Nope, won't happen. When 45 is back in office, normal gas prices will eventually resume.

Drill baby, drill!!!!!

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Probably so, but we still need to dump the dollar and the Fed. End the central banking system.

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Most people haven't noticed, but the world wide Babylon Magic Money debt Machine is being cut apart world wide by 10's of thousands of cuts and a Silver Spike in it's heart in Ukraine.

That said, it really makes no sense to make projections concerning a dying currency. Our FRN is NOT a dollar but a fiction with a stolen name.

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You know I’ve been wanting to write an article on Babylon Magic Money Debt but I’m looking for some information— can you provide me some insight here?!

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For starters: The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin


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OR read Eustice Mullins. Do yourself a big favor. Also try Ezra Pound.

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From what I have read/listened to from the incredible Ladies who created the "Fall of the Cabal" and the "Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal",....the History of the beginning of the Khazarian Mafia,.....these evil creatures learned their Babylonian Money Magic SCHEME from Ba'al, their Alien God. Clif probably knows more about that,....but it wouldn't surprise me if the Anunnaki/Elohim taught them how to SCAM humans by making money out of thin air. Their SCAM creates money that doesn't really even exist,....MAGIC money, it's debt. And using that scam they Scammed Countries and People all over Europe.

This is the first episode in the History of the evil Empire we are still at WAR with. There are 28 Episodes, about 1/2 hour each,....unfortunately, one of the Ladies, Janet Ossebaard took her own life because of the EVIL she and Cyntha unearthed, saw and documented. It was too much. https://www.bitchute.com/video/zbL8HIda6Twh/

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I do not believe Janet took her own life

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A great youtube channel chuck swindoll jr not to be confused with his father. He does talk about it but there's so much more he has researched. He'll take you back 12 thousand years and explains in detail WTF is going on. A must watch video of his is God Eaters part 1 and 2. He's a fan of Clif and presents some of his stuff.

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The BEAST is wounded and bleeding out, but be careful people of that powerful thrashing tail. It will NOT go quietly into the good night..

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Tyrants never leave quietly it seems.

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NEVER! And humanity is now in an open battle for our very existence.

We are ALL in this TOGETHER.

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Murder By Injection...by Eustace Mullins.

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True and it is rapidly not becoming the world reserve currency anymore. If I did not know the West was Suiciding itself I would think that does not make sense.

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When you mention suiciding, you may like this article: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/democide-and-menticide

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I've read your article, Thank you. Well written Franklin, I think your research into the [KM] will be a search to find out the origin of what you write.

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Only those relying on the BEAST that feeds them because they have nothing to offer society. THEY compose the thrashing Tail that is very dangerous.

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After we get the $21 Trillion they stole. Also, NO digital ID!!

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Yes, and payment MUST be in tangible assets. That said, removing the BEAST system is the most important. Putin did so a couple of decades ago (hence he became the EVIL one by the system) and look how quick Russia bounced back.

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Trump will bring in Digital ID. As Clif said it's the only way to be sure of fair elections. A necessary evil. You know, our lives are already tied to CREDIT,.....right? Companies check our 'credit' before we can do anything. That will get tied to our Digital IDs. I think it's inevitable.

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everything about us is all ready digitized, since birth.......

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By the FED you mean legally sanctioned theft from Americans to the powerful.

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Yes, the unconstitutional central bank that usurped our Treasury.

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Yes. Swapped Treasury dollars for Federal Reserve Notes which mark a debt obligation. The government has been unconstitutional since the Civil War, replacing the Republic with a service corporation with the same name. President of the corporation, with a board of directors and a legal department.

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Please see Catherine Austin Fitts and 'Solari Report' on Greg Hunter's 'USA Watchdog' under 'AI is Digital Control...'. She explains why we CANNOT end the FED but TRULY audit it with our Constitution still in place to make them pay restoration in greenbacks not dollars. Thank you Ron Paul...

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She’s simply the BEST!!!!

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Catherine A Fitts has been out in front for years now explaining the idea of market,fed and etc., very knowledgeable and consistent.

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45 is the biggest Zionist out there. He supported the injections, he is in favor of ending humanity.

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Another brainless asshat from the peanut gallery. You're a fucking idiot.

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Trump KNEW all about the death jabs from the get-go! Patents on the formulations already existed (2002-2003) and private investments in them had already been made prior to his 1st term. If you’re gonna make it over these next few years, you must learn how the ‘long game’ works. Trump’s Warp Speed was set up to make sure the crooks in government (DOD, MIL, Big Pharma, FDA etc) would eventually get tangled up in their own traps, causing their own deaths. The Cabal employed every plan they had to stop Trump from bringing forth safe and effective therapies instead of their poisons. He got pushback and retaliation every single time.

After they thought they had him backed into a corner with nowhere else to go, he still got our country up and running again while keeping the jabs under an Emergency Use Authorization status.

Think and believe what you will, but he was able to put a stop to millions of those poisonous vials from being distributed out into the public sphere. Anyone choosing to take and continue taking them did so at their very own risk.

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Here is your buddy Jill. Did you know the Holocaust was a myth? I am sure Trump must know. https://www.bitchute.com/video/95EXX2pW0kR0/

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Yes, I am fully aware of the holocaust being a hoax. I have seen several videos regarding that matter over the last year or so. Does Trump know? I don't know you'd have to ask him, but I'm going to say more than likely.

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Have you read The Talmud? If so you know that Jews hate gentiles. Perhaps you are one, but I wouldn't expect you would admit it. That is what name stealing is about isn't it. Crypto Jews.

So Trump has shown himself to be anti-human. Shiva4president.com

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And you show your ignorance stupidity and lack of intelligence, if you're voting Shiva for anything, you don't have a fucking clue what's going on in the world around you.

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Why in the fuck would I read the Talmud? When that is not what real jews read. People of the Jewish faith, especially orthodox. Do not read the Talmud. That is Babylonian satanic black magic child sacrificing Gentile hating fucking bullshit. And apparently you do read the Talmud, which makes you a fucking idiot who knows nothing whatsoever about what you think you're talking about, that you think you know.

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I don't believe that because Saline was given first hence operation warp speed.. not what you think.. Trump also pushed for Coq10 to be used etc . Instead of vax.. Yes, at first he was off guard but soon realized what they did . If you look at ID cards if it has an A- 1 at the end of the number, its saline..

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Agree. The reason for the warp speed, is big farma and the cabal would have taken 5 to 10 years to roll out the jab, all the while people getting the flue would be subjected to ventilators for killing purposes.

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Catherine Austin Fitts made a pretty good case for what Trump was involved in here. https://rumble.com/v4ru448-insane-vs-sane-demonic-vs-devine-catherine-austin-fitts.html

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i just saw this link, thanks for it, i had not listened to her for some months now, felt like the lone wolf here,so maybe i can connect with others who agree with being sane.......and understand the need to pull back into our real selves and regain some "complexity" as clif would say......

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You have ID cards? That is creepy.

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I don't, but whomever took the "V".. received one .. 👀

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I totally agree they all are paid off and at age 13 my grandfather talked to me before he went back east and later died of cancer.. NEVER TRUST this government or anyone in it. Hitler was well liked as well and T man is hiding his tax statements where it would show in an article i read he was getting 100s of 1000s from GEO GROUP pvt prison system so if you are a minority he gives 2 shits about you. Was it not his father who was involved in building the (projects)... and look at what he did with that ice arena never paid an engineering firm to fix the thing and then look at what he did in the NY times with those black teenagers accused of rape of a white woman later 15 yrs later found out INNOCCENT he was calling for capital punishment. The man is another FOOL. I feel bad for his wife she had no idea what she was getting into reminds me of my father growing up violent and a socio path.

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Hitler kicked out the banks and implemented a currency based on labor, not on debt. That is why the international Jew that Henry Ford wrote about declared War on the Nazis soon thereafter.

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okay who is 45 and i guess ya'll have code? it is interesting those of a certain ilk have the same way of communication rather than letting anyone have their opinion, you will go far i am certain. NVC will ease your pain.

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Opinions are based on assumptions. A critical thinker revisits his assumptions from time to time.

Others, not so much.

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in my above comments is not directed at any one person.....food for thought, and i disagree, a critical thinker in my opinion does not assume anything, if they be a deep thinker.....such is Clif, he thinks, most do not, and he will admit if he is not sure, not assuming......over the years i do know that alot of folks assume, in their day to day only because, i feel, they are so distracted by what they think.....just my nickels worth......have a great week ahead....

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We all make assumptions based on learning. They help us in day to day living.

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it may be more correct to say I rather than we , i do not learn from assuming, but from experience, we differ, and thats just life.....perception, complex or ?

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45 is the 45th president. Trump.

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There will not be an election.. 💯

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What makes you believe that?

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It is very obvious.

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Those were going to be the exact words I wrote nope, it won't happen.Thank you for being of like mind.

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We need to get all of our gold back from the central banks before dumping the Fed!

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The Fed has sold or leased out all our gold and it is not coming back.

That's why congress, Treasury and the Fed have all refused to allow an audit of US gold reserves since Ike.

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Grrrrrrrr.....I yet have faith the the Fed is going down! Maybe the gold recovered from the Vatican will suffice 😉

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Yes, the Fed has to be abolished... and the Treasury can take over, IF it is cleansed of the corruption.

Yes, taking everything from the slimy Vatican is a great idea!

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There's nothing.. it sucks, but it's true

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Already happened!!! 650 plane loads in 2020...

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Not true.. geesh.. it was made up on those hopium sites.. 🥸

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Yes we did ;)

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Nope .

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You're wrong

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Nope! He won in 2020 and TPTB wouldn't let him take office. Why would this time be any different?

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Jun 20·edited Jun 21

Another "Trust the Plan" guy. I hope you're right, but relying on Trump sounds exactly like what the Russians were conned into believing before the Bolsheviks turned Russia into the Stalinist Soviet Union. It, therefore, doesn't seem very wise to put all your eggs in that hopium basket--far better to plan for the worst, but hope for the best.

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Are you memory impaired? Trump = Operation Warp Speed. And just how would you make a broken, corrupt voting system work? Vote harder???

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SOS Offices.




Patriots in trusted positions.

Trust yourself.

You have seen the truth.

Time to show the world.

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You left off SCYTYL, Edison Research and those, are BIGGIES. And the Serbian connection inside Dominion.

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Overwhelm the system with more votes then last time . They wouldn't be able to keep up .

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Deflation of the FRN fiat will continue imo

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Uhh, 45 isn't Jesus Christ. I love Trump, but what if he were to die? Then we're all alone again? It's not just Trump. WE have to save ourselves.

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Only 4 years of Trump will be available. After that....who gets the next crack at being Public Enemy Number One.

There is no way to repair the damage that has been done. The United States Government Hegemony is being divorced from the World. The World has had enough of cruel behavior.

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They may be normal prices, but if the dollar's value sinks by a factor of 10, it will be $55/gal in California and New. York

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Absolutely! Came here to say the same thing

What is Cliff thinking? Off in lala land on this one. We have less the one year of manipulated financial crisis. Trump and the white hats will turn this around. They have to, the world is depending on it.

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Sometimes things have to play out their own way. It would be nice if the guy rides in on a white horse, but I wouldn't count on it.

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On June 13th, Saudi Arabia ended the petrodollar agreement. If the USD is worth less and less, in 25% increments now once every 3 years, then oil will have to be priced in some other currency as it will cost too much in USD's to extract it, transport it and refine it, & then try to sell it -- to make the process worthwhile, in USD currency.

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Psst.. there wasn't a contract in the first place.. There were just a lame papers but nothing in them about the 1974 , 50 yr plan of using our fiat.. You've been duped again. Find the document if you think I'm wrong . 😆

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That agreement was for settlement. It does not affect production, refinery, transportation etc.

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Look forward in time, based on the last 3.5 years of rampant inflation. Unless Trump can blow down the federal reserve and bring federal spending and govt hiring to a stop (that is where 90% of the inflation is coming from read: open border, free cash for illegals and NGO's) then oil prices will go up, in USD denomination. Production, refinery, transport and sale still have tangible USD costs that rise with the inflation, and that inflation does not seem to be stopping.

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Wowzers…I’m staying home and gardening, just saying. Love you all!

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We are already/have been doing that. I can tell you, it will STILL bite hard. Let's say you need some fertilizer, a garden hose valve, some 7dust, etc. Who's going to have it in stock? Can u still drive there? Will there be restrictions on travel? Fuel rationed yet? We've run into all sorts of supply issues already, not to mention shortage of staff almost everywhere now. And don't forget the bureaucrats who plan to visit anyone who has a few backyard chickens so they can give them phoney tests that show they have a phoney disease so they can kill everything you own. The 'well prepared' have thought of these many, and growing, list of potential problems and it seems to come down to the addage "you can vote your way in to Communism, but you're going to have to shoot your way out" is probably still true. Best of luck to you!!

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I recommend, composting your Enemy’s!😜😎💣👆

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BTW, it’s a very good book by Survival Gardener, David The Good, on Amazon.

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Our ancestors did it without driving for what we need. We can make our own fertilizer. Chickens Ducks eat the insects in the gardens.. get a grip.. be sustainable.. ride a bike... Lol..

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If no one stocks fertiliser or insecticide we'll all be better off.

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Gardening is a full time job. Two greenhouses and 120 feet of garden space.

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You can grow up not always spread out.. 💯

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cattle fence panels, bent into an arch. Squash, cucumbers, beans . .

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YES! A lot of new gardeners get frustrated with small available areas. Cattle panels are always good to have around. Towers made from barrels are another great idea.

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Sorry mate... that's BS.

AI is BS.

The Future is simple... ENERGY FROM WATER!!!


Toyota Hydrogen Engine


JCB Hydrogen Engine


Prof Daniel Nocera and his Artificial Leaf


All we ever need is Water as a Source of Energy.


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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

Whilst I agree hydrogen fuel is being developed for use in many applications, especially for vehicles, they are taking the most expensive route for consumers to 'purchase', rather than the energy on demand where the hydrogen is extracted via electrolysis on an "as needed basis". They are planning to build charging centres (much like for EV's) all over, and supply filled canisters (like propane) you can buy already extracted. And they are building the cars with extra heavy duty containment for the explosions they say can happen. Instead, the cheapest way for us consumers is to just pour water in and use electrolysis to extract as we drive.

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100% TRUTH!!

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Think Big Oil will allow it?

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If you think for one second I ask for permission from anyone to do anything... you don't know me...

I will do what it takes to take them down.

Nobody is better than me and the Truth is on my side!!!

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If you have some plans for a electrolysys hydrogen extraction unit I can install on my truck to increase my gas mileage (and thus reduce my dependence on gasoline) I would purchase it. I'm not great at inventing or building anything electronic or complicated being female. I am a sheep farmer, used to be a Legal Secretary. lol

I would love to have one for my diesel powered bobcat, too! Since the buggers are charging more for diesel here than gasoline!

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they have killed a lot of inventors… at least 20o0 of which I know…

Search for:

Stanley Meyer

Wilhelm Reich

Victor Schauberger

Bruce De Palma

Ponds & Fleischman

Back in the 90’s there was a big movement on this:


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Nice thoughts, Brave Bull... but hopelessly naive.

What have you done so far to "take them down"?

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I rather be naive than stupid like you!

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Saudi Arabia hasn't renewed the petro/ dollar agreement with the US. All these petrodollars are going to return home. Hyperinflation as a result.

Get your money out of the banking system, buy and hold physical silver.

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Yeah, everyone always says 'get your money out of the banks' .... and DO JUST WHAT with it? Bury it in the backyard? Yeah, yeah, got the metal, got lots of fiat in my safes too -- cause, you know, this really smart Clif guy says we'll likely be using it for at least a while AFTER the whole thing crashes.... writing "Consitutional Money" on the bills... Cause we're gonna have to use SOMETHING!

But emptying the bank means having to store all that cash -- and then figure out how to PAY non-local bills... I'm doing "cash-every-day" to the maximum extent I can (and telling checkout girls and waitresses all about CBDC), but some things HAVE to be bought non-locally. I can pay my subcontractors by check -- but not my suppliers in Michigan and Florida and Texas!

What's a more useful suggestions for folks who've already done the basic steps for money-prepping?

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3-5 years of food. Water collection and purification. Defensive home position. Fire retardant structures.

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The FERN is winding down to 0 value soon.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

These projections seem to only take into consideration what current trends are forecasting, but do not appear to take into consideration the resultant collapse of the status quo. With increasing rates of inflation,--not only in the USA but in most countries--many are already facing food insecurity: between putting food on the table and buying gasoline most would have no choice but to opt for the former. If the resulting demand for gasoline plummets its price will not, it cannot, continue to rise, but instead will experience a delayed but similar drop. The question is how will the demand-price curve be drawn, and at what point will the demand collapse? And, what will "society" look like when it does?

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Exactly. AI cannot project what it has not been programmed for -- might as well use a Magic 8 Ball.

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Drill baby Drill…!!!! Agree. Otherwise you have gas and driving to be so expensive you accomplish your 15 minute cities.

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The USA has the largest gas reserves in the World in Alaska. 500 years at current burn rate.

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My ancestors always said this.

I know they want us to feel guilty about driving I.C.E. Internal combustion engines. It was hotter in the 1930s. Considering how many more cars and people has yet to create a climate crisis by all our use of petrol. I’m all for using Gods resources and drill as needed.

When I was 16 I as pumping gas

Regular 28cents Premium 32cents

Making $1.25/Hr

Times have changed the ICE has proved to be an extremely useful tool.

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Oil is not finite it actually regenerates itself. It is called abiotic. Just the like the oil on our skin, the skin of the earth produces oil as well.

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Clif: I'm waiting for a podcast. Do you have one coming? Thanks :-)

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Yeah, it's not that I'm too lazy to read, it's that I can listen while I do something else.

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I hear you. It's a multi-task world.

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It's also funny to think things will take NEARLY as long to manifest, given the current celestial influences.



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Cock blocking is a crime.

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In the Maryland area, just a bit west of DC 35-50 miles, last of '72 into '73 gasoline started climbing and running out at pumps, every other day availability, odd even license plates, gas lines etc.. by summer of '73 , gasoline was at $1.45 gallon for regular, octanes dropped dramatically and leaded started to disappear. Gasohol was being introduced later in the '70's and it ran like crap!!! Vehicles timing gears, ignition, carburetors, and exhausts were all reset and restructured and choked down to lousy milage and lousy performance!! At the same time vehicle prices started rising quite quickly every model year and quality control got noticeably worse, rust, breakdowns, lack of towing poweretc.. Nothing American made at that time got anywhere near the gas mileage it should have. Hence imports jumped up like crazy with 30-40 mpg being quite common!! If you don't like something, BOYCOTT IT!!!, if you don't buy it, change will come or they go out of business, start with one brand then move on the the next one, etc... Force them to be reasonable or do no business at all. We have the numbers and therein lies our power!!! The power of the wallet(pocketbook)!!! The business of the world IS BUSINESS ,NOT WAR!!!! War is quick profit, but it is too destructive all around for a genuine business model, history has taught us that a handful of folks prosper from war, while the lives, art, architecture and culture are destroyed in the aftermath, that is unacceptable by civilized cultures, so stop it, damn it!!!!

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Very interesting projection, and a look back at the cheap gas in the 70's. I remember in 1971 getting a couple dollars in busboy tips and buying a tank of gas to cruise all night with.

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In the mid sixties gas was $.19

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Yep, still in 1971 where I lived near St Louis. There were major oil refineries there, on the Illinois side. I paid anywhere from 19 cents to 29 cents in the early 70's.

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The Ezra Eagle prophecy indicates after Trump Pense we are oppressed by Antichrist a biblical “shorthorn” leader. Seems there will not be another election. Seems they plan a war required draft to kill citizens because immigrants are not included in the draft. Where’s the war?

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Mr. High,

I think you should invent a wind-up alarm clock that says "Hello Humans, Hello Humans" when it goes off. I would buy one and probably not be as grouchy in the morning.

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66. Never used an alarm. Slept in 3 times.

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The Fed Money is backed by the US Military which has unknown weaponry far far superior then any other country

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I think that’s the treasury backed usd not the frn

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I have been preparing for this most of my adult life. Started to buy Silver 20+ years ago. Garden / well water..food storage. This shift will last a few years... Bibically the 144,000 = 1+4+4=9 (numerology)... Remember when the Oracle and the Architect met in the park... It's a whole new WOO... so be it !

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Wow Clif , you always crack me up man. You are way ahead in your thinking than most. Lol

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