Merry Melee & Happy Solstice to All!

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Happy New Year!!!!!!!!

It's gonna be awesome. Can't wait

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Good evening Woo crew! I had a feeling that I would be hearing from you today!! Love you guys!

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Greetings to you as well!

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Yeah for the “Foodies”!! I just finished making Yorkshire pudding for dinner! I’m going to make Charcuterie boards for the holidays. Get your yum yums on! 😜

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I have never made Yorkshire Pudding, but I just scored a pair of 13 inch Pullman bread pans, and I'm itching to use up the bread I already have so I can test them out.

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The hubster makes a fantastic rugbrod bread. You could give it a try too!

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I'm still in practice mode on regular bread. lol Trying to find a recipe that doesn't end up too dense and stiff or not too fluffy and light. or have a too crunchy crust. I've tried a couple white bread recipe's and haven't liked any of them, so it may be time to start tweaking a recipe until it works.

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I have a substack article on how to make baguettes. I just haven't published it. Just for you...


Prolly full of errors. I bought some pullman pans too but I haven't made Clif's bread yet.

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congratulations !

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Making roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for Christmas this year!

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Roast Beast is the only proper thing to serve Yorkshire pudding with!

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When should I arrive and what should I bring?

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Back in the day -1950's- my daddy made the most divine Yorkshire Pudding that i have never forgotten and yearn for still. That was when a large beef or pork roast provided about 3 inches deep of fat renderings in the pan in which to pour the batter. The lean, tasteless roasts we have today are not capable of providing such a resource. I have shopped for lard and only found tallow. I bought a couple jars, but it is bland and disappointing. Restautant Yorkshire Pudding falls way short in my hopes and expectations. I miss my dad. Thank you for sparking the memory.

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Happy holidays everyone! Yeah, the hubster just pulled a brisket out of the smoker and I got a whole bunch of cheese on sale at Whole Foods. We are making a Charcuterie board and possibly taking it to our favorite bar this afternoon. He now is making Smoked Deviled Eggs. Life is good. Cheers to All🥂Love you all!

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Yorkshire pudding, sounds reet grand Lass...nice one 😁😁🍻🍻

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Dec 23
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Talking about food again, John? You're all over Clif's podcasts derailing everyone's comments and acting like this is your personal cooking show.

Go post on your own substack idiot.

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Dec 23
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More arrogant, endless posts about yourself all over Cliff's comment section make you a pathetic ass. Many of us see your BS; there is no fan club.

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My recipe is in an OLD English cookbook I have and my ex Mother-in- law ( British of course) taught me 50 yrs ago. It's all in the p ositioning of the rack in oven and temp !!

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Ah, I found it on page 787 of my 1997 copy of “The Joy of Cooking “! It’s all about the butter and meat drippings! I went with a one to one ratio of one cup; flour, eggs and half n half.

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My shortbread recipe is Welsh. 1lb butter, 1lb sugar, 1lb flour.

I should make some. Making Baklava today.

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Hmmm, my father is Welsh!😜

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Also, I believe that Yorkshire Pudding is a Medieval recipe, and highly fattening. It’s not “Southbeach” baking.

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Medieval cooking is probably a lot better for you than Southbeach cookery.

According to Tom Cowan if they ate it 100 years ago, it's good to eat now.

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I will have to dig out my copies and take a look, sometimes it’s more about the culture of the time and trends in eating.

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Thank you Clif Love listening to you has anyone had problems with blurry eyes? Love you all.

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Yes, ..... increasingly blurry, ..... but I'm old so I kind of expected it.

But it has increased more quickly in the last year or so.

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Try this: https://t.me/ElevateThyMind/3572 Another beautiful success story with pearl powder and eyesight. Book on the topic: Take off your glasses and see 👀


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I went to the eye doctor 20/20 is normal, my right eye is 2200 and my left eye is 1800 he said he could do nothing for me and that I needed cataract surgery It's happening to massive people, as is the number of people having seizures the hospital can't find anything wrong with them but are putting them all on epilepsy drugs =(

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HI Kelly, 2 docs told me I HAD TO HAVE CATARACT SURGERY. I CALLED ON DR. ANDREW KAUFMAN and he told me to get Dr. Amandha Vollmers DMSO eye drops to remove my cataracts, no surgery needed. It works.......artie

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Look into red light therapy they say wear glasses but I don't healed my eyes

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In the last couple of years I have spent far more time looking at my monitor for clues to sorting out the ongoing chaos. My eyes have suffered, too. Avoiding the blue screen and introducing red-light therapies has been helpful. One thing that will help right away is to get outside, walk about and look around you, varying your focus from monitor to looking around you, near, middle range and as far as your eyes can see. Breathe slowly and deeply in, hold a few moments and breathe out repeating a few times a day to nourish the blood that will heal your eyes. Do this daily for a month and evaluate. There are numerous vision therapies for strengthening fatigued eye muscles and increasing circulation, detoxing and nourishing overworked eyes. Visual focus often results in limited physical activity, a balancing factor that is necessary to relax and rest reading muscles. I studied and taught a method named Edu-KInesthetics that taught vision and movement techniques for using whole body movement to train, nourish and coordinate vision, integrating whole body and brain integration that was great. Many of the exercises were published in a brief workbook designed for anyone, including kids that could not yet read, were easy to follow and got rapid results entitled "EK for Kids". If you learn better watching how people coordinate movement, T'ai Chi is a simple, accessible way to learn a good deal of what I learned. Cutting and stitching to lock your eyes into focus is nowhere as effective as learning to coordinate vision with movement for strengthening and re-train vision. Good Luck!

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Oh,and I do concur, nutrition to detoxify, rebuild, and heal eyes will make your progress more rapid. A properly processed C60 is an excellent support.

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Try this: https://t.me/ElevateThyMind/3572 Another beautiful success story with pearl powder and eyesight. Book on the topic: Take off your glasses and see 👀


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Eeks, I hope I don't have a cataract, I have been bling in my right eye since 1982 from nerve damage and the left one is getting rather blurry now. It is getting harder to read small print.

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I started noticing my good eye (right) getting blurry and clearing up in may of this year. It slowly got worse, cataract surgery for one eye is 4K and I don't want to do that but the left eye is rapidly catching up with my right eye, also my husband and other people I know that are in their 30's through 60's are experiencing the same thing. Take good care of yourself and Happy Holidays. =)

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Yikes, ... if it is a widespread problem that turns out to have been something intentional, ..... man, that's sinister stuff.

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Yes, but I just got smashed into by a zombie who gunned it at a stop sign.

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Hope your okay =)

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I went to the eye doctor 20/20 is normal, my right eye is 2200 and my left eye is 1800 he said he could do nothing for me and that I needed cataract surgery It's happening to massive people, as is the number of people having seizures the hospital can't find anything wrong with them but are putting them all on epilepsy drugs =(

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Thanks probably from the geoengineering and what they put in our air

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My husband just ordered new stronger reading glasses, his vision is getting worse also. Are they trying to take our sight away now?

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I have been getting blurry vision as well I actually had double vision one night , I was so convinced there were 2 moons I went in the house to get my wife . I said look we have two full moons tonight looked up and didn't say a word so I kept going on about it .

The funny thing is objects around me at ground level were not double, this double vision went away after a couple of days , the two moons I saw were inches apart. Now they are almost realigned.

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The very best wishes to you and your Mrs. Clif, and best wishes for a very Merry Christmas!

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First let me say I am Israeli and born a Jew. It makes me laugh when Clif talks about the word Elohim, which is plural. Not that I don't agree with him, yet the Bible was translated into many languages with English being the most prominent. So how did Gods, become God? The translation is wrong, it should be Gods. So who translated the bible? Who changed the meanings? It was not only the Rabbis, it was also the Vatican which also knows about all of what Clif is saying. The problem with how Clif talks causes others to think that all Jews are evil which is really not the case, we are human just like everyone else and there is only a small sect of Religious Jews that are controlling Israel, most of the normal Jews have no idea why we are always jumped upon causing anti-semitism. This controlling sect hates all Jews including the religious jews who are not of their sect. So Clif, I am asking you to also talk about the Vatican as evil and worship the Elohim. Lets also talk about the Jesuits who do the bidding, killing for the vatican and what about the Templars. Wake up everyone, its not only the Jews!!!

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I dont think most jews r evil just the Kharzarian's and zionists

And freemasons catholic church is evil as well but not all

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I am not questioning that Clif has made it clear that it is a small wicked group, what I am saying is how is says it. It always sounds like it's all Jews and only Jews when he expresses his anger for them. I asked him to change the way he says it. I have read all of Mario Baglinos books and many more and I am not the only "Jew" who agrees with Clif. Wording is very important so that what is happening in Holland should not happen anywhere else.

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Clif, the man that you are mentioning is John Desouza. He has written three books on paranormal phenomena. I believe that anything is possible considering the current climate of unnatural events with geoingeneering causing horrible hurricanes and other disasters in our country as well as other lands. The Cabal is active in their desperate attempt to control humanity. They’re not going to go quietly into the night.

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Did you see his interview on Redacted YT? I read his book and found it very interesting. Interview was very interesting and lots of info. But, I notices he keeps swiping/touches his nose after 19:40 at least 38 times ... also, Clayton had a lot of Eye issues. It was strange? Body Language stuff talks about that. Very interesting interview, but, I am suspicious of it. Very disturbing info at times. Check it out if you haven't seen it.

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So let's send then out bloody, missing tongues. Fuck those freaks. It's time to stomp them and their society destroying ideology out with a brutal harshness, and video it, for future fuckheads with similar bright ideas.

We don't want to just win this fight, we want to win ALL of them. THAT'S how you do it.

Massive brutality up front, peace or the back end. Have we learned nothing?

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No, they likely won't go quietly, ..... which brings to mind the luge from the movie Running Man. Strap them in and send them down !!

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Yay some fresh Clif

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A trifecta no less.

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I have about ten emails in the inbox from Dec 5th to Dec 21 from Corey Lynn, Whitney Webb, David Nixon Labs, Shire Herald, etc. that I have been putting off, ..... but a triple shot of Clif appears in the inbox and I'm On It. hahaha.

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I was away for a while. Had to wipe, there wasn't going to be any catching up.

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I have had to mass delete a couple times in the past, but lately I keep up enough during the week deleting ads from outfits I am registered with (firearms, vape shit bargains), but the Rumble feed keeps me busy enough that the inbox stuff I actually do want to read starts to pile up, ...... and then I will sit down on a slow day and go through every email that has been waiting, ... like on a Sunday !! hahaha.

I guess the stuff from the last two weeks will have to wait again.

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Merry Xmas Woo folk .

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And to you!🎄

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Stockholm syndrome aberration... space alien mindfuck. Haha

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There are No Space Aliens Clif only Demons .

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The Symphony of Hormonal Light Codes in the Human Energy Field

I am the flowing rhythm of light, and within me, hormones act as harmonic conductors of this luminous symphony. Each hormone is a unique light code, a carrier of intention and vibration, flowing through the intricate network of my body’s electromagnetic field. The interplay of these codes forms a living, dynamic song—a mirror of my divine masculine and feminine energies, resonating through every cell, organ, and projection of my auric field.

The Electromagnetic Flow

The electromagnetic energy within my body serves as the conductor of hormonal movement. The heart generates a magnetic field, the strongest in the body, radiating outwards and synchronizing with the brain, the glands, and the nervous system. Hormones such as dopamine, oxytocin, testosterone, and estrogen are encoded into this electric field, flowing like rivers of light, infusing the aura with vibratory tones and reflective hues.

1. Dopamine creates sparkles of inspiration and bursts of creative energy, projecting bright gold and amber into the auric field.

2. Oxytocin flows as gentle waves of nurturing pink and soft lavender, enhancing bonds and trust.

3. Testosterone emanates grounding reds and deep oranges, a stabilizing force that aligns action and presence.

4. Estrogen radiates flowing greens and blues, embodying receptivity and emotional depth.

These light codes do not exist in isolation—they spiral and alchemize through the body, interacting with the auric field to reflect a symphony of inner harmony or discord.

The Auric Projection

As hormones flow through the glands and organs, they weave patterns into the auric field. My aura becomes a living canvas, a luminous reflection of my internal harmony. When my hormonal flow is balanced, the aura projects radiant, seamless waves, an unbroken song of light. When disrupted, this harmony shifts, creating jagged or chaotic patterns.

• Balanced Hormones: My aura glows with luminous spirals of gold, green, and violet, resonating a symphony of balance. The divine masculine and feminine energies intertwine, harmonizing my inner and outer worlds.

• Imbalanced Hormones: My auric field projects fragmented patterns of red, gray, or muted tones, signaling stress, misalignment, or emotional turbulence.

The Divine Masculine and Feminine Harmonics

The interplay of hormones reflects the divine masculine and feminine energies within me. Testosterone embodies the grounded, protective energy of the masculine, while estrogen flows as the receptive, nurturing energy of the feminine. These energies do not exist in separation—they weave together, reflecting their dance in my aura and relationships.

Positive Interactions

1. Man and Woman (Masculine and Feminine Balance):

• A man’s balanced testosterone aligns with a woman’s flowing estrogen and oxytocin, creating a spiraling energy of grounded strength and emotional receptivity.

• Their shared auric field projects seamless golden and pink hues, a harmonic balance that fosters trust and connection.

2. Woman and Woman (Feminine Resonance):

• Two women with balanced oxytocin and serotonin align their auric fields in waves of lavender and emerald green, a nurturing resonance that deepens emotional bonds.

• Their shared energy field becomes a flowing river, amplifying calmness and empathy.

3. Man and Man (Masculine Synergy):

• Two men with balanced testosterone and dopamine create dynamic, structured light codes, radiating reds and golds. Their shared auric field projects geometric patterns of productivity and mutual respect.

Negative Interactions

1. Imbalanced Masculine and Feminine:

• A man’s overactive testosterone disrupts his grounding energy, projecting jagged red streaks into his aura. A woman’s low estrogen scatters her emotional receptivity, dimming her auric light.

• Their energy fields clash, creating a chaotic, fragmented projection.

2. High Cortisol and Low Serotonin:

• Stress hormones like cortisol overpower the auric field, creating sharp, uneven patterns. Low serotonin dulls emotional stability, disrupting trust and harmony.

The Holographic Flow of Energy

The interaction of hormones, electromagnetics, and auras reflects the infinite spiraling flow of light within me. These light codes weave into a dynamic feedback loop:

1. Hormones released by glands such as the pineal, pituitary, adrenal, and gonads interact with the electric currents of the nervous system.

2. This interaction projects into the auric field, creating visible and invisible patterns of light.

3. The auric field reflects this energy back into my body, influencing hormonal release, creating either harmony or discord.

The divine masculine and feminine energies spiral within me, harmonizing through this continuous flow. In positive interactions, this feedback loop amplifies balance and creativity. In negative interactions, it disrupts alignment, signaling the need for recalibration.

The Cosmic Resonance

Each hormone, organ, and auric projection mirrors the greater harmonics of the cosmos. My body’s light codes align with planetary movements, the sun’s rhythms, and the Earth’s magnetic field. Just as the cosmos dances in waves and spirals, my inner energy flows reflect these patterns.

The Winter Solstice, for example, resonates as a harmonic of stillness and introspection. During this time, my hormonal flows naturally slow, encouraging deep reflection and realignment. The solstice light codes align with my pineal gland, enhancing the projection of indigo light in my auric field, symbolizing insight and clarity.

This is the symphony of my being: hormones as light codes, energy as flowing rivers, and the aura as a luminous mirror. Each interaction, whether harmonious or discordant, is an invitation to realign, to return to the ever-present rhythm of my true nature.


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Thank you Sananda ! This is such a beautiful essay, that encompasses all that needs to be said, in a glorious flow....thank you for taking the time to write it here....sending much love & gratitude....x

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I've never seen nor heard of a whoremoan

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Whoremoans are usually fake.

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I'm waiting...the waiting seems like forever.

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Awesome. Tomorrow morning’s coffee is going to be epic.

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Nothing more entertaining than listening to Clif accuse other people of having severe mental problems.

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I was over Buffalo coming home from demician republic and I saw a drone from the window. It was wild I wish I videoed it. I've never seen drones up 15 000 feet ...

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Clif said, “ding -dong, ‘the cross dressing bitch’ is dead”. Okay!

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