I second that - maybe the eclipse - the day from you-know-where . . topped off by the cat harfing on the bed(!) - but "hello humans" and it all dissolves =:-)
Many people were told the shots were deadly, but because they didn't die, and they didn't see any one die they didn't believe it. Almost all people who died of the 'covid' flu died away from family and friends so that no one could see the murder going on. They were just told the narrative,...you're family member died of a really nasty, horribly deadly new flu! And because we've been taught from a very early age to believe anyone in authority, (most of us any way) people believed the lies. And MSM has covered up so many deaths it's hard to actually see it all.
Clif is right though, when people realize their families have been murdered in hospitals and nursing homes, then murdered again with the covid shots, one after another,....60,000 in 18 months,...all young working people of course too,...there will be RAGE on the STREETS!
If they ever actually wake up. I'm not sure they will. But I will hope.
Sigh. I certainly hope so. But when I see ALL that has come out . . (in "our" however large "corner") it is echo chamber seeming - most that I encounter in the "real" world are still stuck in the matrix, thinking I am conspiratorial idiot (does't make me wrong!).
Even if he didn't believe it causes death, he knew it was a new technology.
Him being religious, you would think that messing with RNA would be against his morals, but nope...
Same with Jordan Peterson, that asshat wasn't upset by the clear violation of informed consent (the ability to say no without repercussions)?
F those shills.
I think he promoted the shots cause he is a piece of crap that kisses the butt of authority. Now he's rolling back because it's ok to do this now. Same for piers Morgan and aseem Malhotra...
I think the article/link posits the realistic theory that the entire Coviid SCAM was not about a nasty flu... but a scam to get people to take the death-jabs. the "vaccines" are the real killer... not the CV flu... which, IMO WAS genetically modified and a "bio-weapon" as it has several traits that are not "natural"... and is in fact a more deadly flu strain than normal...
The Vaxx, of course, is nothing but a bio-weapon... containing poisons like spike proteins found in mad-cow disease and HIV strains, graphene oxide and PEG and several other really toxic substances...
And they SHOULD question all shots... IMO, the plan is to put the mRNA poisons, and all they contain, into all vaccines... maybe injections of all sorts... and I doubt this will be disclosed.
Absent another massive election FRAUD/STEAL... the 87,000 IRS agents will not be hired... funding for it will be cancelled. Of course, the traitors McConnell and Mccarthy may cave to it... they stink.
Yes, the people still left on YOUtube have to know this truth but will not say it cuz they know they'll get kicked off Youtube. Same for Glenn Beck Tim Pool. There are a bunch!!!
It's entirely possible that Shapiro is sincere and earnest in his ideology, but blind to the evil it promulgates and harm it causes.
When you're born into it, it's extremely difficult to get out of it. Even when it happens, it's a long and (I would guess) extremely painful process.
That said: Fuck Ben Shapiro. The truth was obvious if you bothered to care about truth. He traded his soul for lollypops and fancy pants, and will pay the price. If he fully repents from his wicked ways, I'll forgive him and welcome him back into the brotherhood of man, but I could give two shits about him in the meantime.
Creating a different social order? That would be nice, but I just don't see there being the wrote intelligence within the existing order to create the necessary seeds for the new order - unless the vaxx kills off all the stupid, the naive, the woke within the current social order. We will see what happens. Certainly, many people stupid enough to fall for the vaxx will die off, so that's a start.
I'm inclined to agree. If all this "woke" culture war proves anything is that far too many are shallow thinking, virtue signaling fools desperate for approval, with little, if any, genuine principles guiding their lives and choices. Critical thinking and discernment is too far beyond their reach due to all the programming and low effort existence they embrace.
I know that's awfully cynical and that I should give the mentally enslaved opportunities to recover and redeem themselves. But its like seeing that chain smoker dying of lung cancer, saying they wished they had never started while lighting up another one. They would rather knowingly die with their vice, than embrace the demanding and difficult road to recovery. One cannot help those who refuse to change their ways or help themselves.
Unfortunately that is not true. Humanity is sinful by nature and easily influenced by Satan's dominance over the earth, which God gave him. It requires spiritual effort to resist the temptations of temporal life (receiving gratifications of physical / material wants and desires) and live humbly and righteously / virtuously.
I didn’t say humans could not be influenced to virtue. I disagreed with your assertion that they “can just as easily be influenced to virtue.”
Humans are far more easily tempted into less-than-virtuous behavior than virtuous behavior. I offer as my supporting evidence the entire history of the human race.
Why am I here? That’s pretty arrogant. I have the right to be here and express my opinion equally as you or anyone else. You have a problem with my disagreement with your assertion.
At least the recorded/ documented history of the human race for approximately the past 3,500 years is pretty conclusive that the vast majority of humans did not behave virtuously.
I think Clif has a fairly realistic perspective of human behavior. I’ve watch all of his videos going back over a year or more. I have not ever heard or read him opine that humans are as easily influenced to virtue as they are in the other direction.
Despite there possibly being “an upward trend in well being for the majority”, it does not in any way support your original assertion that people are “as easily influenced to virtue” as they are subject to being influenced to non-virtuous behavior.
Ones “well being” is often partially due to the actions of others as a family, community, or even society. Even non virtuous peoples well being is lifted by positive trends in economic and societal measures. People do what they perceive is necessary to survive, and that often is not virtuous.
It's an honest question considering your stated positions. Odd you'd term it "arrogant".
" I have the right to be here and express my opinion equally as you or anyone else. You have a problem with my disagreement with your assertion."
This is Cliff's Substack, nobody has a "right" to be here. I don't have a problem as long as you're logical and honest.
"At least the recorded/ documented history of the human race for approximately the past 3,500 years is pretty conclusive that the vast majority of humans did not behave virtuously."
Then how do you explain the orders of magnitude increase in standards of living, lifespan, knowledge, etc.? Your assertion is illogically pessimistic.
"I think Clif has a fairly realistic perspective of human behavior. I’ve watch all of his videos going back over a year or more. I have not ever heard or read him opine that humans are as easily influenced to virtue as they are in the other direction."
That means you have heard him opine we are winning, and heading into "Sci-Fi World", which is a giant leap in human well being. You may have listened, but you clearly didn't understand. More likely, you heard what you wanted to hear.
"Despite there possibly being “an upward trend in well being for the majority”, it does not in any way support your original assertion that people are “as easily influenced to virtue” as they are subject to being influenced to non-virtuous behavior."
That is demonstrably false, and can only be asserted if you use the Cabal-controlled information outlets to come to your conclusion. In addition, human well-being cannot be advanced by vice, only by virtue, so your argument is false on it's face.
"Ones “well being” is often partially due to the actions of others as a family, community, or even society. Even non virtuous peoples well being is lifted by positive trends in economic and societal measures. People do what they perceive is necessary to survive, and that often is not virtuous."
One's well-being is increased by virtuous activity (avoiding vice/sin and engaging in virtue). Cooperation and community (lifting up of one's self and others) is virtuous. Non-virtuous people can experience a temporary increase in material well-being at the expense of others, but it ALWAYS ends badly, as the eternal Law of Reciprocity requires (you WILL be done onto as you have done onto others, if not in exact manner, in a manner which impacts you equally in physical, emotional, and spiritual terms - in this life, or the next).
I am afraid your limited reality-view impairs your thinking. Go read/listen to Mauro Biglino, and read/listen to some of the authors/speakers Clif recommends.
As Clif pointed out, many people got hooked by empathy and altruism; they took the vax to "protect" grandma and other people, and we were promised that if everyone took it, then everyone would be "protected' and things would get back to normal, so they were "doing their part", being a "good citizen".
I was told I would die if I didn't get the jab by friends, I had for 56 years. I was bullied, told I was selfish and didn't have any older people (parents to protect). I actually lost 9 family members from old age and only one 40 yr old was murdered in the hospital with Fouci protocal-he had a young wife and 3 young children. People wouldn't sit by me at events because of being the great unwashed. Microsoft Outlook actually sensored my private email to my sister about calling it (jab) a bioweapon early on along with FB and Twit. Many people in my area remain asleep and convinced the jab has them protected. It will be sad when they finally are told by someone they think an authority figure that they in fact have been poisoned and wake up.
Always enjoy your talks, Clif. Chris Paul totally destroyed Ben Shapiro in his latest talk. You went easy on Ben - I'm sure he appreciates your take. I hope Ben wakes up to everything, sucks it up, and starts telling his audience the Truth, even if he loses his sponsors...
Cathy O'Brian told even more about Billary being a demon in her book about MKUltra and I don't want to leave out D Chaney and G Bush JR and SR and a slew of others. Then remember the videos of her in the basement of the Pizza place that was supposedly on Weiners laptop, that was demonic. And....the 8 or 9 cops out of that NY precinct that saw the laptop that were Arkancided! Ah the evil crap they shove into history like it never happened.
Yeah, a part of me thinks she's the real Head of the Cabal. Certainly she was supposed to be the next President-KING! And boy was she pissed that she wasn't! LOL! I can't even imagine just how nasty she was to every one she employed when her election scam didn't work!
nah, anymore, the Hillapig is a joke... powerless... all she can do is rant and rave, and get drunk... think WEF Klaus Schwab and maybe even some demons above him...
I remember years ago, during Bills Presidency, a secret service fellow wrote a book, said that when she would walk into a hall, everyone was to go into their offices and NOT look at her! I think now, that was a positive thing! Queen of mean, more than we will ever know.
all I know is that she, Bill, Obama, and Michelle lost their law licenses! Imagine that, and they still ran on the Demwit ticket. They push these people that have done the nefarious acts!
Thanks Cliff, looking forward to the turning. I live in the same state and just don't any evidence of it happening anytime soon. Most people can't or just don't want to connect the dots.
Yes, I suppose it is not so painful if they just stick their head in the sand. So many thought they were doing the right thing and really thought those of us that didn't were such fools and idiots.
A very good question. My hubby said he expects a massive false flag to cause the country to go into a lockdown with FEMA in control before the Election. It wouldn't take that big of a BOMB SCARE really either. Everyone will panic and do exactly what they are told.
And of course they'll blame Russia, China, N. Korea, or Iran. Maybe all of them! These guys are really getting desperate and they are not giving up Control,....never. So, somethings gonna happen!
People will fight back if these elections don't go smooth. And I think it's a possibility, they have some type of plan to combat this. But it will be a long bloody drawn out war. Because the people can dig in and fight for years to come. But they will get their wish. And a large portion of Americans will be gone. They couldn't continue with this country because there was things they have done people was going to bring a fight to them regardless. They have stole everyone's retirement, and stole all the money from social security. They have sold our land and pretty much our country out to other countries. And when they come to claim it. And the people say noooo!! This is our land. It was never for sale. Then there will be war with other countries on top of it. So this is all that coming down around us. And they have had time to prepare for a war with us, the people. And the majority of the us. Didn't even know it coming. Because they most definitely knew people was going to be very upset when they realized all the money. And they country was gone.
I think it is way too close to the election to pull a stunt like that... it would be SO obvious... of course, maybe they don't care. Look how corrupt the DOJ and FBI are... and they could care less about any complaints... that may soon change...
You're looking at a FF being SO obvious to people with common sense. That alone excludes a vast majority of the population. Observe the number of idiots still wearing masks.
True... but IMO... they would have pulled the stunt months, not days before the election... especially with polls, even though mostly slanted/corrupt, showing a RED WAVE COMING... it would be SO obvious... even to many dullards... We shall see...
That's why the left constantly is trying to get our GUNS... they were successful in Australia... and shortly after... the Gov and the Cops there all went full NAZI.
They know things are in place to catch the cyber warfare this time. I highly doubt they allow an election. They have overthrown the government. They won't relinquish power without a fight.
To see why all TPTB get away with so much corruption, murder,etc. read this amazing article by Corey Digs all about the International Organization Immunities Act of December 29, 1945. She has a lot of good info under the menu and under “for diggers” to dig into the rabbit hole.
Just what I needed to wind down after a long day...I always look forward to a post from uncle Clif!
I second that - maybe the eclipse - the day from you-know-where . . topped off by the cat harfing on the bed(!) - but "hello humans" and it all dissolves =:-)
I can't buy off that Ben Shapiro does not know what is going on. He is trying to save face to maintain authority because he lied.
Many people were told the shots were deadly, but because they didn't die, and they didn't see any one die they didn't believe it. Almost all people who died of the 'covid' flu died away from family and friends so that no one could see the murder going on. They were just told the narrative,...you're family member died of a really nasty, horribly deadly new flu! And because we've been taught from a very early age to believe anyone in authority, (most of us any way) people believed the lies. And MSM has covered up so many deaths it's hard to actually see it all.
Clif is right though, when people realize their families have been murdered in hospitals and nursing homes, then murdered again with the covid shots, one after another,....60,000 in 18 months,...all young working people of course too,...there will be RAGE on the STREETS!
If they ever actually wake up. I'm not sure they will. But I will hope.
FAR more than 60,000 look into/subscribe to Steve Kirsch's Substack, Emerald Robinson's blogs... a few others...
It's in the millions
A hint as to a possible agenda: https://americafirstreport.com/heres-a-disturbing-theory-about-the-jabs-that-makes-too-much-sense/
Sage Hana is a good starting point. Her letters have many links to other substacks: https://sagehana.substack.com/p/blue-streetlight-human-zappers?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=702469&post_id=81067640&isFreemail=false&utm_medium=email
As children die from the shot, the rage begins in earnest.
Sigh. I certainly hope so. But when I see ALL that has come out . . (in "our" however large "corner") it is echo chamber seeming - most that I encounter in the "real" world are still stuck in the matrix, thinking I am conspiratorial idiot (does't make me wrong!).
Even if he didn't believe it causes death, he knew it was a new technology.
Him being religious, you would think that messing with RNA would be against his morals, but nope...
Same with Jordan Peterson, that asshat wasn't upset by the clear violation of informed consent (the ability to say no without repercussions)?
F those shills.
I think he promoted the shots cause he is a piece of crap that kisses the butt of authority. Now he's rolling back because it's ok to do this now. Same for piers Morgan and aseem Malhotra...
They didn't know,? Yeah right
Some info I just read today:
I feel like the lab leak thing is bullshit.
Also, why did the west trust china's story about people dying and why would we accept their genetic code of convid?
In most nations, in 2020...
Total deaths were close to 2019.
Average age of cv death, was around life expectancy (Mike Yeadon just realized this and questions convid).
Most that died during 2020 had multiple comorbidities. But it was blamed on CVID.
So what deadly disease? What lab makes something that didn't change overall mortality and they needed to pump up the numbers for?
It's illogical and we need to realize that the lab leak story is there to keep fear of future pandemics...
I think the article/link posits the realistic theory that the entire Coviid SCAM was not about a nasty flu... but a scam to get people to take the death-jabs. the "vaccines" are the real killer... not the CV flu... which, IMO WAS genetically modified and a "bio-weapon" as it has several traits that are not "natural"... and is in fact a more deadly flu strain than normal...
The Vaxx, of course, is nothing but a bio-weapon... containing poisons like spike proteins found in mad-cow disease and HIV strains, graphene oxide and PEG and several other really toxic substances...
Yep...Like every jab, INJECTING FOREIGN CRAP is harmful.. whether it's graphene or what moderna had issues with the lipids before convid.
No special tech needed, besides finding out a toxin that remains in the body.
With older jabs, it was aluminum and mercury, still used in various shots.
I'm glad that they went overboard with this shot because now people are questioning all shots.
And they SHOULD question all shots... IMO, the plan is to put the mRNA poisons, and all they contain, into all vaccines... maybe injections of all sorts... and I doubt this will be disclosed.
I wonder, since postal workers are exempt, are new IRS hirees exempt too?
Absent another massive election FRAUD/STEAL... the 87,000 IRS agents will not be hired... funding for it will be cancelled. Of course, the traitors McConnell and Mccarthy may cave to it... they stink.
Yes, the people still left on YOUtube have to know this truth but will not say it cuz they know they'll get kicked off Youtube. Same for Glenn Beck Tim Pool. There are a bunch!!!
It's entirely possible that Shapiro is sincere and earnest in his ideology, but blind to the evil it promulgates and harm it causes.
When you're born into it, it's extremely difficult to get out of it. Even when it happens, it's a long and (I would guess) extremely painful process.
That said: Fuck Ben Shapiro. The truth was obvious if you bothered to care about truth. He traded his soul for lollypops and fancy pants, and will pay the price. If he fully repents from his wicked ways, I'll forgive him and welcome him back into the brotherhood of man, but I could give two shits about him in the meantime.
Covid 19 vaccine damage repair protocols:
Vitamin D for cancer:
Microphage treatment for cancer:
Creating a different social order? That would be nice, but I just don't see there being the wrote intelligence within the existing order to create the necessary seeds for the new order - unless the vaxx kills off all the stupid, the naive, the woke within the current social order. We will see what happens. Certainly, many people stupid enough to fall for the vaxx will die off, so that's a start.
I'm inclined to agree. If all this "woke" culture war proves anything is that far too many are shallow thinking, virtue signaling fools desperate for approval, with little, if any, genuine principles guiding their lives and choices. Critical thinking and discernment is too far beyond their reach due to all the programming and low effort existence they embrace.
I know that's awfully cynical and that I should give the mentally enslaved opportunities to recover and redeem themselves. But its like seeing that chain smoker dying of lung cancer, saying they wished they had never started while lighting up another one. They would rather knowingly die with their vice, than embrace the demanding and difficult road to recovery. One cannot help those who refuse to change their ways or help themselves.
They are easily influenced, and can just as easily be influenced to virtue.
Unfortunately that is not true. Humanity is sinful by nature and easily influenced by Satan's dominance over the earth, which God gave him. It requires spiritual effort to resist the temptations of temporal life (receiving gratifications of physical / material wants and desires) and live humbly and righteously / virtuously.
How exactly does what you wrote indicate humans can't be influenced to virtue?
I didn’t say humans could not be influenced to virtue. I disagreed with your assertion that they “can just as easily be influenced to virtue.”
Humans are far more easily tempted into less-than-virtuous behavior than virtuous behavior. I offer as my supporting evidence the entire history of the human race.
The entire history of the human race has been hidden from us.
What we do know indicates an upward trend in well-being for the majority.
Cliff's videos show he agrees with that statement. You don't. Why are you here?
Why am I here? That’s pretty arrogant. I have the right to be here and express my opinion equally as you or anyone else. You have a problem with my disagreement with your assertion.
At least the recorded/ documented history of the human race for approximately the past 3,500 years is pretty conclusive that the vast majority of humans did not behave virtuously.
I think Clif has a fairly realistic perspective of human behavior. I’ve watch all of his videos going back over a year or more. I have not ever heard or read him opine that humans are as easily influenced to virtue as they are in the other direction.
Despite there possibly being “an upward trend in well being for the majority”, it does not in any way support your original assertion that people are “as easily influenced to virtue” as they are subject to being influenced to non-virtuous behavior.
Ones “well being” is often partially due to the actions of others as a family, community, or even society. Even non virtuous peoples well being is lifted by positive trends in economic and societal measures. People do what they perceive is necessary to survive, and that often is not virtuous.
You get the last word. I’m getting repetitive.
"Why am I here? That’s pretty arrogant. "
It's an honest question considering your stated positions. Odd you'd term it "arrogant".
" I have the right to be here and express my opinion equally as you or anyone else. You have a problem with my disagreement with your assertion."
This is Cliff's Substack, nobody has a "right" to be here. I don't have a problem as long as you're logical and honest.
"At least the recorded/ documented history of the human race for approximately the past 3,500 years is pretty conclusive that the vast majority of humans did not behave virtuously."
Then how do you explain the orders of magnitude increase in standards of living, lifespan, knowledge, etc.? Your assertion is illogically pessimistic.
"I think Clif has a fairly realistic perspective of human behavior. I’ve watch all of his videos going back over a year or more. I have not ever heard or read him opine that humans are as easily influenced to virtue as they are in the other direction."
That means you have heard him opine we are winning, and heading into "Sci-Fi World", which is a giant leap in human well being. You may have listened, but you clearly didn't understand. More likely, you heard what you wanted to hear.
"Despite there possibly being “an upward trend in well being for the majority”, it does not in any way support your original assertion that people are “as easily influenced to virtue” as they are subject to being influenced to non-virtuous behavior."
That is demonstrably false, and can only be asserted if you use the Cabal-controlled information outlets to come to your conclusion. In addition, human well-being cannot be advanced by vice, only by virtue, so your argument is false on it's face.
"Ones “well being” is often partially due to the actions of others as a family, community, or even society. Even non virtuous peoples well being is lifted by positive trends in economic and societal measures. People do what they perceive is necessary to survive, and that often is not virtuous."
One's well-being is increased by virtuous activity (avoiding vice/sin and engaging in virtue). Cooperation and community (lifting up of one's self and others) is virtuous. Non-virtuous people can experience a temporary increase in material well-being at the expense of others, but it ALWAYS ends badly, as the eternal Law of Reciprocity requires (you WILL be done onto as you have done onto others, if not in exact manner, in a manner which impacts you equally in physical, emotional, and spiritual terms - in this life, or the next).
I am afraid your limited reality-view impairs your thinking. Go read/listen to Mauro Biglino, and read/listen to some of the authors/speakers Clif recommends.
As Clif pointed out, many people got hooked by empathy and altruism; they took the vax to "protect" grandma and other people, and we were promised that if everyone took it, then everyone would be "protected' and things would get back to normal, so they were "doing their part", being a "good citizen".
The path to hell is paved with good intentions.
I was told I would die if I didn't get the jab by friends, I had for 56 years. I was bullied, told I was selfish and didn't have any older people (parents to protect). I actually lost 9 family members from old age and only one 40 yr old was murdered in the hospital with Fouci protocal-he had a young wife and 3 young children. People wouldn't sit by me at events because of being the great unwashed. Microsoft Outlook actually sensored my private email to my sister about calling it (jab) a bioweapon early on along with FB and Twit. Many people in my area remain asleep and convinced the jab has them protected. It will be sad when they finally are told by someone they think an authority figure that they in fact have been poisoned and wake up.
I don't believe they will ever be told that by a mainstream authority figure, one that they would believe.
Intelligence comes from making mistakes and learning from it.
If the people learn to distrust authority, that will "immunize" them from blindly trusting the current social order and we will progress.
Suffering wakes up the dreaming masses.
I concur!
Always enjoy your talks, Clif. Chris Paul totally destroyed Ben Shapiro in his latest talk. You went easy on Ben - I'm sure he appreciates your take. I hope Ben wakes up to everything, sucks it up, and starts telling his audience the Truth, even if he loses his sponsors...
That would be nice.
I'm not holding my breath.
It would totally destroy his worldview. Most are too weak to stand that.
Covid 19 vaccine damage repair protocols:
Vitamin D for cancer:
Microphage treatment for cancer:
isn't or wasn't hillary a patent attorney?
I think she is/was a demon
We know she was that..
Cathy O'Brian told even more about Billary being a demon in her book about MKUltra and I don't want to leave out D Chaney and G Bush JR and SR and a slew of others. Then remember the videos of her in the basement of the Pizza place that was supposedly on Weiners laptop, that was demonic. And....the 8 or 9 cops out of that NY precinct that saw the laptop that were Arkancided! Ah the evil crap they shove into history like it never happened.
Yeah, a part of me thinks she's the real Head of the Cabal. Certainly she was supposed to be the next President-KING! And boy was she pissed that she wasn't! LOL! I can't even imagine just how nasty she was to every one she employed when her election scam didn't work!
nah, anymore, the Hillapig is a joke... powerless... all she can do is rant and rave, and get drunk... think WEF Klaus Schwab and maybe even some demons above him...
Look how high the Clinton body count is!! She must have been pissed..haha
Lol no just a loyal and productive demon.
I remember years ago, during Bills Presidency, a secret service fellow wrote a book, said that when she would walk into a hall, everyone was to go into their offices and NOT look at her! I think now, that was a positive thing! Queen of mean, more than we will ever know.
all I know is that she, Bill, Obama, and Michelle lost their law licenses! Imagine that, and they still ran on the Demwit ticket. They push these people that have done the nefarious acts!
Are non-humans allowed to take the Bar exam?
I don't see how the social order can change for the better when it's comprised primarily of idiots.
Thanks Cliff, looking forward to the turning. I live in the same state and just don't any evidence of it happening anytime soon. Most people can't or just don't want to connect the dots.
Yes, I suppose it is not so painful if they just stick their head in the sand. So many thought they were doing the right thing and really thought those of us that didn't were such fools and idiots.
Cliff, is gonna be a Flase Flagg, that will shut down our voting? Be cause the demoic dems don’t want to give up their Power.
A very good question. My hubby said he expects a massive false flag to cause the country to go into a lockdown with FEMA in control before the Election. It wouldn't take that big of a BOMB SCARE really either. Everyone will panic and do exactly what they are told.
And of course they'll blame Russia, China, N. Korea, or Iran. Maybe all of them! These guys are really getting desperate and they are not giving up Control,....never. So, somethings gonna happen!
People will fight back if these elections don't go smooth. And I think it's a possibility, they have some type of plan to combat this. But it will be a long bloody drawn out war. Because the people can dig in and fight for years to come. But they will get their wish. And a large portion of Americans will be gone. They couldn't continue with this country because there was things they have done people was going to bring a fight to them regardless. They have stole everyone's retirement, and stole all the money from social security. They have sold our land and pretty much our country out to other countries. And when they come to claim it. And the people say noooo!! This is our land. It was never for sale. Then there will be war with other countries on top of it. So this is all that coming down around us. And they have had time to prepare for a war with us, the people. And the majority of the us. Didn't even know it coming. Because they most definitely knew people was going to be very upset when they realized all the money. And they country was gone.
I think it is way too close to the election to pull a stunt like that... it would be SO obvious... of course, maybe they don't care. Look how corrupt the DOJ and FBI are... and they could care less about any complaints... that may soon change...
You're looking at a FF being SO obvious to people with common sense. That alone excludes a vast majority of the population. Observe the number of idiots still wearing masks.
True... but IMO... they would have pulled the stunt months, not days before the election... especially with polls, even though mostly slanted/corrupt, showing a RED WAVE COMING... it would be SO obvious... even to many dullards... We shall see...
Fear causes panic. Panicked sheep work best. Go to a grocery mart down south when the weather goblin predicts snow of any amount.
That's why the left constantly is trying to get our GUNS... they were successful in Australia... and shortly after... the Gov and the Cops there all went full NAZI.
"Everyone will panic and do exactly what they are told." Bingo.
Definitely NOT everyone will panic and do as they are told, but maybe half or so will!
The other half will be doing something else...
Many, but not everyone.
Too many normies have been nibbling on a steady torrent of redpills.
I saw Chinook army helicopter flying overhead, and, plastic tubs appeared at everyone's door. I believe we're going into lockdown.
are you in the USA?
I hope you’re okay, Eileen. May I ask what sort of plastic tubs appeared at everyone’s door? Thank you!
false alarm; it was some kind of trash service, no explanation given until today.
liberal city of Asheville, NC, with its own BLM Office. But, it was a false alarm; some kind of trash service, and no explanation given until today.
If I had anywhere to go, I would get out of here right now.
'they' have ordered all kinds of radio-protective wear and gear, and they are talking non-stop about the russian nukes.
They know things are in place to catch the cyber warfare this time. I highly doubt they allow an election. They have overthrown the government. They won't relinquish power without a fight.
Blood moon is November 8. Very SIGNificant.
I hope Clif is right and people are waking up - but I don't see evidence of this myself.
It’s easy to see who has lasted through these long hard 2.5 years with truth! YOU!
All of the other truthers have fallen by the way side. There’s no need to name them as you know who they are.
Thank you for tirelessly, consistently providing us with updates. 💕🇨🇦
To see why all TPTB get away with so much corruption, murder,etc. read this amazing article by Corey Digs all about the International Organization Immunities Act of December 29, 1945. She has a lot of good info under the menu and under “for diggers” to dig into the rabbit hole.
This finally seems to explain where the evil is and has been coming from for millenia.
Yes, they are inhuman, but not alien or ET. They are all around us disguised as normal humans.
The books cited in the articles explain the psychopathic problem we are facing quite clearly.
We see them every day on TV and in the stores, and especially in the so called news.
We have SOME normies waking up. There's a huge number who just can't get there. It's a huge number.
Live long and prosper!
hi clif
Critical mass consciousness approaches. Time to GEL. I'm SO EXCITED.
It will be very interesting to observe as the nocebo takes effect. The power of belief.