying ways.

Be angry, let whatever needs to come through come through. It's hard, it sucks. But don't vilify men in a generalized way. It is what is asked of you by the Powers That Shouldn't Be. It's a trap.

Don't vilify sex. Being sexualized is something quite different than sex.

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I am not angry. I am not vilifying all men. I've got nothing against sex. I am saying the human experience is being usurped by the inhumane. That these displays of what a woman is by men dressed up as women is a selfish act/drama that stems from fear of love. There is no love, caring, sharing in desire. Wanting is suffering, you are suffering from need not from what is love.

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I don't quite follow you.

I think this whole overblown trans piece is being pushed in 'our' faces by design. And no, men who feel they want to be or are woman and display that by wearing dresses and makeup has nothing to do with being a woman. And whether you are angry or not is for you to know not me. There's nothing wrong with being angry though.

Sorry if I offended you in some way.

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No need for sorry. You have not offended me in any way.

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Maybe I should have just said, of course men can control themselves. That some don't, doesn't mean it's not possible.

You can be attracted to someone without acting on it.

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And now I am hearing Jeff Goldblum's voice in my head....

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YUP!!!! And next,.....the Butterfly Effect! I love it when we have the same thoughts at the same time! :)

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Clif just forgets how powerful women are. We get sidetracked creating miracles with how cute babies are. I'm as old as Clif. I came to earth (this time) to do battle. I'm on his team, he just doesn't know it.

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"Masculinity creates and maintains Civilization, while Femininity creates and maintains Life" - Clif High

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Hello. I'm glad to hear why you came here this time. I'm here for the same reason and I'm older than you. I'm 74 and been preparing for this battle my whole life. Literally!

I'm on Clif's team too. The information he has shared with us cleared up and finalized a mission I've been on my whole life.

I sought to know the name of God. I started actively researching the 'One Who's Idea I Am' back in '72. I've studied every religion known to man and even lost my husband in '86 on the blood altar of one of them.

Its been a hard slog. I've done it alone till now. I know what Clif is purporting is true. I'm willing to go to the wall for it!

I will not suffer his disparagement of my being a woman as strong and/or intelligent as he though.

He has mentioned that occasionally he has found in the literature information stating that some women can drive a mind-to-machine device that men without foreskins can not. (Their vagus nerve is damaged.

The whole idea of removing the foreskin was to protect the population from enslavement by the alien masters.)

I get it!

What I don't get is the arrogance Clif displays towards the people he's leading into this new paradigm. He needs to chill out his disdain for some of his lowly troops, eh?

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Time is too short, and the mission too important, to tiptoe around easily offended people. We're at war. Blunt gets to the point quickly and without confusion. We must say it as we see it.

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Well, I don't have one either, I don't think it's affecting my thrust but I'll let you try it first.

Who am I kidding, I would try it. Curiosity killed the cat.

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Sounds like a proposition to me.

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Yeah, very subtle!!!

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Only for a moment. We have 9 lives you know - that's plenty for a test drive :) LOL

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