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Hello Woo Crew! Just got back from the House Wolf Hike. Here’s my Deep Thought for today. The USAIDS is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s most likely being laundered by any land area deemed “National Sovereignty” AKA D.C. and the Reservation’s are their own country. Along those lines, every big Foundation, including Soros and Clinton’s have been making bank by trying to disguise it as humanitarian aid. This would explain the pipeline protests, and money going into the community radio stations. Keep your head down. It’s going to be messy. Love you all!

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I should probably quantify that I was personally a Nonprofit Art Director from 2000-2008 and I wrote the grants during that period. I fully believe that I was witnessing the beginnings of the NGO public private relations that have led us to today. It was a “Grassroots Campaign” that used every WEF terminology including Sustainability, Climate, justice and Equity. It is all BS, BTW.

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They didn't hide USAID very well since they thought it wasn't a significant amount of money. They aim to claw into the finances of the entire world eventually. We were trained to think of billions and billions the same way we used to think of 500 dollar bills.

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Death by one thousand cuts. I have been working on following the pipeline protesting for years now. It is all the same people who get the money over and over again. It’s not only Politico but, local radio stations pretending to be public owned. It’s all grant money from the “Foundations”.

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Soros recently bought up a bunch of "conservative" radio stations.

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BINGO!!!! Follow the money!

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bought them with US taxpayer $

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Did he buy them because they are "conservative" or because they are radio stations? In times of disaster, one of the things they recommend is for everyone to carry a radio receiver with a good supply of batteries. The power grid will be out so there's no TV and cell phones won't work for long.

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I believe it would work in his favor both in a time of peril, (when radio is all there is for information) and in good times when he would control conservative voices that we have come to trust. Discernment is vital.

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Pipelines......or tunnels....or......

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Interesting tangent, there are tunnels in the mix as well. I was trying to find out about some that are reported in Grand Junction, CO and San Francisco. I have been in a lot of them in Minnesota as well.

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Locals here regularly report hearing large "booms!" that never seem to have a logical explanation. I'm convinced there are tunnels moving ordnance and other things and the "booms" are related to the underground tunnel construction. I'm about 45 minutes from Grand Junction. Have you seen the maps of the tunnel system?

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I lived in the area of the " booms" and they went off for the 12 years of it. I do think that a tunnel system extends to Denver and probably beyond- but also lived 24 years in Utah where we would see black unmarked helicopters flying up close to the bench of the mountain- always at dusk so hard to see if not looking. Not a doubt in my mind about a tunnel system there.

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I heard about it on an Archaix episode. I did some research and I believe that the tunnels are underneath the old Pufferbelly restaurant and former train station on the edge of Grand Junction. I used to live there in the 90’s. Mount Garfield looks suspiciously like a bank from water damage and the entire valley is covered with alkaline deposits from salt water lake.

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That valley has probably been underwater more than a few times, and not just from the river flowing. Alkali is everywhere in low lying areas around here. Lots of salinity from all the years of flood irrigation, for sure. I'm with you on placement of tunnels, though there would be a water issue from river levels. I used to work underground in Leadville. Takes a lot of concrete to stabilize underground structures. What brought you to the Grand Valley back then? if you don't mind saying.

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I like your handle:) cool. But yeah dem tunnels. All over de woild I hear.

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I noticed it by the algorithms on social media and the censorship. I didn't see how it was related to the money.

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USAID was just the tip of the swampberg for that corruption that is still going on.

Remember that missing 2.3 Trillion that the D0D has still not accounted for back in 2001 right before something destroyed the Pentagon office that was investigating that on 9/11?

That's probably 23 Trillion now, and is still all missing.


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I think everywhere there's a Leftist Governor, there's a lot of money missing. California and Arizona have a lot of money missing.

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Was there ever an investigation into that? Bush Sr just casually mentions that, oops its just Gone! Dem wuz de Big Boyz. Out-Fucking-Rageous. They knew then, that they could get away with anything. So many ops, so little time.

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The deepest level of the dark web contains a record of every financial transaction worldwide.

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Anything on "computer" anyway. Hmmm.... . And data centers use up a Lot of energy. Wonder what will happen when zero point energy comes into play lol. It'll be like the wild West.

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The global mafia predators are scooping up everything they can before it all collapses. They think that will save them from that inevitable collapse.

We will see about that?

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They are intentionally causing the collapse from the top rungs. The lower Mafia members are scrambling to get a piece of the pie before they, too, are fucked over. Middle managers always pay a price in the end. For their "loyalty". Lol I'd hate to live in their world.

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They will need more than money.

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I agree. If I had my way.....

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I remember being hired straight outa a technical college as a keypunch operator because I was the fastest in the class, in my mid 20's. To a company called "World Changers". Supposedly a donation for poor children in the world. I remember a room full of women opening envelopes with donations and I typed in the names and amounts on a keypunch machine (before computers). I also remember the bathroom (many stalls) being extraordinarily Dark!!! So weird! And there were always men "technicians" coming to "correct" the machine for supposed "mistakes" in amounts donated lol. So after I left, I heard they were shut down for corruption. It was a money laundering operation. 10 , 20 up to hundreds of dollars at a time, being key punched by me lol. I just felt a wierd presence the whole time, looking back. Mafia I'm sure. But it was 10 grueling hours of being a robotic typist and at the end of the day, my mind was jelly. In my 20's!

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Friends of Hillary, no doubt.

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Last week I was cheering the developments ( mostly ).

Over the past few days there is a deep feeling growing that there is something else .. Can't put a finger on it , and is not about the theater on the world stage.

I'll add that I hope I'm alone in the feeling.

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Now start digging into all of the “Co-op Community Radio Stations, it will eventually lead us to the Big Foundations like Soros and the Clinton Foundation.

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Could it the nano-dust perhaps? The wierd "fog"making people sick, then they're miraculously feeling a whole lot better on exactly 3 days to the point of feeling like running 5 miles? Somethings happening, so pray for protection and try to stay indoors when things get wierd feeling. Drink eastern white pine tea:) I've always loved Pines:) so refreshing in body and spirit. My god, when I once went to CA, to the redwood forest, it was quite the experience. There was a dry riverbed that was huge! I mean fucking huge! And it was pointed out to me that some contraption in the tree was for a looonnngggg rope/cable to transport goods over the river when it used to be full. I walked down in that smooth large stoned riverbed and felt the immensness of the experience of the past! Overwhelming and awe inspiring. But they say eastern white pine needles are the best for health. Get your some from am organic herbal company.

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It's the Committee of 300.

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Sure, but I HAVE to peek! (clif's X acct works - keeps me informed. 'nuf).

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yes, I thought the same. They seem to have a pipeline of funds while never seeing a reduction in their own wealth. The same with the Rothschilds.

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