I do relate to what Clif has shared and that need to duck. Yesterday, a surreal experience occurred while clearing tree limbs with a chainsaw. I live on a small farm and was clearing around some cedars to allow the livestock better access to a round bale of hay.
A series of malfunctions began, the first being the chain coming off the bar. At the same time a shift in weather, a darkening of skies, strong winds and misty rain.
The scene felt otherworldly, surreal yet I was determined to complete my task. After all, I had carried the saw uphill across a couple acres of pasture to get to this location.
Once I reassembled the saw and began cutting, somehow twine from a previous hay bale was taken up, wrapping itself around the drive of the saw and stalling it. Yet again I took the saw apart removed the twine, reassembled it and began working.
Within a few minutes the same issue occurred again, twine somehow getting entangled around the sprocket, causing the saw to stall out! Keep in mind that I was paying attention to the work.
I’m somewhat embarrassed to admit that I repeated this same process three additional times, with the saw stalling, breaking it down, finding twine, and reassembling.
On what was the final occurrence,
I stopped, looked around at my surroundings, and there was a overwhelming feeling of not being alone. In that moment, it became clear the universe, the divine was not going to allow me to accomplish what I was so determined to do and maybe even protecting me from potential injury.
I’d normally be so pissed about such a frustrating series of setbacks but instead found a wonderful amusement in that moment. I began laughing out loud and said- Okay, Okay I hear you and I’m listening!
I than smiled, gathered up the tools and made my way back home.
That kind of reminds me of "Driving Miss Daisy" where Morgan Freeman is driving down the street as Miss Daisy is walking on the sidewalk. She was determined to get there, and he was "trying to drive you to the store" Eventually, you got the idea, and so did she. Looking at it from a distance as we are now, it is obvious, but up close, you have to pay attention. Well done, and real lesson learned.
I do appreciate your analogy, and yes it seems I was having a Miss Daisy moment. In this moment, I imagine Morgan Freeman’s voice (as God) narrating the entire experience, than saying -Finally, he’s listening, lol
Beautiful, beautiful story. I have been"learning" that exact lesson - for a bit.
Currently rehabbing shoulder injury from that "determined to complete my task" part (pruning saw, not chainsaw, but up on ladder and who wants to trot down and back up again?). Me.
>6 mos later, I've had good time to pay attention and learn. Thanks for sharing.
Mars is still retrograde. It causes "machinery" and/or what is associated to "things made of metal" to malfunction. Similarly, consider how communications go haywire when Mercury goes retrograde. -- Retrogrades afford us the opportunity to take pause and review un-dones, or mishaps from the past and correct / balance thoughts associated with tasks from the past, and then the retrograde planetary transits which conjunct or align [with our Natal Chart] DO reflect how those Universal Principles in action might be calling attention to thingks (acts, objects, events) we haven't completed or balanced. // Everybody should study the Science of Astrology. The corollaries are oft astounding.
I didn’t know about Mars and its effects on machinery. Your message about Astrology is well received and it certainly adds a deeper layer to reflect upon, thank you!
golden, thank you; i welcome your wisdom, as i am now a healer running for my life, camped out at a motel after the cell tower attacks. Mars is messing with my phone, making apps like voice memo inaccessible - where i stored 25 years of sacred recordings and had just begun an album of "medicine songs to protect and save us" in these apocalyptic times. Somehow i am managing, however, though still very weak and unable to speak well, but now again able to write. The holy muse is on fire! The truth is being revealed - through each of us who sees and knows...By grace, my life and home (that i fled) IS the holistic clinic of the future, and the "ontology" made it clear, THE MEDICINE MUST BE SAVED! Of course i agreed, and little by little i force-return to that awful toxic place to pack - and to raid my own survival pantry of nutrient-dense foods and healing supplements. i have my ion cleanse and air filter here at the motel...
It was on that last attempt when I had finally surrendered, in came the awareness and feeling of a divine presence. A gentle, loving connection that swept over me, instilling a deep sense of peace. Thank you for your message
we have to make sure we did everything we could. Point is, Spirit/the ontology still saved your life. Flying chainsaw bits never lead to a happy end...
Been there, done that. When it feels like your trying to walk upstream, and things going wrong. That sudden realization that I'm going the wrong direction and fighting the current, and should just turn around to go in the flow of the stream. And suddenly everything feels easier.
Are you unaware that CEDAR Trees are one of the Four Sacred Directional Medicines? Cedar Tree is like a Grandmother----represents the South Direction and Physical Healing. Move your Round Bale away from the Cedars---or at the very least, have some respect, say some prayers, and Ask Permission to trim branches. And, it would be nice to make use of the Cedar for some Healing purpose. Look it up. Don't believe me---these are ancient teachings.
Yes, I am aware that cedars hold a special place in certain traditions.
If you are familiar, the lowest branches do die off. Most mature cedars will have its living greenery about 5’-6’ above the ground.
By Removing the dead lower branches, it creates space, providing shelter for both hay and my Bison 🦬.
Clearing the lowest branches also allows the Bison to graze underneath the trees, where under brush and invasive vines grow.
I should have mentioned that I was also cutting very heavy vines under the cedars, some being up to 4”-5” inches in diameter. These vines can eventually kill the trees and have in this area.
I recognize your concern and that you are familiar with traditional spiritual practices. Respect for nature, Respect for each other, these are shared Egalitarian values.
the tree is a living entity, one must always respect and ask for permission to trim them up - trust this, the rewards will be VERY obvious! all my trees have names, I greet them but most of all I respect them - cedars as well as oaks are very special, spiritually
I have a magnificent California Oak in my front yard. I love it, and it Loves Me. The circumference is approx. 11 feet; the height... 51 ft ?? Based on other trees I've met, mine has gotta be at least 340 years old. I pat it and talk to it. There's a neighbor who hates it, and transfers her vehemence regarding it upon 'my person.' I reassure my Giant Oak Sentinel Power Pole of ITS Beauty, Grandeur, and Order -ed STRUCTURE OF MAGNIFICENCE.
I don’t disagree, though there are practical matters that must also be considered.
It would be disingenuous, to ask for permission when knowing full well certain actions must be taken regardless of what the answer may be. Instead, I state my intentions and ask for understanding.
As steward of my land, I strive to make the most beneficial decisions and to not act in a destructive manner.
We live in a symbiotic relationship with nature. There is an interdependence and balance to maintain with all life. Keeping with true egalitarian values,
explanations go a long way when dealing with an entity you've an established relationship with - it is important to 'think' the words when spoken as both frequencies are received - think of trimming your fingernails?
Get one of those Asian hand saws -- easier to carry and can cut through wood SO easily. Don't know what they are called. Sort of shaped like a harp or hacksaw.
Maybe 'Nature' didn't want to hear your chainsaw's obscenities interrupting the symphony of natural sounds, disrupting the wavelengths of the Natural World? [Oh, maybe I am projecting? My apologies. I have a problem with chainsaws and leaf blowers particularly. I want the sounds we add to be worthy of being heard, like additional instruments in the symphony. I want church bells restored.]
Anyway, glad to hear you came back to an alert state, avoided injury, and are here to tell the tale.
Those are "pull" saws, in that they cut on the pull stroke instead of the push stroke. No better or worse, both are designed to cut. Hey, you can be like the lady before you and do everything with hand tools, (nothing wrong with that) but if you are going to cut up a tree into logs you can split and stack, a chain saws works best. Both the chain saw, and the hand saws have to be sharp though. If you try and use dull tools, you are kidding yourself. They are dangerous too! Get a tool that is designed for the job you are doing. If the only tool you have in your box is a hammer, then every problem ends up looking like a nail.
Oh to learn to be so aware of the Cosmos trying to tell us something in the midst of our frustrating task or tasks that aren't going well. I get the process but way far from the point of like you taking several "stops" of effed up attempts before the eyes and brain realize and "A HA!"...sigh...we humans...not learning fast enough it seems. But maybe that's the process it's supposed to be...learning, remembering and growing. Just too impatient for my own good it seems. Thanks for your enlightening story Chaskazorro. I must remember that lesson...
It really was a gradual experience, something that I wasn’t immediately aware of. I was really wrapped up in doing the task. Only when I became fully present in the moment, noticing all my surroundings that the awareness came. You have reminded me to hold onto this experience and lesson moving forward, thank you for your thoughtful message!
I have spent 5 to 7 hours every day out in the back yard, de-graveling. Previous owner spread several different type of gravel all over the back yard, been there over 20 years now and are al mixed together and I vowed to remove every single rock from the back yard to make room for a garden, some berry bushes and probably a couple fruit trees. But FIRST, it all has to be cleared. The worst part is having to take many breaks because my lungs and heart are crap and I end up out of breath and my pulse pounding in my temples, .. or, because my left hip is absolutely killing me with that grindy nerve feeling. But as soon as I sit, my hip hurts a LOT more, then it fades a little, then starts hammering on me again even while sitting. Gonna hurt either way, then I might as well get my ass back to work.
I made good progress today with a small gravel pile, ... that was about 20 feet long and mixed with a lot of dirt. I got the rocks raked out of the dirt, shoveled into the barrow and dumped into a central unsorted pile, barrow load after barrow load. Then cleaned up the loose dirt and added it to the unsifted dirt pile, grabbed the rake and started making a new pile of rocks and dirt and hauled a few more barrow loads to the main pile. I wish I was using a chainsaw, ... because my shovel and steel rake had zero malfunctions, .... at the end of the day as the sun was getting low, I actively wished my wheelbarrow would break. lol No Luck !!
It seems MY message from universe was akin to cat-o-nine tails and the message of Work Dog, WORK !!
Your courage, perseverance, ironclad will, guts, and fortitude is astounding and heartbreaking. May God swiftly bring you helping hands and healing, to lift your pain and renew your yard.
25 or so years ago I was at a house doing an estimate and as I was leaving there was an old man near the garage and as I walked up he points at the long driveway and says "I held every single one of those rocks in my hand."
Mildly amused, I asked why. "It was mixed gravel" came the reply. Wow, that must have taken a really long time, I said, as I was climbing into my work rig. Driving away I pondered whether the old guy might be crazy.
Here I am 25 years later, ..... Old, and sorting tons of mixed gravel so I can make better use of it, ..... and wondering if that old guy way back when was crazy, .... or if I AM NOW !! lmao
I have two Nephews near by, but they don't show up to help, so it looks like it will be all me getting it done. Unless the yard kills me first. And I am okay with that too.
We bought a 100 year old house several years ago that was built by an Italian cement contractor. I have spent many, many hours digging concrete out of the garden beds where he had dug a deep hole to dispose of excess concrete. Then there are the broken concrete fragments throughout the soil, that require digging and screening it all.
I got a bit of the concrete slag as well, as my yard was used for concrete disposal when two of the neighbors put up a block wall. But it isn't a horrible amount even though it was a lot, but there are so many other things found in the dirt that are surprising. Like tools. A center punch, a couple drill bits, a few Allen wrenches and even a small inverted Torx socket. Now if I could just find any of my tools that my son lost out there 10 years ago, that would be great. lol
Watch the movie called "Mac" with John Turturo. One of my favorites. There are some shady concrete guys in that movie, .. and shady framers, shady bricklayers, shady Gen contractors, ..... and Mac isn't having it.
you have just described my life and mishaps perfectly, in a script uniquely your own. YOURS is a great tale, so please do write it up bigger and louder for us, Chaska. i have seen death's door 3-4 times in the last month, from beamforming attacks; and at the same time, i'm a holistic brain therapist, herbalist, and yogini - so although flat on the floor, spinning, unable to...(do anything)...i knew what was happening to my body and what it would take to survive. i fought death with a heart rate peaking 200 bets per minute for 10 days, curled in a ball at a scary motel, unable to sleep or thermo-regulate - my hands and feet were cold as death. Here i sit, 3 weeks into the ordeal, in love with the staff, and rallying to pack up ALL my "Medicine" "for the next 7 generations", i know because i heard and am heeding the divine order "Save the medicine for the people yet to come" that i will be saved! My writing is rapidfire downloads now from the source, strong and clear. Here's part two of my tale: https://yolandapritamhari.substack.com/p/when-the-axe-falls-2-the-grid-is
That's another great story of life on a farm. You never know what the farm is going to throw your way, so just deal with it, and know when it's the right time to quit.
Yeah, I pulled a card from the Osho Zen deck on "what's going on with this energy lately" and got the "New Vision" card (analogous to the Hanged Man), so something new IS happening. It takes a lot to deal with it so I feel bad for normies who have no idea of what's going on trying to navigate this. It will take compassion on all our parts---for ourselves as well as for others. Spiritual surfing, I guess.
I was overseas and went to a tarot reader that was really hard to get an appointment for. My friend's cousin begged to have her see me, despite her being with a cold, because she coincidentally did have a cancellation. She told me my daughter was in mortal danger at the moment, she had 2 evil women influencing her, and to cancel the rest of my trip and to go home immediately. I called my daughter and told her, and she denied everything and told me to continue my trip, which I did because I trusted my daughter too much, and the tarot reader not enough. A week later she was in a coma and lost the use of her right arm for a year. I had to cut my trip short anyway and had quite a battle with God to return her to her previous self.
Hello Woo Crew! Just got back from the House Wolf Hike. Here’s my Deep Thought for today. The USAIDS is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s most likely being laundered by any land area deemed “National Sovereignty” AKA D.C. and the Reservation’s are their own country. Along those lines, every big Foundation, including Soros and Clinton’s have been making bank by trying to disguise it as humanitarian aid. This would explain the pipeline protests, and money going into the community radio stations. Keep your head down. It’s going to be messy. Love you all!
I should probably quantify that I was personally a Nonprofit Art Director from 2000-2008 and I wrote the grants during that period. I fully believe that I was witnessing the beginnings of the NGO public private relations that have led us to today. It was a “Grassroots Campaign” that used every WEF terminology including Sustainability, Climate, justice and Equity. It is all BS, BTW.
They didn't hide USAID very well since they thought it wasn't a significant amount of money. They aim to claw into the finances of the entire world eventually. We were trained to think of billions and billions the same way we used to think of 500 dollar bills.
Death by one thousand cuts. I have been working on following the pipeline protesting for years now. It is all the same people who get the money over and over again. It’s not only Politico but, local radio stations pretending to be public owned. It’s all grant money from the “Foundations”.
Did he buy them because they are "conservative" or because they are radio stations? In times of disaster, one of the things they recommend is for everyone to carry a radio receiver with a good supply of batteries. The power grid will be out so there's no TV and cell phones won't work for long.
I believe it would work in his favor both in a time of peril, (when radio is all there is for information) and in good times when he would control conservative voices that we have come to trust. Discernment is vital.
Interesting tangent, there are tunnels in the mix as well. I was trying to find out about some that are reported in Grand Junction, CO and San Francisco. I have been in a lot of them in Minnesota as well.
USAID was just the tip of the swampberg for that corruption that is still going on.
Remember that missing 2.3 Trillion that the D0D has still not accounted for back in 2001 right before something destroyed the Pentagon office that was investigating that on 9/11?
That's probably 23 Trillion now, and is still all missing.
Was there ever an investigation into that? Bush Sr just casually mentions that, oops its just Gone! Dem wuz de Big Boyz. Out-Fucking-Rageous. They knew then, that they could get away with anything. So many ops, so little time.
They are intentionally causing the collapse from the top rungs. The lower Mafia members are scrambling to get a piece of the pie before they, too, are fucked over. Middle managers always pay a price in the end. For their "loyalty". Lol I'd hate to live in their world.
Anything on "computer" anyway. Hmmm.... . And data centers use up a Lot of energy. Wonder what will happen when zero point energy comes into play lol. It'll be like the wild West.
I remember being hired straight outa a technical college as a keypunch operator because I was the fastest in the class, in my mid 20's. To a company called "World Changers". Supposedly a donation for poor children in the world. I remember a room full of women opening envelopes with donations and I typed in the names and amounts on a keypunch machine (before computers). I also remember the bathroom (many stalls) being extraordinarily Dark!!! So weird! And there were always men "technicians" coming to "correct" the machine for supposed "mistakes" in amounts donated lol. So after I left, I heard they were shut down for corruption. It was a money laundering operation. 10 , 20 up to hundreds of dollars at a time, being key punched by me lol. I just felt a wierd presence the whole time, looking back. Mafia I'm sure. But it was 10 grueling hours of being a robotic typist and at the end of the day, my mind was jelly. In my 20's!
Last week I was cheering the developments ( mostly ).
Over the past few days there is a deep feeling growing that there is something else .. Can't put a finger on it , and is not about the theater on the world stage.
Now start digging into all of the “Co-op Community Radio Stations, it will eventually lead us to the Big Foundations like Soros and the Clinton Foundation.
Could it the nano-dust perhaps? The wierd "fog"making people sick, then they're miraculously feeling a whole lot better on exactly 3 days to the point of feeling like running 5 miles? Somethings happening, so pray for protection and try to stay indoors when things get wierd feeling. Drink eastern white pine tea:) I've always loved Pines:) so refreshing in body and spirit. My god, when I once went to CA, to the redwood forest, it was quite the experience. There was a dry riverbed that was huge! I mean fucking huge! And it was pointed out to me that some contraption in the tree was for a looonnngggg rope/cable to transport goods over the river when it used to be full. I walked down in that smooth large stoned riverbed and felt the immensness of the experience of the past! Overwhelming and awe inspiring. But they say eastern white pine needles are the best for health. Get your some from am organic herbal company.
I wanna be the 2nd one to congratulate Patricia for being 1st. Way to go Patricia. I also want to be the first to congratulate Thunderhoof at being 1st to congratulate Patricia for being 1st.
I am a Pisces female with a multitude of other watery elements in my natal chart (I am an Astrologer) As a result of all of this "watery" element thing.....these psychic blasts are something that I have experienced very strongly at times.....but it does not disrupt me....it feels like it is my natural way of being....even more than words. I have astounded others with information on how to fix something that I know nothing about as an example.....I just seem to be able to "download" the information from universe when needed. I have not been taught these things......it is a simple download. I do not find this type of thing weird because it has been happening for me for years.
I get up very early in the mornings and I get coffee and practice the harp in the silence of the night and while doing this my mind drifts into different subject matters......and as I am playing the harp ....the vibrations of the harp (tuned to 432Hz) are going into my body and I resonate with universe at these times and the answers then come to me......whole bodies of knowledge come when I put my mind on the given subject. This is very subtle. I can see that a "normie" would miss these download periods. Another thing that happens is a literal download of extremely high vibrational energy into my crown chakra.....it kind of feels like a "pressure" ....at these times I do not get information.....just an increase in my vibrational field. This all feels very natural to me and does not freak me out. Understanding that more and more of this will happen is very welcome to me. I look forward to it.
So we do cross sector collaborative work. We include a very diverse group of people including young and old, highly "Abled" and "differently abled". I can't tell you how many times the answer to what the highly abled described as complex was solved with a question or comment from a 10 year old or "low function" autist. I think these psy waves are always there but when they elevate the less in tune can feel or sense them. You will see people scratching the top of their heads complaining that the air is dry lol as they spit out something i don't think they even understand that is meaningful to the group....first it is "gasp", then silence, then outrageous laughter....the future is bright....operating in the woo is a piss and a half
I think you are right about the "different" types of people being able to process these psy waves. I think that if you are a super intellectual type....you could have issues with it. Psy waves are not intellectual.....it is beyond that.....and it can be really interesting when this type of thing happens to someone "out of the blue". I love it!
Yes. I started out life as a pianist and became a concert pianist (classical) and I taught music for several decades.... then I moved into harp. It is an absolutely beautiful instrument. The overtones are wonderful. The harp is made with the strings coming out of the soundboard. The sound board faces the players body and their are large holes in the back of a harp so that the strings can be accessed. Because of these large holes in the back the vibrations of the sound board resonate right into the players body. It is wonderful! especially and most importantly when the harp is tuned to 432Hz and NOT 440Hz. (musical healing)
Like the resonance from the wood used to build guitars 🎸 I never realized it was true for your harp also. So amazing! Yes, TPTB purposely bastardized the universally balanced 432 HZ frequency to the chaos/440 HZ to fuck with us. I have a tuner so I too can use the 432 HZ. Thanks for sharing your story. The word music in Japanese is the same word used for HEALING in medicine. 🎶 🎵 sand on top of a drum will turn into a pattern similar to a snowflake at 432 HZ and at 440 HZ it has agitated monkey 🐒 💩
Yes...I have studied and used music vibrational healing since the 1990's. The power of sound waves. I also used special tuning forks for healing and this works EXTREMELY well for healing....in particular for serious and extreme problems with the intestines.
Substack does show 1st comment in order for a minute or two before they shuffle the deck so had to make a managerial decision Red. Rest assured though you'll take home the money 💰
I'm not what I consider "Psychically sensitive" but I'm definitely aware and what I've noticed is that society is becoming unstable. I find it difficult to educate those in my immediate circle without coming off as bat shit crazy, let alone effect change upon wider circles of acquaintances. It may be all that I can do to avoid situations and certain people as things deteriorate around me.
Wow - this is *way* bigger than all the numbers stuff (1:11. 4:44, so constant that I no longer want to see digital time!).
I remember you speaking of the "thought placement" you experienced back during "covid" ("maybe I should just get the shot") - and I have been bothered by similar for the last few months - very specific, negative even scary. Clearing and deliberate replacement helps but it is PIA.
Regarding helping people integrate: I must think on/figure this, because some will no doubt find themselves in the clutches of Traditional (to be kind) mental health "treatment" and I have always worked to help "my" folks avoid that. Maybe if I re-listen to this a dozen times. . .. I'm not so good with explanations (my neighbor was afraid last night and I tried to explain energetic boundaries - crickets). Sigh. People do seek me out for my "difference," but I want to be able to do them justice. . . . WOO-wise! =:-)))
Ha! I shall refer them to THIS video!! Thank you - it is perfect. Thanks for "listening."
I remember Clif saying that something in his head told him to go and get a shot and it was very convincing. I'm so glad he was able to shake it off. Good luck with your neighbor!
I am a licensed psychotherapist, just retired. I am not on your page, Scott. I have only met libtard pschotherapists . I got along with colleagues with a smile and nod. Most beh therapists are not empaths, just nuts. They have not done their work on issues but are working out their issues on others. When I saw MH people eagerly running with the transgender BS instead of delving into what lead them to get to this point (crazy left winged ideology parents), I knew it was time to retire. I am ashamed of my profession.
Yes INDEED - but how to find such clinicians? Where I am the "MH" system is very, very tied to medical - pharmacology. Focus on wokeness - very few independent clinicians of any stripes, all having been bought by one of two med complexes. Your approach is as it "should" be, and I would love to know *any* other. A lot of my patients are neurodivergent (all ages) and especially the kids - they prey on them. You know the drill - "ADHD," then"ODD" even bipolar, yada yada.
First mention of "gender" discomfort and they are whisked to the "nurse," "ever think about killing yourself?" and off they go to ER. Medication is paramount - a parent recently had to get legal (dad was prominent atty) to prevent the meds gig. Next up was (you can't make this up) threats of foster care. It's sick, and common.
Those who have struggled for decades with autist brains are much more open to woo, as probably most older folks actually. At least the ones who come to a psychologist with Reiki in the bio. It seems the game is being "upped" now.
Thanks for good thoughts, well worth remembering ("they are out there!).
A sine curve....? We could radio in anything the brain would receive.....that's it, all the science of stuff that I know. I'm now useless in this conversation.....grin. But really.
Ok so here is my affirmation and encrouagement from a "practitioner". Just this morning three sperate collaborators called with starting revelations in their writing or conversations. All of had to do with the revelation that indigenous systems thinking and application, which we refer to as "pre empire", are very similar to the systems being used for software development. Each of us had our own example and never before had any of us used the software tech metaphor to explain them . Mine was Linux. Imagine a Linux type of system for building local regenerative and sustainable communities. Open source and collaborative....well its coming and soon...brought to you by deeply flawed fools swimming in the deep end of the Woo ocean where the monster Psy waves crash lol oh and by the way in collaboration with the kids of Cabal who have "awakened" so forgiveness is vital.
We make sure we have our flotation devices on and rescue swimmers at the ready.... but when we crash and fail (most of the time) we thank the universe for reincarnation and swim back to shore . Wax your surf boards and grab your water wings folks you can't control the waves only ride them.....don't sit on the beach come on out the water is warm....and the monster waves are about to roll in
Back when I was a toolmaker, occasionally I would have these moments when I would suddenly have flashes of inspiration concerning the work being performed.
Design problems would suddenly resolve after blanking my mind, sometimes I would be about to make a serious error in machining a detail, and then an inspiration would cause me to halt, before the damage was done.
I have always attributed this to training in "mind control" back in my early adulthood.
People will not make the paradigm shift (emergence) themselves it will be made for them. They have no choice. Mother earth consciousness is cosmic consciousness. Sky and earth are the same. The star Nation is not "out there" it's right here. It's happening right now and will not be an extended evolutionary process. There is no time for that. Time in this dimensional reality (or world) has run out. People that can't handle the shift will be stuck in the fourth world which will perish in the purification process. The fifth world will be ushered in and it will happen so fast your head won't have time to spin. The only way to survive is to throw out fear, open the door to the top of your head (energy center) and come from the loving one eye of the heart. Chante Ishte. Wopila, Aho!
As my boss used to say before I got that criminal psychopath fired, "I Couldn't be Better". Ever had a fucked up boss? So Roger, my real name is Lightfoot. I saw the Apache Thunderhands and just about fell out of my chair. Chance encounter? Roger and Out Whiskey Tango bud.
I do relate to what Clif has shared and that need to duck. Yesterday, a surreal experience occurred while clearing tree limbs with a chainsaw. I live on a small farm and was clearing around some cedars to allow the livestock better access to a round bale of hay.
A series of malfunctions began, the first being the chain coming off the bar. At the same time a shift in weather, a darkening of skies, strong winds and misty rain.
The scene felt otherworldly, surreal yet I was determined to complete my task. After all, I had carried the saw uphill across a couple acres of pasture to get to this location.
Once I reassembled the saw and began cutting, somehow twine from a previous hay bale was taken up, wrapping itself around the drive of the saw and stalling it. Yet again I took the saw apart removed the twine, reassembled it and began working.
Within a few minutes the same issue occurred again, twine somehow getting entangled around the sprocket, causing the saw to stall out! Keep in mind that I was paying attention to the work.
I’m somewhat embarrassed to admit that I repeated this same process three additional times, with the saw stalling, breaking it down, finding twine, and reassembling.
On what was the final occurrence,
I stopped, looked around at my surroundings, and there was a overwhelming feeling of not being alone. In that moment, it became clear the universe, the divine was not going to allow me to accomplish what I was so determined to do and maybe even protecting me from potential injury.
I’d normally be so pissed about such a frustrating series of setbacks but instead found a wonderful amusement in that moment. I began laughing out loud and said- Okay, Okay I hear you and I’m listening!
I than smiled, gathered up the tools and made my way back home.
That kind of reminds me of "Driving Miss Daisy" where Morgan Freeman is driving down the street as Miss Daisy is walking on the sidewalk. She was determined to get there, and he was "trying to drive you to the store" Eventually, you got the idea, and so did she. Looking at it from a distance as we are now, it is obvious, but up close, you have to pay attention. Well done, and real lesson learned.
I do appreciate your analogy, and yes it seems I was having a Miss Daisy moment. In this moment, I imagine Morgan Freeman’s voice (as God) narrating the entire experience, than saying -Finally, he’s listening, lol
Thank you for your message!
Oh, I am sure that God has always been listening, but us "humans" Hello humans!
Beautiful, beautiful story. I have been"learning" that exact lesson - for a bit.
Currently rehabbing shoulder injury from that "determined to complete my task" part (pruning saw, not chainsaw, but up on ladder and who wants to trot down and back up again?). Me.
>6 mos later, I've had good time to pay attention and learn. Thanks for sharing.
I’m sorry you were injured. Wishing you a full recovery and all the best! I appreciate your message, Thank you!
oh i love this, but the demons may be blocking my comments and praises to all of you.
Mars is still retrograde. It causes "machinery" and/or what is associated to "things made of metal" to malfunction. Similarly, consider how communications go haywire when Mercury goes retrograde. -- Retrogrades afford us the opportunity to take pause and review un-dones, or mishaps from the past and correct / balance thoughts associated with tasks from the past, and then the retrograde planetary transits which conjunct or align [with our Natal Chart] DO reflect how those Universal Principles in action might be calling attention to thingks (acts, objects, events) we haven't completed or balanced. // Everybody should study the Science of Astrology. The corollaries are oft astounding.
The night sky has been amazing lately, many planets visible with clear cold nights and the recent crescent moon was spectacular!
I didn’t know about Mars and its effects on machinery. Your message about Astrology is well received and it certainly adds a deeper layer to reflect upon, thank you!
golden, thank you; i welcome your wisdom, as i am now a healer running for my life, camped out at a motel after the cell tower attacks. Mars is messing with my phone, making apps like voice memo inaccessible - where i stored 25 years of sacred recordings and had just begun an album of "medicine songs to protect and save us" in these apocalyptic times. Somehow i am managing, however, though still very weak and unable to speak well, but now again able to write. The holy muse is on fire! The truth is being revealed - through each of us who sees and knows...By grace, my life and home (that i fled) IS the holistic clinic of the future, and the "ontology" made it clear, THE MEDICINE MUST BE SAVED! Of course i agreed, and little by little i force-return to that awful toxic place to pack - and to raid my own survival pantry of nutrient-dense foods and healing supplements. i have my ion cleanse and air filter here at the motel...
only took four rounds?ha.....i can relate, one two and then i break......we are a funny lot!
Oh yes, a minimum of four times! lol
It was on that last attempt when I had finally surrendered, in came the awareness and feeling of a divine presence. A gentle, loving connection that swept over me, instilling a deep sense of peace. Thank you for your message
we have to make sure we did everything we could. Point is, Spirit/the ontology still saved your life. Flying chainsaw bits never lead to a happy end...
Ooh that gave me goose bumps!
But for me, more like a "facepalm" as my too often "manifest density" precedes the awakening "DUH". Somehow we'll learn quicker. Maybe.
Yes, a facepalm in retrospect, though when the realization finally occurred, this epiphany was gentle and loving.
It was a beautiful moment, one with a feeling of deep connection. It happened just as it needed to, and I’m grateful. Thank you for your message!
yes, it was
I’m glad you felt and connected with the energy of this experience, thanks for your message!
Been there, done that. When it feels like your trying to walk upstream, and things going wrong. That sudden realization that I'm going the wrong direction and fighting the current, and should just turn around to go in the flow of the stream. And suddenly everything feels easier.
Are you unaware that CEDAR Trees are one of the Four Sacred Directional Medicines? Cedar Tree is like a Grandmother----represents the South Direction and Physical Healing. Move your Round Bale away from the Cedars---or at the very least, have some respect, say some prayers, and Ask Permission to trim branches. And, it would be nice to make use of the Cedar for some Healing purpose. Look it up. Don't believe me---these are ancient teachings.
Yes, I am aware that cedars hold a special place in certain traditions.
If you are familiar, the lowest branches do die off. Most mature cedars will have its living greenery about 5’-6’ above the ground.
By Removing the dead lower branches, it creates space, providing shelter for both hay and my Bison 🦬.
Clearing the lowest branches also allows the Bison to graze underneath the trees, where under brush and invasive vines grow.
I should have mentioned that I was also cutting very heavy vines under the cedars, some being up to 4”-5” inches in diameter. These vines can eventually kill the trees and have in this area.
I recognize your concern and that you are familiar with traditional spiritual practices. Respect for nature, Respect for each other, these are shared Egalitarian values.
the tree is a living entity, one must always respect and ask for permission to trim them up - trust this, the rewards will be VERY obvious! all my trees have names, I greet them but most of all I respect them - cedars as well as oaks are very special, spiritually
I have a magnificent California Oak in my front yard. I love it, and it Loves Me. The circumference is approx. 11 feet; the height... 51 ft ?? Based on other trees I've met, mine has gotta be at least 340 years old. I pat it and talk to it. There's a neighbor who hates it, and transfers her vehemence regarding it upon 'my person.' I reassure my Giant Oak Sentinel Power Pole of ITS Beauty, Grandeur, and Order -ed STRUCTURE OF MAGNIFICENCE.
I love it! they are truly magnificent! the Mighty Oak is my family crest! (Irish/Celtic)
I don’t disagree, though there are practical matters that must also be considered.
It would be disingenuous, to ask for permission when knowing full well certain actions must be taken regardless of what the answer may be. Instead, I state my intentions and ask for understanding.
As steward of my land, I strive to make the most beneficial decisions and to not act in a destructive manner.
We live in a symbiotic relationship with nature. There is an interdependence and balance to maintain with all life. Keeping with true egalitarian values,
I am not separate from nature, I am a part of it.
explanations go a long way when dealing with an entity you've an established relationship with - it is important to 'think' the words when spoken as both frequencies are received - think of trimming your fingernails?
Get one of those Asian hand saws -- easier to carry and can cut through wood SO easily. Don't know what they are called. Sort of shaped like a harp or hacksaw.
Maybe 'Nature' didn't want to hear your chainsaw's obscenities interrupting the symphony of natural sounds, disrupting the wavelengths of the Natural World? [Oh, maybe I am projecting? My apologies. I have a problem with chainsaws and leaf blowers particularly. I want the sounds we add to be worthy of being heard, like additional instruments in the symphony. I want church bells restored.]
Anyway, glad to hear you came back to an alert state, avoided injury, and are here to tell the tale.
Those are "pull" saws, in that they cut on the pull stroke instead of the push stroke. No better or worse, both are designed to cut. Hey, you can be like the lady before you and do everything with hand tools, (nothing wrong with that) but if you are going to cut up a tree into logs you can split and stack, a chain saws works best. Both the chain saw, and the hand saws have to be sharp though. If you try and use dull tools, you are kidding yourself. They are dangerous too! Get a tool that is designed for the job you are doing. If the only tool you have in your box is a hammer, then every problem ends up looking like a nail.
Oh to learn to be so aware of the Cosmos trying to tell us something in the midst of our frustrating task or tasks that aren't going well. I get the process but way far from the point of like you taking several "stops" of effed up attempts before the eyes and brain realize and "A HA!"...sigh...we humans...not learning fast enough it seems. But maybe that's the process it's supposed to be...learning, remembering and growing. Just too impatient for my own good it seems. Thanks for your enlightening story Chaskazorro. I must remember that lesson...
It really was a gradual experience, something that I wasn’t immediately aware of. I was really wrapped up in doing the task. Only when I became fully present in the moment, noticing all my surroundings that the awareness came. You have reminded me to hold onto this experience and lesson moving forward, thank you for your thoughtful message!
I have spent 5 to 7 hours every day out in the back yard, de-graveling. Previous owner spread several different type of gravel all over the back yard, been there over 20 years now and are al mixed together and I vowed to remove every single rock from the back yard to make room for a garden, some berry bushes and probably a couple fruit trees. But FIRST, it all has to be cleared. The worst part is having to take many breaks because my lungs and heart are crap and I end up out of breath and my pulse pounding in my temples, .. or, because my left hip is absolutely killing me with that grindy nerve feeling. But as soon as I sit, my hip hurts a LOT more, then it fades a little, then starts hammering on me again even while sitting. Gonna hurt either way, then I might as well get my ass back to work.
I made good progress today with a small gravel pile, ... that was about 20 feet long and mixed with a lot of dirt. I got the rocks raked out of the dirt, shoveled into the barrow and dumped into a central unsorted pile, barrow load after barrow load. Then cleaned up the loose dirt and added it to the unsifted dirt pile, grabbed the rake and started making a new pile of rocks and dirt and hauled a few more barrow loads to the main pile. I wish I was using a chainsaw, ... because my shovel and steel rake had zero malfunctions, .... at the end of the day as the sun was getting low, I actively wished my wheelbarrow would break. lol No Luck !!
It seems MY message from universe was akin to cat-o-nine tails and the message of Work Dog, WORK !!
Your courage, perseverance, ironclad will, guts, and fortitude is astounding and heartbreaking. May God swiftly bring you helping hands and healing, to lift your pain and renew your yard.
25 or so years ago I was at a house doing an estimate and as I was leaving there was an old man near the garage and as I walked up he points at the long driveway and says "I held every single one of those rocks in my hand."
Mildly amused, I asked why. "It was mixed gravel" came the reply. Wow, that must have taken a really long time, I said, as I was climbing into my work rig. Driving away I pondered whether the old guy might be crazy.
Here I am 25 years later, ..... Old, and sorting tons of mixed gravel so I can make better use of it, ..... and wondering if that old guy way back when was crazy, .... or if I AM NOW !! lmao
I have two Nephews near by, but they don't show up to help, so it looks like it will be all me getting it done. Unless the yard kills me first. And I am okay with that too.
We bought a 100 year old house several years ago that was built by an Italian cement contractor. I have spent many, many hours digging concrete out of the garden beds where he had dug a deep hole to dispose of excess concrete. Then there are the broken concrete fragments throughout the soil, that require digging and screening it all.
Its a good thing our yard is quite small!
I got a bit of the concrete slag as well, as my yard was used for concrete disposal when two of the neighbors put up a block wall. But it isn't a horrible amount even though it was a lot, but there are so many other things found in the dirt that are surprising. Like tools. A center punch, a couple drill bits, a few Allen wrenches and even a small inverted Torx socket. Now if I could just find any of my tools that my son lost out there 10 years ago, that would be great. lol
Watch the movie called "Mac" with John Turturo. One of my favorites. There are some shady concrete guys in that movie, .. and shady framers, shady bricklayers, shady Gen contractors, ..... and Mac isn't having it.
".... i was really wrapped up in doing the task.." while your saw blade was really wrapped up in not doing the task. Fascinating.
you have just described my life and mishaps perfectly, in a script uniquely your own. YOURS is a great tale, so please do write it up bigger and louder for us, Chaska. i have seen death's door 3-4 times in the last month, from beamforming attacks; and at the same time, i'm a holistic brain therapist, herbalist, and yogini - so although flat on the floor, spinning, unable to...(do anything)...i knew what was happening to my body and what it would take to survive. i fought death with a heart rate peaking 200 bets per minute for 10 days, curled in a ball at a scary motel, unable to sleep or thermo-regulate - my hands and feet were cold as death. Here i sit, 3 weeks into the ordeal, in love with the staff, and rallying to pack up ALL my "Medicine" "for the next 7 generations", i know because i heard and am heeding the divine order "Save the medicine for the people yet to come" that i will be saved! My writing is rapidfire downloads now from the source, strong and clear. Here's part two of my tale: https://yolandapritamhari.substack.com/p/when-the-axe-falls-2-the-grid-is
That's another great story of life on a farm. You never know what the farm is going to throw your way, so just deal with it, and know when it's the right time to quit.
I remember when Clif didn’t really believe Tarot etc , nice to see how he’s grown and changed along with us.
My tarot has been incredibly spot on for many years.
Yeah, I pulled a card from the Osho Zen deck on "what's going on with this energy lately" and got the "New Vision" card (analogous to the Hanged Man), so something new IS happening. It takes a lot to deal with it so I feel bad for normies who have no idea of what's going on trying to navigate this. It will take compassion on all our parts---for ourselves as well as for others. Spiritual surfing, I guess.
Thank you for posting. I use that deck as well.
I think he likes Janine on Beyond Mystic and respects Jean-Claude as well. Janine has convinced a lot of people on the value of the Tarot.
I was overseas and went to a tarot reader that was really hard to get an appointment for. My friend's cousin begged to have her see me, despite her being with a cold, because she coincidentally did have a cancellation. She told me my daughter was in mortal danger at the moment, she had 2 evil women influencing her, and to cancel the rest of my trip and to go home immediately. I called my daughter and told her, and she denied everything and told me to continue my trip, which I did because I trusted my daughter too much, and the tarot reader not enough. A week later she was in a coma and lost the use of her right arm for a year. I had to cut my trip short anyway and had quite a battle with God to return her to her previous self.
Now that is interesting, how does he use it?
Hello Woo Crew! Just got back from the House Wolf Hike. Here’s my Deep Thought for today. The USAIDS is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s most likely being laundered by any land area deemed “National Sovereignty” AKA D.C. and the Reservation’s are their own country. Along those lines, every big Foundation, including Soros and Clinton’s have been making bank by trying to disguise it as humanitarian aid. This would explain the pipeline protests, and money going into the community radio stations. Keep your head down. It’s going to be messy. Love you all!
I should probably quantify that I was personally a Nonprofit Art Director from 2000-2008 and I wrote the grants during that period. I fully believe that I was witnessing the beginnings of the NGO public private relations that have led us to today. It was a “Grassroots Campaign” that used every WEF terminology including Sustainability, Climate, justice and Equity. It is all BS, BTW.
They didn't hide USAID very well since they thought it wasn't a significant amount of money. They aim to claw into the finances of the entire world eventually. We were trained to think of billions and billions the same way we used to think of 500 dollar bills.
Death by one thousand cuts. I have been working on following the pipeline protesting for years now. It is all the same people who get the money over and over again. It’s not only Politico but, local radio stations pretending to be public owned. It’s all grant money from the “Foundations”.
Soros recently bought up a bunch of "conservative" radio stations.
BINGO!!!! Follow the money!
Did he buy them because they are "conservative" or because they are radio stations? In times of disaster, one of the things they recommend is for everyone to carry a radio receiver with a good supply of batteries. The power grid will be out so there's no TV and cell phones won't work for long.
I believe it would work in his favor both in a time of peril, (when radio is all there is for information) and in good times when he would control conservative voices that we have come to trust. Discernment is vital.
Pipelines......or tunnels....or......
Interesting tangent, there are tunnels in the mix as well. I was trying to find out about some that are reported in Grand Junction, CO and San Francisco. I have been in a lot of them in Minnesota as well.
I like your handle:) cool. But yeah dem tunnels. All over de woild I hear.
I noticed it by the algorithms on social media and the censorship. I didn't see how it was related to the money.
USAID was just the tip of the swampberg for that corruption that is still going on.
Remember that missing 2.3 Trillion that the D0D has still not accounted for back in 2001 right before something destroyed the Pentagon office that was investigating that on 9/11?
That's probably 23 Trillion now, and is still all missing.
Was there ever an investigation into that? Bush Sr just casually mentions that, oops its just Gone! Dem wuz de Big Boyz. Out-Fucking-Rageous. They knew then, that they could get away with anything. So many ops, so little time.
The deepest level of the dark web contains a record of every financial transaction worldwide.
The global mafia predators are scooping up everything they can before it all collapses. They think that will save them from that inevitable collapse.
We will see about that?
They are intentionally causing the collapse from the top rungs. The lower Mafia members are scrambling to get a piece of the pie before they, too, are fucked over. Middle managers always pay a price in the end. For their "loyalty". Lol I'd hate to live in their world.
They will need more than money.
Anything on "computer" anyway. Hmmm.... . And data centers use up a Lot of energy. Wonder what will happen when zero point energy comes into play lol. It'll be like the wild West.
I remember being hired straight outa a technical college as a keypunch operator because I was the fastest in the class, in my mid 20's. To a company called "World Changers". Supposedly a donation for poor children in the world. I remember a room full of women opening envelopes with donations and I typed in the names and amounts on a keypunch machine (before computers). I also remember the bathroom (many stalls) being extraordinarily Dark!!! So weird! And there were always men "technicians" coming to "correct" the machine for supposed "mistakes" in amounts donated lol. So after I left, I heard they were shut down for corruption. It was a money laundering operation. 10 , 20 up to hundreds of dollars at a time, being key punched by me lol. I just felt a wierd presence the whole time, looking back. Mafia I'm sure. But it was 10 grueling hours of being a robotic typist and at the end of the day, my mind was jelly. In my 20's!
Last week I was cheering the developments ( mostly ).
Over the past few days there is a deep feeling growing that there is something else .. Can't put a finger on it , and is not about the theater on the world stage.
I'll add that I hope I'm alone in the feeling.
Now start digging into all of the “Co-op Community Radio Stations, it will eventually lead us to the Big Foundations like Soros and the Clinton Foundation.
Could it the nano-dust perhaps? The wierd "fog"making people sick, then they're miraculously feeling a whole lot better on exactly 3 days to the point of feeling like running 5 miles? Somethings happening, so pray for protection and try to stay indoors when things get wierd feeling. Drink eastern white pine tea:) I've always loved Pines:) so refreshing in body and spirit. My god, when I once went to CA, to the redwood forest, it was quite the experience. There was a dry riverbed that was huge! I mean fucking huge! And it was pointed out to me that some contraption in the tree was for a looonnngggg rope/cable to transport goods over the river when it used to be full. I walked down in that smooth large stoned riverbed and felt the immensness of the experience of the past! Overwhelming and awe inspiring. But they say eastern white pine needles are the best for health. Get your some from am organic herbal company.
Sure, but I HAVE to peek! (clif's X acct works - keeps me informed. 'nuf).
I wanna be the 2nd one to congratulate Patricia for being 1st. Way to go Patricia. I also want to be the first to congratulate Thunderhoof at being 1st to congratulate Patricia for being 1st.
Congratulations to everyone here for having the wits to get here at all.
Be well!!!
I want to congratulate you on your congratulations.
Third times a charm, congrats Patricia!
i second that
Everyone was asking me where the coffee pot was today? You didn't make the java today?
I am a Pisces female with a multitude of other watery elements in my natal chart (I am an Astrologer) As a result of all of this "watery" element thing.....these psychic blasts are something that I have experienced very strongly at times.....but it does not disrupt me....it feels like it is my natural way of being....even more than words. I have astounded others with information on how to fix something that I know nothing about as an example.....I just seem to be able to "download" the information from universe when needed. I have not been taught these things......it is a simple download. I do not find this type of thing weird because it has been happening for me for years.
I get up very early in the mornings and I get coffee and practice the harp in the silence of the night and while doing this my mind drifts into different subject matters......and as I am playing the harp ....the vibrations of the harp (tuned to 432Hz) are going into my body and I resonate with universe at these times and the answers then come to me......whole bodies of knowledge come when I put my mind on the given subject. This is very subtle. I can see that a "normie" would miss these download periods. Another thing that happens is a literal download of extremely high vibrational energy into my crown chakra.....it kind of feels like a "pressure" ....at these times I do not get information.....just an increase in my vibrational field. This all feels very natural to me and does not freak me out. Understanding that more and more of this will happen is very welcome to me. I look forward to it.
So we do cross sector collaborative work. We include a very diverse group of people including young and old, highly "Abled" and "differently abled". I can't tell you how many times the answer to what the highly abled described as complex was solved with a question or comment from a 10 year old or "low function" autist. I think these psy waves are always there but when they elevate the less in tune can feel or sense them. You will see people scratching the top of their heads complaining that the air is dry lol as they spit out something i don't think they even understand that is meaningful to the group....first it is "gasp", then silence, then outrageous laughter....the future is bright....operating in the woo is a piss and a half
I think you are right about the "different" types of people being able to process these psy waves. I think that if you are a super intellectual type....you could have issues with it. Psy waves are not intellectual.....it is beyond that.....and it can be really interesting when this type of thing happens to someone "out of the blue". I love it!
Harpist huh?
Yes. I started out life as a pianist and became a concert pianist (classical) and I taught music for several decades.... then I moved into harp. It is an absolutely beautiful instrument. The overtones are wonderful. The harp is made with the strings coming out of the soundboard. The sound board faces the players body and their are large holes in the back of a harp so that the strings can be accessed. Because of these large holes in the back the vibrations of the sound board resonate right into the players body. It is wonderful! especially and most importantly when the harp is tuned to 432Hz and NOT 440Hz. (musical healing)
Makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end and feels like my heart is getting a message
I have a large glass singing bowl that resonates at 252 hertz, supposedly with the solar plexus.
Played properly it will emit a pulsating tone that can become very powerful.
Like the resonance from the wood used to build guitars 🎸 I never realized it was true for your harp also. So amazing! Yes, TPTB purposely bastardized the universally balanced 432 HZ frequency to the chaos/440 HZ to fuck with us. I have a tuner so I too can use the 432 HZ. Thanks for sharing your story. The word music in Japanese is the same word used for HEALING in medicine. 🎶 🎵 sand on top of a drum will turn into a pattern similar to a snowflake at 432 HZ and at 440 HZ it has agitated monkey 🐒 💩
Yes...I have studied and used music vibrational healing since the 1990's. The power of sound waves. I also used special tuning forks for healing and this works EXTREMELY well for healing....in particular for serious and extreme problems with the intestines.
Meh, we put a few songs on the radio with particular harmonics and suggestive linguistics.....psycho-programming, done.
I true wise elder
Clarification Words of a true wise elder....we just discovered we were in the woo lol
Oh hell ya First
He'll ya. 1st comment award goes to Patricia. Congrats121. 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆
I love this group!
Gorgeous German Shepard...
Patricia gets a President Musk bobblehead
Boy, only two likes 👍 keep up the good work
Good for you!
Many moons ago a wise owl said money would be cut off from a criminal deep state
I just saw where Chelsea Clinton siphoned off 84 million from Haiti Aid
Louisiana? Alabama.....
Thanks Cliff!
Substack does show 1st comment in order for a minute or two before they shuffle the deck so had to make a managerial decision Red. Rest assured though you'll take home the money 💰
I'm not what I consider "Psychically sensitive" but I'm definitely aware and what I've noticed is that society is becoming unstable. I find it difficult to educate those in my immediate circle without coming off as bat shit crazy, let alone effect change upon wider circles of acquaintances. It may be all that I can do to avoid situations and certain people as things deteriorate around me.
If someone asks for info from you...then...
That's the trick to avoid frustrations.
Most folks do not appreciate their carefully cultivated ignorance being disturbed.
Wow - this is *way* bigger than all the numbers stuff (1:11. 4:44, so constant that I no longer want to see digital time!).
I remember you speaking of the "thought placement" you experienced back during "covid" ("maybe I should just get the shot") - and I have been bothered by similar for the last few months - very specific, negative even scary. Clearing and deliberate replacement helps but it is PIA.
Regarding helping people integrate: I must think on/figure this, because some will no doubt find themselves in the clutches of Traditional (to be kind) mental health "treatment" and I have always worked to help "my" folks avoid that. Maybe if I re-listen to this a dozen times. . .. I'm not so good with explanations (my neighbor was afraid last night and I tried to explain energetic boundaries - crickets). Sigh. People do seek me out for my "difference," but I want to be able to do them justice. . . . WOO-wise! =:-)))
Ha! I shall refer them to THIS video!! Thank you - it is perfect. Thanks for "listening."
Alrighty then with that note I think I'll take a fresh hit off my glass pipe
Reaching for the Graffix myself.
I remember Clif saying that something in his head told him to go and get a shot and it was very convincing. I'm so glad he was able to shake it off. Good luck with your neighbor!
I am a licensed psychotherapist, just retired. I am not on your page, Scott. I have only met libtard pschotherapists . I got along with colleagues with a smile and nod. Most beh therapists are not empaths, just nuts. They have not done their work on issues but are working out their issues on others. When I saw MH people eagerly running with the transgender BS instead of delving into what lead them to get to this point (crazy left winged ideology parents), I knew it was time to retire. I am ashamed of my profession.
Yes INDEED - but how to find such clinicians? Where I am the "MH" system is very, very tied to medical - pharmacology. Focus on wokeness - very few independent clinicians of any stripes, all having been bought by one of two med complexes. Your approach is as it "should" be, and I would love to know *any* other. A lot of my patients are neurodivergent (all ages) and especially the kids - they prey on them. You know the drill - "ADHD," then"ODD" even bipolar, yada yada.
First mention of "gender" discomfort and they are whisked to the "nurse," "ever think about killing yourself?" and off they go to ER. Medication is paramount - a parent recently had to get legal (dad was prominent atty) to prevent the meds gig. Next up was (you can't make this up) threats of foster care. It's sick, and common.
Those who have struggled for decades with autist brains are much more open to woo, as probably most older folks actually. At least the ones who come to a psychologist with Reiki in the bio. It seems the game is being "upped" now.
Thanks for good thoughts, well worth remembering ("they are out there!).
Name One Disease Mental behavioral Scientist/Doctors Have CURED...
Name In Alphabetical Order...
All Of The Diseases Mental Behavioral Scientist/Doctors Have Created...
Appears They Have Created More Disease Than They Have CURED...
As an elementary school child, I was psychologically abused by the school councilor, who only made my relationship matters worse for me.
I'll never forgive that bastard.
Clif- happy Sunday! Thank you for my woo dose today! Be well ❤️
Psy waves rising for 60 days then a pause for 30 days, rise again, pause, repeat.
First thought in my mind was that sounds like a ratcheting effect.
Or music.
A sine curve....? We could radio in anything the brain would receive.....that's it, all the science of stuff that I know. I'm now useless in this conversation.....grin. But really.
P waves are horizontal seismic waves associated with lateral earthquake slides.
Such as the one that just happened in the Caribean Sea.
As opposed to vertical subduction earthquakes that cause tsunamis.
Ok so here is my affirmation and encrouagement from a "practitioner". Just this morning three sperate collaborators called with starting revelations in their writing or conversations. All of had to do with the revelation that indigenous systems thinking and application, which we refer to as "pre empire", are very similar to the systems being used for software development. Each of us had our own example and never before had any of us used the software tech metaphor to explain them . Mine was Linux. Imagine a Linux type of system for building local regenerative and sustainable communities. Open source and collaborative....well its coming and soon...brought to you by deeply flawed fools swimming in the deep end of the Woo ocean where the monster Psy waves crash lol oh and by the way in collaboration with the kids of Cabal who have "awakened" so forgiveness is vital.
We make sure we have our flotation devices on and rescue swimmers at the ready.... but when we crash and fail (most of the time) we thank the universe for reincarnation and swim back to shore . Wax your surf boards and grab your water wings folks you can't control the waves only ride them.....don't sit on the beach come on out the water is warm....and the monster waves are about to roll in
It’s our intuition because we are much more than we have been told we are. People need to learn to listen to it and follow it.
Back when I was a toolmaker, occasionally I would have these moments when I would suddenly have flashes of inspiration concerning the work being performed.
Design problems would suddenly resolve after blanking my mind, sometimes I would be about to make a serious error in machining a detail, and then an inspiration would cause me to halt, before the damage was done.
I have always attributed this to training in "mind control" back in my early adulthood.
on a Sunday even! Thank you sensei!
Yes, farmer John did not take a day off for rest as the herd gathered patiently around the daily fresh hay drop zone.
"It's 2 a.m., the fear has gone
I'm sitting here waiting, the gun's still warm
Maybe my connection is tired of takin' chances
Yeah, there's a storm on the loose, sirens in my head
Wrapped up in silence, all circuits are dead
Cannot decode, my whole life spins into a frenzy....."
That was just lovely and it's comments like that that told me I better follow this little prodigy
Indeed they do - thanks for the visual. Miss 'em.
People will not make the paradigm shift (emergence) themselves it will be made for them. They have no choice. Mother earth consciousness is cosmic consciousness. Sky and earth are the same. The star Nation is not "out there" it's right here. It's happening right now and will not be an extended evolutionary process. There is no time for that. Time in this dimensional reality (or world) has run out. People that can't handle the shift will be stuck in the fourth world which will perish in the purification process. The fifth world will be ushered in and it will happen so fast your head won't have time to spin. The only way to survive is to throw out fear, open the door to the top of your head (energy center) and come from the loving one eye of the heart. Chante Ishte. Wopila, Aho!
Chief thunderhoof say how....
HOW...the fuck are you!
As my boss used to say before I got that criminal psychopath fired, "I Couldn't be Better". Ever had a fucked up boss? So Roger, my real name is Lightfoot. I saw the Apache Thunderhands and just about fell out of my chair. Chance encounter? Roger and Out Whiskey Tango bud.