Mars is still retrograde. It causes "machinery" and/or what is associated to "things made of metal" to malfunction. Similarly, consider how communications go haywire when Mercury goes retrograde. -- Retrogrades afford us the opportunity to take pause and review un-dones, or mishaps from the past and correct / balance thoughts associated …
Mars is still retrograde. It causes "machinery" and/or what is associated to "things made of metal" to malfunction. Similarly, consider how communications go haywire when Mercury goes retrograde. -- Retrogrades afford us the opportunity to take pause and review un-dones, or mishaps from the past and correct / balance thoughts associated with tasks from the past, and then the retrograde planetary transits which conjunct or align [with our Natal Chart] DO reflect how those Universal Principles in action might be calling attention to thingks (acts, objects, events) we haven't completed or balanced. // Everybody should study the Science of Astrology. The corollaries are oft astounding.
I didn’t know about Mars and its effects on machinery. Your message about Astrology is well received and it certainly adds a deeper layer to reflect upon, thank you!
golden, thank you; i welcome your wisdom, as i am now a healer running for my life, camped out at a motel after the cell tower attacks. Mars is messing with my phone, making apps like voice memo inaccessible - where i stored 25 years of sacred recordings and had just begun an album of "medicine songs to protect and save us" in these apocalyptic times. Somehow i am managing, however, though still very weak and unable to speak well, but now again able to write. The holy muse is on fire! The truth is being revealed - through each of us who sees and knows...By grace, my life and home (that i fled) IS the holistic clinic of the future, and the "ontology" made it clear, THE MEDICINE MUST BE SAVED! Of course i agreed, and little by little i force-return to that awful toxic place to pack - and to raid my own survival pantry of nutrient-dense foods and healing supplements. i have my ion cleanse and air filter here at the motel...
Mars is still retrograde. It causes "machinery" and/or what is associated to "things made of metal" to malfunction. Similarly, consider how communications go haywire when Mercury goes retrograde. -- Retrogrades afford us the opportunity to take pause and review un-dones, or mishaps from the past and correct / balance thoughts associated with tasks from the past, and then the retrograde planetary transits which conjunct or align [with our Natal Chart] DO reflect how those Universal Principles in action might be calling attention to thingks (acts, objects, events) we haven't completed or balanced. // Everybody should study the Science of Astrology. The corollaries are oft astounding.
The night sky has been amazing lately, many planets visible with clear cold nights and the recent crescent moon was spectacular!
I didn’t know about Mars and its effects on machinery. Your message about Astrology is well received and it certainly adds a deeper layer to reflect upon, thank you!
golden, thank you; i welcome your wisdom, as i am now a healer running for my life, camped out at a motel after the cell tower attacks. Mars is messing with my phone, making apps like voice memo inaccessible - where i stored 25 years of sacred recordings and had just begun an album of "medicine songs to protect and save us" in these apocalyptic times. Somehow i am managing, however, though still very weak and unable to speak well, but now again able to write. The holy muse is on fire! The truth is being revealed - through each of us who sees and knows...By grace, my life and home (that i fled) IS the holistic clinic of the future, and the "ontology" made it clear, THE MEDICINE MUST BE SAVED! Of course i agreed, and little by little i force-return to that awful toxic place to pack - and to raid my own survival pantry of nutrient-dense foods and healing supplements. i have my ion cleanse and air filter here at the motel...