We were without internet (AND landline) service for nine straight days... until yesterday! (all because Century Link is run by a bunch of morons!) Rural SW Oregon, no "Clif treats", no news. not even a weather report. Like a SHTF test run. Clif's postings are like candy for the freely curious soul. Thankfully I'd recently downloaded some of his mp3s and had something to listen to while canning our (pitiful) tomato harvest.
I take NAC every day and last winter I did not get sick. Important- you need to take it 2 hours after your last med, and wait 2 hours before you take any other meds/supplements. It is a dextoxer, and will eliminate the meds from your system.
I think NAC, as a detoxer, will clear out anything, good or bad, from your system, when you take it. So, for me, I take some supplements, turn on my timer for 2 hours, take the NAC when the timer goes off, reset my timer for 2 hours, when it goes off I then take more supplements. Supplements= all things, even vitamins. The same goes for Zeolite detoxer. I weigh 125 lbs, I only take 600mg per day (1 pill) and it works well for me.
fenbendazole.org has complete info about this cure, dosages, suppliers and a lot of other info. I also came across substack recently- which I can't remember right now and I think that Florida Sharkman has extensive info. So there are many sources about this type of cure. But I've found fenbendazole.org to be very complete without having to visit multiple sites. I read everything I find on the subject ( & do more research if I have questions) but it's easy to get info overload & feel overwhelmed. I suggest finding a regimen you feel good about, and following. If you don't see results, keep looking- the anecdotal evidence for various cures is increasing daily.
I tend to avoid those sites that seem to be about promoting their own (& usually very expensive) products- another reason I like the fb dot org site; they may have some products, but the give you info to get from other suppliers swell. I don't want expensive "miracle pills"- I want to find what works. Cancer is something that requires diligence & commitment to a regimen probably even including changing large amounts of your diet & habits that got the disease going in the first place. Example would be stop listening to TPTB advice- red meat, animal fats, raw dairy, eggs cheese, cholesterol are ALL good for you, as are real salt and real sugar (although with cancer, less sugars & carbs are better), sunshine, attitude- the more I learn about the more I'm finding how much has been done to keep us from healing ourselves & getting sick in the first place. It's been an astounding journey.
I wish you & your loved ones all the best in overcoming this- apparently, with vax persons, it is a TURBO cancer so I wouldn't wait too long to start doing everything you can. I would NEVER agree to chemo & other pharma approved methods- seems all that does is keep alive a little long, but even sicker until it finally takes you out- while they profit off your pain. Hope you find something useful in this.
Thank you so much for your reply. Unfortunately the family members put all their faith in big pharma, both for the jabs & for their cancer treatment. I dare say they'd only agree to a Plan B treatment if they've exhausted big pharma options. I agree that just about all we've been told is bad for us is actually necessary for our good health. Thanks again.
Point out they CAN take the fenben WITH normal pharma (mis-)treatment -- it does not interfere. Pull up the Joe Tippens YT vid which STARTED (well, massively publicized via viral explosion) the whole cancer cure info! Plus, if you BUY them a bottle (off Amazon!!) and GIVE it to them with the 'please go watch these' -- or 'can I watch these with you?' you MIGHT make a bit of headway!
“July 2020 update: I now believe that 7 days per week is now prudent for virtually everyone and there is no longer believed to be a need to take 4 days off per week
It really doesn’t matter what time of the day or with/without food. Many people take this regimen concurrent with chemo, immunotherapy and radiation. Most people ask me if I altered my diet. My answer is “I probably should have, but I didn’t.
▸ NOTE 1: Because cancer is notorious for reoccurrences, I plan on taking this regimen the rest of my life. Why not?
▸ NOTE 2: Many people ask whether it can be taken while on chemo, radiation and/or immunotherapy. I say yes to all three. Why not? My recommendation is to do just that.
▸ NOTE 3: About 80% of the people who have followed my lead have been transparent with their oncologists. And of those about 80% of the oncologists have been supportive.”
[Joe:] “I chose not to tell mine until I was ‘all clear’ for 3 quarters (9 months), but that is a personal decision.”
[He later reports how it went when he did tell the doc his blog is very interesting!]
Thanks for the detail and links. Brilliant, thanks. Seems theres no change either way with the adrenal tumour after a year of immunotherapy, so he might be more open to alternatives now. I'm trying to get hold of Fen & Iver in the UK. Or at least a trustworthy seller that'll deliver to UK. Many thanks, much appreciated.
I bought a just in case supply of Ivermectin from an online vendor that I believe is in India: https://www.alldaychemist.com Thankfully, we have not had to use it. Good luck and blessings to you!
Well, in the US we also can get both in horse paste form. Dr Lee Merritt has info on her site, for dosing. So that might be an option if you can’t get the pills. We can buy at feed stores for animals.
I just went back through the inventory—it’s gotta be the brain peptides. Not sure how I missed it the first time. Probably, I should start with the brain peptides, yeah?
I use it. We have friends that are still alive because of it, and others that do exactly what their Doc-tor says, and won't try it. Soul has free will, at least for now.
I'm very familiar with hard-headed people who are ill... I don't blame them, it is FEAR that makes them cling to what they know, "trust your doctor"... some can extend their lives that way... most, especially if turbo-cancer... do not.
I would recommend also looking into chlorine dioxide solution (CDS)... here is a good starter video by the expert, Dr. kalcker.
Have you looked into Spooky.com? Modular inexpensive Rife Machine for frequency therapies. 34,000-frequency database updated periodically. Extensive forum for questions + answers. I've used it for about 6 years tho not for cancer. Yes, CDS may help. Look up: "The Universal Antidote" Chlorine dioxide, which is an amazing chemical (not Sodium Hypochlorite - bleach) https://aquarius-prolife.com/en/23-chlorine-dioxide-products
Please do NOT wait till later: as with IVM (and every other health thing!!) SOONER/faster is always better! Even IF they think you're nutty... pointing out YOUR fears (I said to my sister, trying to get her to take post-shotshotbooster precautions: "I DON'T want to be left alone!")
Great comments Tia such as - Example would be stop listening to TPTB advice- red meat, animal fats, raw dairy, eggs cheese, cholesterol are ALL good for you. These foods have been demonized for several decades. Ancel Keys who did his Seven Countries Study back in the late 50's, where he collected data on deaths from coronary heart disease and fat consumption from 22 countries. Despite the fact that 22 countries provided statistics, Keys cherry-picked the data from the 7 countries which supported his theory that animal fat was the main cause of coronary heart disease in order to publicize his opinions. In one of this books I read, he admitted he ate steak and eggs for breakfast. What a hypocrit!! Cholesterol helps your body make cell membranes, many hormones, and vitamin D. The cholesterol in your blood comes from two sources: the foods you eat and your liver. Your liver makes all the cholesterol your body needs.
My husband got an early start learning as much as he could about health and nutrition back in the 60's. They were called health nuts back then. When we got married in 80', I learned from him about health and nutrition and we passed it on to our 4 daughters. As a matter of fact, the Polio vaccines used in the late 1950s and early 1960s were contaminated with a virus called simian virus 40 (SV40) present in monkey kidney cells used to grow the vaccine. My husband got this vaccine in late 50's. Sometime in mid-90's was having some back pain and went to get an x-ray, which showed 4 small tumors on his right kidney. He did not get a biopsy, so decided to fix it himself rather than go the medical doctors by taking various mushrooms, blueberry & turmeric powders. Went to get x-ray again one year later, no tumors shown.
I'm 67 and my husband will be 72 next month and we're in very good health. We exercise 5x a week. I do all the home cooking buying organic food, buying grass-fed meats and wild seafood. We grow our own food in 2 greenhouses for ourselves, freezing most of it for the winter months. We use organic cold-pressed olive oil, organic coconut oil, bacon fat/lard in cooking. No toxic seed oils. We take prebiotics, probiotics, take natural supplements - Vit D, Vit C, turmeric/curcumin, fish oils, NAC, Vit E, Vit B, and so much more. No RX drugs. They're toxic and work against the body. No vaccines, no need for them as we have natural immunity. We go to Naturopathic doctors if needed, not Allopathic doctors.
I also subscribe to Dr. Blaylock's monthly newsletters. We also take many of the nano-particle sized supplement products for better absorption from https://www.oneplanetnutrition.com/ that Dr. Blaylock has mentioned several times in his articles. So much I've learned reading his articles. Also Dr. Mercola. We constantly seek any new info to improve our health and live a good long healthy life.
One more thing I forgot to mention is we also do intermittent fasting every day now for 4-5 years. We only have one meal a day and that's at lunch. We're fasting for 16-18 hours and we feel great. At 5pm, we usually have a glass of wine, tea or coffee. We don't need to eat 3 meals a day including in between snacks up till bedtime. This is another reason why we have such an obesity epidemic with so many health issues, many chronic with much of it being processed foods lacking in nutritional value that our bodies need, plus lots of empty calories, so majority of people are greatly malnourished.
I discovered I had bladder cancer last year, kind of knew I had it dur to blood in the urine.. Both urologist suggested same treatment. I did my own treatments for several months since my wife was dying of Parkinsons/dementia. One of those treatments was the fenbendazole. According to what I had read you must stick to a very regimented diet so I did for awhile. I did not like a restricted diet. Met someone who said they had family members who cured themselves with Laetrile so I switched to using it instead.
During the course of several months I had the little camera deal put up inside me and I could see the the tumor. A bit weird seeing it but, none the less very interesting to see it and how the tumor progressed over time. My wife passed July 3rd and I had promised her if the tumor grew I would get it cut out so I did on the 24th of July. The urologist docs both said it's a simple out patient procedure, BS imo. I couldn't pee and ended up with hose stuck up me for two weeks and two days.
Back to what is important, one or the other of the treatments was working.. The tumor instead of being a bloody mass had white/graayist stuff in some areas. Doc explained it was dying cells due to lack of enough blood for the fast growing cells. I did not believe that then nor now. Doc told daughter who drove me to clinic for the surgery said strangely the tumor just about dissolved once he cut it from the bladder wall.
I believe it was the Laetrile because I also had a spot on my face the family doc found and said was skin cancer which I've had before. While purchasing the Laetrile I saw one of the sites selling it had some cream so I bought a tube & put it on that spot every day for a couple of months. Visited family doc and asked him to find that spot again. He could not as it was gone as I suspected cause I could not find it either using a 40X magnifying glass w/light which is what he used to find it. I had another spot i suspected was skin cancer too which is gone now too. Stuff is called Novadalin cream incase anyone is interested. None of the self treatments were expensive, certainly way less than big pharma's drugs and no doubt safer to use.
Urologist wants me to come back for a second surgery in a couple of weeks which I said no thanks. I have no need to be tortured again. I will go back in for dick camera viewings to monitor the situation in the bladder and will give myself a maintenance dose of laetrile.
Sorry for the book in comment section but, thought it could be useful for others.
"People who bought an unauthorized natural health product called Novodalin B17 claiming to treat cancer should stop using it and contact their doctor for follow-up, Health Canada says." (CBC, Feb., 2016)
I take it as an inverted recommendation; using the cream sounds like a good alternative to laser treatment which I get every three years or so.
I injected my cancer with distilled water and baking soda. It is gone. Baking soda does kill cancer. I cannot remember the name of the doctor, but he injected tumors with baking soda and within a few days the tumors were gone. The injection site swells up obviously because of the fliud you are injecting but the body absorbs it within minutes. I always use this technique and it works wonders. Of course you cannot inject internally, but one can douche with the same ingreidents and have it work for anal cancer or vaginal cancers. NEVER USE TAP WATER OR BOTTLE WATER. ONLY USE DISTILLED WATER.
Yes, this works well too for smaller cancers. Injecting the baking soda works best for me. i also used black salve too, but it leaves scars and indentations on the skin. Treating the face with black salve I would not recommend, but it does work well.
So, you inject into skin cancers? I guess baking soda enemas would be good for colon cancer? Other internal cancers would be difficult to cure with B. Soda, yes? I know it is great internally... generally...
How/where do you purchase Laetrile? I have a skin issue I do not want to have carved out by a scalpel happy skin dermatologist who recommends that treatment not after last time she carved an overly HUGE chunk out of my skin for one small dot.
I bought laetrile from two sources. First from RNC which is short for Richardson Nutritional Center. They sell a triple pak that includes Pangamic acid & Pro Enzymes that make it more effective. The other source was Novadalin, put a .com on it and there's your Mexican made source. That's where I bought the cream for like 35 bucks. It last a long time, I still haven't used up one tube.
Another note worth mentioning is RNC also sells a book, World Without Cancer. It's more than just a book about B17, it spells out in simple understandable terms how a worldwide network took over the medical industry back in the early 20th century and how this group has it's tentacles in everything, now known to us as the KM. It names people and companies that originated big pharma and how they repress things that work and promote their money making drugs.
Thank you so much for sharing your information George. So many people who no longer have even a shred of trust or faith in the medical establishment are looking for solutions and information on how to be their own doctor for themselves and their loved ones.
Cream may be better for your issue. Be aware, they take a BIG chunk out if the cancer is melanoma. I would let them then follow up with your own treatment. Melanoma is nothing to mess around with! For squamus or basel, cream would probably be fine.
Dr. Nigh put him on a bunch of supplements and gave him alternative treatments and my husband has not had a recurrence since, knock on wood. Dr. Nigh has been a co-author with Dr. Stephanie Seneff out of MIT on some of the covid issues. I think he might be able to assist without an in-person visit - I'm not sure. But patience is needed - his office/scheduling is not exactly user friendly. But it's worth it.
Thank you so much Kim. We are all in the UK & followed Clif for years. I am really pleased your husband is doing well. My brother in law had the bladder removed and internal chemo. And more jabs!! Neither he nor my brother with adrenal cancer (since the jabs) would conceive of the jabs having caused their cancer or that conventional cancer treatment may not be best option. I want a Plan B in case they need it! So far they've not been receptive but that could change. Thanks again & all the best.
Love love LOVE Dr Merritt! She has some 'fringy political stuff' that goes farther than *I* do so far -- but then, I'm WAY farther already that most people! AND her research ion medical stuff is spot on and brilliant! Esp. on the the "1918 flu"! (Alex Jones IS RIGHT! But on some (few) things HE doesn't go far enough or in the quite-right direction!
You do know that whole wheat and almonds is filling you up with lectins and phytates which are plant antinutrients that steal minerals from your body and bones and can end up causing leaky gut. Research Dr. Gundry.
Yes, I know. This is the reason I consume "Very Limited Nuts", So Not "Filling me Up with them"! I tried to go Full Carnivore although it's Diversity Too Limited.
Organic First and Foremost. Sprouted 100% Whole Wheat products, Frozen and then Toasted Overcomes that, this also applies to Oats, If they are Sprouted, Frozen and then Soaked prior to cooking!
They are especially bad for people with sensitivity to them, and or if your Microbiome is low. FYI, that's what the Latero-Flora improves.
English capitalization rules require that certain words, such as proper nouns and the first word in a sentence, start with a capital letter. However, some words are capitalized only in certain situations, and some words seem like they should be capitalized but are not.0 To determine which words should be capitalized, one can use a title capitalization tool that converts the title from lowercase to uppercase, uppercase to lowercase, or first letter/proper case to capitalize the first letter of every word. As a rule of thumb, capitalize the first word of a title, verbs, adjectives, nouns, and proper nouns, leaving prepositions, articles, and conjunctions in lowercase. Proper nouns should always be capitalized, including companies, countries, cities, political parties, and religions.
Trauma? Something out of nothing? Not sure what you’re alluding to, but it appears that you have me confused with someone else. I think you should start with following your head the rest of the way up your ass until you disappear.
It appears that there is a peptide for brain, as well as one specific to the pineal.
Funny. I used to LOVE bacon. I've gone carnivore, and ... am SO uninterested in bacon! Bought some and tried it; mostly tasteless. Eh, not for me! Give me a sirloin or ground beef or chicken breasts and I'm in!
Not to be a spoilsport... but chicken is loaded with PUFA, due to the feed, unless pasture raised and 'grass-fed"... which is VERY hard to find... pork is the same.
You might like Saladino on Youtube, if not already familiar.
For those who are not aligned with any specific diet or who are open to traditional medicine :
Spent 15 years with a living sufi master I met at age 28. (I'm now 80.) He was said to be over 100 years old. He looked very young at times (25-35) even with a white beard and could climb up trees and perch there like a living sufi bird. ;). When the docs in the US checked him out, they said his eyes were that of a 2 year old and his heart was that of a 16 year old.
About garlic: He put a lot of folks on garlic. Sauteed in butter or ghee. It's a natural antibiotic and contains sulfur which is sometimes called the 'beauty mineral.' He said that the soil of Africa contains a lot of sulfur which is one reason for the superior strength & character of people who come from that region of the world. Onions have sulfur too.
He used to cook curries for us and serve them to us. He used a special formula of 15 spices (including cayenne, cinnamon, clove, cumin, turmeric, onions, garlic etc.). It's important to cook most food b/c humans digest differently than animals. So he said that too much raw food will eventually make the blood too acidic. However, he did say that 1 banana, 3 dates & 7 almonds daily gives great strength to the body. Bananas have a healing radiation that helps the brain. Almonds should be eaten with the dates to avoid developing 'arrogance' in the personality. Remember grandma's date-nut bread? Folks knew a lot intuitively when I was growing up.
For spiritual health: He said 'pork closes the third eye' if you are trying to ascend beyond 3-D reality. And most meat & fish can cause cancer. So he advocated a vegetarian life-style but without judging anyone if they are not vegetarian. He himself ate very little - mostly water, fruit, nuts, some curry & tea)
I'm 80 years old & healthy. No flu shots ever. Almost never get a cold. But at 28 I had a terrible chronic bronchitis which my sufi master cured in 3 days with a special Indian powder called kasthuri. Have been mostly vegetarian for almost 50 years. The last time I saw my doctor was 6 years ago. He retired due to severe back problems.
Anyway - hopes this helps someone. I also agree with much of what Clif says re supplements. So thank you, Clif! :D
PS. Most importantly, our sufi master advised us to pray over ever meal since it invokes a healing power that can neutralize the toxins in your food. And it's cheaper than Vitamin C (which he also said to take if oranges or lemons are not available.)
I thought people who were really vegetarian got very sick over the years? Why don't you? You stay strong! I wonder why it's different for some people than others.
Gene Decode talks about not eating garlic as well in his Q&A shows on Rumble. I used to take it as a supplement and love garlic in my foods so now I only us it in cooked foods and that's usually an organic garlic powder. 🩵
Sometimes I think most of my intake is supplements! Don't have joint issues (except for arthritis in both thumbs), which is miraculous for 80! Pureblood, of course, but I take zinc, D3, quercedin w/bromelain and NAC daily. Several people I know did get jabbed and conclusions about "shedding spike protein" isn't settled (that I've seen). (My mechanic of 14 yrs. had 2 jabs and is abruptly dealing with stage 4 thyroid/lymph cancer 3 yrs later. Skipped stages 1-3, but that's no unusual with jabbed victims. I tried to warn everybody I knew, but fear won out. Those of you who do, pray for healing. Thank you.) Dietary supplements and naturapathic medicine can aid/cure/alleviate a lot of issues, but it's not "instantaneous" like pharmas (which are often doing something else you don't want). They take time and consistent intake over weeks/months.
Glad you resisted the fear mongering. I hope to make it to 80, I'm 71. In 2021 I came down with a life-threatening lung ailment which I believe was from spike protein shedding from the newly vaxxed. For the last two years I have taken the covid protocol supplements including all the ones you mentioned, plus nattokinase and magnesium. It greatly helped but I'm still not back to where I was. I now have a prescription for prednisone too which helps with the breathing.
The cancer you refer to has been called "turbo cancer" by Dr Alexander in his Substack. A result of the jab
It was 16th September 2021, in deepest, darkest Ardernistan, when I had my last "professional" haircut. The next morning, I woke up with screeming tinnitus, and I couldn't see out of my left eye (it had a yellow glowy orb in the middle of my field of vision). Over the next 2-3 days, my skin felt like it was oozing blood (apart from a scary rash on the back of my hands, nothing to see, though). On the Saturday, I felt like I had some sort of clot or something (my wife said I looked grey, and was quite worried). I was certainly feeling not good, nearly blacked out for a bit. I sat down for a bit, then went outside and did some digging in my vegetable garden while I tried to figure things out. (I already had a pretty good idea I'd been exposed to someone recently vaxed - ten minutes in a barber's chair, basically.)
I suppose I should have gone looking for medical attention - but kind of knew they'd dismiss my theory of what happened, and prescribe antidepressants or similar - and of course, I'd expect to be in close range to someone medical types who'd probably also been recently vaxed, so passed on all that.
I'd stockpiled some NAC already, on the basis that TPTB didn't seem to want us to have it (this has been a sort-of guideline for me for a while - basically, whatever they say, do the opposite, within reason). I started taking 1000mg twice daily, that made no difference that I could detect. By this time, I was also feeling like I was "wired" - some sort of weird electrical vibration.
What worked in the short term was a about 3ml of the water tank steriliser that had arrived a few days earlier - 2 x 5l containers, sitting in a cardboard carton in my home office. My wife had been pestering me to dump some in our tank (on rainwater supply). I think it was around the Tuesday or Wednesday when I realised what the active ingredient was, and that I was UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES to even consider drinking the stuff. (It was supposedly 1000ppm of the active ingredient - so - OK, I'm not a scientist, so I may have this slightly wrong, but I'm guessing about 3mg of the "active ingredient", in a litre of water). Over the next 2-3 hours - basically my left eye cleared up, and I felt a sort-of calming effect work its way down my body (seemed like it started at the top and worked down). By that evening, I felt so much better, it was like I was "cured". Of course, I still had some lingering effects, and more to come, but - for someone who never seemed to respond to medications - I was convinced it was worthwhile.
Subsequently, a week or so later, I started getting "chills". I don't think I was "physically" cold, more like an "alien chill", I guess is the best I can describe it. I tried a few things for that, the most convincing was increasing my magnesium dosage. (I use MgCl, after doing a bit of reading and determining this was relatively well absorbed. OK, if you can't deal with the slightly salty taste, find some tablets - this works for me, though.)
Over the last couple of years, I've tried quite a few supplements. I've been taking a basic dose of Zinc & Selenium since somewhere in the '90s, just because I know that the soil here is particularly deficient in these (like many places, of course). I'm adding a general B complex. One issue I've had is gum disease, and despite lots of visits to oral hygenists, and instructions to brush even more, I noticed that my gums would go downhill badly when I got overworked and tired. (The zinc was helpful, to some extent there - over the years I'd sometimes stop taking it, and correlated a downturn there with those times.) More recently (say about for the last 6 months or so), I've been taking boron - which I'm correlating with a major improvement for my teeth & gums. Earlier, I also found that when I was overworked & short of sleep, vit C was a major help.
Lately, I've been trying to figure "sustainable" solutions to things, in the event of supply-chain FUBAR etc. And the uses of weeds from the garden. Stinging nettles, anyone (general tonic?) Yellow dock? I think I've found a new law of the universe - the minute you find a beneficial use for a "weed", they disappear!
As for the vax shedding/exposure thing - I don't claim to know what's in the stuff, or what I got exposed to. Just something nasty, I guess. (I'm the idiot that lost the plot in a Zoom meeting around March of 2020, asking "Is this some sort of psyop?". My work colleague assured me not, but I think I had it right the first time. My guess is it's smoke and mirrors all the way down. It was mostly the stupid little things that got me thinking - sort-of like, they didn't seem to worry too much about the "continuity errors" in the narrative. I reaslised that was probably because for most people, they weren't going to notice. One particular point that got me, and led to the March incident was that dashboard put up by John's Hopkins - sort-of like that "vaccine", suddenly - "here's one I prepared earlier". There was a statistic, basically percentage of "deaths" vs "cases", or something. I questioned that - basically, to be meaningful, it surely had to relate to "concluded" cases, not "all/active" cases? I felt it was, if anything, understating what I think I wanted to understand, probably IFR? Anyway, I'd decided the only way to figure out things was to just look at the overall mortality rate over time (and noting that the US stats had to be read after things had settle, say about 4 months or so back, to make any sense). Then all sorts of shit happened, and I wasn't really following up on that.
And now, today - I'm trying to not overdo the supplements (as noted, it's quite a chore remembering too many, anyway). I think I have all the fixings now for the L Reuteri stuff, so I'll be trying that shortly (thanks, Clif!) Other than that, just bracing myself for the next shoe to drop…
Hint: definitely look up boron. No, not for "vax" issues - just general fixer-up of various things, and seems to overlap a lot with the supposed benefits of K2, but much easier to obtain if supply chains are borked! It's cheap enough to buy a lifetime supply for a few dollars, if you don't insist on nice little containers of capsules…
Actually, I think that's K1 (we need that anyway, so all good!) K2 is more from animal sources & some fermented things, possibly, as far as I can tell. The main point for me on that, is that I think the available supplements depend on imports here, and I'm under no illusions about the reliability/continuity of same. So, the last three years probably constitute a message from the universe to figure things out for myself. One thing: I've taken K2 for a while - it comes under the heading of things that I'd have to take on faith that they're doing something good. It's also relatively pricey, fine if I see a particular benefit, but otherwise, I have to weigh it against all the other options I could be spending that money on. OTOH, I can clearly correlate the boron to beneficial effects (or random coincidence, but that doesn't seem overly likely in this case…) And (assuming one isn't too hung up on listening to official advice about what to "definitely not consume), it can be done for so close to <$1/yr (and that includes our NZ$!) that it's not even funny…
Hmm. I got sent a link for some horse paste, a day or so after Joe Rogan's episode mentioning it. By the time I followed the link (a vetinary supply company), it wasn't just "out of stock", it was, as if it never existed. A quick web search revealed that it was disappearing (outside of normal business hours, might even have been a weekend) everywhere. Which, from what I've figured so far would have to be the most glowing endorsement ever. The bleach whose name may not be mentioned (let alone consumed), given it happened to be available, turned out to kick ass also.
I've sort of picked a pattern here - the more TPTB panic about something, the more one should attempt to acquire a stockpile. On that basis, I did buy rather more NAC than I think I can use in the next year or so. That one comes under the heading of "I believe it may do some good, but I can't tell for sure". It was the other stuff that helped after my presumed "vaccine shedding" exposure a couple of years back. Of course, I have no concept of what the particular pathogen/poison was, at this point (given the smoke and mirrors, lies and bullshit, who really knows? I can only refer to what I've found useful by experience, though I expect that we'll learn more in due course…) [Hint: we're told there are "spike protiens". I did have a recurrence of the visual disturbances while using my cellphone - maybe October '21 - and wondered what sort of protein would be implicated in that, if any… but what would a humble lab rat know?]
I would not hesitate to use horse paste, if I can't get Iver from a pharmacy. CDS may become hard to get, hope not, but I have a good supply of MMS2... though I would much prefer using CDS.
I got heart palpitations from NAC... most don't, but I avoid it, it could become problematic, even for those with no side effects:
I don't have problems with regular L-Cysteine, and I would think that has most of the benefits... I may have methylation problems... I do know methylfolate makes me feel very crappy.
I'm still taking the NAC off and on (apparently it loses effectiveness if taken for too long at a stretch). No specific issues, but again, not sure if it's really doing a lot, not keen on overdoing that one. Vit C (cheap Sodium Ascorbate) seems to help with gums in particular, so seems worthwhile.
I've backed off the "bleach which may not be named" for a bit; while it seems a lot milder on the digestive system than, say, Ozone water, I'm wondering what it does to the microbiome?
Recently, I've had a couple of episodes of feeling a bit weird, and for some reason felt prompted to check the rudimentary EMF meter app I installed on my Google tracking device a while back. On both occasions, it was registering off the scale. I doubt the basic sensors on my device are going to be that versatile - or maybe they are - thinking about investing in a proper EMF meter. (Wondering if what I measured might have been some natural phenomena? I really can't tell with the app whether what's being measured is more magnetic or not. Not a topic I konw that much about, but I seem to keep being introduced to such things at quite a rapid pace lately…)
I have been following a VERY sharp guy named Georgi Dinkov, I suggest you browse some of his videos/interviews... plenty on Youtube... he sort of follows a guy who has quite a following, ray Peat (RIP, this year)... Cysteine in all forms can be a problem... I won't take it anymore, but if I did, I'd cycle it. IMO, Ivermectin 2X/month covers a lot of bases for viruses and much more.
I have pretty much stopped the CDS, but would take it again if I got sick... I am now taking methylene blue, which does a lot of the same things, and a few more... a bit less powerful, but is less of a hassle...
I don't have an EMF meter, but I wear a shungite pendant when I go out. You might check to see if you have a cell tower near you, they are going up all over... which sucks...
Here is what I consider to be a great interview, covers a lot of things, VERY useful. Methylene blue... niacinamide... aspirin, coconut oil... I was doing some of the recommended things, but now follow the info pretty closely and feel MUCH better... at 67... that's GOOD stuff!
I bought a just in case supply of Ivermectin from an online vendor that I believe is in India: https://www.alldaychemist.com Thankfully, we have not had to use it. Good luck and blessings to you!
Nice, if it arrives safely. Here, I know that any shipments were intercepted, basically. So one (additional) way to get on some sort of list (if that matters). Of course, I'm not sure how much they care any more. (It is a prescription drug, though, so technically, one needs a prescription to buy/import it.)
Also likely of interest are Fenbendazole, and other …endazole products. Note some of these are available over the counter.
My main focus now is on what we might be dealing with next. Which may be some other "medical" escapade, or perhaps something else. To a degree, I think those of us that have even a few clues about what's going on just need to be vigilant, but it's not possible to prepare for every conceivable eventuality…
Great. I wish I had known this a couple of years ago so I could've been stocking up. It's pretty late in the ball game now. I take several things, and I have stocked up on them based on your past recommendations. You've been my "go to" guy for many years. I will always be thankful to you for sharing your knowledge.
Clif, you may look into B-17 and selenium for cancer prevention. I believe what you say about doctors will find it no matter what, as all of us have the potential. It is a balancing act that requires constant tending to. Thanks for posting your daily regime. Mine is more or less the same with more attention to digestive, liver, and kidney cleansing, supplementation and dietary support. Never been big on meat, but will on occasion consume thinly sliced grass fed beef from Amish farms in the area. Bone broth is my winter go to. Thank you again, Clif, for imparting your wisdom with a heaping of humor, candor, and well placed profanity.
I remember you telling us about c60 many years ago on Sarah Westall's show. I've been taking it ever since -- had to buy the powder & make it myself for several years cause it was so new. Thanks Cliff.
I take C60 intermittently by forgetting. {eye roll} Just got two more bottles ... in case of supply probs! Doing the fenben / IVM parasite routine from Lee Merritt; and have nitizoxanide (sp?) and hydroxy on their way from India.
AllDayChemist.com -- has supplied my 4 orders of IVM.... I feel it's like ammo, you can never have too much on hand!! (Plus 2-ish year ago, I had to finish treating my 'apparently covid' (the at-home test said so) with horse paste cause I ran out of pills!
And for any you oldsters who have not yet HAD shingles.... hie ye to a source for IVM! (See above for one I like.) I pretty much SAILED through shingles (4 mos after the covid left the place {eye roll}): rash came, wee small blisters came up and within a day they receded back down. (!) NO pain, NO burning like the fires of hell, and NO itching like... I dunno what! Have no other possible 'remedy' to attribute it too!
So far...no one I know has left this rock alive. Better to be of calm mind by living in the present moment....free of negative thoughts. Joy...from gratitude for everyday... points one in a creative and healthy direction. Supplements can be helpful on an individual basis. Surgery is sometimes necessary. Harmony and resonance with Nature are key.
I totally agree - but it took me 50 years to figure it out! Well, at least I did. Peace, quiet (except when the dogs sing and the cats get rambunctious), rural location (my own well!), and friends who understand there are times I just don't feel sociable. My life is blessed!
Thank you so much for this article Cliff it’s a big help. I too am 70 years old and a cancer survivor so I watch what you have to say very often. I have adopted quite a few of your supplements.
Try L-citrulline for ED. We stop making nitric oxide in our bodies after the age of 65 or so. Green leafy veg and exercise can help produce nitric oxide.
Thanks, Clif. Have you worked out a program for your wife? I'm a 74 yr old grandma and so far, in great health. My hair still hasn't turned grey and everyone else in my blood line was gray by 60, Only difference is the vitamins. I was told I would need a hip replacement :soon' 4 years ago, but I began researching and now take a K7 and calcium bone builder supplement daily. Dexa Scan technician was amazed, I'm back to strong bones, and no hip joint problems anymore. After reading your posts, I also eat pork daily, just because I don't want to be "tasty" if the aliens appear!
Sorry I didn't answer sooner, got busy getting ready for fall. I started with AlgaeCal, but that was pretty expensive. So now I get Doctors Bone Builder from Amazon which is considerably less. I also take the Strontium which you can buy from Amazon, but AlgaeCal has their version that you take in the evening instead of calcium.
Dr McCullough had his LICENSE TAKEN by the corrupt med board. I believe he is a FOUNDER of the Wellness Co (or whatever it is, haven't looked). He can no longer make a living as a world-class cardiologist because you kinda-sorta have to do that IN A HOSPITAL! His career has been taken from him: how, now, is he to pay for his LIFE!?
Same with my fav, De Pierre Kory -- HE is now working under the auspices of the Crow Tribe! Upside? HE CAN WORK. Better upside? The state and federal govts and med boards CANNOT TOUCH HIM! (Although they have pulled his licences and certs! If you want to be treated by Pierre and his associates/team, you must pay $35/year to "join" the tribe. Downside -- no insurance co will pay.
The amazing Dr Ryan Cole had to SELL OFF his path-labs! Shit patients were refusing to let their docs send their tissues to 'that misinformation spreader." An insurance co he had a contract with for decades cancelled, because they didn't dare be associated with him... Ryan has SIX daughters! Pierre has two or three; don't know about the rest -- but the medical folks who got destroyed by the malign and corrupt govts and pharma have to have a way to work!!
Dr. Meryl Nass did not "merely" have her license and board certs pulled, she was SENT by the med board for a PSYCH EVAL for prescribing IVM! (VERY soviet!) How is SHE now supposed to make a living? And on and on!! SO much destruction by the corruption and malign actors!
Sorry to 'yell' -- but McCullough is NOT "shilling" -- he is working to make his living OUTSIDE the corruption! And like so many others who REFUSED to "take the ticket" -- he is doing WHAT HE MUST! Besides, if you have to go to a doctor, you gonna go back to your REGULAR doc; the one who pushed the poison shots and STILL cannot recognize vaxx injuries?! Or are you going to find someone OUTSIDE the sewer!!
I suspect that when (if ever) the average person in the street gets the message about what's been going on, many of these "excluded" professionals are going to find themselves in even greater demand…
'Every so often I will add the peptide for eyes for a while to clear out the vision.'
you are talking about the DI-peptide L-Carnosine here yes? Also pretty expensive BUT it dissolves cataracts, just not sure about the ones cause by wi-fi.... That's ALA-HIS combination.
I just started Opticlear 4.5% carnosine eye drops... no cataract issues yet, but I do have floaters and dry eyes... yes, long link, Amazon doesn't have it
BTW: Are you using noble shungite to solve wifi/EMF threats? Put a chunk in front of your router/wifi... I also wear a shungite medallion when I go out...
if you have 'shedding' issues, while not having the covid genetically modifying shot, having ivermectin around solves the problem really FAST. Just speaking form my own experience, while being extremely sensitive when being exposed to the injected victims ..
I am exposed almost daily... my gym is crowded and most are jabbed... do you think that taking my usual Ivermectin dose, 17mg, (190lbs) twice a month is sufficient, or would it be better to take a dose for 2-3 days straight every month? More? Less?
I take methylene blue most days, sometimes CDS... D3 5000iu 4-5X/week... several other things...
Just can tell you from my observations, when being exposed and starting to feel 'strange' (head, throat, lungs) I just get immediately little bit of the horse paste (~2mg the entire tube for the entire horse, which I'm not..) and that seems to help really good. 17 mg is huge dose, in my opinion. Not sure if it stays in your body and distributes with time over the 2 weeks while protecting you 'in advance', or it is excreted, you really need to read about it.
The Spike has a venom 'character', from what I see in the sequence analysis, and the best thing against a venom is EDTA..
There are so many different attacks on the human body, that having a little medical suitcase with all what you are listing there, surely will keep you going;)
I had a naturopath up in MT calculate the dosage, I think he used a pretty common equation... and I thought that the horse paste tubes, 1/4 of a tube was 22mg... not sure where you got 2mg per tube... one guy here is taking 50mg per dose... daily...
The dosage online for aliments allowed to be treated with Ivermectin range from .15mg to .4mg per kg... far higher than 2mg
sorry was wrong indeed (too much around here..), got and checked the tube directly. the tube has a concentrate of 1.87%, which at 6.08g in total, makes ~114mg in total. I divide it in ~20 doses, so yes it is around ~5mg a dose... Well, was taking it daily in the exposure emergencies.. Thanks for all the links, knew all of them except for the last one.
that ebay link with this product is quite deceptive... NAC on almost all supplemental products stands for N-acetyl-CYSTEINE and not N-acetylated carnosine, which btw. should be N-acetylated-L-carnosine.. Amino acids always levo-rotary..
Yes, but the listing is clear, it is N-A-carnosine drops, not N-A-cysteine.
I read NAC can be very useful, but I think it gave me heart palps. I am pretty sensitive, lots of supplements give me side effects... could be a methylation problem... methylfolate makes me feel really crappy... methyl B12, if I only take a few drops, is ok...
Started having bloating issues the last few months... frustrating, have no clue as to why... maybe I recently became allergic to dairy... I read it can happen, I eat a lot of mozzarella... and cheddar... not so much any other dairy... rest of diet is pretty bland...
Dang! I wish I knew what caused it... I hope it's not some shedding thing... jeeze.
I'll ask my PCP when I go in mid Sept, tho she's very nice, most MDs don't know squat anymore. I hope to see my naturopath soon, but he is pretty booked up.
This stuff I just ordered may help and it can defeat the spike protein, supposedly... a GREAT price too, if you hurry!
boy, you have lot of stuff going on. Since you are taking LOT of stuff already, I would take a break, stop almost everything, except for that what makes you feel good (vitC?, VitD? for example) and then start adding the rest, one by one, watching your reactions to each of them, separately. There is nothing out there what does not affect the WHOLE+the rest(your supplements). Taking methylene blue (not even a regular supplement) which affects hemoglobin directly can possibly do lot of stuff. BUT, I didn't study that substance a lot, so can't tell much.
Lost of good gut bacteria ends with bloating, indicates diet, wi-fi and your supplements, etc. Probiotics (good one like L.Reuteri, L.Rhamnosus, L.Acidophilus, etc. are essential in such case, but even more just fermented foods, which you can do on your own.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee in the morning and realizing you don't have a f ing clue about life. AHHHHHHH!
A day with Clif is the same ....
-If you think things and bad now, you wont believe what they are going to do next you need to watch this visit....
This is a sales video selling books. FYI.
Yes, Clif is addictive, isn't he? haha
We were without internet (AND landline) service for nine straight days... until yesterday! (all because Century Link is run by a bunch of morons!) Rural SW Oregon, no "Clif treats", no news. not even a weather report. Like a SHTF test run. Clif's postings are like candy for the freely curious soul. Thankfully I'd recently downloaded some of his mp3s and had something to listen to while canning our (pitiful) tomato harvest.
Thanks to the COVID hoax I added NAC to promote my natural glutathione levels nature's best antioxidant.
Me too.
What is NAC pray tell me? Thanks
N-ACETYL CYSTEINE is available in most health food stores. Try to get vegi-caps they work better than tablets.
Big fan of this product.
Thank you !🙏
I take NAC every day and last winter I did not get sick. Important- you need to take it 2 hours after your last med, and wait 2 hours before you take any other meds/supplements. It is a dextoxer, and will eliminate the meds from your system.
I might be making a mistake there. Do you consider vitamins meds? I take every morning with my B,C, and D
I think NAC, as a detoxer, will clear out anything, good or bad, from your system, when you take it. So, for me, I take some supplements, turn on my timer for 2 hours, take the NAC when the timer goes off, reset my timer for 2 hours, when it goes off I then take more supplements. Supplements= all things, even vitamins. The same goes for Zeolite detoxer. I weigh 125 lbs, I only take 600mg per day (1 pill) and it works well for me.
N-acetyl cysteine
Thank you!
Thank you Clif for sharing your program and your knowledge! At 68 I am always open to suggestions in managing these golden years!!
Life begins at 68!
I'll have whatever he's having 😂
Clif could you pls recommend dosage/frequency for Ivermectin & Fenbendazol for 1. Cancer prevention and 2. Treatment of cancer.
2 new cancers in family - youngish, previously very fit men at 48 and 55 years, one with bladder & other with adrenal cancer, since the toxic juice.
fenbendazole.org has complete info about this cure, dosages, suppliers and a lot of other info. I also came across substack recently- which I can't remember right now and I think that Florida Sharkman has extensive info. So there are many sources about this type of cure. But I've found fenbendazole.org to be very complete without having to visit multiple sites. I read everything I find on the subject ( & do more research if I have questions) but it's easy to get info overload & feel overwhelmed. I suggest finding a regimen you feel good about, and following. If you don't see results, keep looking- the anecdotal evidence for various cures is increasing daily.
I tend to avoid those sites that seem to be about promoting their own (& usually very expensive) products- another reason I like the fb dot org site; they may have some products, but the give you info to get from other suppliers swell. I don't want expensive "miracle pills"- I want to find what works. Cancer is something that requires diligence & commitment to a regimen probably even including changing large amounts of your diet & habits that got the disease going in the first place. Example would be stop listening to TPTB advice- red meat, animal fats, raw dairy, eggs cheese, cholesterol are ALL good for you, as are real salt and real sugar (although with cancer, less sugars & carbs are better), sunshine, attitude- the more I learn about the more I'm finding how much has been done to keep us from healing ourselves & getting sick in the first place. It's been an astounding journey.
I wish you & your loved ones all the best in overcoming this- apparently, with vax persons, it is a TURBO cancer so I wouldn't wait too long to start doing everything you can. I would NEVER agree to chemo & other pharma approved methods- seems all that does is keep alive a little long, but even sicker until it finally takes you out- while they profit off your pain. Hope you find something useful in this.
Thank you so much for your reply. Unfortunately the family members put all their faith in big pharma, both for the jabs & for their cancer treatment. I dare say they'd only agree to a Plan B treatment if they've exhausted big pharma options. I agree that just about all we've been told is bad for us is actually necessary for our good health. Thanks again.
Point out they CAN take the fenben WITH normal pharma (mis-)treatment -- it does not interfere. Pull up the Joe Tippens YT vid which STARTED (well, massively publicized via viral explosion) the whole cancer cure info! Plus, if you BUY them a bottle (off Amazon!!) and GIVE it to them with the 'please go watch these' -- or 'can I watch these with you?' you MIGHT make a bit of headway!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvvDrQqZrG0 (7 min.)
Is Joe Tippens Still Cancer Free? (6 min.)
[Really great interview with Joe in Feb 2023:]
Joe Tippens: Cancer Hope Via Fenbenzadole (43 min.)
[The interviewer posted comment:] “ The best thing for you to do is to visit Joe's website:
https://mycancerstory.rocks/the-blog/ There is great information there!
[From the Joe Tippens website https://mycancerstory.rocks/the-blog/:]
“July 2020 update: I now believe that 7 days per week is now prudent for virtually everyone and there is no longer believed to be a need to take 4 days off per week
It really doesn’t matter what time of the day or with/without food. Many people take this regimen concurrent with chemo, immunotherapy and radiation. Most people ask me if I altered my diet. My answer is “I probably should have, but I didn’t.
▸ NOTE 1: Because cancer is notorious for reoccurrences, I plan on taking this regimen the rest of my life. Why not?
▸ NOTE 2: Many people ask whether it can be taken while on chemo, radiation and/or immunotherapy. I say yes to all three. Why not? My recommendation is to do just that.
▸ NOTE 3: About 80% of the people who have followed my lead have been transparent with their oncologists. And of those about 80% of the oncologists have been supportive.”
[Joe:] “I chose not to tell mine until I was ‘all clear’ for 3 quarters (9 months), but that is a personal decision.”
[He later reports how it went when he did tell the doc his blog is very interesting!]
Thanks for the detail and links. Brilliant, thanks. Seems theres no change either way with the adrenal tumour after a year of immunotherapy, so he might be more open to alternatives now. I'm trying to get hold of Fen & Iver in the UK. Or at least a trustworthy seller that'll deliver to UK. Many thanks, much appreciated.
I bought a just in case supply of Ivermectin from an online vendor that I believe is in India: https://www.alldaychemist.com Thankfully, we have not had to use it. Good luck and blessings to you!
Well, in the US we also can get both in horse paste form. Dr Lee Merritt has info on her site, for dosing. So that might be an option if you can’t get the pills. We can buy at feed stores for animals.
Clif, which peptide are you using for your pineal gland?
I just went back through the inventory—it’s gotta be the brain peptides. Not sure how I missed it the first time. Probably, I should start with the brain peptides, yeah?
"it appears that you have me confused with someone else."
Ya, you right, you are completely and totally Confused!
What a JackAss you are, dumb as they come, no you are dumber than they come! Go fuck yourself in the mouth and choke on it, douchebag.
There’s one thing I’m definitely not confused about and that’s the fact that your mouth and your asshole are interchangeable.
My, my. Toxic much? LOL
I found this one: A-8 Endoluten lingual - natural sublingual pineal peptide complex. Not sure if its the correct one though.
Thank you—on track.
Yes, that is the one to take.
I use it. We have friends that are still alive because of it, and others that do exactly what their Doc-tor says, and won't try it. Soul has free will, at least for now.
Currently they just think I'm nutty, no doubt, for not trusting big pharma. But if their treatment doesn't work, they'll listen.
I'm very familiar with hard-headed people who are ill... I don't blame them, it is FEAR that makes them cling to what they know, "trust your doctor"... some can extend their lives that way... most, especially if turbo-cancer... do not.
I would recommend also looking into chlorine dioxide solution (CDS)... here is a good starter video by the expert, Dr. kalcker.
CDS does not do well with vitamin C or other antioxidants... not dangerous, they just neutralize the CDS.
IF a patient insists on chemo (very bad idea), I would strongly advise doing high dose IV vitamin C with it (no CDS)
Tia's stuff on fenbendazole is great info. Some say CBD or CBD/THC oil can be effective too... Ivermectin goes GREAT with any other treatment.
Have you looked into Spooky.com? Modular inexpensive Rife Machine for frequency therapies. 34,000-frequency database updated periodically. Extensive forum for questions + answers. I've used it for about 6 years tho not for cancer. Yes, CDS may help. Look up: "The Universal Antidote" Chlorine dioxide, which is an amazing chemical (not Sodium Hypochlorite - bleach) https://aquarius-prolife.com/en/23-chlorine-dioxide-products
Please do NOT wait till later: as with IVM (and every other health thing!!) SOONER/faster is always better! Even IF they think you're nutty... pointing out YOUR fears (I said to my sister, trying to get her to take post-shotshotbooster precautions: "I DON'T want to be left alone!")
Great comments Tia such as - Example would be stop listening to TPTB advice- red meat, animal fats, raw dairy, eggs cheese, cholesterol are ALL good for you. These foods have been demonized for several decades. Ancel Keys who did his Seven Countries Study back in the late 50's, where he collected data on deaths from coronary heart disease and fat consumption from 22 countries. Despite the fact that 22 countries provided statistics, Keys cherry-picked the data from the 7 countries which supported his theory that animal fat was the main cause of coronary heart disease in order to publicize his opinions. In one of this books I read, he admitted he ate steak and eggs for breakfast. What a hypocrit!! Cholesterol helps your body make cell membranes, many hormones, and vitamin D. The cholesterol in your blood comes from two sources: the foods you eat and your liver. Your liver makes all the cholesterol your body needs.
My husband got an early start learning as much as he could about health and nutrition back in the 60's. They were called health nuts back then. When we got married in 80', I learned from him about health and nutrition and we passed it on to our 4 daughters. As a matter of fact, the Polio vaccines used in the late 1950s and early 1960s were contaminated with a virus called simian virus 40 (SV40) present in monkey kidney cells used to grow the vaccine. My husband got this vaccine in late 50's. Sometime in mid-90's was having some back pain and went to get an x-ray, which showed 4 small tumors on his right kidney. He did not get a biopsy, so decided to fix it himself rather than go the medical doctors by taking various mushrooms, blueberry & turmeric powders. Went to get x-ray again one year later, no tumors shown.
I'm 67 and my husband will be 72 next month and we're in very good health. We exercise 5x a week. I do all the home cooking buying organic food, buying grass-fed meats and wild seafood. We grow our own food in 2 greenhouses for ourselves, freezing most of it for the winter months. We use organic cold-pressed olive oil, organic coconut oil, bacon fat/lard in cooking. No toxic seed oils. We take prebiotics, probiotics, take natural supplements - Vit D, Vit C, turmeric/curcumin, fish oils, NAC, Vit E, Vit B, and so much more. No RX drugs. They're toxic and work against the body. No vaccines, no need for them as we have natural immunity. We go to Naturopathic doctors if needed, not Allopathic doctors.
I also subscribe to Dr. Blaylock's monthly newsletters. We also take many of the nano-particle sized supplement products for better absorption from https://www.oneplanetnutrition.com/ that Dr. Blaylock has mentioned several times in his articles. So much I've learned reading his articles. Also Dr. Mercola. We constantly seek any new info to improve our health and live a good long healthy life.
One more thing I forgot to mention is we also do intermittent fasting every day now for 4-5 years. We only have one meal a day and that's at lunch. We're fasting for 16-18 hours and we feel great. At 5pm, we usually have a glass of wine, tea or coffee. We don't need to eat 3 meals a day including in between snacks up till bedtime. This is another reason why we have such an obesity epidemic with so many health issues, many chronic with much of it being processed foods lacking in nutritional value that our bodies need, plus lots of empty calories, so majority of people are greatly malnourished.
That substack may be
Thank You! Bookmarked! 🤍
I discovered I had bladder cancer last year, kind of knew I had it dur to blood in the urine.. Both urologist suggested same treatment. I did my own treatments for several months since my wife was dying of Parkinsons/dementia. One of those treatments was the fenbendazole. According to what I had read you must stick to a very regimented diet so I did for awhile. I did not like a restricted diet. Met someone who said they had family members who cured themselves with Laetrile so I switched to using it instead.
During the course of several months I had the little camera deal put up inside me and I could see the the tumor. A bit weird seeing it but, none the less very interesting to see it and how the tumor progressed over time. My wife passed July 3rd and I had promised her if the tumor grew I would get it cut out so I did on the 24th of July. The urologist docs both said it's a simple out patient procedure, BS imo. I couldn't pee and ended up with hose stuck up me for two weeks and two days.
Back to what is important, one or the other of the treatments was working.. The tumor instead of being a bloody mass had white/graayist stuff in some areas. Doc explained it was dying cells due to lack of enough blood for the fast growing cells. I did not believe that then nor now. Doc told daughter who drove me to clinic for the surgery said strangely the tumor just about dissolved once he cut it from the bladder wall.
I believe it was the Laetrile because I also had a spot on my face the family doc found and said was skin cancer which I've had before. While purchasing the Laetrile I saw one of the sites selling it had some cream so I bought a tube & put it on that spot every day for a couple of months. Visited family doc and asked him to find that spot again. He could not as it was gone as I suspected cause I could not find it either using a 40X magnifying glass w/light which is what he used to find it. I had another spot i suspected was skin cancer too which is gone now too. Stuff is called Novadalin cream incase anyone is interested. None of the self treatments were expensive, certainly way less than big pharma's drugs and no doubt safer to use.
Urologist wants me to come back for a second surgery in a couple of weeks which I said no thanks. I have no need to be tortured again. I will go back in for dick camera viewings to monitor the situation in the bladder and will give myself a maintenance dose of laetrile.
Sorry for the book in comment section but, thought it could be useful for others.
I am impressed with your actions, and you have my condolences for your loss.
Here is a site given to me by a good guy here, "mejbcart " in case anyone needs B17 laetrile:
"People who bought an unauthorized natural health product called Novodalin B17 claiming to treat cancer should stop using it and contact their doctor for follow-up, Health Canada says." (CBC, Feb., 2016)
I take it as an inverted recommendation; using the cream sounds like a good alternative to laser treatment which I get every three years or so.
I injected my cancer with distilled water and baking soda. It is gone. Baking soda does kill cancer. I cannot remember the name of the doctor, but he injected tumors with baking soda and within a few days the tumors were gone. The injection site swells up obviously because of the fliud you are injecting but the body absorbs it within minutes. I always use this technique and it works wonders. Of course you cannot inject internally, but one can douche with the same ingreidents and have it work for anal cancer or vaginal cancers. NEVER USE TAP WATER OR BOTTLE WATER. ONLY USE DISTILLED WATER.
Was it book called Sodium Bicarbonate Nature's Unique First Aid Remedy by Dr. Mark Sircus that you're referring to?
No i do not think that was the doctor. i believe he was from France.
It is alot cheaper to grind your own apricot kerrnels, but mnay people would want the caps. I am still looking for the cream
I also take ground apricot kernels too! I it an amazing vit b17, and of course they will have others running scared. More fear porn!
Seems to be plenty of suppliers
I erased a suspected skin cancer with CBD oil... just an FYI.
Yes, this works well too for smaller cancers. Injecting the baking soda works best for me. i also used black salve too, but it leaves scars and indentations on the skin. Treating the face with black salve I would not recommend, but it does work well.
So, you inject into skin cancers? I guess baking soda enemas would be good for colon cancer? Other internal cancers would be difficult to cure with B. Soda, yes? I know it is great internally... generally...
Mexico would be a typical resource concerning amygdalin, incl. anti-cancer treatment. I have found this: https://www.cytopharmaonline.com/en/b17-cream
Thank you for the information.
Hi George C,
How/where do you purchase Laetrile? I have a skin issue I do not want to have carved out by a scalpel happy skin dermatologist who recommends that treatment not after last time she carved an overly HUGE chunk out of my skin for one small dot.
I bought laetrile from two sources. First from RNC which is short for Richardson Nutritional Center. They sell a triple pak that includes Pangamic acid & Pro Enzymes that make it more effective. The other source was Novadalin, put a .com on it and there's your Mexican made source. That's where I bought the cream for like 35 bucks. It last a long time, I still haven't used up one tube.
Another note worth mentioning is RNC also sells a book, World Without Cancer. It's more than just a book about B17, it spells out in simple understandable terms how a worldwide network took over the medical industry back in the early 20th century and how this group has it's tentacles in everything, now known to us as the KM. It names people and companies that originated big pharma and how they repress things that work and promote their money making drugs.
Thank you so much for sharing your information George. So many people who no longer have even a shred of trust or faith in the medical establishment are looking for solutions and information on how to be their own doctor for themselves and their loved ones.
One source.
Cream may be better for your issue. Be aware, they take a BIG chunk out if the cancer is melanoma. I would let them then follow up with your own treatment. Melanoma is nothing to mess around with! For squamus or basel, cream would probably be fine.
There is a Fenben substack you could check out
Thank you Kat Bro.
Also, check out two feathers healing formula. Heard of it on another stack at some point
Thank you. :-)
In case it might help: my husband had recurrent bladder cancer and went to see Dr. Gregory Nigh in Portland, OR. https://www.healthgrades.com/providers/gregory-nigh-y98qb
Dr. Nigh put him on a bunch of supplements and gave him alternative treatments and my husband has not had a recurrence since, knock on wood. Dr. Nigh has been a co-author with Dr. Stephanie Seneff out of MIT on some of the covid issues. I think he might be able to assist without an in-person visit - I'm not sure. But patience is needed - his office/scheduling is not exactly user friendly. But it's worth it.
Thank you so much Kim. We are all in the UK & followed Clif for years. I am really pleased your husband is doing well. My brother in law had the bladder removed and internal chemo. And more jabs!! Neither he nor my brother with adrenal cancer (since the jabs) would conceive of the jabs having caused their cancer or that conventional cancer treatment may not be best option. I want a Plan B in case they need it! So far they've not been receptive but that could change. Thanks again & all the best.
For this info, check the website of Dr. Lee Merritt: drleemerritt.com
Love love LOVE Dr Merritt! She has some 'fringy political stuff' that goes farther than *I* do so far -- but then, I'm WAY farther already that most people! AND her research ion medical stuff is spot on and brilliant! Esp. on the the "1918 flu"! (Alex Jones IS RIGHT! But on some (few) things HE doesn't go far enough or in the quite-right direction!
Thanks Pete, will do.
Thank You Clif!
I used to take testosterone replacement although switched to a Keto W-Strong tilt to Carnivore diet.
I follow Dr. Ken D. Berry MD & Dr. Eric Berg on YouTube
I Eat Mostly Organic Eggs-(home grown) & Meat, Fatty Meat! I Love Bacon!
No Sugar OR Sweeteners / Fructose Corn Syrup, Honey etc.
No Fruit Juice's
Very Limited Grains, Only 100% Sprouted Organic Whole Wheat products, Frozen and then Toasted.
Very Limited Fruits Only Organic Deep Blue / Purple fruits, Blue & Blackberries
Very Limited Nuts Only Almonds, Walnuts & Hemp Hearts
No Vegetable / Soy Oil of any kind other than Olive Oil - Although Not for Cooking in.
Only Butter, Bacon Grease / Pork & Beef Lard for Cooking
No Microwave Cooking!
Very Limited Dairy Products
Limited Veggies, Only:
Asparagus Cucumbers
Cabbage Brussel Sprouts
Broccoli Olives
Kale Cauliflower
Celery Eggplant
I Drink Only Purified Well Water & Coffee, Very Little Beer & Wine
Supplements - Electrolyte Drops & Concentrated Mineral Drops, Pink Himalayan Salt, D3, C, E, Zink, Magnesium, Potassium + Iodine, K2, B Complex & B12, NAC, GABA, Betaine HCI + Pepsin, Collagen & Turmeric.
Occasional Colon Cleanse with Oxy-Powder Followed up with Latero-Flora.
Best-Purest Supplements From Health Ranger & Global Healing Center
You do know that whole wheat and almonds is filling you up with lectins and phytates which are plant antinutrients that steal minerals from your body and bones and can end up causing leaky gut. Research Dr. Gundry.
Thank you!
Yes, I know. This is the reason I consume "Very Limited Nuts", So Not "Filling me Up with them"! I tried to go Full Carnivore although it's Diversity Too Limited.
Organic First and Foremost. Sprouted 100% Whole Wheat products, Frozen and then Toasted Overcomes that, this also applies to Oats, If they are Sprouted, Frozen and then Soaked prior to cooking!
They are especially bad for people with sensitivity to them, and or if your Microbiome is low. FYI, that's what the Latero-Flora improves.
Thanks Again
What’s your deal with the capitalization?
English capitalization rules require that certain words, such as proper nouns and the first word in a sentence, start with a capital letter. However, some words are capitalized only in certain situations, and some words seem like they should be capitalized but are not.0 To determine which words should be capitalized, one can use a title capitalization tool that converts the title from lowercase to uppercase, uppercase to lowercase, or first letter/proper case to capitalize the first letter of every word. As a rule of thumb, capitalize the first word of a title, verbs, adjectives, nouns, and proper nouns, leaving prepositions, articles, and conjunctions in lowercase. Proper nouns should always be capitalized, including companies, countries, cities, political parties, and religions.
Wow, I never anticipated something like that to cause someone trauma.
I normally only expect our creator to make something out of nothing!
And yes, you should start with the brain peptides,
Trauma? Something out of nothing? Not sure what you’re alluding to, but it appears that you have me confused with someone else. I think you should start with following your head the rest of the way up your ass until you disappear.
It appears that there is a peptide for brain, as well as one specific to the pineal.
I think Not, douchebag!
Although you are right about one thing, you are completely and Udderly confused!
Yeah, but wheat is STILL seeds, and seeds are STILL bird food, and we're STILL mammals, not birds!
{shrug} Everyone picks (and controls) their poison(s). Mine differ.
Sourdough, fermentation removes all sugars gluten and phylates and lectins
Ahhh ~,Bacon "The fruit of the swine " is my favorite too !
Funny. I used to LOVE bacon. I've gone carnivore, and ... am SO uninterested in bacon! Bought some and tried it; mostly tasteless. Eh, not for me! Give me a sirloin or ground beef or chicken breasts and I'm in!
Not to be a spoilsport... but chicken is loaded with PUFA, due to the feed, unless pasture raised and 'grass-fed"... which is VERY hard to find... pork is the same.
You might like Saladino on Youtube, if not already familiar.
What does Garlic and onions do to the peptides in the body??? I never knew there was a negative effect of these 2 items on the body. Wow.
For those who are not aligned with any specific diet or who are open to traditional medicine :
Spent 15 years with a living sufi master I met at age 28. (I'm now 80.) He was said to be over 100 years old. He looked very young at times (25-35) even with a white beard and could climb up trees and perch there like a living sufi bird. ;). When the docs in the US checked him out, they said his eyes were that of a 2 year old and his heart was that of a 16 year old.
About garlic: He put a lot of folks on garlic. Sauteed in butter or ghee. It's a natural antibiotic and contains sulfur which is sometimes called the 'beauty mineral.' He said that the soil of Africa contains a lot of sulfur which is one reason for the superior strength & character of people who come from that region of the world. Onions have sulfur too.
He used to cook curries for us and serve them to us. He used a special formula of 15 spices (including cayenne, cinnamon, clove, cumin, turmeric, onions, garlic etc.). It's important to cook most food b/c humans digest differently than animals. So he said that too much raw food will eventually make the blood too acidic. However, he did say that 1 banana, 3 dates & 7 almonds daily gives great strength to the body. Bananas have a healing radiation that helps the brain. Almonds should be eaten with the dates to avoid developing 'arrogance' in the personality. Remember grandma's date-nut bread? Folks knew a lot intuitively when I was growing up.
For spiritual health: He said 'pork closes the third eye' if you are trying to ascend beyond 3-D reality. And most meat & fish can cause cancer. So he advocated a vegetarian life-style but without judging anyone if they are not vegetarian. He himself ate very little - mostly water, fruit, nuts, some curry & tea)
I'm 80 years old & healthy. No flu shots ever. Almost never get a cold. But at 28 I had a terrible chronic bronchitis which my sufi master cured in 3 days with a special Indian powder called kasthuri. Have been mostly vegetarian for almost 50 years. The last time I saw my doctor was 6 years ago. He retired due to severe back problems.
Anyway - hopes this helps someone. I also agree with much of what Clif says re supplements. So thank you, Clif! :D
PS. Most importantly, our sufi master advised us to pray over ever meal since it invokes a healing power that can neutralize the toxins in your food. And it's cheaper than Vitamin C (which he also said to take if oranges or lemons are not available.)
Ok, Peace out, stay well, stay blessed! <3
I thought people who were really vegetarian got very sick over the years? Why don't you? You stay strong! I wonder why it's different for some people than others.
ALL people are different, and all of us respond differently! Still, you have to judge carefully which is the way to bet for YOUR health!
Calorie restriction most likely
silly ? but can you, if you use any, recommend any good vegetarian cookbooks?
Me either. I put garlic in almost everything and eat a lot of (red) onions. (The more color, the more food value.) Would hate to give those up!
Gene Decode talks about not eating garlic as well in his Q&A shows on Rumble. I used to take it as a supplement and love garlic in my foods so now I only us it in cooked foods and that's usually an organic garlic powder. 🩵
Sometimes I think most of my intake is supplements! Don't have joint issues (except for arthritis in both thumbs), which is miraculous for 80! Pureblood, of course, but I take zinc, D3, quercedin w/bromelain and NAC daily. Several people I know did get jabbed and conclusions about "shedding spike protein" isn't settled (that I've seen). (My mechanic of 14 yrs. had 2 jabs and is abruptly dealing with stage 4 thyroid/lymph cancer 3 yrs later. Skipped stages 1-3, but that's no unusual with jabbed victims. I tried to warn everybody I knew, but fear won out. Those of you who do, pray for healing. Thank you.) Dietary supplements and naturapathic medicine can aid/cure/alleviate a lot of issues, but it's not "instantaneous" like pharmas (which are often doing something else you don't want). They take time and consistent intake over weeks/months.
Glad you resisted the fear mongering. I hope to make it to 80, I'm 71. In 2021 I came down with a life-threatening lung ailment which I believe was from spike protein shedding from the newly vaxxed. For the last two years I have taken the covid protocol supplements including all the ones you mentioned, plus nattokinase and magnesium. It greatly helped but I'm still not back to where I was. I now have a prescription for prednisone too which helps with the breathing.
The cancer you refer to has been called "turbo cancer" by Dr Alexander in his Substack. A result of the jab
It was 16th September 2021, in deepest, darkest Ardernistan, when I had my last "professional" haircut. The next morning, I woke up with screeming tinnitus, and I couldn't see out of my left eye (it had a yellow glowy orb in the middle of my field of vision). Over the next 2-3 days, my skin felt like it was oozing blood (apart from a scary rash on the back of my hands, nothing to see, though). On the Saturday, I felt like I had some sort of clot or something (my wife said I looked grey, and was quite worried). I was certainly feeling not good, nearly blacked out for a bit. I sat down for a bit, then went outside and did some digging in my vegetable garden while I tried to figure things out. (I already had a pretty good idea I'd been exposed to someone recently vaxed - ten minutes in a barber's chair, basically.)
I suppose I should have gone looking for medical attention - but kind of knew they'd dismiss my theory of what happened, and prescribe antidepressants or similar - and of course, I'd expect to be in close range to someone medical types who'd probably also been recently vaxed, so passed on all that.
I'd stockpiled some NAC already, on the basis that TPTB didn't seem to want us to have it (this has been a sort-of guideline for me for a while - basically, whatever they say, do the opposite, within reason). I started taking 1000mg twice daily, that made no difference that I could detect. By this time, I was also feeling like I was "wired" - some sort of weird electrical vibration.
What worked in the short term was a about 3ml of the water tank steriliser that had arrived a few days earlier - 2 x 5l containers, sitting in a cardboard carton in my home office. My wife had been pestering me to dump some in our tank (on rainwater supply). I think it was around the Tuesday or Wednesday when I realised what the active ingredient was, and that I was UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES to even consider drinking the stuff. (It was supposedly 1000ppm of the active ingredient - so - OK, I'm not a scientist, so I may have this slightly wrong, but I'm guessing about 3mg of the "active ingredient", in a litre of water). Over the next 2-3 hours - basically my left eye cleared up, and I felt a sort-of calming effect work its way down my body (seemed like it started at the top and worked down). By that evening, I felt so much better, it was like I was "cured". Of course, I still had some lingering effects, and more to come, but - for someone who never seemed to respond to medications - I was convinced it was worthwhile.
Subsequently, a week or so later, I started getting "chills". I don't think I was "physically" cold, more like an "alien chill", I guess is the best I can describe it. I tried a few things for that, the most convincing was increasing my magnesium dosage. (I use MgCl, after doing a bit of reading and determining this was relatively well absorbed. OK, if you can't deal with the slightly salty taste, find some tablets - this works for me, though.)
Over the last couple of years, I've tried quite a few supplements. I've been taking a basic dose of Zinc & Selenium since somewhere in the '90s, just because I know that the soil here is particularly deficient in these (like many places, of course). I'm adding a general B complex. One issue I've had is gum disease, and despite lots of visits to oral hygenists, and instructions to brush even more, I noticed that my gums would go downhill badly when I got overworked and tired. (The zinc was helpful, to some extent there - over the years I'd sometimes stop taking it, and correlated a downturn there with those times.) More recently (say about for the last 6 months or so), I've been taking boron - which I'm correlating with a major improvement for my teeth & gums. Earlier, I also found that when I was overworked & short of sleep, vit C was a major help.
Lately, I've been trying to figure "sustainable" solutions to things, in the event of supply-chain FUBAR etc. And the uses of weeds from the garden. Stinging nettles, anyone (general tonic?) Yellow dock? I think I've found a new law of the universe - the minute you find a beneficial use for a "weed", they disappear!
As for the vax shedding/exposure thing - I don't claim to know what's in the stuff, or what I got exposed to. Just something nasty, I guess. (I'm the idiot that lost the plot in a Zoom meeting around March of 2020, asking "Is this some sort of psyop?". My work colleague assured me not, but I think I had it right the first time. My guess is it's smoke and mirrors all the way down. It was mostly the stupid little things that got me thinking - sort-of like, they didn't seem to worry too much about the "continuity errors" in the narrative. I reaslised that was probably because for most people, they weren't going to notice. One particular point that got me, and led to the March incident was that dashboard put up by John's Hopkins - sort-of like that "vaccine", suddenly - "here's one I prepared earlier". There was a statistic, basically percentage of "deaths" vs "cases", or something. I questioned that - basically, to be meaningful, it surely had to relate to "concluded" cases, not "all/active" cases? I felt it was, if anything, understating what I think I wanted to understand, probably IFR? Anyway, I'd decided the only way to figure out things was to just look at the overall mortality rate over time (and noting that the US stats had to be read after things had settle, say about 4 months or so back, to make any sense). Then all sorts of shit happened, and I wasn't really following up on that.
And now, today - I'm trying to not overdo the supplements (as noted, it's quite a chore remembering too many, anyway). I think I have all the fixings now for the L Reuteri stuff, so I'll be trying that shortly (thanks, Clif!) Other than that, just bracing myself for the next shoe to drop…
Hint: definitely look up boron. No, not for "vax" issues - just general fixer-up of various things, and seems to overlap a lot with the supposed benefits of K2, but much easier to obtain if supply chains are borked! It's cheap enough to buy a lifetime supply for a few dollars, if you don't insist on nice little containers of capsules…
Not exactly weeds, but for K2 there is leafy vegetables. Boron does seem to be of interest.
Actually, I think that's K1 (we need that anyway, so all good!) K2 is more from animal sources & some fermented things, possibly, as far as I can tell. The main point for me on that, is that I think the available supplements depend on imports here, and I'm under no illusions about the reliability/continuity of same. So, the last three years probably constitute a message from the universe to figure things out for myself. One thing: I've taken K2 for a while - it comes under the heading of things that I'd have to take on faith that they're doing something good. It's also relatively pricey, fine if I see a particular benefit, but otherwise, I have to weigh it against all the other options I could be spending that money on. OTOH, I can clearly correlate the boron to beneficial effects (or random coincidence, but that doesn't seem overly likely in this case…) And (assuming one isn't too hung up on listening to official advice about what to "definitely not consume), it can be done for so close to <$1/yr (and that includes our NZ$!) that it's not even funny…
Look into Chlorine Dioxide Solution... might be a game changer for you... Dr. Kalcker is the expert... plenty of videos, here's a starter:
I'd recommend getting on Ivermectin too.
Hmm. I got sent a link for some horse paste, a day or so after Joe Rogan's episode mentioning it. By the time I followed the link (a vetinary supply company), it wasn't just "out of stock", it was, as if it never existed. A quick web search revealed that it was disappearing (outside of normal business hours, might even have been a weekend) everywhere. Which, from what I've figured so far would have to be the most glowing endorsement ever. The bleach whose name may not be mentioned (let alone consumed), given it happened to be available, turned out to kick ass also.
I've sort of picked a pattern here - the more TPTB panic about something, the more one should attempt to acquire a stockpile. On that basis, I did buy rather more NAC than I think I can use in the next year or so. That one comes under the heading of "I believe it may do some good, but I can't tell for sure". It was the other stuff that helped after my presumed "vaccine shedding" exposure a couple of years back. Of course, I have no concept of what the particular pathogen/poison was, at this point (given the smoke and mirrors, lies and bullshit, who really knows? I can only refer to what I've found useful by experience, though I expect that we'll learn more in due course…) [Hint: we're told there are "spike protiens". I did have a recurrence of the visual disturbances while using my cellphone - maybe October '21 - and wondered what sort of protein would be implicated in that, if any… but what would a humble lab rat know?]
I would not hesitate to use horse paste, if I can't get Iver from a pharmacy. CDS may become hard to get, hope not, but I have a good supply of MMS2... though I would much prefer using CDS.
I got heart palpitations from NAC... most don't, but I avoid it, it could become problematic, even for those with no side effects:
I don't have problems with regular L-Cysteine, and I would think that has most of the benefits... I may have methylation problems... I do know methylfolate makes me feel very crappy.
I'm still taking the NAC off and on (apparently it loses effectiveness if taken for too long at a stretch). No specific issues, but again, not sure if it's really doing a lot, not keen on overdoing that one. Vit C (cheap Sodium Ascorbate) seems to help with gums in particular, so seems worthwhile.
I've backed off the "bleach which may not be named" for a bit; while it seems a lot milder on the digestive system than, say, Ozone water, I'm wondering what it does to the microbiome?
Recently, I've had a couple of episodes of feeling a bit weird, and for some reason felt prompted to check the rudimentary EMF meter app I installed on my Google tracking device a while back. On both occasions, it was registering off the scale. I doubt the basic sensors on my device are going to be that versatile - or maybe they are - thinking about investing in a proper EMF meter. (Wondering if what I measured might have been some natural phenomena? I really can't tell with the app whether what's being measured is more magnetic or not. Not a topic I konw that much about, but I seem to keep being introduced to such things at quite a rapid pace lately…)
I have been following a VERY sharp guy named Georgi Dinkov, I suggest you browse some of his videos/interviews... plenty on Youtube... he sort of follows a guy who has quite a following, ray Peat (RIP, this year)... Cysteine in all forms can be a problem... I won't take it anymore, but if I did, I'd cycle it. IMO, Ivermectin 2X/month covers a lot of bases for viruses and much more.
I have pretty much stopped the CDS, but would take it again if I got sick... I am now taking methylene blue, which does a lot of the same things, and a few more... a bit less powerful, but is less of a hassle...
I don't have an EMF meter, but I wear a shungite pendant when I go out. You might check to see if you have a cell tower near you, they are going up all over... which sucks...
Here is what I consider to be a great interview, covers a lot of things, VERY useful. Methylene blue... niacinamide... aspirin, coconut oil... I was doing some of the recommended things, but now follow the info pretty closely and feel MUCH better... at 67... that's GOOD stuff!
I bought a just in case supply of Ivermectin from an online vendor that I believe is in India: https://www.alldaychemist.com Thankfully, we have not had to use it. Good luck and blessings to you!
Nice, if it arrives safely. Here, I know that any shipments were intercepted, basically. So one (additional) way to get on some sort of list (if that matters). Of course, I'm not sure how much they care any more. (It is a prescription drug, though, so technically, one needs a prescription to buy/import it.)
Also likely of interest are Fenbendazole, and other …endazole products. Note some of these are available over the counter.
My main focus now is on what we might be dealing with next. Which may be some other "medical" escapade, or perhaps something else. To a degree, I think those of us that have even a few clues about what's going on just need to be vigilant, but it's not possible to prepare for every conceivable eventuality…
Great. I wish I had known this a couple of years ago so I could've been stocking up. It's pretty late in the ball game now. I take several things, and I have stocked up on them based on your past recommendations. You've been my "go to" guy for many years. I will always be thankful to you for sharing your knowledge.
Do you still take C60?
intermittently. I take a lot so..stuff has to drop off on occasion
Love your pure sleep. Best sleep aid out there imo.
Clif, you may look into B-17 and selenium for cancer prevention. I believe what you say about doctors will find it no matter what, as all of us have the potential. It is a balancing act that requires constant tending to. Thanks for posting your daily regime. Mine is more or less the same with more attention to digestive, liver, and kidney cleansing, supplementation and dietary support. Never been big on meat, but will on occasion consume thinly sliced grass fed beef from Amish farms in the area. Bone broth is my winter go to. Thank you again, Clif, for imparting your wisdom with a heaping of humor, candor, and well placed profanity.
I remember you telling us about c60 many years ago on Sarah Westall's show. I've been taking it ever since -- had to buy the powder & make it myself for several years cause it was so new. Thanks Cliff.
I take C60 intermittently by forgetting. {eye roll} Just got two more bottles ... in case of supply probs! Doing the fenben / IVM parasite routine from Lee Merritt; and have nitizoxanide (sp?) and hydroxy on their way from India.
AllDayChemist.com -- has supplied my 4 orders of IVM.... I feel it's like ammo, you can never have too much on hand!! (Plus 2-ish year ago, I had to finish treating my 'apparently covid' (the at-home test said so) with horse paste cause I ran out of pills!
And for any you oldsters who have not yet HAD shingles.... hie ye to a source for IVM! (See above for one I like.) I pretty much SAILED through shingles (4 mos after the covid left the place {eye roll}): rash came, wee small blisters came up and within a day they receded back down. (!) NO pain, NO burning like the fires of hell, and NO itching like... I dunno what! Have no other possible 'remedy' to attribute it too!
Great info, thx!
So far...no one I know has left this rock alive. Better to be of calm mind by living in the present moment....free of negative thoughts. Joy...from gratitude for everyday... points one in a creative and healthy direction. Supplements can be helpful on an individual basis. Surgery is sometimes necessary. Harmony and resonance with Nature are key.
I totally agree - but it took me 50 years to figure it out! Well, at least I did. Peace, quiet (except when the dogs sing and the cats get rambunctious), rural location (my own well!), and friends who understand there are times I just don't feel sociable. My life is blessed!
Thank you so much for this article Cliff it’s a big help. I too am 70 years old and a cancer survivor so I watch what you have to say very often. I have adopted quite a few of your supplements.
All the best to you Clif. I was 83 yesterday and take a few things. Do you do anything for ED if that is a problem for you!
Try L-citrulline for ED. We stop making nitric oxide in our bodies after the age of 65 or so. Green leafy veg and exercise can help produce nitric oxide.
I have heard red beets are a good source of nitric acid- although I haven't really followed up on it for a while.
There's some good products from UHTCO. Maca helps along with greens and yes to exercise and avoiding too much of anything.
Red Beets help too! Especially home grown ones.
Again, I am ignorant as to what is ED? Can you enlighten me please?
Erectile disfunction
Erectile Disfunction
Thanks, Clif. Have you worked out a program for your wife? I'm a 74 yr old grandma and so far, in great health. My hair still hasn't turned grey and everyone else in my blood line was gray by 60, Only difference is the vitamins. I was told I would need a hip replacement :soon' 4 years ago, but I began researching and now take a K7 and calcium bone builder supplement daily. Dexa Scan technician was amazed, I'm back to strong bones, and no hip joint problems anymore. After reading your posts, I also eat pork daily, just because I don't want to be "tasty" if the aliens appear!
May I ask you which brand of calcium bone builder you use? I'd prefer to buy one that works.
Sorry I didn't answer sooner, got busy getting ready for fall. I started with AlgaeCal, but that was pretty expensive. So now I get Doctors Bone Builder from Amazon which is considerably less. I also take the Strontium which you can buy from Amazon, but AlgaeCal has their version that you take in the evening instead of calcium.
aliens love tender young virgins ;-)
we are to stringy and rubbery .... or only minced and well seasoned ...
What a relief! I'll be perfectly safe in that case.
Dr McCullough had his LICENSE TAKEN by the corrupt med board. I believe he is a FOUNDER of the Wellness Co (or whatever it is, haven't looked). He can no longer make a living as a world-class cardiologist because you kinda-sorta have to do that IN A HOSPITAL! His career has been taken from him: how, now, is he to pay for his LIFE!?
Same with my fav, De Pierre Kory -- HE is now working under the auspices of the Crow Tribe! Upside? HE CAN WORK. Better upside? The state and federal govts and med boards CANNOT TOUCH HIM! (Although they have pulled his licences and certs! If you want to be treated by Pierre and his associates/team, you must pay $35/year to "join" the tribe. Downside -- no insurance co will pay.
The amazing Dr Ryan Cole had to SELL OFF his path-labs! Shit patients were refusing to let their docs send their tissues to 'that misinformation spreader." An insurance co he had a contract with for decades cancelled, because they didn't dare be associated with him... Ryan has SIX daughters! Pierre has two or three; don't know about the rest -- but the medical folks who got destroyed by the malign and corrupt govts and pharma have to have a way to work!!
Dr. Meryl Nass did not "merely" have her license and board certs pulled, she was SENT by the med board for a PSYCH EVAL for prescribing IVM! (VERY soviet!) How is SHE now supposed to make a living? And on and on!! SO much destruction by the corruption and malign actors!
Sorry to 'yell' -- but McCullough is NOT "shilling" -- he is working to make his living OUTSIDE the corruption! And like so many others who REFUSED to "take the ticket" -- he is doing WHAT HE MUST! Besides, if you have to go to a doctor, you gonna go back to your REGULAR doc; the one who pushed the poison shots and STILL cannot recognize vaxx injuries?! Or are you going to find someone OUTSIDE the sewer!!
I suspect that when (if ever) the average person in the street gets the message about what's been going on, many of these "excluded" professionals are going to find themselves in even greater demand…
Love to know what peptide for clearing the eyes, I definitely need it!
Even if we do not need it now,
we, or someone we care about, may need it later.
'Every so often I will add the peptide for eyes for a while to clear out the vision.'
you are talking about the DI-peptide L-Carnosine here yes? Also pretty expensive BUT it dissolves cataracts, just not sure about the ones cause by wi-fi.... That's ALA-HIS combination.
I just started Opticlear 4.5% carnosine eye drops... no cataract issues yet, but I do have floaters and dry eyes... yes, long link, Amazon doesn't have it
BTW: Are you using noble shungite to solve wifi/EMF threats? Put a chunk in front of your router/wifi... I also wear a shungite medallion when I go out...
if you have 'shedding' issues, while not having the covid genetically modifying shot, having ivermectin around solves the problem really FAST. Just speaking form my own experience, while being extremely sensitive when being exposed to the injected victims ..
I am exposed almost daily... my gym is crowded and most are jabbed... do you think that taking my usual Ivermectin dose, 17mg, (190lbs) twice a month is sufficient, or would it be better to take a dose for 2-3 days straight every month? More? Less?
I take methylene blue most days, sometimes CDS... D3 5000iu 4-5X/week... several other things...
sorry but, I'm not MD, so checking the Kory's pages which you can get from this article:
Just can tell you from my observations, when being exposed and starting to feel 'strange' (head, throat, lungs) I just get immediately little bit of the horse paste (~2mg the entire tube for the entire horse, which I'm not..) and that seems to help really good. 17 mg is huge dose, in my opinion. Not sure if it stays in your body and distributes with time over the 2 weeks while protecting you 'in advance', or it is excreted, you really need to read about it.
The Spike has a venom 'character', from what I see in the sequence analysis, and the best thing against a venom is EDTA..
There are so many different attacks on the human body, that having a little medical suitcase with all what you are listing there, surely will keep you going;)
I had a naturopath up in MT calculate the dosage, I think he used a pretty common equation... and I thought that the horse paste tubes, 1/4 of a tube was 22mg... not sure where you got 2mg per tube... one guy here is taking 50mg per dose... daily...
The dosage online for aliments allowed to be treated with Ivermectin range from .15mg to .4mg per kg... far higher than 2mg
Venom? Interesting stuff and remedies:
sorry was wrong indeed (too much around here..), got and checked the tube directly. the tube has a concentrate of 1.87%, which at 6.08g in total, makes ~114mg in total. I divide it in ~20 doses, so yes it is around ~5mg a dose... Well, was taking it daily in the exposure emergencies.. Thanks for all the links, knew all of them except for the last one.
that ebay link with this product is quite deceptive... NAC on almost all supplemental products stands for N-acetyl-CYSTEINE and not N-acetylated carnosine, which btw. should be N-acetylated-L-carnosine.. Amino acids always levo-rotary..
Yes, but the listing is clear, it is N-A-carnosine drops, not N-A-cysteine.
I read NAC can be very useful, but I think it gave me heart palps. I am pretty sensitive, lots of supplements give me side effects... could be a methylation problem... methylfolate makes me feel really crappy... methyl B12, if I only take a few drops, is ok...
Started having bloating issues the last few months... frustrating, have no clue as to why... maybe I recently became allergic to dairy... I read it can happen, I eat a lot of mozzarella... and cheddar... not so much any other dairy... rest of diet is pretty bland...
Same! Bloating!
Dang! I wish I knew what caused it... I hope it's not some shedding thing... jeeze.
I'll ask my PCP when I go in mid Sept, tho she's very nice, most MDs don't know squat anymore. I hope to see my naturopath soon, but he is pretty booked up.
This stuff I just ordered may help and it can defeat the spike protein, supposedly... a GREAT price too, if you hurry!
I saw NAC on the bottle, that's confusing, to me.
boy, you have lot of stuff going on. Since you are taking LOT of stuff already, I would take a break, stop almost everything, except for that what makes you feel good (vitC?, VitD? for example) and then start adding the rest, one by one, watching your reactions to each of them, separately. There is nothing out there what does not affect the WHOLE+the rest(your supplements). Taking methylene blue (not even a regular supplement) which affects hemoglobin directly can possibly do lot of stuff. BUT, I didn't study that substance a lot, so can't tell much.
Lost of good gut bacteria ends with bloating, indicates diet, wi-fi and your supplements, etc. Probiotics (good one like L.Reuteri, L.Rhamnosus, L.Acidophilus, etc. are essential in such case, but even more just fermented foods, which you can do on your own.
Yes, I used to take up to 40 different ones daily... I have cut WAY back...
What brand do you use and where do you buy from for cataracts?