Those are "pull" saws, in that they cut on the pull stroke instead of the push stroke. No better or worse, both are designed to cut. Hey, you can be like the lady before you and do everything with hand tools, (nothing wrong with that) but if you are going to cut up a tree into logs you can split and stack, a chain saws works best. Both t…
Those are "pull" saws, in that they cut on the pull stroke instead of the push stroke. No better or worse, both are designed to cut. Hey, you can be like the lady before you and do everything with hand tools, (nothing wrong with that) but if you are going to cut up a tree into logs you can split and stack, a chain saws works best. Both the chain saw, and the hand saws have to be sharp though. If you try and use dull tools, you are kidding yourself. They are dangerous too! Get a tool that is designed for the job you are doing. If the only tool you have in your box is a hammer, then every problem ends up looking like a nail.
Those are "pull" saws, in that they cut on the pull stroke instead of the push stroke. No better or worse, both are designed to cut. Hey, you can be like the lady before you and do everything with hand tools, (nothing wrong with that) but if you are going to cut up a tree into logs you can split and stack, a chain saws works best. Both the chain saw, and the hand saws have to be sharp though. If you try and use dull tools, you are kidding yourself. They are dangerous too! Get a tool that is designed for the job you are doing. If the only tool you have in your box is a hammer, then every problem ends up looking like a nail.