Sometimes God (or if you prefer, The Universal Consciousness, or ontology or whatever you choose to call it) speaks to us in ways that we do not readily understand. I too have had similar warnings that, sadly all too frequently I chose to ignore, have become clear to me in retrospect. One case in particular, regarding my previous marriag…
Sometimes God (or if you prefer, The Universal Consciousness, or ontology or whatever you choose to call it) speaks to us in ways that we do not readily understand. I too have had similar warnings that, sadly all too frequently I chose to ignore, have become clear to me in retrospect. One case in particular, regarding my previous marriage, comes to mind. It seemed that just about everything that could possibly go wrong did go wrong on the wedding day itself. Still, I refused to see the warning signals and went ahead and married the woman. That was a HUGE mistake on my part, but I did learn several things from it. We had an amicable separation and ultimate divorce, largely with no ill feelings toward each other. Irreconcilable Differences were my stated reason for splitting up!
These days, It seems to me that any man who does not get, as ironclad as possible, a Prenuptial Agreement, before marrying is taking a chance that SHOULD never be taken. Why? because most women these days are the products of Left Wing Politics and Entitlement thinking that SHOULD have NEVER been allowed to proceed as far as they have. This does not even begin to address the fact that a very high percentage of ‘modern’ women, but surely not all, are full blown, bat shit, crazy!
I am a woman and it's refreshing to hear a man actually tell the truth about women. 'Men have been browbeaten and belittled by the spawn of the NOW movement. My own daughter has that attitude, a lack of understanding of men. I've tried to turn her around but she's in a field of work in which she and her female colleagues make a huge salary and this has made them feel superior to men.
Sometimes God (or if you prefer, The Universal Consciousness, or ontology or whatever you choose to call it) speaks to us in ways that we do not readily understand. I too have had similar warnings that, sadly all too frequently I chose to ignore, have become clear to me in retrospect. One case in particular, regarding my previous marriage, comes to mind. It seemed that just about everything that could possibly go wrong did go wrong on the wedding day itself. Still, I refused to see the warning signals and went ahead and married the woman. That was a HUGE mistake on my part, but I did learn several things from it. We had an amicable separation and ultimate divorce, largely with no ill feelings toward each other. Irreconcilable Differences were my stated reason for splitting up!
These days, It seems to me that any man who does not get, as ironclad as possible, a Prenuptial Agreement, before marrying is taking a chance that SHOULD never be taken. Why? because most women these days are the products of Left Wing Politics and Entitlement thinking that SHOULD have NEVER been allowed to proceed as far as they have. This does not even begin to address the fact that a very high percentage of ‘modern’ women, but surely not all, are full blown, bat shit, crazy!
I am a woman and it's refreshing to hear a man actually tell the truth about women. 'Men have been browbeaten and belittled by the spawn of the NOW movement. My own daughter has that attitude, a lack of understanding of men. I've tried to turn her around but she's in a field of work in which she and her female colleagues make a huge salary and this has made them feel superior to men.