The battle started long ago. They have been warring against men, women and children on this land since Hernando De Soto came here in the mid 1500s and fed our women and children to his dogs after murdering our men. The powers have changed, but it is the same Messianic extremism remains. Grid your self and catch up. Cliff is on to something. Peace.
By 1583 they changed all the dates on the calinder to satanic ones ,Plus a 13 day shift , Satanic calender may not get into the QFS system, , if don by July 17th we could have 2 July 4ths this year
Indeed. Most people don't do simple math. 52 weeks in a year. 4 weeks in a month. There are 48 weeks in 12 months. That means there are 4 weeks, every year, extra. 13 months, but we are told 12.
What is time? Why is it necessary? Time is only relevant to those whose reality is built upon such. The Bedouin, the jungle dweller, American Indians, count moons, seasons and sunrises. The "minute" changed the game. The minute accelerated the perception of time. Peace.
I think his issue isn't w/QFS so much as with the the psyops that have attached themselves to it (dong/diar/Zim et al RV's, & the Nesara/Gesara crap); and the fabrications about what quantum computers/computing are actually capable of & all the bs about AI taking over. Could be wrong, just how I remember the convos.
You refer to "they", but who exactly is Clif High is referring to by his "Elohim worship cult"? Does it refer to just the so-called Khazarians (or Khazarian mafia) or does it refer to all followers of Judaism? Does it include members of the other Abrahamic religions (i.e. Christians and Muslims) since they worship the same God(s),—the same Elohim—as described in the Torah? Or does it also include followers of any of the "revealed religions"? Supposedly, peoples from around the globe were conquered by the "Sky People", or whatever they were called locally (e.g. Anunnaki, Chitauri, Quetzalcoatl, etc.), and worshipped them accordingly, and therefore shouldn't their decedents also be considered part of the cult? If that is what is meant than over 80% of the world's population would belong to it. Conversely, and more importantly, if the cult only refers to some subset of the whole,—and it obviously appears to only refer to the so-called Khazarian mafia—what is the reason for the demarcation? Doesn’t the term "Elohim worship cult" just muddy the waters? Or does using it have some greater signification, beyond that which would be conveyed by “Khazarian mafia”? Perhaps Clif High made this clear elsewhere, but if he did I must have missed it.
Khazarians are the root of evil in the western world. They are Eastern European zionist nazis. NAZI stands for nationalist zionists. After the Russians defeated them in WW2, the British zionists found them a home by magically renaming them as JEWS and creating the state of Israel for them. They are not Hebrews and their blood lines are Satanic. Real Hebrews/Jews despise them. The current Israeli genocide govt are Zionists. The Bristish govt are Zionists. The USA government is controlled by Khazarian zionists. Zelensky and his government are ZIONIST NAZIS. THIS IS THE TRUTH. Don't know why Clif can't just say it in simple, coherent language. The western governments hate Russia because the Russians are actually the good guys, and the West is unable to subjugate them.
Maybe he he doesn't say it the way YOU want to because he isn't trying to do our thinking for us. If paying attention, you would see he is about getting people to think & do for themselves, not always depend on him, government or anything or anyone else. Self-reliance, self-sufficiency, putting some effort into YOUR life & finding YOUR answers, by sharpening critically thinking skills, keeping healthy (mind & body) et al. Gives DAILY lessons, to those who are willing to learn, and not just sit there and wait for him to tell you what to think or do.
‘They’ are whoever are ‘following’ the anti human cultists and the Wlohim worship is woven into all religions and most tribal shamanism too. I know many following are misguided and think they are going good, but it’s a very egoic doing good, and these do gooders are still the problem. The answer is so simple - mass non compliance, thinking for yourself. I think and hope it can be peaceful, as there is a fine line where we can easily become the oppressor we hate. But I believe we can do this
People still getting history mixed up.rothchilds took over British empire after Waterloo. The czar wouldn't let them into Russia,and he warned America that they were financing both sides for the war. Lincoln was assassinated by one of his agents. They,and other big nosed bastards financed the Russian revolution, if the west had supported the white Russians, there would have been no Hitler or ww2. The national socialists,who weren't " nazis",took back control of the money system,in other words they stood up and fought against these bastards,kicked the Jews out,into Israel,and the Victor's wrote the history. They hid the real holocaust,in Russia,Ukraine and Armenia by creating a false one.As for putin,if u can't see what that is about now? Both him and zelensky are surrounded by Jewish ogliaracs ffs. The much maligned ukranians tried to get rid of the corruption in thier country,the bastards win again,lovely war innit
Maybe, but The West, ie the Zionists who controlled the UK and the US, were behind both the Bolsheviks and Hitler and WWII. With regard to the "real holocaust," didn't you omit The Rhine Meadows camps from your list?
The Bolsheviks were before WW2 and the way I figured the timeline, the Zionists were promised an Israel in Palestine payable at the close of WW1, but they got STIFFED be Great Bretain. Must have really pissed them off and made them want to put a boot in Britains ass, so then came Hitler who was financed by the zionists to do just that and Churchill was totally paid off to ensure Hitler would get the chance to put boot to ass and teach them they shouldn't have welched on the zionists. Then after Britain had taken quite the pounding, the zionists gave them a second chance to make good on their deal, by getting the U.S. involved, as they totally sacrificed their Hitler tool for the goal, .... same as they sacrificed a few of their own in in Germany. For the common goal, .. of course. Enter Balfour Declaration and the stolen Palestinian land called Israel.
I probably have it all screwed up though, I'm sure someone will correct me.
The problem with your hypothesis is that Hitler and the NAZIs (and the Bolsheviks) were creations of Zionists, who controlled - and still control - Wall Street and The Corporation of The City of London. Most of the NAZI leadership were gay Jewish actors - a bit like (Moslem) Obama today.
If you're not already familiar with it, have a look at British Israelism, which became a major force in politics in the decades leading up to WWI. Their objective is to build The Third Temple in Zion/Jerusalem in preparation for the second coming.
I think where the betrayal happened was when Hitler sent his lover, Rudolf Hess, to make peace with the British in May, 1941. Unfortunately, the plan went wrong and Hess was captured by the Zionists (Churchill). Immediately after that, the US started preparing to enter WWII, which it did seven months later.
Maybe because the ... call-them-whatever-you-wish ... have an absolute STRANGLEHOLD on all our modern-day communication systems (and have spent decades brainwashing as many of our folks as they can...). Folks like Clif, the folks presenting various parts of truth on the "socials" and the video channels (YouTube? I'm pointing at you!) are having to prevaricate and use euphemisms and code words, and not include all the parts of what they know in order to tell us ANYTHING and not get canceled and shut down/shut up.
Seems pretty likely Clif is ... planting seeds ... for people to grow for their own sustenance, no? I'm ANGRY at the switches by so many of our truth tellers who are constantly .... moving on ... to use other different group-terms that most people cannot connect to anything/anyone they know (of)... But then, *I* am not standing out-front on the battlefield (yet?) yelling my parts of the truths to everyone nearby! I, too, am, guarding my tongue and planting seeds locally!
Watching Dr Lee Merritt (check her great old interviews with Clif) "migrate" from term to term... ending at the moment with Babylonian mafia (when last I listened) was infuriating -- but I acknowledge the necessity for her to *be allowed* to keep spreading such info as she has!
Clif, at least, is explaining and alluding to just WHAT groups we are to be on guard against. I'm angry at (but unhappily understanding of) the folks who are backing away in fright from "it's the jews" -- because "oh, no, the Khazarian...etc. etc. are NOT jews, they're just using the jews..." It's the JEWS who support, pay for, protect, and do as they're told BY the whatever-the-name-this-week "generals," who have taken over my government and are directing the destruction of my people, my nation, and my future. World-jewry are WILLINGLY enlisted in the malign army and "just following orders": if that was not sufficient excuse in WWII for my people, it sure-as-shit is NOT sufficient now!! (And the few conscientious objectors don 't COUNT in a war!)
When the hot war finally breaks out -- will you allow all the **jews** actively destroying our people, our nation, to just carry on because "they're not in charge"?! What army of soldiers is ever "in charge"? (How many of our people have been maimed and murdered in not-for-us shooting wars (and the poison-vaxxx chemical warfare)?! If we are to survive and recover -- then the FIGHTERS on the other side must be destroyed. THAT is the very definition of war, is it not?
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP a.k.a. “Nazi” as a GERMAN colloquial shorthand for National Socialism. Most of the other stuff you mentioned is mostly correct though.
It is preferable when appropriate, but it is not appropriate in this case. Why? Because the enemies of humanity are constantly and intentionally changing their spots. The term 'Elohim Worship cult" harkens back to the origin of these anti-humans, and has an educational component. I like the term "Luciferian globalist" because it describes what they do now, and as no dependency on any religion or ethnicity for them to hide in, but it still does not completely identify them.
What unambiguous term would you suggest for a group of people that prides themselves in duplicity and ambiguity?
You've taken the comments out of context. The argument was which of the two terms that Clif High was using ("Elohim worship cult" or the "Khazarian mafia") was preferable. Between those two, and for the reasons discussed above, KM is preferable.
Great nutshell history supported by the DEEP history writers and ignored by the "court historians" The truth is "seeping out hopefully before a total blackout of "unapproved information"by the ZOG.
Russia helped the Young US in the War of independence and the Civil War . The Crown Corp of the city of London (The Pilgrim Society) also main financial of TS platform. Never forgave the Czar for meddling. The war in Ukraine is the Oligarchs of London against the Oligarchs of Russia
The best place to find his work (2 decades worth) is Compilation site that has virtually everything you'd want, think they even got his old ALTA reports on it now; guest appearances, his own videos from various channels, references, resources. Searchable by archive date, key word, or hashtags on bottom of page. Can also be searched by a particular channel or program (Forum Borealis, Greg Hunter, probably a couple dozen more, of various genres, who've had him as a guest. Videos have time stamps, if looking for specific topics.
Also, as he has numerous imposters on virtually every platform (even those he is not on), it is also the best place to get the LEGIT links to his work. Those who are only familiar with his work from scanning the tweets or reading/listening to the substacks are missing out on an immense amount of information.
As to the EWC, he began to use that term, and flesh out it's "meaning" right around the time of the 10/7 Hamas FF by IzHell. KM name-stealers go by many names- MANY- & EWC is one he has given them, based on his knowledge. Most refer to them as jews- but even that isn't accurate, more convenient than anything. Jews is one of the millions of lies told by the KM- there is not such thing; thus, they project that the Palestinians don't exist, nor their country, when in fact it's them who have no country; pretend that jews are Semites, when the word has only existed less than 200 years.
Blah blah I'm rambling. I encourage you to make use of the compilations site, see & hear it all, in his words, rather than other people's paraphrasing or interpretation (I've noticed a lot of people don't really pay attention that well & constantly misquote & misinterpret). Don't know who manages the site but they do an excellent job, & keep it very up-to-date.
Tia, That's superb! That you -- and I'm sending it around.
How much of the enforced requirement to KEEP changing 'what we call them' is a malign psy-op to MAKE people confused and unable to figure out who-what?
I have been keeping a database of all Clif's output for the last few years, since his comeback. I started late to add notes/keywords column but I do have some of his "El" talks/writings links. If you want me to post those links...
I read about Freedman decades ago. God bless the man for trying. Many others have been jailed for exposing the fraud. There are plenty of Jews who were dead against the creation of IzRaHell and the abomination called Zionism that goes against the Torah. The Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar's exile of the Jews brought with it the corrupted teachings to Judea in the Talmud. Zionism, Khazarian Nazism, Satanism, and many other "isms' derive from this demented Babylonian seed.
It was the Sanhedrin Talmudic Council of high priests that demanded the death of Jesus. Their history goes waaay back. In 1883, historians gained access to the Vatican Library and ancient Judean Talmudic scrolls stashed away by Constantine in Constantinople in 337 AD. It is here for all to read. Pontius Pilate's letter to Ceasar describing the scene in Galilee when Jesus was crucified is beyond words.
You are welcome. I think you will find these accounts the most interesting revelations you've ever read from the very time of Jesus. The witness accounts including those of Joseph and Mary, Mary Magdelene, Pontius Pilate and many others from the birth, life, miracles and crucifixion of Jesus are so detailed, it places the reader right in the moment. It is absolutely stunning that this has been suppressed all these years by the Catholics and Christians regarding their Saviour! What is held in the Vatican Library needs transcription and distribution by more virtuous and scholarly humans than the demonic rats currently infesting its hallowed halls.
Doesn't Clif say that the core of the problem is The Talmud and those that follow it? Around 10-15% of the global Jewish population (approximately 1-2 million people) identify as Orthodox and follow the Talmud’s teachings.
Yes, that does seem accurate, but it doesn't really explain why—as I discussed in my comment—why he would refer them as the EWC, as opposed to just the KM as most do, which is far less ambiguous. (I'm not really expecting you to have an answer to that; it it just observation.) Thanks.
Maybe it's because Clif knows that many of the people he is trying to wake up will have heard of the Elohim and be intrigued and want to learn more? Unless somebody is already waking up, they are unlikely ever to have heard of a Khazarian. In other words, maybe the EWC is more of an attention grabber? My twopenn'orth!
Perhaps, but I don't really see Clif as being that pedagogically motivated. It seems to me more likely just an intentionally disparaging moniker: "cult" rarely being a term of endearment.
The Talmud is not the same as the Torah; it was intended as an instruction on how to apply the laws of the Torah. The Talmud is basically rabbinical discussions or commentaries regarding the application of the Law of the Torah, much of which conflicts with others opinions of their time and those of the past. The Torah has also been edited and redacted over and over from its original meaning, much like the Bible has. Supposedly, the Talmud was passed down from the time of Moses in oral tradition until the mid 500's BCE when it was edited and transcribed. The link provides a brief history, but as 'history' is full of lies it may be unreliable in factual detail.
Yes, that's why I added "Around 10-15% of the global Jewish population (approximately 1-2 million people) identify as Orthodox and follow the Talmud’s teachings. I wasn't suggesting that all Jews are filth.
What you write might be the opinion of a Jew or a Zionist, but it is unlikely that many Christians or Muslims would concur. Since everybody regardless of whom they follow is only going by what was written--re-written and redacted countless times--centuries ago it is very unlikely the actual truth will ever be known. Thanks.
After 2000 years of propaganda, who's to say? But, yes, it appears that there were many aspects of Mithraism that Christianity adopted wholesale. It has even been argued that Jesus is just a retelling of the story of Mithra...but don't ever tell any Christians that.
row row row your boat gently down the stream; merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream; .......remember to HUM HUM HUM....your HIPPO needs the hymm/hum; it has to do with the throat chakra/Vagus Nerve/ the 10th X;
1700s king was looking down on the people with pitch forks an torches ,, his adviser sed to him , tell the people with t pitch forks , that all the people with torches plan to have all there pitch York's taken away ,, problem was then salved for the king
I have been through one of these events, Clif spoke about it also and other have too. During the CV19 operation I had taken a nap and woke around 3 in the afternoon. I felt like I was floating in the outside swells in the ocean. A physical feeling. Then came the thought that I should take the Vaxx. I fought that immediately thinking "this thought isn't mine". Then the intense feeling that I should follow the group, the herd, to experience what the masses will experience. It was intense with a shadow like vision of moving over to the other side of this life with a group of people that I liked. The event either faded or I pulled myself out by the knowledge that it didn't make sense to me, that it went against my will. But it was physical and emotional. I "woke" feeling a loneliness and loss that lingered for minutes or perhaps a half hour. I was worried about my wife and daughter going through it so went and observed their state. They didn't seem effected and I didn't question them. They remained awake, as far as I can tell, the entire time unlike me falling asleep for a nap. Beware, the emotional response is intense and if it were not for the entire thing going so against my core intuition I could see getting tangled up and confused, perhaps even falling for it. I wonder if there is a statistical representation of poison delivered in the area after that attack? I'm sure there is somewhere so that the effect could have a quantifiable outcome.
There were a surprising number of people I know who had that strange urging around the CV19 time when Clif talked about it -- one said he "heard" a calm voice saying he would have peace when he got the shot -- he shook it off thinking "that's not MY thought!" Another one kept "hearing" *it's only a little poke, go ahead* (he didn't). Mine was, "It's so easy, everybody else is" -- which always made me think in reply, "everybody is jumping off a cliff, too" -- that old Mom saying about following the crowd.
We began to suspect it was coming subliminally in media, TV, you tube, music. We're rural and rarely were to town anyway, so those media were our exposure to the mainstream. 🤷♂️.
Thank you for your story. This is important stuff.
I had urge to get vaccinated when I was travelling in proximity to vaccination center around the CV19 madness time. But knowing that in the 1960s there was research into psychotronic weapons here in Central Europe, I realized what was going on.
Found locations of all antennas around the center and my conclusion was that it was done via cell phone base station and it was transmitted by my own phone. I played with it a little bit and switching phone from 4G to 2G mode helped.
It is almost like personalized messages. When I fought off the first message it changed up. Two way communication or something? I have questions for sure. Like was it a single source, HAARP or an aircraft or multi sources like cell towers. Monitored and adjusted on an individual level or just a frequency that provoked the response the person was tuned to? I'm a 5 hour drive or so south of Clif. Sci-Fi clown world with all the bad and none of the fun. But it is a great time to be alive, I always enjoy my nightmares the most of all my dreams.
Kind of reminds me of windcliff talk about psychic motivation by these space aliens using such a time as COVID to manipulate our minds in two fear and following the crowd to their own death
I know others who had similar experiences to that you’re describing and whilst I didn’t experience it myself I believe they were pulsing out that ‘suggestion’ non stop. Why are some totally immune?. Why are some getting pulsed able to resist it?
I think it comes down to the amount of self work you’ve done.
It is resistible but it takes a strong mind.
But as we know with cv so many could not resist the impulse.
I know so many who didn’t want to take the jab - and did it anyway!
And so many so mind controlled they could take the jab fast enough
Lookit that! Bingo! I have a friend that said she had a very clear experience of waking up one morning with the thought "It's okay to take the vaxxx" She said her waking thought was very clear (although she did not agree with that that thought) & that her morning was followed by her cousin telling her had decided to get to get the shot. This was months ago (I don't remember the exact date), but I definitely remember the conversation since I was very surprised that anyone would do the shot given what was already known about it at the time. Had to be the EWC messing with us, the bastards!
Oh I’m so glad use an aromatherapy ‘aura mist’ before I go to bed…’Purification and Protection’. I spray it on my crown chakra, around my head, on the back of my neck and on my chest. It’s a purifying mist to “remove negativity, relive stress, and restore balance”.
I also do a little short prayer every morning…putting a ‘white light of protection’ around me…to allow only energies that are for my highest and best good to enter this field I have surrounded myself with. 💓🙏🏻
Thanks we had a lady here years ago measuring this stuff and supposedly it is so in front of front yard but back is ok. I never heard that before - so one more "healthy" ting on the chop block?
Just finished reading it. Excellent and thought provoking. The last 2 chapters were terrifying in a sense when you realize how this beautiful earth has been poisoned.
Hi Stanley - thanks for your note. Yes I did, and know Arthur - helping him with his Substack. It's an amazing treatise on the history of our planet. When did you read it?
Please, with the generalizations! Neither I, nor any woman I have ever associated with, could care less about shoes. Yes, non-thinking women may care about shoes (and even that is a generalization), but have you ever stopped to consider you are parroting media crap you have ingested by the very people Clif is warning us about? This is a great example of allowing yourselves to be influenced in the most unthinking kind of way.
Hi Bluehead - forgive me - John G and I are only saying this in jest. My wife used to love shoes, but has since thrown them out. We value the finer things in life now, like laughter, gardening, and eating honey by the tablespoon. Along with following the good EMF of the Sun.
The rule in our house is clear: the instant Clif posts anything, drop everything and head to the Clif Command Center. After all, when an iconoclast speaks, we listen!
Dear Cliff. Dr Neil’s, The Indictrinated Mind, explains the emf tech from towers and harrp/ satellites are destroying the hypocampus and frontal lope to create a limbominized effect across the world. Our testing also indicated this. We’re using lithium organic in low doses and high amounts of tallow or truffle oils to protect from lipoproteins. We also are finding the DPE 100 is blocking effects of towers and other emf devices. I have sent you that information. We are also finding some kind of amoeba recently in air we’re using a special collagen made form chicken bone to counter this issue. just FYI. Hope this helps are at least triggers more research for you and that your so incredibly good at.
A little secret......most of those with lower lumnes think Muslims are praying five times a day ONLY. Nope, the head in placed lower and under more blood flow pressure when the head in on the ground. The brain is an antenna and it collects electrical energy, grounding the forehead displaces that dirty electricity from the brain. The lower position of the forehead allows nutrients and blood flow to areas not normally accessed by normal movement. It nourishes the part of the brain that is responsible for reason, rationality, forethought and drive. It is rare for regular practitioners to have strokes or Alzheimer's. If nothing else, ground the forehead in the same way you ground open circuits to discharge.
Oh............and most, 95% of the Muslims don't even know this. People think its just "religion," those who don't know higher, PHYSICAL, NATURAL SCIENCES, and not supernatural spookism.
Prayer with washing= wet contact points for better grounding. Fasting....too many benefits. Hajj-magnetic realignment. The compass point to the Kaaba it is "magnetic North" in some locations, like where I am. Planes don't fly over the Kaaba or near it. It's not "religion." Trust. How else to get the people to participate in "rituals" that were actually "medicine?"
Don't overlook the physical exercise part, Jean. All that up and down, kneeling, bowing and scraping, plus the walking to the mosque keeps them somewhat in shape, at least.
After listening to a few of Dr. Neil's interviews I decided to start taking low dose lithium a couple months ago. If you go to there's more details on the brain shenanigans ~ I can check out your products as well.
Yes. I have found out with most therapies they must be "cycled." Meaning take a course for awhile and then stop, move on to another therapy for awhile and "cycle" between whatever therapies one wishes. I do a course of basics, Potassium, Mag, Zinc, Calcium. Then I'll flip to amino acids, then to Methylated vitamins and fatty acids, then nothing. The cycle is constantly changing.
I was taking MB occasionally, but took a little too much once and suffered from vertigo and balance issues for a couple of days until my urine returned to a light yellow instead of green.
Thanks, I got a new bottle and had just a little left in the old one so I took it all at once. Mistake. The instructions I had seemed to indicate you could take up to a dropperful. Obviously that was a bit too much for me. Eventually I will try the one drop on occasion.
Trace amounts will allow the body to access what it needs without the side effects. 1 drop in a bottle of water lasts a few days. It's a tonic. Also, "Tonic Water" is good too. Drink it with a Zinc tablet to ward off the flu. Quinine and zinc.
Lithium can be brain toxic, please refer to TOXIC PSYCHIATRY by Peter Breggin where the toxicity of even a low dose of lithium is described in detail. Good luck with it, if it helps you. The effects are said to be just like flouride.
Yes, this is what I take a very low dose of. I didn't notice anything adverse with 5mg. As with everything ~ I'll cycle and may not return. Thank you ~
It take it now and then before bed. 5mg. It's too strong for me otherwise, but for some people it levels them out nicely without toxicity. You're welcome:)
It’s a device that is put into the ground and it works with the natural environment of our planet and send out a torsion like field that corrects the environment back to pre-industrial area… it’s fascinating…. I’m in process of testing it for my patients and I’m very impressed. There is a women in Canada that’s a distributor. Brenda Dawson. She can help you more 519-538-2887
I wonder if this can be used for nefarious purposes to induce a mass-hallucination of sorts, if the X nerve is stimulated enough as Clif's RV'ers are postulating?
Project Blue Beam. False flag psyop via hologram in the sky. Hitting the Vegas nerve and Chakra isn't so far fetched. After the exposure of Biden's mental decline, the left is in a panic and Trump has a sure win. Distract us with the Olympics but a majority of the world now knows the system is so rigged and corrupt that an uneasy feeling is heating up around the world. The kettle needs a release vent. Grab the popcorn, ground and keep physically and mentally sharp because the ride has started. Enjoy the journey and be still as those around you vent. Be still my brethren. It's going to get interesting.
Appreciate the “heads up” Clif. I feel inspired by the splendid hats in the photo and will design one for myself…gotta get it done before the 12th. Yippee!!
Hello Woo Crew! Well, it looks like we all made it through the Independence Day festivities! I just got home from camping in the deep woods! Timing is everything! Love you all! 😘
Oh, I spent my free time reading up on the book, “Project Stargate and Remote Viewing Technology”. I am pretty sure that the current AI came out of a DOD/CIA black money program, please be careful with it.
Thanks Clif really glad you are around. My 35 yr RN Xwife still pushing vaccines. At least she was when I spoke to her last. She hasn’t spoken to me for months now and also will not respond to texts. She speaks to my 3 kids. None of these folks are awake nor any of my 4 siblings. We have 8 grandchildren and a great grandchild on the way. Tough situation
Read “Dr Mary’s Monkey” for one of the most complete explanations of the involvement of powerful government agencies and Dr Alton Ochsner of New Orleans plus People involved in JFK assassination.
You just described epigenetic factors (consciousness 1st, grit 2nd), you are correct- it is FAR more important than genetic factors (grit 1st, consciousness 2nd- doesn't work). In fact, you can over ride most genetic factors epigenetically.
You are also correct about the polio vax, it killed my mother. We took part in both the salk & sabin versions of the trials (isn't that stupid!), 1960, she woke up sick day after the sugar cube poison & died 3 years later- they called it leukemia. I didn't die, I instead became free of the allopathic medicine death cult & the stupid beliefs they have forced on humanity for a long time. I long to make them pay for her death.
Good observations. Yes, they will keep trying to keep us stupid and slaughter us all until we take the pitchforks to them. Let the battle begin....
The battle started long ago. They have been warring against men, women and children on this land since Hernando De Soto came here in the mid 1500s and fed our women and children to his dogs after murdering our men. The powers have changed, but it is the same Messianic extremism remains. Grid your self and catch up. Cliff is on to something. Peace.
By 1583 they changed all the dates on the calinder to satanic ones ,Plus a 13 day shift , Satanic calender may not get into the QFS system, , if don by July 17th we could have 2 July 4ths this year
Indeed. Most people don't do simple math. 52 weeks in a year. 4 weeks in a month. There are 48 weeks in 12 months. That means there are 4 weeks, every year, extra. 13 months, but we are told 12.
Julian calendar used still in Ethiopia is 13 months. September 11 is their new year.
What is time? Why is it necessary? Time is only relevant to those whose reality is built upon such. The Bedouin, the jungle dweller, American Indians, count moons, seasons and sunrises. The "minute" changed the game. The minute accelerated the perception of time. Peace.
the satanic calinder will not go on QFS,, they sed no to evil / satinic entering the new QFS. ,
Uh, there are more than "4 weeks" in every month -- that would make each month only 28 days long. You better recalculate.
not when they go back 13 months of 4 weeks, , each new week srarts on sameday
I think his issue isn't w/QFS so much as with the the psyops that have attached themselves to it (dong/diar/Zim et al RV's, & the Nesara/Gesara crap); and the fabrications about what quantum computers/computing are actually capable of & all the bs about AI taking over. Could be wrong, just how I remember the convos.
he is smart but we don't think in lock step ,
who knows maybe new calinder will have 13 months Jesus could be the first , 4 weeks each month 52 weeks even
You refer to "they", but who exactly is Clif High is referring to by his "Elohim worship cult"? Does it refer to just the so-called Khazarians (or Khazarian mafia) or does it refer to all followers of Judaism? Does it include members of the other Abrahamic religions (i.e. Christians and Muslims) since they worship the same God(s),—the same Elohim—as described in the Torah? Or does it also include followers of any of the "revealed religions"? Supposedly, peoples from around the globe were conquered by the "Sky People", or whatever they were called locally (e.g. Anunnaki, Chitauri, Quetzalcoatl, etc.), and worshipped them accordingly, and therefore shouldn't their decedents also be considered part of the cult? If that is what is meant than over 80% of the world's population would belong to it. Conversely, and more importantly, if the cult only refers to some subset of the whole,—and it obviously appears to only refer to the so-called Khazarian mafia—what is the reason for the demarcation? Doesn’t the term "Elohim worship cult" just muddy the waters? Or does using it have some greater signification, beyond that which would be conveyed by “Khazarian mafia”? Perhaps Clif High made this clear elsewhere, but if he did I must have missed it.
Khazarians are the root of evil in the western world. They are Eastern European zionist nazis. NAZI stands for nationalist zionists. After the Russians defeated them in WW2, the British zionists found them a home by magically renaming them as JEWS and creating the state of Israel for them. They are not Hebrews and their blood lines are Satanic. Real Hebrews/Jews despise them. The current Israeli genocide govt are Zionists. The Bristish govt are Zionists. The USA government is controlled by Khazarian zionists. Zelensky and his government are ZIONIST NAZIS. THIS IS THE TRUTH. Don't know why Clif can't just say it in simple, coherent language. The western governments hate Russia because the Russians are actually the good guys, and the West is unable to subjugate them.
Maybe he he doesn't say it the way YOU want to because he isn't trying to do our thinking for us. If paying attention, you would see he is about getting people to think & do for themselves, not always depend on him, government or anything or anyone else. Self-reliance, self-sufficiency, putting some effort into YOUR life & finding YOUR answers, by sharpening critically thinking skills, keeping healthy (mind & body) et al. Gives DAILY lessons, to those who are willing to learn, and not just sit there and wait for him to tell you what to think or do.
‘They’ are whoever are ‘following’ the anti human cultists and the Wlohim worship is woven into all religions and most tribal shamanism too. I know many following are misguided and think they are going good, but it’s a very egoic doing good, and these do gooders are still the problem. The answer is so simple - mass non compliance, thinking for yourself. I think and hope it can be peaceful, as there is a fine line where we can easily become the oppressor we hate. But I believe we can do this
People still getting history mixed up.rothchilds took over British empire after Waterloo. The czar wouldn't let them into Russia,and he warned America that they were financing both sides for the war. Lincoln was assassinated by one of his agents. They,and other big nosed bastards financed the Russian revolution, if the west had supported the white Russians, there would have been no Hitler or ww2. The national socialists,who weren't " nazis",took back control of the money system,in other words they stood up and fought against these bastards,kicked the Jews out,into Israel,and the Victor's wrote the history. They hid the real holocaust,in Russia,Ukraine and Armenia by creating a false one.As for putin,if u can't see what that is about now? Both him and zelensky are surrounded by Jewish ogliaracs ffs. The much maligned ukranians tried to get rid of the corruption in thier country,the bastards win again,lovely war innit
Maybe, but The West, ie the Zionists who controlled the UK and the US, were behind both the Bolsheviks and Hitler and WWII. With regard to the "real holocaust," didn't you omit The Rhine Meadows camps from your list?
The Bolsheviks were before WW2 and the way I figured the timeline, the Zionists were promised an Israel in Palestine payable at the close of WW1, but they got STIFFED be Great Bretain. Must have really pissed them off and made them want to put a boot in Britains ass, so then came Hitler who was financed by the zionists to do just that and Churchill was totally paid off to ensure Hitler would get the chance to put boot to ass and teach them they shouldn't have welched on the zionists. Then after Britain had taken quite the pounding, the zionists gave them a second chance to make good on their deal, by getting the U.S. involved, as they totally sacrificed their Hitler tool for the goal, .... same as they sacrificed a few of their own in in Germany. For the common goal, .. of course. Enter Balfour Declaration and the stolen Palestinian land called Israel.
I probably have it all screwed up though, I'm sure someone will correct me.
The problem with your hypothesis is that Hitler and the NAZIs (and the Bolsheviks) were creations of Zionists, who controlled - and still control - Wall Street and The Corporation of The City of London. Most of the NAZI leadership were gay Jewish actors - a bit like (Moslem) Obama today.
If you're not already familiar with it, have a look at British Israelism, which became a major force in politics in the decades leading up to WWI. Their objective is to build The Third Temple in Zion/Jerusalem in preparation for the second coming.
I think where the betrayal happened was when Hitler sent his lover, Rudolf Hess, to make peace with the British in May, 1941. Unfortunately, the plan went wrong and Hess was captured by the Zionists (Churchill). Immediately after that, the US started preparing to enter WWII, which it did seven months later.
Maybe because the ... call-them-whatever-you-wish ... have an absolute STRANGLEHOLD on all our modern-day communication systems (and have spent decades brainwashing as many of our folks as they can...). Folks like Clif, the folks presenting various parts of truth on the "socials" and the video channels (YouTube? I'm pointing at you!) are having to prevaricate and use euphemisms and code words, and not include all the parts of what they know in order to tell us ANYTHING and not get canceled and shut down/shut up.
Seems pretty likely Clif is ... planting seeds ... for people to grow for their own sustenance, no? I'm ANGRY at the switches by so many of our truth tellers who are constantly .... moving on ... to use other different group-terms that most people cannot connect to anything/anyone they know (of)... But then, *I* am not standing out-front on the battlefield (yet?) yelling my parts of the truths to everyone nearby! I, too, am, guarding my tongue and planting seeds locally!
Watching Dr Lee Merritt (check her great old interviews with Clif) "migrate" from term to term... ending at the moment with Babylonian mafia (when last I listened) was infuriating -- but I acknowledge the necessity for her to *be allowed* to keep spreading such info as she has!
Clif, at least, is explaining and alluding to just WHAT groups we are to be on guard against. I'm angry at (but unhappily understanding of) the folks who are backing away in fright from "it's the jews" -- because "oh, no, the Khazarian...etc. etc. are NOT jews, they're just using the jews..." It's the JEWS who support, pay for, protect, and do as they're told BY the whatever-the-name-this-week "generals," who have taken over my government and are directing the destruction of my people, my nation, and my future. World-jewry are WILLINGLY enlisted in the malign army and "just following orders": if that was not sufficient excuse in WWII for my people, it sure-as-shit is NOT sufficient now!! (And the few conscientious objectors don 't COUNT in a war!)
When the hot war finally breaks out -- will you allow all the **jews** actively destroying our people, our nation, to just carry on because "they're not in charge"?! What army of soldiers is ever "in charge"? (How many of our people have been maimed and murdered in not-for-us shooting wars (and the poison-vaxxx chemical warfare)?! If we are to survive and recover -- then the FIGHTERS on the other side must be destroyed. THAT is the very definition of war, is it not?
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP a.k.a. “Nazi” as a GERMAN colloquial shorthand for National Socialism. Most of the other stuff you mentioned is mostly correct though.
Yeah, I would agree: using a less ambiguous term is almost always preferable. Thanks.
It is preferable when appropriate, but it is not appropriate in this case. Why? Because the enemies of humanity are constantly and intentionally changing their spots. The term 'Elohim Worship cult" harkens back to the origin of these anti-humans, and has an educational component. I like the term "Luciferian globalist" because it describes what they do now, and as no dependency on any religion or ethnicity for them to hide in, but it still does not completely identify them.
What unambiguous term would you suggest for a group of people that prides themselves in duplicity and ambiguity?
You've taken the comments out of context. The argument was which of the two terms that Clif High was using ("Elohim worship cult" or the "Khazarian mafia") was preferable. Between those two, and for the reasons discussed above, KM is preferable.
Great nutshell history supported by the DEEP history writers and ignored by the "court historians" The truth is "seeping out hopefully before a total blackout of "unapproved information"by the ZOG.
Why doesn't Putin ever say anything about this?
Russia helped the Young US in the War of independence and the Civil War . The Crown Corp of the city of London (The Pilgrim Society) also main financial of TS platform. Never forgave the Czar for meddling. The war in Ukraine is the Oligarchs of London against the Oligarchs of Russia
It will happen someday, once the Khazarian Zionist Nazis have been expunged from humanity.
The best place to find his work (2 decades worth) is Compilation site that has virtually everything you'd want, think they even got his old ALTA reports on it now; guest appearances, his own videos from various channels, references, resources. Searchable by archive date, key word, or hashtags on bottom of page. Can also be searched by a particular channel or program (Forum Borealis, Greg Hunter, probably a couple dozen more, of various genres, who've had him as a guest. Videos have time stamps, if looking for specific topics.
Also, as he has numerous imposters on virtually every platform (even those he is not on), it is also the best place to get the LEGIT links to his work. Those who are only familiar with his work from scanning the tweets or reading/listening to the substacks are missing out on an immense amount of information.
As to the EWC, he began to use that term, and flesh out it's "meaning" right around the time of the 10/7 Hamas FF by IzHell. KM name-stealers go by many names- MANY- & EWC is one he has given them, based on his knowledge. Most refer to them as jews- but even that isn't accurate, more convenient than anything. Jews is one of the millions of lies told by the KM- there is not such thing; thus, they project that the Palestinians don't exist, nor their country, when in fact it's them who have no country; pretend that jews are Semites, when the word has only existed less than 200 years.
Blah blah I'm rambling. I encourage you to make use of the compilations site, see & hear it all, in his words, rather than other people's paraphrasing or interpretation (I've noticed a lot of people don't really pay attention that well & constantly misquote & misinterpret). Don't know who manages the site but they do an excellent job, & keep it very up-to-date.
Tia, That's superb! That you -- and I'm sending it around.
How much of the enforced requirement to KEEP changing 'what we call them' is a malign psy-op to MAKE people confused and unable to figure out who-what?
I have been keeping a database of all Clif's output for the last few years, since his comeback. I started late to add notes/keywords column but I do have some of his "El" talks/writings links. If you want me to post those links...
Sure, that would probably be useful for many.
i second that;
Thanks, I'll look into that.
Benjamin Freedman's 1961 speech introducing me to Khasars. He worked in Wilson's State Dept during and after WW1. Powerful Jewish perspective.
I read about Freedman decades ago. God bless the man for trying. Many others have been jailed for exposing the fraud. There are plenty of Jews who were dead against the creation of IzRaHell and the abomination called Zionism that goes against the Torah. The Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar's exile of the Jews brought with it the corrupted teachings to Judea in the Talmud. Zionism, Khazarian Nazism, Satanism, and many other "isms' derive from this demented Babylonian seed.
It was the Sanhedrin Talmudic Council of high priests that demanded the death of Jesus. Their history goes waaay back. In 1883, historians gained access to the Vatican Library and ancient Judean Talmudic scrolls stashed away by Constantine in Constantinople in 337 AD. It is here for all to read. Pontius Pilate's letter to Ceasar describing the scene in Galilee when Jesus was crucified is beyond words.
Thanx for this site. It will take time to digest.
You are welcome. I think you will find these accounts the most interesting revelations you've ever read from the very time of Jesus. The witness accounts including those of Joseph and Mary, Mary Magdelene, Pontius Pilate and many others from the birth, life, miracles and crucifixion of Jesus are so detailed, it places the reader right in the moment. It is absolutely stunning that this has been suppressed all these years by the Catholics and Christians regarding their Saviour! What is held in the Vatican Library needs transcription and distribution by more virtuous and scholarly humans than the demonic rats currently infesting its hallowed halls.
Thanks, I am looking forward to listening to that.
I heard it 20 years ago and listen to it still. Profound. Illuminates much of what led to WW2...
It reminds me of Myron Fagan's recording:
hard reading but absolutely worth it
John Lamb Lash explains who 'they' are beautifully in his Book ' Not in His Image" published by Chelsea Press 2021 ( second edition best)
Thanks, I'll look into that.
Doesn't Clif say that the core of the problem is The Talmud and those that follow it? Around 10-15% of the global Jewish population (approximately 1-2 million people) identify as Orthodox and follow the Talmud’s teachings.
Yes, that does seem accurate, but it doesn't really explain why—as I discussed in my comment—why he would refer them as the EWC, as opposed to just the KM as most do, which is far less ambiguous. (I'm not really expecting you to have an answer to that; it it just observation.) Thanks.
Maybe it's because Clif knows that many of the people he is trying to wake up will have heard of the Elohim and be intrigued and want to learn more? Unless somebody is already waking up, they are unlikely ever to have heard of a Khazarian. In other words, maybe the EWC is more of an attention grabber? My twopenn'orth!
Perhaps, but I don't really see Clif as being that pedagogically motivated. It seems to me more likely just an intentionally disparaging moniker: "cult" rarely being a term of endearment.
Oh, I think Clif is a great teacher in the martial arts sensei tradition. I have learned a lot from him over the years.
As for his use of "cult," isn't he just calling a spade a spade? :)
The Talmud is not the same as the Torah; it was intended as an instruction on how to apply the laws of the Torah. The Talmud is basically rabbinical discussions or commentaries regarding the application of the Law of the Torah, much of which conflicts with others opinions of their time and those of the past. The Torah has also been edited and redacted over and over from its original meaning, much like the Bible has. Supposedly, the Talmud was passed down from the time of Moses in oral tradition until the mid 500's BCE when it was edited and transcribed. The link provides a brief history, but as 'history' is full of lies it may be unreliable in factual detail.
Yes, that's why I added "Around 10-15% of the global Jewish population (approximately 1-2 million people) identify as Orthodox and follow the Talmud’s teachings. I wasn't suggesting that all Jews are filth.
I concur, and that was the reason I posted a little background to corroborate on what you had posted. Sorry, for the confusion.
Cool - and thank you for taking the trouble to do that.
Nice, that you gave yourself that out.
Only the facts, ma'am, only the facts :)
Listened to the interview with classicist Ammon Hillman - a lot to unpack.
προοπτική τρίτο μάτι;
Translation please.
What you write might be the opinion of a Jew or a Zionist, but it is unlikely that many Christians or Muslims would concur. Since everybody regardless of whom they follow is only going by what was written--re-written and redacted countless times--centuries ago it is very unlikely the actual truth will ever be known. Thanks.
But isn't Roman Catholicism a blend of Chrisitianity and Mithraism?
After 2000 years of propaganda, who's to say? But, yes, it appears that there were many aspects of Mithraism that Christianity adopted wholesale. It has even been argued that Jesus is just a retelling of the story of Mithra...but don't ever tell any Christians that.
Isn't the best propaganda both deep and complex?
No, it's not. Someone can agree with something somebody else says even if that person's actual meaning is unknown or misunderstood.
Stanley, you'll probably be interested in the analysis by Luke Harding:
row row row your boat gently down the stream; merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream; .......remember to HUM HUM HUM....your HIPPO needs the hymm/hum; it has to do with the throat chakra/Vagus Nerve/ the 10th X;
Let's just get it over with & pitchfork them. My patience is, "over it"
1700s king was looking down on the people with pitch forks an torches ,, his adviser sed to him , tell the people with t pitch forks , that all the people with torches plan to have all there pitch York's taken away ,, problem was then salved for the king
We win when we REFUSE TO COMPLY with their dictates. This requires courage. See the movie " V for Vendetta". It is coming soon...
remember remember....
Kinda sounds like a KM revision of, or fable presented as history. As most of our history is their "version", not the actual events as they occurred.
tmaybe how the deep staters thinks , have them fight each other the king one
i am relistening to this and believe this ties in with what Uncle Clif wrote about; Uncle Clif High's Do You Mind? VAGUS NERVE AND NERVE 10
we cant fight them that way enymore 1700s yes , we should be like fish in a barrel .
I have been through one of these events, Clif spoke about it also and other have too. During the CV19 operation I had taken a nap and woke around 3 in the afternoon. I felt like I was floating in the outside swells in the ocean. A physical feeling. Then came the thought that I should take the Vaxx. I fought that immediately thinking "this thought isn't mine". Then the intense feeling that I should follow the group, the herd, to experience what the masses will experience. It was intense with a shadow like vision of moving over to the other side of this life with a group of people that I liked. The event either faded or I pulled myself out by the knowledge that it didn't make sense to me, that it went against my will. But it was physical and emotional. I "woke" feeling a loneliness and loss that lingered for minutes or perhaps a half hour. I was worried about my wife and daughter going through it so went and observed their state. They didn't seem effected and I didn't question them. They remained awake, as far as I can tell, the entire time unlike me falling asleep for a nap. Beware, the emotional response is intense and if it were not for the entire thing going so against my core intuition I could see getting tangled up and confused, perhaps even falling for it. I wonder if there is a statistical representation of poison delivered in the area after that attack? I'm sure there is somewhere so that the effect could have a quantifiable outcome.
There were a surprising number of people I know who had that strange urging around the CV19 time when Clif talked about it -- one said he "heard" a calm voice saying he would have peace when he got the shot -- he shook it off thinking "that's not MY thought!" Another one kept "hearing" *it's only a little poke, go ahead* (he didn't). Mine was, "It's so easy, everybody else is" -- which always made me think in reply, "everybody is jumping off a cliff, too" -- that old Mom saying about following the crowd.
We began to suspect it was coming subliminally in media, TV, you tube, music. We're rural and rarely were to town anyway, so those media were our exposure to the mainstream. 🤷♂️.
Thank you for your story. This is important stuff.
I had urge to get vaccinated when I was travelling in proximity to vaccination center around the CV19 madness time. But knowing that in the 1960s there was research into psychotronic weapons here in Central Europe, I realized what was going on.
Found locations of all antennas around the center and my conclusion was that it was done via cell phone base station and it was transmitted by my own phone. I played with it a little bit and switching phone from 4G to 2G mode helped.
It is almost like personalized messages. When I fought off the first message it changed up. Two way communication or something? I have questions for sure. Like was it a single source, HAARP or an aircraft or multi sources like cell towers. Monitored and adjusted on an individual level or just a frequency that provoked the response the person was tuned to? I'm a 5 hour drive or so south of Clif. Sci-Fi clown world with all the bad and none of the fun. But it is a great time to be alive, I always enjoy my nightmares the most of all my dreams.
Kind of reminds me of windcliff talk about psychic motivation by these space aliens using such a time as COVID to manipulate our minds in two fear and following the crowd to their own death
I know others who had similar experiences to that you’re describing and whilst I didn’t experience it myself I believe they were pulsing out that ‘suggestion’ non stop. Why are some totally immune?. Why are some getting pulsed able to resist it?
I think it comes down to the amount of self work you’ve done.
It is resistible but it takes a strong mind.
But as we know with cv so many could not resist the impulse.
I know so many who didn’t want to take the jab - and did it anyway!
And so many so mind controlled they could take the jab fast enough
Lookit that! Bingo! I have a friend that said she had a very clear experience of waking up one morning with the thought "It's okay to take the vaxxx" She said her waking thought was very clear (although she did not agree with that that thought) & that her morning was followed by her cousin telling her had decided to get to get the shot. This was months ago (I don't remember the exact date), but I definitely remember the conversation since I was very surprised that anyone would do the shot given what was already known about it at the time. Had to be the EWC messing with us, the bastards!
Very very interesting.
So many I talked to were convinced not to take it, then just took it. I always wondered why their mind changed.
I keep my mobile in airport mode most of the time, and when in my pocket and i need to be reachable, I have the data off. I wonder if that helps.
I also avoided going anywhere near a jab centre too, for life and death things I always prefer more than one barrier :)
Oh I’m so glad use an aromatherapy ‘aura mist’ before I go to bed…’Purification and Protection’. I spray it on my crown chakra, around my head, on the back of my neck and on my chest. It’s a purifying mist to “remove negativity, relive stress, and restore balance”.
I also do a little short prayer every morning…putting a ‘white light of protection’ around me…to allow only energies that are for my highest and best good to enter this field I have surrounded myself with. 💓🙏🏻
Wow. Thanks. I love how yo tie things together.
Ideas on how to refrain from falling for this?? (in the Now, breath work, earplugs? stay/go inside?).
Thanks dear clif! ❤️
Get out for the Sunrise - and set an intention - our natural EMF of the Earth is quieter then, and the perfect time to get clarity.
right-o. and then there's grounding - should have been on my list. Barefoot/leather mocs on the ground.
Hi BE, thanks for bringing up grounding. Are you in North America?
I ask b/c North America never wired the grid correctly, using the Earth as a ground.
The Earth is not a sponge, but a conductor.
Since there's no return cable back to the power company's substation, many of our homes, parks etc are littered with ground (contact) current.
Thanks we had a lady here years ago measuring this stuff and supposedly it is so in front of front yard but back is ok. I never heard that before - so one more "healthy" ting on the chop block?
Most important thing is to grab some Stetzer filters. Have you heard of those?
Paul Harding is an expert in the field of ground current, having learned from Milham and Stetzer. We interview Paul here:
Just finished reading it. Excellent and thought provoking. The last 2 chapters were terrifying in a sense when you realize how this beautiful earth has been poisoned.
No but I will! (x2)
Hi Stanley - thanks for your note. Yes I did, and know Arthur - helping him with his Substack. It's an amazing treatise on the history of our planet. When did you read it?
Wish I knew who sells quality leather soled mocs.
People laugh at us with their rubberized soles. Soulless ignorants
Half my life it seems, has been spent with women who insist I wear shoes. "But I don't want to!"
Most women love shoes - most men love women. Dilemma.
Please, with the generalizations! Neither I, nor any woman I have ever associated with, could care less about shoes. Yes, non-thinking women may care about shoes (and even that is a generalization), but have you ever stopped to consider you are parroting media crap you have ingested by the very people Clif is warning us about? This is a great example of allowing yourselves to be influenced in the most unthinking kind of way.
Hi Bluehead - forgive me - John G and I are only saying this in jest. My wife used to love shoes, but has since thrown them out. We value the finer things in life now, like laughter, gardening, and eating honey by the tablespoon. Along with following the good EMF of the Sun.
been on to this for awhile now. Thanks for your contributions
Thanks Buckminister! Isn't it an amazing time of day? So quiet...literally and figuratively golden.
agreed - well said!
The rule in our house is clear: the instant Clif posts anything, drop everything and head to the Clif Command Center. After all, when an iconoclast speaks, we listen!
Dear Cliff. Dr Neil’s, The Indictrinated Mind, explains the emf tech from towers and harrp/ satellites are destroying the hypocampus and frontal lope to create a limbominized effect across the world. Our testing also indicated this. We’re using lithium organic in low doses and high amounts of tallow or truffle oils to protect from lipoproteins. We also are finding the DPE 100 is blocking effects of towers and other emf devices. I have sent you that information. We are also finding some kind of amoeba recently in air we’re using a special collagen made form chicken bone to counter this issue. just FYI. Hope this helps are at least triggers more research for you and that your so incredibly good at.
Best regards and thank you for all you do
A little secret......most of those with lower lumnes think Muslims are praying five times a day ONLY. Nope, the head in placed lower and under more blood flow pressure when the head in on the ground. The brain is an antenna and it collects electrical energy, grounding the forehead displaces that dirty electricity from the brain. The lower position of the forehead allows nutrients and blood flow to areas not normally accessed by normal movement. It nourishes the part of the brain that is responsible for reason, rationality, forethought and drive. It is rare for regular practitioners to have strokes or Alzheimer's. If nothing else, ground the forehead in the same way you ground open circuits to discharge.
Oh............and most, 95% of the Muslims don't even know this. People think its just "religion," those who don't know higher, PHYSICAL, NATURAL SCIENCES, and not supernatural spookism.
Prayer with washing= wet contact points for better grounding. Fasting....too many benefits. Hajj-magnetic realignment. The compass point to the Kaaba it is "magnetic North" in some locations, like where I am. Planes don't fly over the Kaaba or near it. It's not "religion." Trust. How else to get the people to participate in "rituals" that were actually "medicine?"
Don't overlook the physical exercise part, Jean. All that up and down, kneeling, bowing and scraping, plus the walking to the mosque keeps them somewhat in shape, at least.
After listening to a few of Dr. Neil's interviews I decided to start taking low dose lithium a couple months ago. If you go to there's more details on the brain shenanigans ~ I can check out your products as well.
Methylene Blue....look it up. Took a sip yesterday. Yummy.
Yes, I was on MB late last year for a couple months. I then got the body message ~ that's enough.
Yes. I have found out with most therapies they must be "cycled." Meaning take a course for awhile and then stop, move on to another therapy for awhile and "cycle" between whatever therapies one wishes. I do a course of basics, Potassium, Mag, Zinc, Calcium. Then I'll flip to amino acids, then to Methylated vitamins and fatty acids, then nothing. The cycle is constantly changing.
Makes sense.
I was taking MB occasionally, but took a little too much once and suffered from vertigo and balance issues for a couple of days until my urine returned to a light yellow instead of green.
One drop in a water bottle is plenty. Sip it throughout a day or two. Trace, not overload.
Thanks, I got a new bottle and had just a little left in the old one so I took it all at once. Mistake. The instructions I had seemed to indicate you could take up to a dropperful. Obviously that was a bit too much for me. Eventually I will try the one drop on occasion.
Trace amounts will allow the body to access what it needs without the side effects. 1 drop in a bottle of water lasts a few days. It's a tonic. Also, "Tonic Water" is good too. Drink it with a Zinc tablet to ward off the flu. Quinine and zinc.
I got a Baily Hat. A bunch actually. Fedoras, Trilby's, Tino's, etc. Nice name.
What do you know about mb / I take it for urinary tract infection/ catheter.
Lithium can be brain toxic, please refer to TOXIC PSYCHIATRY by Peter Breggin where the toxicity of even a low dose of lithium is described in detail. Good luck with it, if it helps you. The effects are said to be just like flouride.
Organic lithium rotate naturally occurs n drinking water and foods. It’s not the pharmaceutical brand
glad you is solid. people tend to loosely grab without diggin deep cautionary tale.....
Form is everything
Form is everything
Lithium a different type of Lithium. In low doses it has benefits.
Thank you
Yes, this is what I take a very low dose of. I didn't notice anything adverse with 5mg. As with everything ~ I'll cycle and may not return. Thank you ~
Thank you so very much.
It take it now and then before bed. 5mg. It's too strong for me otherwise, but for some people it levels them out nicely without toxicity. You're welcome:)
What is Dpe 100…
It’s a device that is put into the ground and it works with the natural environment of our planet and send out a torsion like field that corrects the environment back to pre-industrial area… it’s fascinating…. I’m in process of testing it for my patients and I’m very impressed. There is a women in Canada that’s a distributor. Brenda Dawson. She can help you more 519-538-2887
I wonder if this can be used for nefarious purposes to induce a mass-hallucination of sorts, if the X nerve is stimulated enough as Clif's RV'ers are postulating?
Thank you kindly. I’m very aware but this article is great. Again thank you
Tinfoil and popcorn at the ready Clif 👍
Nothing like an NDE to clear the head. What a shit-show we’re currently living in down here.
A galvanized bucket with a view port might be even better.
Love it
They do tend to sharpen the senses.
First armors were basically bronze buckets with a view port.
❣️❣️ChagaGangster at his finest ❣️❣️
Project Blue Beam. False flag psyop via hologram in the sky. Hitting the Vegas nerve and Chakra isn't so far fetched. After the exposure of Biden's mental decline, the left is in a panic and Trump has a sure win. Distract us with the Olympics but a majority of the world now knows the system is so rigged and corrupt that an uneasy feeling is heating up around the world. The kettle needs a release vent. Grab the popcorn, ground and keep physically and mentally sharp because the ride has started. Enjoy the journey and be still as those around you vent. Be still my brethren. It's going to get interesting.
Isn't the Pentagon papers on UAP/UFO from the committee investigation due to be released at end of july/August?🤔🤔😉
That's above my paygrade
Appreciate the “heads up” Clif. I feel inspired by the splendid hats in the photo and will design one for myself…gotta get it done before the 12th. Yippee!!
we WOO folk need to find a "commonality" of consciousness that negates the influence of the WEF and above.
E Pluribus Unum
Hello Woo Crew! Well, it looks like we all made it through the Independence Day festivities! I just got home from camping in the deep woods! Timing is everything! Love you all! 😘
I finished Mauro Biglino's "Gods of the Bible". Fascinating.
We love you , too!
Gods of the bible - an Excellent read... much appreciation to Clif and JC for bringing to light the existence of the elohim!
Oh, I spent my free time reading up on the book, “Project Stargate and Remote Viewing Technology”. I am pretty sure that the current AI came out of a DOD/CIA black money program, please be careful with it. I think I might have just stumbled upon it.
Thanks Clif really glad you are around. My 35 yr RN Xwife still pushing vaccines. At least she was when I spoke to her last. She hasn’t spoken to me for months now and also will not respond to texts. She speaks to my 3 kids. None of these folks are awake nor any of my 4 siblings. We have 8 grandchildren and a great grandchild on the way. Tough situation
Read “Dr Mary’s Monkey” for one of the most complete explanations of the involvement of powerful government agencies and Dr Alton Ochsner of New Orleans plus People involved in JFK assassination.
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. Behold A Pale Horse by Bill Cooper.
This is awesome, doesn't have the stink of AI.
You just described epigenetic factors (consciousness 1st, grit 2nd), you are correct- it is FAR more important than genetic factors (grit 1st, consciousness 2nd- doesn't work). In fact, you can over ride most genetic factors epigenetically.
You are also correct about the polio vax, it killed my mother. We took part in both the salk & sabin versions of the trials (isn't that stupid!), 1960, she woke up sick day after the sugar cube poison & died 3 years later- they called it leukemia. I didn't die, I instead became free of the allopathic medicine death cult & the stupid beliefs they have forced on humanity for a long time. I long to make them pay for her death.