Like the resonance from the wood used to build guitars 🎸 I never realized it was true for your harp also. So amazing! Yes, TPTB purposely bastardized the universally balanced 432 HZ frequency to the chaos/440 HZ to fuck with us. I have a tuner so I too can use the 432 HZ. Thanks for sharing your story. The word music in Japanese is the …
Like the resonance from the wood used to build guitars 🎸 I never realized it was true for your harp also. So amazing! Yes, TPTB purposely bastardized the universally balanced 432 HZ frequency to the chaos/440 HZ to fuck with us. I have a tuner so I too can use the 432 HZ. Thanks for sharing your story. The word music in Japanese is the same word used for HEALING in medicine. 🎶 🎵 sand on top of a drum will turn into a pattern similar to a snowflake at 432 HZ and at 440 HZ it has agitated monkey 🐒 💩
Yes...I have studied and used music vibrational healing since the 1990's. The power of sound waves. I also used special tuning forks for healing and this works EXTREMELY well for particular for serious and extreme problems with the intestines.
Thank you so much! But I am very much like Clif with regards to liking to go unnoticed.....I keep a low profile and am pretty much a hermit....this is really the only place that I make comments....basically because I think Clif is a genius. (smile)
Like the resonance from the wood used to build guitars 🎸 I never realized it was true for your harp also. So amazing! Yes, TPTB purposely bastardized the universally balanced 432 HZ frequency to the chaos/440 HZ to fuck with us. I have a tuner so I too can use the 432 HZ. Thanks for sharing your story. The word music in Japanese is the same word used for HEALING in medicine. 🎶 🎵 sand on top of a drum will turn into a pattern similar to a snowflake at 432 HZ and at 440 HZ it has agitated monkey 🐒 💩
Yes...I have studied and used music vibrational healing since the 1990's. The power of sound waves. I also used special tuning forks for healing and this works EXTREMELY well for particular for serious and extreme problems with the intestines.
You are a very gifted and special person. From the git go I had that feeling about you.
Thank you so much! But I am very much like Clif with regards to liking to go unnoticed.....I keep a low profile and am pretty much a hermit....this is really the only place that I make comments....basically because I think Clif is a genius. (smile)
Me too. Canceled all social media 15 years ago. And yes, Clif is a brilliant person