Aether Pirates of the Matterium!
clif’s Newsletter Podcast
The Turn Worms
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -29:23

The Turn Worms

It's coming...

Discussion about this episode

Just what I needed to wind down after a long day...I always look forward to a post from uncle Clif!

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I second that - maybe the eclipse - the day from you-know-where . . topped off by the cat harfing on the bed(!) - but "hello humans" and it all dissolves =:-)

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I can't buy off that Ben Shapiro does not know what is going on. He is trying to save face to maintain authority because he lied.

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Many people were told the shots were deadly, but because they didn't die, and they didn't see any one die they didn't believe it. Almost all people who died of the 'covid' flu died away from family and friends so that no one could see the murder going on. They were just told the narrative,'re family member died of a really nasty, horribly deadly new flu! And because we've been taught from a very early age to believe anyone in authority, (most of us any way) people believed the lies. And MSM has covered up so many deaths it's hard to actually see it all.

Clif is right though, when people realize their families have been murdered in hospitals and nursing homes, then murdered again with the covid shots, one after another,....60,000 in 18 months,...all young working people of course too,...there will be RAGE on the STREETS!

If they ever actually wake up. I'm not sure they will. But I will hope.

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FAR more than 60,000 look into/subscribe to Steve Kirsch's Substack, Emerald Robinson's blogs... a few others...

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As children die from the shot, the rage begins in earnest.

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Sigh. I certainly hope so. But when I see ALL that has come out . . (in "our" however large "corner") it is echo chamber seeming - most that I encounter in the "real" world are still stuck in the matrix, thinking I am conspiratorial idiot (does't make me wrong!).

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Even if he didn't believe it causes death, he knew it was a new technology.

Him being religious, you would think that messing with RNA would be against his morals, but nope...

Same with Jordan Peterson, that asshat wasn't upset by the clear violation of informed consent (the ability to say no without repercussions)?

F those shills.

I think he promoted the shots cause he is a piece of crap that kisses the butt of authority. Now he's rolling back because it's ok to do this now. Same for piers Morgan and aseem Malhotra...

They didn't know,? Yeah right

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I feel like the lab leak thing is bullshit.

Also, why did the west trust china's story about people dying and why would we accept their genetic code of convid?

In most nations, in 2020...

Total deaths were close to 2019.

Average age of cv death, was around life expectancy (Mike Yeadon just realized this and questions convid).

Most that died during 2020 had multiple comorbidities. But it was blamed on CVID.

So what deadly disease? What lab makes something that didn't change overall mortality and they needed to pump up the numbers for?

It's illogical and we need to realize that the lab leak story is there to keep fear of future pandemics...

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I think the article/link posits the realistic theory that the entire Coviid SCAM was not about a nasty flu... but a scam to get people to take the death-jabs. the "vaccines" are the real killer... not the CV flu... which, IMO WAS genetically modified and a "bio-weapon" as it has several traits that are not "natural"... and is in fact a more deadly flu strain than normal...

The Vaxx, of course, is nothing but a bio-weapon... containing poisons like spike proteins found in mad-cow disease and HIV strains, graphene oxide and PEG and several other really toxic substances...

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Yep...Like every jab, INJECTING FOREIGN CRAP is harmful.. whether it's graphene or what moderna had issues with the lipids before convid.

No special tech needed, besides finding out a toxin that remains in the body.

With older jabs, it was aluminum and mercury, still used in various shots.

I'm glad that they went overboard with this shot because now people are questioning all shots.

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And they SHOULD question all shots... IMO, the plan is to put the mRNA poisons, and all they contain, into all vaccines... maybe injections of all sorts... and I doubt this will be disclosed.

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I wonder, since postal workers are exempt, are new IRS hirees exempt too?

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Absent another massive election FRAUD/STEAL... the 87,000 IRS agents will not be hired... funding for it will be cancelled. Of course, the traitors McConnell and Mccarthy may cave to it... they stink.

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Yes, the people still left on YOUtube have to know this truth but will not say it cuz they know they'll get kicked off Youtube. Same for Glenn Beck Tim Pool. There are a bunch!!!

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It's entirely possible that Shapiro is sincere and earnest in his ideology, but blind to the evil it promulgates and harm it causes.

When you're born into it, it's extremely difficult to get out of it. Even when it happens, it's a long and (I would guess) extremely painful process.

That said: Fuck Ben Shapiro. The truth was obvious if you bothered to care about truth. He traded his soul for lollypops and fancy pants, and will pay the price. If he fully repents from his wicked ways, I'll forgive him and welcome him back into the brotherhood of man, but I could give two shits about him in the meantime.


Covid 19 vaccine damage repair protocols:

Vitamin D for cancer:

Microphage treatment for cancer:

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Creating a different social order? That would be nice, but I just don't see there being the wrote intelligence within the existing order to create the necessary seeds for the new order - unless the vaxx kills off all the stupid, the naive, the woke within the current social order. We will see what happens. Certainly, many people stupid enough to fall for the vaxx will die off, so that's a start.

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I'm inclined to agree. If all this "woke" culture war proves anything is that far too many are shallow thinking, virtue signaling fools desperate for approval, with little, if any, genuine principles guiding their lives and choices. Critical thinking and discernment is too far beyond their reach due to all the programming and low effort existence they embrace.

I know that's awfully cynical and that I should give the mentally enslaved opportunities to recover and redeem themselves. But its like seeing that chain smoker dying of lung cancer, saying they wished they had never started while lighting up another one. They would rather knowingly die with their vice, than embrace the demanding and difficult road to recovery. One cannot help those who refuse to change their ways or help themselves.

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They are easily influenced, and can just as easily be influenced to virtue.

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Unfortunately that is not true. Humanity is sinful by nature and easily influenced by Satan's dominance over the earth, which God gave him. It requires spiritual effort to resist the temptations of temporal life (receiving gratifications of physical / material wants and desires) and live humbly and righteously / virtuously.

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How exactly does what you wrote indicate humans can't be influenced to virtue?

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I didn’t say humans could not be influenced to virtue. I disagreed with your assertion that they “can just as easily be influenced to virtue.”

Humans are far more easily tempted into less-than-virtuous behavior than virtuous behavior. I offer as my supporting evidence the entire history of the human race.

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The entire history of the human race has been hidden from us.

What we do know indicates an upward trend in well-being for the majority.

Cliff's videos show he agrees with that statement. You don't. Why are you here?

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Why am I here? That’s pretty arrogant. I have the right to be here and express my opinion equally as you or anyone else. You have a problem with my disagreement with your assertion.

At least the recorded/ documented history of the human race for approximately the past 3,500 years is pretty conclusive that the vast majority of humans did not behave virtuously.

I think Clif has a fairly realistic perspective of human behavior. I’ve watch all of his videos going back over a year or more. I have not ever heard or read him opine that humans are as easily influenced to virtue as they are in the other direction.

Despite there possibly being “an upward trend in well being for the majority”, it does not in any way support your original assertion that people are “as easily influenced to virtue” as they are subject to being influenced to non-virtuous behavior.

Ones “well being” is often partially due to the actions of others as a family, community, or even society. Even non virtuous peoples well being is lifted by positive trends in economic and societal measures. People do what they perceive is necessary to survive, and that often is not virtuous.

You get the last word. I’m getting repetitive.

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"Why am I here? That’s pretty arrogant. "

It's an honest question considering your stated positions. Odd you'd term it "arrogant".

" I have the right to be here and express my opinion equally as you or anyone else. You have a problem with my disagreement with your assertion."

This is Cliff's Substack, nobody has a "right" to be here. I don't have a problem as long as you're logical and honest.

"At least the recorded/ documented history of the human race for approximately the past 3,500 years is pretty conclusive that the vast majority of humans did not behave virtuously."

Then how do you explain the orders of magnitude increase in standards of living, lifespan, knowledge, etc.? Your assertion is illogically pessimistic.

"I think Clif has a fairly realistic perspective of human behavior. I’ve watch all of his videos going back over a year or more. I have not ever heard or read him opine that humans are as easily influenced to virtue as they are in the other direction."

That means you have heard him opine we are winning, and heading into "Sci-Fi World", which is a giant leap in human well being. You may have listened, but you clearly didn't understand. More likely, you heard what you wanted to hear.

"Despite there possibly being “an upward trend in well being for the majority”, it does not in any way support your original assertion that people are “as easily influenced to virtue” as they are subject to being influenced to non-virtuous behavior."

That is demonstrably false, and can only be asserted if you use the Cabal-controlled information outlets to come to your conclusion. In addition, human well-being cannot be advanced by vice, only by virtue, so your argument is false on it's face.

"Ones “well being” is often partially due to the actions of others as a family, community, or even society. Even non virtuous peoples well being is lifted by positive trends in economic and societal measures. People do what they perceive is necessary to survive, and that often is not virtuous."

One's well-being is increased by virtuous activity (avoiding vice/sin and engaging in virtue). Cooperation and community (lifting up of one's self and others) is virtuous. Non-virtuous people can experience a temporary increase in material well-being at the expense of others, but it ALWAYS ends badly, as the eternal Law of Reciprocity requires (you WILL be done onto as you have done onto others, if not in exact manner, in a manner which impacts you equally in physical, emotional, and spiritual terms - in this life, or the next).

I am afraid your limited reality-view impairs your thinking. Go read/listen to Mauro Biglino, and read/listen to some of the authors/speakers Clif recommends.

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As Clif pointed out, many people got hooked by empathy and altruism; they took the vax to "protect" grandma and other people, and we were promised that if everyone took it, then everyone would be "protected' and things would get back to normal, so they were "doing their part", being a "good citizen".

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The path to hell is paved with good intentions.

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I was told I would die if I didn't get the jab by friends, I had for 56 years. I was bullied, told I was selfish and didn't have any older people (parents to protect). I actually lost 9 family members from old age and only one 40 yr old was murdered in the hospital with Fouci protocal-he had a young wife and 3 young children. People wouldn't sit by me at events because of being the great unwashed. Microsoft Outlook actually sensored my private email to my sister about calling it (jab) a bioweapon early on along with FB and Twit. Many people in my area remain asleep and convinced the jab has them protected. It will be sad when they finally are told by someone they think an authority figure that they in fact have been poisoned and wake up.

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I don't believe they will ever be told that by a mainstream authority figure, one that they would believe.

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Intelligence comes from making mistakes and learning from it.

If the people learn to distrust authority, that will "immunize" them from blindly trusting the current social order and we will progress.

Suffering wakes up the dreaming masses.

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I concur!

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Always enjoy your talks, Clif. Chris Paul totally destroyed Ben Shapiro in his latest talk. You went easy on Ben - I'm sure he appreciates your take. I hope Ben wakes up to everything, sucks it up, and starts telling his audience the Truth, even if he loses his sponsors...

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That would be nice.

I'm not holding my breath.

It would totally destroy his worldview. Most are too weak to stand that.


Covid 19 vaccine damage repair protocols:

Vitamin D for cancer:

Microphage treatment for cancer:

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isn't or wasn't hillary a patent attorney?

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I think she is/was a demon

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We know she was that..

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Cathy O'Brian told even more about Billary being a demon in her book about MKUltra and I don't want to leave out D Chaney and G Bush JR and SR and a slew of others. Then remember the videos of her in the basement of the Pizza place that was supposedly on Weiners laptop, that was demonic. And....the 8 or 9 cops out of that NY precinct that saw the laptop that were Arkancided! Ah the evil crap they shove into history like it never happened.

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Yeah, a part of me thinks she's the real Head of the Cabal. Certainly she was supposed to be the next President-KING! And boy was she pissed that she wasn't! LOL! I can't even imagine just how nasty she was to every one she employed when her election scam didn't work!

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nah, anymore, the Hillapig is a joke... powerless... all she can do is rant and rave, and get drunk... think WEF Klaus Schwab and maybe even some demons above him...

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Look how high the Clinton body count is!! She must have been pissed..haha

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Lol no just a loyal and productive demon.

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I remember years ago, during Bills Presidency, a secret service fellow wrote a book, said that when she would walk into a hall, everyone was to go into their offices and NOT look at her! I think now, that was a positive thing! Queen of mean, more than we will ever know.

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all I know is that she, Bill, Obama, and Michelle lost their law licenses! Imagine that, and they still ran on the Demwit ticket. They push these people that have done the nefarious acts!

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Are non-humans allowed to take the Bar exam?

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I don't see how the social order can change for the better when it's comprised primarily of idiots.

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Thanks Cliff, looking forward to the turning. I live in the same state and just don't any evidence of it happening anytime soon. Most people can't or just don't want to connect the dots.

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Yes, I suppose it is not so painful if they just stick their head in the sand. So many thought they were doing the right thing and really thought those of us that didn't were such fools and idiots.

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Cliff, is gonna be a Flase Flagg, that will shut down our voting? Be cause the demoic dems don’t want to give up their Power.

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A very good question. My hubby said he expects a massive false flag to cause the country to go into a lockdown with FEMA in control before the Election. It wouldn't take that big of a BOMB SCARE really either. Everyone will panic and do exactly what they are told.

And of course they'll blame Russia, China, N. Korea, or Iran. Maybe all of them! These guys are really getting desperate and they are not giving up Control,....never. So, somethings gonna happen!

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People will fight back if these elections don't go smooth. And I think it's a possibility, they have some type of plan to combat this. But it will be a long bloody drawn out war. Because the people can dig in and fight for years to come. But they will get their wish. And a large portion of Americans will be gone. They couldn't continue with this country because there was things they have done people was going to bring a fight to them regardless. They have stole everyone's retirement, and stole all the money from social security. They have sold our land and pretty much our country out to other countries. And when they come to claim it. And the people say noooo!! This is our land. It was never for sale. Then there will be war with other countries on top of it. So this is all that coming down around us. And they have had time to prepare for a war with us, the people. And the majority of the us. Didn't even know it coming. Because they most definitely knew people was going to be very upset when they realized all the money. And they country was gone.

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I think it is way too close to the election to pull a stunt like that... it would be SO obvious... of course, maybe they don't care. Look how corrupt the DOJ and FBI are... and they could care less about any complaints... that may soon change...



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You're looking at a FF being SO obvious to people with common sense. That alone excludes a vast majority of the population. Observe the number of idiots still wearing masks.

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True... but IMO... they would have pulled the stunt months, not days before the election... especially with polls, even though mostly slanted/corrupt, showing a RED WAVE COMING... it would be SO obvious... even to many dullards... We shall see...

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Fear causes panic. Panicked sheep work best. Go to a grocery mart down south when the weather goblin predicts snow of any amount.

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Oct 29, 2022
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That's why the left constantly is trying to get our GUNS... they were successful in Australia... and shortly after... the Gov and the Cops there all went full NAZI.

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"Everyone will panic and do exactly what they are told." Bingo.

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Definitely NOT everyone will panic and do as they are told, but maybe half or so will!

The other half will be doing something else...

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Many, but not everyone.

Too many normies have been nibbling on a steady torrent of redpills.

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I saw Chinook army helicopter flying overhead, and, plastic tubs appeared at everyone's door. I believe we're going into lockdown.

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are you in the USA?

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I hope you’re okay, Eileen. May I ask what sort of plastic tubs appeared at everyone’s door? Thank you!

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false alarm; it was some kind of trash service, no explanation given until today.

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liberal city of Asheville, NC, with its own BLM Office. But, it was a false alarm; some kind of trash service, and no explanation given until today.

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If I had anywhere to go, I would get out of here right now.

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'they' have ordered all kinds of radio-protective wear and gear, and they are talking non-stop about the russian nukes.

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They know things are in place to catch the cyber warfare this time. I highly doubt they allow an election. They have overthrown the government. They won't relinquish power without a fight.

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Blood moon is November 8. Very SIGNificant.

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I hope Clif is right and people are waking up - but I don't see evidence of this myself.

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It’s easy to see who has lasted through these long hard 2.5 years with truth! YOU!

All of the other truthers have fallen by the way side. There’s no need to name them as you know who they are.

Thank you for tirelessly, consistently providing us with updates. 💕🇨🇦

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To see why all TPTB get away with so much corruption, murder,etc. read this amazing article by Corey Digs all about the International Organization Immunities Act of December 29, 1945. She has a lot of good info under the menu and under “for diggers” to dig into the rabbit hole.

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This finally seems to explain where the evil is and has been coming from for millenia.

Yes, they are inhuman, but not alien or ET. They are all around us disguised as normal humans.

The books cited in the articles explain the psychopathic problem we are facing quite clearly.

We see them every day on TV and in the stores, and especially in the so called news.

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We have SOME normies waking up. There's a huge number who just can't get there. It's a huge number.

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Live long and prosper!

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Critical mass consciousness approaches. Time to GEL. I'm SO EXCITED.

It will be very interesting to observe as the nocebo takes effect. The power of belief.

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Love this format and able to comment.

As long as audio is clear and clean.

Cheers Clif

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It doesnt matter if he records himself screaming into a wax recorder from a hundred years ago while in a hot air balloon. Accept it as it comes.

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LOL!! You are right! He's our Stone in the crazy river of insanity right now,....without him, I'd be floating all over the ether!

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Try Archaix on YouTube. Start with the first videos. Podcasts may be confusing. NO FEAR in a simulation. 😃

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Uncle Cliff is my water turbine in the raging river of insanity.

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i knew patent office was its a grant from the every office that has been infiltrated by scum fux etc...the government

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The patent office is run by the British. Yes, our patent office! We are still a colony.

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No doubt the patent office has that problem to hide revolutionary new tech from reaching the market and making their own products obsolete. We already know they've stolen and hidden new and improved tech from us for decades.

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It’s been the system since at least Einstein.

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Chlorine dioxide going to become very popular with the jabbies.

Thanks for their sacrifice so we can FREE THE WORLD.

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We hope the people of the UK wake up soon because the country is now in the hands of the WEF ...corrupt parasites in full control !!! Cliff we pray we all over come this evil and good wins this spiritual battle .Thank you for your updates with so many false talkers out there your the one we trust a true warrior

and as more people awaken we can drain the swamp once and for all.

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Everyone should PRAY! No matter what religion you are, prayer is good positive energy! Send it out!!

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The trick is to not pray outside oneself, but pray only to Source in the temple found in our own hearts, as Jesus said: "Master where is the temple? It's in YOU!"

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Oct 29, 2022
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In my viewpoint we are Divine Spirits wearing a backpack full of judgments holding us down that we inherited from all our ancestors. The difference is Source which gave us our individual Spirits never judges and only steps in to help when asked to by us. while DNA is all about judgment.

We come here to clean out all the errors, but nobody normally teaches us how to do it. AND IT CAN BE DONE!

We knew all this would be here in the duality when we decided to come here. We saw here as a prison disguised as a school OR entertainment for our true selves, depending upon our state of consciousness.

I follow the teachings of Ron Amitron @

Thanks for your comment.

The greats always teach us to "go within," not so easy in duality, unless you are shown.

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You're mistaken about Ben Shapiro. As a libertarian, he talked about why he took the jab himself, but he never tried to convince others to do so.

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I think you're right, I used to watch him a lot, but he didn't really KNOW what was going on and he kept talking about the stuff MSM put out. So, I walked away.

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Thank U MR high,

Informative Audio.

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The US Patent Office (USPO) was outsourced several years ago to a British company named SERCO. Look it up. A foreign intelligence service gets to see patent applications before they are processed. SERCO also has US Government contracts for some of our airports, management of certain FEMA regions, and actually has the contract to track all US Navy assets (ships, parts, etc.). Why outsource these sensitive functions??

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Ben Shapiro works for the Khazarian Mafia and reads the script he is given. His job is to herd the pure bloods back onto the Khazarian Plantation. He needed to maintain credibility with his targeted audience, so he jumps out in front of the crowd and pretends to be a leader.

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my observation is:

"All systems of non integrity are collapsing."

It appears to be picking up speed.

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Ben Shapiro's mea culpa for pimping the vax is meaningless to me no matter his level of Khazarian complicity:

1) 100% = he got a saline shot but fears liability/ revenge attacks.

2) >100% = he got real vax and has remorseful anxiety for his probable earlier death.

Regardless, I have no empathy or respect for his cagey ethics of convenience which he most likely got $.

As for the cresting wave of revenge by vax-injured people, my heart goes out to them. The cold sweat they get realizing they have been D U P E D must be unbearable. God have mercy on their souls as they seek revenge.

Clif, do you have predictive data showing the advent of a revolutionary D E T O X medical mode to save these unfortunate vaxxed victims?

That invention would be the best news ever!

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I suggest you start researching naturopathic and homeopathic substances. Earth has probably already provided us with many things. I have heard good things about zeolite, bentonite clay, HCQ, MMS, Rife frequency generators ( has very reasonable prices), etc. Maintaining PH balance, which varies for different parts of the body, oxygen therapy for cancer; dandelion root extract for lung health, milk thistle to detox the liver. Of course, all of that must be complimented by NOT putting more crap in your body, making sure you get enough exercise and fluids to allow toxins to leave through sweat, urine and defecation. Fats and red meats, more than fruits, veggies and juice. Sea salt, eggs, dairy of all sorts, preferably unpastuerized. Basically, eat and drink the opposite of what we have been told for 60 plus years by FDA, CDC, and any other insitutions. Look for more people like Clif, who have tried alternative therapies themselves and had success. Check this one out: (not a typo, it's ".co" ... not ".com")

The Earth will give us everything we need, if we are willing to "remember" how to use it, and are respectful and appreciative.

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Tia Loca, many thanks for your thorough answer.

Our family is mixed: daughter was duped-vaxxed, my son and I stood firmly against.

Still hope more is in the works for a pro-active, targeted detox product created specifically to eliminate any vaxxes' toxic elements AND reversing their mRNA alterations.

Now that creation would deserve highest honor/reward.

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I believe the trillions of mitochondrial and stem cells being repaired IS a pro active targeted detox product "created specifically to eliminate any vaxxes' toxic elements AND reversing their mRNA alterations." and deserves the highest honor/reward.

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The revolutionary D E T O X repair Mitochondria and Stem cells and can be found at JOIN to see all the testimonials, Reports of scars disappearing, sense of smell returning in 80 year old farmer, etc.

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Ed, bookmarked and ready to share. Thank you kindly.

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I've learned to avoid credentials like those listed on that site. P&G definitely nefarious.

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Hydrogen Alkaline water. Search HHO machines.

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Much appreciated, Wally. Sharing wherever needed.

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Thanks Clif, this helps us understand the misery that surrounds us and I believe Shapiro’s wife is a pediatrician.

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Ben's already on double speed.

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Seriously... You double speed him & he even says he sounds like The Chipmunks

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our little company made the mistake of trying to defend a patent against 3M that had stolen our design it cost us $300,000 we won but it did not stop 3M however, so from then on we would not patent our designs we just made them very hard to reverse engineer AND had our next model already designed and ready to beat them in the market place before they had a chance to market their stolen design and we maintained a larger market share then they had doing it that way. : )

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Altruistic people don’t violate Nuremberg that outlawed coercing people into medical experiments and violating informed consent.

Ben Shapiro being Jewish should know this when I was taught this by my ethnic Polish grandfather after he escaped Nazis and NKVD during the attack on Warsaw in 1939.

Expand full comment're mistaken about Shapiro; he IS, what they call, 'controlled opposition'. Not only that....he's a WHINY LITTLE BITCH (proving that he IS, indeed, a LibTard)!! lol Ben Shapiro = Khazarian Mafia!!

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Clif has always impressed me with his insight, except for today. I am very surprised that he isn’t aware of the fact that the virus con job has never been isolated, therefore does not exist.

Over 100 FOI’s were sent over the past 2 years to health agencies around the world and NOT ONE could state that they have! Please see Christine Massey at Flouride Free for the evidence. In fact, there are, in reality, no such things as any viruses. If Clif, and any one of you look into the research of Dr Stephan Lanka or Dr. Amandha Vollmer, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr Sam Bailey, Dr. Tom Cowan, etc., you will see the evidence.

When Clif describes the terrible flu of 1968, he must be unaware of the real reason why it happened….perhaps toxicity in food, air, water, radio frequencies..ALL symptoms are the result of the body’s response to ridding itself of toxins.

For any one to perpetuate the v myth is, in my opinion, ignorant of the facts and needs to become fully awake.

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So appreciative that others are knowing what's what. You're right because it's the truth.

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It’s really complicated, because both of our camps know that the mainstream media is Wrong, but we maybe don’t see how we have been divided…. Choices: 1) no viruses exist

2) Viruses are man made and maliciously spread.

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Bravo Flower! You are right according to me !

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The fact that some of the most visible opponents of the jab ie Dr. Ryan Cole, Del Bigtree, Robert Kennedy Jr, Steve Kircsh, Judy Mikovitz, etc don’t even want to enter into the discussion despite being asked to debate or present the facts on their programs/ forums, is highly suspect. Why don’t they? That is the big question.

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I can’t find this thread again… will you write me: ?

I wonder if we are divided into two camps. The ones who think there are no viruses (Drs Cowan & Kaufman) and the ones who say The Virus is man made and maliciously spread.

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I want a clean government - one that genuinely works for the people. This needs to happen everywhere.

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Clif, I'm an old, unconventional fart like you and I love your raw, unfiltered take on the BS in our world. Please just keep on doing your thing and telling us as you go. You encourage us all. And I love your pure sleep product. Really helps me get to sleep.

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That is a grim future for the evil doers. They are hoping we destroy each other before we get to them.

How fast we relearn to cooperate with each other will be crucial to lessoning the loss of life.

Thanks Clif. Your sharing segments of the big picture is so important.

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When the visual evidence of these Satanist's rituals using children are released or leaked to the public showing their leaders and celebs participating there will be instant unification.

It won't matter what race, religion(or lack of) people will be such an outrage such that Clif is correct there will be street justice.

It's going to be brutal and ugly but it's going to be fairly quick, no trials, no appeals, no mercy for these demons, only a tree/lamppost and plenty of rope.

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This ‘upending’ can be better described as a Red Pill suppository for the normies, which will behave as a fast acting laxative; followed promptly by a ‘cleansing’ otherwise known as a forced enema.

Those of us who woke up earlier took the Red Pill orally and therefore had a gentler cleansing.

Can’t say I feel sorry for those pro-vax normies who will suffer a level of cognitive dissonance which might put them in a mental ward. They were so smug, so arrogant, virtue signalling morons who will get the equivalent of a sledgehammer to the balls.

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well said. No truth can get thru to them because of their pride.

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Funny thing. I almost died from that flu in 1968. I had a fever of 106 for 6 weeks. I lived in Los Angeles.

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The thought of listening to Ben at double speed... lol

Thank you for this Clif.

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All your healing stuff like my SLEEP can be super enhanced if you ALSO supercharge, repair, and grow your mitochondria and stem cells back to when you were young! Testimonials and reports prove: Scars fall off, 80 year old farmer sense of smell returns, spines regrow, rashes disappear, etc.

Join at MOREMITO.COM/BOGM to see the proof. Free. No fees! No obligation!

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Nanotechnology??????? Are you kidding? I think I'll wait and see if the people with all the Nano tech in them now survive! LOL!

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Thanks for the question. Do not know if they are actually mind controlled or not.

It's not ALL as bad as the black goo powder in empty prescription capsules!

Are they mind controlled sleepers or not? No way to know till they turn.

By their fruits you shall judge them!

Maybe the new 3.0 formula is bad nanos? Or good nanos like on StarTrek?

Bad? Question everything if doubting or risky, could be he learned enough to heal us all!

They seem to be real good guys, etc. People centered.

Many reported healings already indicate the mito are repairing the mitochondria and our own stem cells will actually heal ANY nanos as well, so...! Time will tell

He may have left the Procter/G and Airforce darkside to do this. We'll seee........

I just did a health show at the TRUMP Towers in Miami.

On the way out was a new BENTLY WITH AIRFORCE PLATES ON IT!

This is definitely a world of illusion!

I suggest we get on their Saturday calls and ask him directly!

Trust only your heart! The mind always will lie to us.

Ed (MrOxygen)

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Kia Ora Ed, sadly peeps seem unaware of where their breath comes from and especially of your history regarding ozone. Trust you are vital and well. Medizone International were marketing an ozone machine with supposedly mazing healing results - then the board somehow gave up on the technology - yet pumped the share price sold their shares, went insolvent and left shareholders in Australia and NZ, without even an apology. Any info on this tech? Sorry for 'free riding' on the comments section here people.

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Just had an NZ stock insider tell me more info on this tech. One of the office workers admitted their previous Medizone CEO kept piles of white powder in his office desk. No wonder they folded. Great tech though. Medisept I think it was called. Their clinical director was Mike Shannon, former surgeon general for Canada. Great guy.

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Yes, Ed, thank you for replying. The Director of the time had a very bad addiction and conned the shareholders until he was outed and sacked. Medizone folded whilst under the leadership of Michael Shannon as the Managing Director. However, he made no effort to have his officers connect to the shareholders from this part of the world, what so ever. It was these people here who kept Medizone afloat and and who thought this tech would be a major global health initiative outside the sway of big Pharma. As you very well know truth and integrity in this world is very difficult to find. Thanks again brother - trust that you are surviving well. My clobbered web site - plus radio show.

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Hi Tim,

Somehow I Just found our unknown correspondence via Substack which I do not usually use while reading Clif High. His newest article is great.

Your last radio show was 2021?

looked over your Ourplanet website. You flew a lot. I see you are keeping up the truth telling. Wonderful.

How do we know each other? Was I on your show back in the day?

Chunks of memory gone here.

Do you have a copy you could send me?

Been through fun of house collapse, bad totaled car crash, etc. Please email me @ and or call or text me at 786 423 2653 so we can reconnect.

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Spot on! I was just sharing these conclusions with my wife a couple nights ago, specifically Shapiros moment of self discovery, and that it specifically denotes a cresting of the wave of consciousness of the crimes of the Cabal. Love your stuff Cliff, so glad to have the confirmation of your shared conclusions.

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As usual we're on the same wavelength. You may have mentioned this before. I did a piece called "hood justice". It may have been based on something you said. Cheers. Stay Woo.

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Quantum mechanics is wrong...

Same with genetics

Same with virology. In this example, polio was used to cover up toxicity of pesticides. You can't sue a virus...

It's all schizo science... Imaginary realm "observed" with instruments that themselves are fallible.

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Clif I sure hope you are wrong about the patent office because I just filed a preliminary patent on a magnetic motor.

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Good luck with your Invention hope the DS doesn’t steal

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Heartbreaking information, but important to know, face, and prepare for.

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About time that the idiots realised the toxic jabs were a profit and killing tool for the cabal. Here in stupid England they love the fucking jab. These dicks have the flu jab with 4th booster at the same time. No wonder the UK has the biggest depopulation number by 2025. Perhaps Edwin Deagle was right hey ? My country is in deep trouble along with Europe . Just look at the state of our government . Putin must be pissing himself with laughter . Stay woo humans.

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Entertaining guy but keep in mind that his track record with these predictions and forecasts is catastrophically poor.

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Perception = Behavior

Control of Percetion = Control of Behavior

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Eve was told in the garden if she ate the fruit she would surely not die....... Lies of omission. The shot can kill you....perhaps not today but it can kill slowly. I pray the true living God can alter the outcomes for people and we can live in peace, abundance, and prosperity. Send all that intend evil and intend harm to others elsewhere. Let it be on Earth as it is heaven. I will wait on the Lord.

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Does that mean Reggie Middleton's patent is fucked too?

Begs another question, why didn't they steal it?

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Greetings from around the curve - in New Zealand Clif. We are experiencing weather manipulation and the usual chem trailing that Joe 18 pack still ignores. Can I ask you why there seems to be no mention of Dane Wigington and - on your blogs. People from the Olympic Peninsular in your State maintain that your stalled weather pattens are due to HAARP interference that has been happening for over a decade! A statement by you on Geo engineering will be most welcome. Thank you.

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Appreciate your comments and insights, what does your analysis of 5g controlling activating people that have been vaccinated?

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68 was the Hong Kong flu = much worse than Covid . I was down Flat for two weeks + / WR

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I believe you have mental disorders. In other words you're a wacko!!

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In no way makes him wrong.

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Thanks Clif . Another great podcast, as always .

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We have SOME normies waking up. There's a huge number who just can't get there. It's a huge number.

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The volte face of Schappyroh caused by the Turncoat variant ? There will be a lot of that ass saving turncoat variant abroad. Just watch them swivel like dervishes on a quantum warp speed Lazy Susan.(culinary)

Thanks Clif_ again

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Clif, love your stuff for years. When you are in the car the volume is way too low.

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Not for me…perfect..

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Take it as it comes or not at all.

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Please explain

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Clif, every time I listen to your audio recordings. Another piece of the jigsaw is placed. Please record frequently.. as many of us relish your perception and knowledge.. keep it flowing. Thanks

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Hello Clif,

I am sure you have seen the Atlantic article by Emily Oster. Simply stunning, self serving hogwash. Her panic is palpable, must be that pesky truth leaking out across normieland.

Take care,


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Thanks so much Clif! I have been working (with fascination) my way through your videos on bitchute, from the beginning. They give me much strength, which I really need right now as my partner died a year ago from cancer. It's me and my old cat now! I am lucky enough to have two, very smart, jab-free friends; rare as hen's teeth in the uk!!! The woo is constantly altering though, as you say so well. It's a seriously long haul. So glad you're there.

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Where are the links to the Jane theory? I have looked on truth and telegram and cannot find them.

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Here in welfare Sweden everyone seems to be blissfully asleep. Trust in government institutions has always been high. When finally the truth dawns upon us, the people is going to be traumatized for generations.

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Hi Cliff You mentioned that the Khazarian Mafia kind of invented psychology???? I think it has been around for thousands of years. Consider the voodoo veli man or witch doctor who can kill his victims by simply pointing an arrow at them. Have you read The Golden Bough by professor Frazer amazing book. Cheers

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Interesting thing about strange attractors. I was chatting a long time ago with Dr. Chris King ( and he told me that in order to create an entirely new fractal (movement) 'using humans as an example' the numbers are only 12 out of 20000. So one human, gets glommed onto by 12 others and they 'spin' and an entirely new fractal is formed (looking at it from a biological perspective), dragging the others in, eventually if the thought form is in line with Creator/Universe. Like R.A.W's "it steam engines when it is steam engine time'. Cheers. Hopefully Clif will be back on twit soon.

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Timely! Paul Pelosi! :O

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Yep, what Cliff said..

Translated into music. The World is a Ghetto, by the band War.

Don't you know that it's true

That for me and for you

The world is a ghetto

Don't you know that it's true

That for me and for you

The world is a ghetto

There's no need to search anywhere

Happiness is here, have your share

If you know you're loved, be secure

Paradise is love to be sure

Kick back and Enjoy the music

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Thank you Clif High!

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Sorry for my spelling my thumbs and Phone suck today

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Some of my Favorite Hist Like Mark Levin Hannity And Bernie and Sid would say the Sane as Ben and found them hypercritical just how they said get the jab it’s different if they had not recommend, Stay in your own lane Hell I couldn’t except Faucie of Bricks or anyone Mandates or left to govt and not me and my Dr

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If you really want the turn to worm, you've got to play Texas Holdem.

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Schlomo Shapiro, lol.

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I sure hope that this includes the Great White North aka Canada! Don't forget about your cousins up here....

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I look forward to these audios; they keep me going -vinjured, but is there any data showing up for the UK? It's pretty grim here what with the farcical politicians, still pushing the deathshot, stopping V debates, GP's not seeing patients AND the economy. Sunak looks eager to get CBDC's in whilst not stopping the migrants coming ashore. Is there hope these Mother WEF'ers are going to be taken out soon?

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Have you hard of the UFO detector that some Norwegian guy invented when he was a kid? He said that it worked.

UFOs use electro-gravitics and distort the magnetic field around them.

He put electrical contacts on either side of a compass needle. If the needle swung, it set off an alarm and he rushed outside to see what he could see.

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Links? This is fascinating!

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Remarque88 Remarque88. Where’s our beloved Remarque88. ? No words for five days ???

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Always on a Clif hanger.

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Thank you clif.. love listening to you. It now makes sense about Einstein. He was a cheat and a thief. He worked in a pattern office and stole others work. What a worm. Now that's real news for me

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Being able to listen to Ben Shapiro at double speed is a superpower... 😆

Thank you for your great work...much appreciated...never stop... 🥰🙏🌞✨

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Love listening to your stuff. So eignstein stole info from his employers.. now that makes sense . He was just a cheat and a thief..

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Westchester perhaps?

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Q once said "They won't be able to walk down the street" (think Vax promoters)

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Will there be cures to the poison do you think Cliff?

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I think I found one! Try

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This time around, we will be creating and enforcing anti- deceit laws. If you want to be criminal and predatory, and take advantage of others, we're going to f****** hang you. Lawful American citizens are done with the rules we are done being played and we are done being non-represented by criminals.

We will self-represent!

We will only self-represent!

Get f****** used to it! all others will be considered hostile combatants.

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Hello Humans, Hello Humans

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Hello Humans, Hello Humans

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Hello Humans, Hello Humans

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Thank you for sharing your wisdom. The more light we embody, the faster we heal, expand consciousness, free our minds, evolve, etherize the blood, alchemize the soul, and experience higher dimensional living. Sungazing is the optimal way to receive and embody Light/Solar Essence/Christ Consciousness:

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In 2017 George Webb was already talking about Library of Congress and tetrabytes of Congressional records going daily to Pakistan under the watchful eye of Nancy Piglosi and her henchman Imran Awan. So the patent office at the Library of Congress is totally compromised. Probably nothing has changed.

Thank you Clif High!!!!

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"until 3,4,6 years until something else takes our mind off" - GOOD things???

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It wasnt until i started listening to Cliff that i kept hearing the term Khazarian Mafia, can anyone point to a good youtube video on the history of it, although i can search this myself, Thanks muchly.

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Thank you Sir WooClif. At LONG LAST these criminals get to experience the

results of their choices!

You are such a great contribution for the TRUTH.

Thank you.

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A man or woman with their children, the body, mind, spirit, flesh, blood, soul people on the land and soil of their state or territory, without ruler and without subject are sovereign. To satisfy a claim of status, standing and jurisdiction we choose a simple Living testimony in the form of an affidavit of truth, signed in red with a right thumb print in red with two witnesses doing the same. We provide a sample.

Birth certificates, state national, straw man, trust money, registering with the de facto are all diversions.

The goal is to return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year, 2022. To remove the de facto and replace it with the de jure. We deposit our Living Testimony with our Jury pool, our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly. From that moment on it is a Claim of Conusance from our Court in the de jure to any in the de facto. We claim jurisdiction and deny any de facto authority over us.

There are several hundred of us now. All our documents are signed, sealed, stamped and served usually UPU treaty. Not one rebuttal. We are ARTICLE I Section 1 of Oregon's Constitution, Civilian Court of record; Grand jury, trial jury with ARTICLE III Amendment VII, implemented Ex Parte Milligan, nullified martial law, Lieber code/FEMA , Oregon's 2nd amendment well regulated militia. The provisional de jure Oregon government. 4 years without rebuttal.

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Karma by any word. Yes it is Sensei. Some will play ignorance but in the Nuremberg trials, ignorance was not an acceptable excuse.

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I remember little except that I had a NDE. I remember that it was beautiful where I was and I didn't want to come back. I know that there is absolutely nothing to fear about death. Know that your husband is in a very beautiful place!

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People are energy. They do not die, just morph form.

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I needed to hear this information today, been so sad about humanity. Thanks for sharing your insights, appreciate you brother 🥰💞🖐

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Our country is corrupt all the way down to the counties. There have been so many judges, and prosecutors. Be bought out on the stand. That have destroyed people's families. It's very likely people will take revenge to these types of things. Companies putting poisons in our foods. It won't be pretty for people that was involved in these types of things. When this country goes back to the law of the land. They will do like they used to do back in those days. You do something to destroy someone's family. Like steal a horse, or take someone's kid, that didn't deserve to have their kid taken. It will be a death penalty. Like it used to be.

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Gotta say, my trip to Peru in '98 was my first longhaul flight and long holiday (adventure).... the Peruvians are truly lovely, very decent....

So no real surprise that a Peruvian judge just dropped that whopper truth bomb... I raise a Pisco Sour in his general direction... more crap in that broken wave... almost time to start putting our heads together on forming a new, incorruptible, existential living arrangement on Pachamama where our goals are love & enlightenment.

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The turn worms? Can you briefly describe this?

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"Even a worm will turn" is an expression used to convey the message that even the meekest or most docile of creatures will retaliate or seek revenge if pushed too far. The phrase was first recorded in a 1546 collection of proverbs by John Heywood, in the form "Treade a worme on the tayle, and it must turne agayne." Wikipedia)

I was somehow associating with CS Lewis - maybe from A grief observed (probably I got it ass backwards)

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Thank you for enlightening me!

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It just seems everything gets hidden and the Normies trust the government. Now with PayPal stealing your money for misinformation they are getting ahead of it.

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Thank you Clif, Great Post..

I hope my family comes around. My folks & brother got about 4 or 5 shots in them..

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Hey Clif. I’d love to learn how to store diesel and/or gas.

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I'm 44 & do not consider myself a millennial

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Please, if you will, supply a reference for the 60,000+ Millennials who died from the Covid shot so far. I want to share this fact with others , but I am curious how it was derived. Thanx

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A reference for you:

SOA Research Institute Group Life COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report

(see Table 5.6 for excess mortality in working age people)

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I would go search Ed Dowd, he has quite a few interviews out & an upcoming book

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FYI, it was Neils Bohr who was the father of quantum mechanics. Einstein disagreed with Bohr on quantum theory, saying "God does not play dice".

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Thanks ….was wondering about him..

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Playback stopped at 13.41 and then playback showed complete. Its happened twice now, first time just 6 minutes in. Any thoughts on why this is occurring?

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played 29 min on My iPad.

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Private contracts are the only way to go. Contact me I have an expert on setting you up with private contracts and NCD's!

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Clif, love your stuff for years. When you are in the car the volume is way too low.

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