Fake science, fake news, fake history, fake religion, fake movies

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Exactly! I have the fake Psyence covered in my life's work over the past 25 years, teaching the emerging Electric Universe paradigm, Russellian Science, Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, etc. , which obliterates quackademia's ridiculous warehouse of idiotic theories, that have all been debunked and replace with sane science based on: common sense, logic, reason and sanity.

Quantum quackery, the hair "braned" idiocy of 10 to the 500th Version of string theory are the pinnacles of the moutains of lies puked out by quackademia and idiots like Carl Nagas and michio koo koo, tyson, krauss and new age deception agents like david wilsuckcocks, Brian suxCox etc. for the idiot box worshiping masses and the alt. theorists.


I think most awakened folks now can see with their own eyes the fake news, fake history, fake religion, fake movies. Don't stop don't let up on our enemies like gavy gruesom, piglosi, waters, schiff, swallowswel, cumala whorus and gruesom newscum who is now officially a mass murderer.

Add that to all the people and children gruesom newsum intentionally murdered with the forced mrna death jabs for his satanic khazarian tribe. These scum must all be rounded up and eliminated to save humanity from their UN Agenda 2030 global depopulation plans for, we the people.

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the link you provide is beyond how i know to compliment but thank you for doing so.

i only know one person who will appreciate it and they will definitely be given access.

Thank you .

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I am happy to share all I have produced over the past 23 years with anyone and everyone. I can send you a copy of my booking debunking the gravity myths of newt and einy in pdf. I need help getting my 1,200 page book, "Free Energy and Free Thinking" which I published on 2-2-2002, back online again so people can read it for free.

My site was hacked almost a year ago.

I have been rebuilding my ranch after the Camp Fire destroyed it over six years ago and gavy greusom shafted all of us. So, I have not had a lot of tie to rebuild my website hacked by the same forces of hell behind all of our misery these days.

Thank for passing my work along. I can use all the help I can get, being that I have had to do all of this work by myself for over 30 years now.

Many Blessings


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I would love to read your book!

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I can send you a pdf on my book debunking the gravity myths if you send me an email. Kara says she is gig to help me upload my bog book directly to my substack, so that should be available soon for everyone to read.

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I just sent you my email address. I really appreciate you sending me your pdf book. Thank you Calen.

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Jan 17Edited
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Jan 17Edited
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have you made anything from this book/website?

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Exactly. I wrote the Book "Gravity is a Myth and does not exist; Electricity is the only force in our Electric Universe", back in 2014. Electric compression and potential create the effect falsely attributed to the gravity myth. The electrified sewing needles prove it in space and all of the data sets from the heavenly bodies in our solar system, prove that newts uni. law of grav. is in fact false and Kepler's orbital Equation is proved to be right. The data sets are in Pari Spolter's first book.

Thanks for that video. II am trying to archive it, but you tube is now blocking the download of about half the video I try to download, the past few days.. I think they are trying to protect gruesom from the explosion of hatred being cast at him from millions of angry Californians for destroying California.

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You can upload it here on the stack. I can show you or walk you thru it by phone tomorrow.

Remember what you told me... Stay strong in your truth...live in the end...Neville Goddard

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sounds good Kara. I have to see the dentist today, but Friday I can meet up with you.

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I love Neville Goddard teachings. So powerful.

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I have a PhD in Scientism from Go Trump U

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I voted for Trump three times. I attended arguably his first rally in 2012. The rubber is going to meet the road soon. If he and his team support a certain country over America like Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz and 95% of AIPAC Congress then we have been played again.

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Yeah, well, .....Canada the 51st state, ..... take over Mexico, ...... seize the Panama Canal, ..... Annex Greenland, .....................

Kinda looks just like New World Order - U.N. Global Government - North American Sector, ... does it not?

Add bio-digital surveillance and badda bing.

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yep the North American Trade Union has been planned for decades now!

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I saw a video a week or so ago that showed the U.N. map of the North American sector dated 1992. Sure looks familiar.

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You should have your own radio show like Dr. Science on npr.

He has a masters degree...........in Science!

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Never heard of it!

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I forgot about the video I had promoting the synopsis I posted here from entity art. This is a great resource for quickly sharing these truths to the largest audience possible:


My plan before my Ranch got burned to the ground in the "Camp Fire" of 2018, was to create a 1.5 to 2 hour animation of all of the true Electric Universe Science material I have been teaching. Unfortunately that fire knocked me down hard. I am just now coming up for air and ready to make another attempt at getting the science which will free mankind and usher in a new sparkling clean world based on free energy technologies.

Now with holographic projectors ready to enter into the market, these concepts and proofs will be shown three dimensionally, so that even children can understand it and we will leave the world of flat 2d representations and their false conclusions, for all of Creation, which gave mankind a false impression of reality.

If anyone knows computer animators and video producers who would be willing to produce this with me, we could reach billions around the globe very quickly, putting an immediate end to the godless, satanic, atheist and agnostic, quackademic psyence, which has dumbed down all of mankind into a very toxic, and ugly world of endless war, death, scarcity, poverty, disease, globalist control, and rampant environmental destruction.

We need this new science and understanding of our Cosmos, so we can copy Nature to receive her endless abundance and prosperity for all mankind.

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Loved: fake Psyence


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Thank you for posting this, I will check it out too! We are so deceived and lied to. I was researching Walter Russell and have some of his books, I remember he would not even 'patent' any of his research because he knew they the evil cVnts would steal it, like what they did to Tesla. I saw you created a substack I hope you post more here too. I went to your website and will read up. thank you.

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Humanity's greatest challenge going forward...What is fake and what is real?

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You might be onto something. Have you given any thought to devising a machine that distinguishes real from fake?

THE U STEVE RF ANALYZER ( made in Indonesia )

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Integrating a set of heuristics to rapidly narrow down likely candidates seems to work pretty well.

1) Something is happening

-Is there any way that how we interpret the event could benefit the parasites?

-If so disregard the official narrative entirely. Even if a few bits of truth are present, it's a limited hangout designed to install deceitful precepts. "A lie told often enough becomes the truth, a lie told once biases the subconscious in a more programmable direction"

-If they do not gain, it may be an unplanned event they were forced to report on/allow through media due to too many witnesses/whistleblowers/etc. These critters only plan a tiny handful of total events, but events that reach public consciousness via algorithm and media are heavily skewed towards that tiny number of actual psyops.

-Read what they have to say with an eye for what they claim is not the truth. Ignore their proclamations about what the event actually is or what they think it might be. A form of ritual blasphemy against the parasite cult is useful here: by automating your internal mockery of any official stance you help prevent that subconscious bias inculcated via suggestion. They've adapted from the old days when they'd simply invert the truth and now often seed a counternarrative that they can declare to be a conspiracy theory and attack but that ultimately is a dead end.

2) What interpretation may help humans vs the parasites ("parasites" being a euphamism for the cult that pretends they are the real humans but indeed acts more like hostile, soulless machines)?

-use their own (stolen btw, these people seem biologically incapable of creativity) strategies to craft an internal narrative that benefits humans vs. the parasites. Here is where a honed intuition is critical. Think like they do by restructuring the framework of their antihuman bigotry into antiparasite bigotry. Reduced to a sentence it's something like this: "what conclusion/course of action is best for humanity in this instance"? This does not mean to shed observable reality and enter the sort of make believe fantasy space their "people" inhabit. Rather it is the fusion of all available nuggets of truth (assuming you have incomplete information regarding the event in question) with a filler that benefits humanity over the parasites

3) Distribute your conclusions far and wide, adapting as necessary to overcome the various individual and group pecularities which make make one manner of framing less likely to uptake than another.

Example: The train derailment awhile back. With incomplete information and lots of suspicious claims in the official narrative, we must craft our own. Rather than wallow in confusion, make the declarative statement "the parasites did this to mask injuries and deaths from their recent medical treatment". Is this true? Who knows. But it is ACTIONABLE. It also provides a framework for anti-parasite thought regarding similar disasters in minds with whom you share the idea. If uptake is successful, others will see events such as chemical spills or plant explosions through the same lens. Did the parasite cult destroy the chemical plant in Georgia last year? Who knows. Is it useful to the pro-human cause that as many people as possible categorically assign blame to the parasites for bad things they do AND bad things they don't? Absolutely. They scapegoat humans because it is an effective strategy. Being as they are an existential threat to life and liberty on Earth...scapegoat them. There is no "sinking to their level"...merely the necessity of eradicating their belief structure, identity and existance as quickly and efficiently as possible. Anything less makes us complicit. A body that permits parasites to continue existing is a traitor to itself. Don't be a self-loathing human.

It's not that their culture of lying is something we should emulate across the board, they simply developed a hack long ago: behave as group psychopaths and you will outcompete the more tolerant, empathatic humans. By all means seek truth, but if combining truth with a pro-human narrative helps the overarching goal of exterminating the parasite...great!

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Congratulations John Bernasconi!

How the hell you beat me for 1st comment award, I'll never know.

🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆

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I fine tuned my skills on X where I took Elon to the mat.

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Yes I also slam Elon on his X account. He is not helping humanity nor offers solutions.

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Not sure that Elon is really here / more like a 2.0 but not sure who is handling him ... what he pushes is not for us.

Ian Carrol did a great job / essay + video to probe Elon's interest re: the zionists / AIPAC and dual citizenship in Congress.

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Ian Carroll is awesome.

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He now has over 1M followers - he never stops!

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I was out walking the doggos…no regrets!😜

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Four dogs 🐕?

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Yeah, my dad had another stroke, so we had to go back to MN and get his 2 German Shepherds. I have to walk them daily to keep them from getting into trouble.

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Oh boy! My heart goes out to you. Dad's are our backbone.

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Micheal your not 1st again? I feel like you are turning into a real loafer. Lol.

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No regrets. My Samsung phone pings when a new post from Clif hits and I pulled up his post instantly and somehow, You, Sir John of Italian decent, had a post. How'd you get notified so fast? Did you get the upper hand via X? Are you some techie genius? Inquiring minds would like to know of your brilliance.

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Boi, u n yer fren have really gotten the art of trivialize down pat, aint u.

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Java Jo Jo John.

I thought the award winning other John posted your comment. LOL

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How old are you?

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Oh have some fun and enjoy life's journey. Friendly banter is good so act more like your inner child and stop starching your underwear. Relax!

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No one's more relaxed than I am, friend. But that first thing died long ago.

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Whatever you say Fog Nano Particle boy. Remember the Satanic Code, don't offer your advice unless asked for Nimrod.

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Today’s deep thought regarding the next World’s Fair: This will be the perfect opportunity for Elon to take NASA and move it to another state. They will clear Cape Canaveral for the next phase of Free Energy Project. It’s about to get real! Love you all!

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congrats yo;

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I’ve counted about 500 Musks on his own site

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Really. That's another reason I canceled all social media sites about 13 years ago. Somehow I've been lulled into substack because I enjoy the comments from this select group who follows Clif High. Does the Gov't have shills looking at our comments and targeting us free thinkers? Most likely but more and more platforms like X are bombarding their ability to stop this awakening. MSM brainwashed are the minority now. Hallelujah

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Fake sports as well. Let’s keep your list rolling.

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Carrie Underwood is a lip-syncing whore

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Warp Speed, Dump Trump y’all

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Clif, if you’re crazy, you’re my kind of crazy. Thanks for all you share with us. Take care of yourself and Cathy. ❤️

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You are not crazy. You are persistent for humanity’s sake. Stay crazy, we will catch up. 😉🇺🇸

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Everything we believe is a lie. That was their goal. They’ve said it out loud, but we still don’t believe it.

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Indeed and the 6 million is still broadcast and packed into the normies skull's as a museum is built nearby.

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I'll 2nd that!

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third it;

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What do you mean "we"?

I don't believe their shit.

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The hardest part is there are so few who accept that all is a Lie. They only want to repair the system... they cant live without other telling them what/how to live a life..

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That is because they, themselves, cannot bear to give up what is evil.

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Yes, ignorance and veils protect those scared to death of the truth and used as such.

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Fear is low energy.

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Yes Kiki, there are too many "Do as thou Wilst" selfish mind controlled individuals.

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Agree. That might be the whole of the 'law' but it is not the spirit of the law. They are, indeed, allowed to do what they wilst, we all are...but that is because IMO that they don't want and perhaps could not achieve anything better due to character deficiency. Personally, I think anyone with that viewpoint is a total nihilist who doesn't actually deserve anything better.

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Raised without morals or boundaries will cause that......

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What I find funny is that many of these people who are not raised with the best morals or boundaries see themselves as "good people."

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Yes and I've noticed that the tendency for many of them to be narcissists

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“…’If the first half of the twentieth century was the era of the technical engineers, the second half may well be the era of the social engineers’ – and the twenty-first century, I suppose, will be the era of the World Controllers, the scientific caste system and Brave New World…The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses, enough miracles and mysteries… Under a scientific dictatorship education will really work – with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown.”: ~Aldous Huxley, “Brave New World Revisited”

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You'll own nothing and be happy....

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Observed behavior is not looking good for the whole. I’m making myself available to an alien abduction to leave this control paradigm controlled by these fuking evil cunts and male version of the same,as they turn planet into a hell scape. LA is our future,unless? Hmmm…

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Maybe abduction comes at death. The aliens are harvesting your soul and its energy is what they use for interstellar travel.

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I've had that thought. Got non-human intelligence hanging around here in the form of white and orange orbs. Just feel they're waiting for me to croak so they can gather up my soul. Not much I can do about it. They've been here for the last 15 years. I'm 78 now. They can wait a little longer.

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That's possible.... Good comment

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Whatever where ever, odds are it could be better than what is coming if not circumvented, Not sure. Maybe that is why I follow ClifH’s thoughts and deductions based on waaaaay more intelligence and reasoning! With open minded observations that steer my consciousness…

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Yep, Clif has done his homework.

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But that's perfectly ok. That was a couch they made on the other side of the veil, (just realized those letters can spell live or evil). Our stories are so intricately interwoven. One person's denial and self destruction is another's greatest test/challenge. To let go and realize regardless of the outcome, "all is well with my soul".

Present the truth/facts, and move on. Leave it to their predestiny. To do that when someone you love beyond bounds/limits is choosing the lies/fantasy over your earnest pleas and presentation of the facts and faces horrific consequences, truly test one's grounding/metal. It's those circumstances that puts the awakened on a higher path. One that goes way beyond what's lies and what's not. I feel strongly that those choices are made reincarnation and ALL decisions are based on pure unconditional love and, in the bigger picture, are for the highest good of all involved. This concept removes judgement, and opens ones eyes up to the fact we are all one, coming forth from divine light. That is so blessedly freeing. That is what Truth does.

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Thank goodness and God for this group. That's all!

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Jan 15
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He's no guru and there is no cult. What are u talking about, Clif promotes health and has helped a lot of people with that.

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What are you doing here then. Wrong anyway, plenty of commentators dont accept all Clif says. Blinded and generalising…pharisee perhaps?

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That's what I was thinking. Clif is exposing the cult of Judism which is a hiddeous disease on humanity

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Good one AJ. That shut him up

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Do you realize like a cancerous cyst the Jews have been implemented in powers of position throughout the world in order to mind f*** us

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If you look at the US, there are supposedly about 3,300 rabbis.

There is a Khazarian population of about 4.2 million who identify as members of that religion.

The population of the US is almost 350 million.

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Parasites are tiny but powerfully toxic. It's Purge Time in the Rockies, my friend. If we don't knock 'em out they will bring us to the end...

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The people in positions of power who control the 350 million are very few.

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Jan 16
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It's the Khazarian Mafia section of the Jews that knowingly carry out the nefarious deeds to mind control and tear down the paradymn. They are paid handsomely and there is this tight stingy other greedy group that will do these deeds unknowingly because of the money. Like the Mafia boss who has his minions do all the dirty work. You have the Vatican, the Banksters, the Royal crown of England and the 13 family oligarchs hiding behind the greedy minions doing their psychopathic and evil agenda. Many unknowingly.

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Several times in the last year, I've had thoughts come into my head that I don't where they came from. Ideas about what's going on in the world. Weeks and months go by and lo, Cliff in several of his podcast, is putting my thoughts into words. Can't explain that, but, it is a fact.

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Grape flavored plez. Your assuming we are not thinking critically also!.. suk up a rope.

Trying to be nice

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You talking to yourself again charlie? I didn't see who you were responding to

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Des D

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But never rule out talking to myself. Haha, at least I listen..

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Oh yeah, a real fucking dandy that one

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A world where humanity finally gets its shit together—free from the BS paradigms holding us back—living up to our full potential and joining the cosmic community without looking like galactic morons.

We’ll wake people up, break the chains of the Pharisee nonsense, and start working together to fix our mess, build real progress, and stop pissing off the aliens so we can finally step into the bigger game without blowing it.

We got this.

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Some of us do. But we got to shoot the ones who dont... Or theyll fukusup.

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Down with “alienation”!!!

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We need to hurry. Time is of the essence.

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What if the booms we hear are messages from beyond the ice wall—a call from those trying to help us? The real question is: are we ready to listen and respond, or will we miss our chance to join the cosmic conversation?

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Ahmma goin' over that ass wall an' find out, pronto!

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Prob a weapon or aftermath of one. have heard them along with earthquakes.

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"Hurry" and do what, specifically?

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We can spread the word to those few like minded friends that are capable of seeing the problem and they in turn can pass it on. Like a wind swept fire and President Trump just told Stallone, Voight and Mel to get Kraken.

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Okay, what SPECIFICALLY are you going to do to demonstrate that we "got this"?

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God I love this fuckinh shit.... LOL

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I want my flying machine.

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That is why the Gnostics taught self awareness. Regretfully they aren't teaching presently but their main technique is easy. First acknowledge that we are thinking and fearing things which are unreal, our brains are always presenting thoughts that populate the mind without us seeking them. Then accept the thought is there but don't engage. After some time of practice realising our mind is receiving a broadcast not chosen by us and just observing without engaging the stream stops, one can still hear a faint high pitch noise but it doesn't contain feeling or words, we ignore it and focus on the now and carry on. Of course there are times we will think through what we want, but no longer thoughts will be planted in our minds. With the feelings is the same we acknowledge them, observe them but don't engage them. Then you are free to be yourself and follow your inner guidance from your soul for good. No more chattering mind, fear or low self worth. One just persevere with observing as needed. So the Atlantean BEAST broadcast is overrided and we are free to be present and aware.

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Thank you for saying! I’m spending large amounts of my evenings now holding focus on Source in me, applying my consciousness (after decades talking about spiritual things Ive now realised that it needs development and application - not just talking!!) 🦋

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Jordan Maxwell, considered the conspiracy researcher per excellence, said there's no "jewish history" at all in the middle east. The Jewish stories were all made up to justify their presence there. That's why the Bible is the greatest story ever written. Stories not history!

The controllers BS to manipulate the population is something to behold..

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Stories - all stories.

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Bedtime stories meant to scare ‘the hell’ out of you and have nightmares. Halloween on steroids. They love that adrenaline, don’t they?

So a god who loves you unconditionally, gives you conditional rules to follow or else. But not before you go to purgatory -to wait- for those fires of hell because you made him mad, and you get to stress over what punishment this loving god is going to dish.

Let’s start there.

No fear.

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Hey, did you steal that line from George Carlin?

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The Bible talks about the Pharisees coming to the temple in their finest silk attire to outdo all the others with their materialism and they insisted on the best seats in the House and Jesus condemned them

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Eliminating that problem would be a big asset for mankind.

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spot on;

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Neville Goddard said the bible stories are parables.

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Not all are confused by the lack of love and trickery. There is a huge force for good at play. All we can do is keep doing what we are asked to do by universal intelligence. Like each post is a chance to do the revealing work that we are here to do. Good stuff.

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Good advice. 👍

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Thank's Clif good Sir!🙏❤️🍻

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They are telepathic, they know what's what. IMO. Pharisees will be pharisees. A correction is coming.

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Yes they can scan, and see those with souls (divine spark) and those who are lacking it or who have none.

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Any connection between the demiurge and the elohim? Or are the Pharisees a different breed of Judaism?

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I find it amazing how the Allegory of the Cave (attributed to Plato but really Socrates telling the story) so aptly describes our situation.

The Pharisees (or whatever you want to call them) control what we think is reality. But it's just their projection. The ones that leave the cave and discover our real reality are few but hopefully growing in number and power.

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If you step out of the cave just look out for the Tyrannosaurus Rex

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Before I even read his article, my brother Paul calls and stars talking about the mind virus from the Atlanteans that led to their downfall. I asked him if he was familiar with the Pharisees. He said their fuckery is in our society as a whole and is pure satanic evil.

TRENDING #1 song on YouTube. "KARMAGEDEN" this isn't by chance Clif

WE MUST WIN THIS BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Actually, I think Clif’s bat-shit right.

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Dear Clif, Our National Treasure, ..... All of Humanity WILL suffer .... except for Russia and the BRICS. Cheer up! Trump and Putin are now back-channeling to codify new sphere-of-influence security agreements ..... And could we please label the guys who have already lost THIS ROUND of WWIII ... 'Evil fucking pricks' [?] instead of using the feminine perjorative .... just sayin', thanks.

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Yeah, men deserve some type of "C" word.... to be fair

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