Over the years I have had dreams, that once awakened, I forget. But sometimes, years later (can be 10-20 years) I walk through the same scene, like a still frame from a movie. I got a lot of those in the 2012-2016 period. These days not so much.

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I got that a lot when I was young, but the time frame from dream to event was generally 6 months. I decided to stop dreaming and that cured it, but then about 35 years later someone very close to me told me that I would start dreaming again. I told them I didn't appreciate that prediction, because I'd rather not and then promptly forgot about her prediction. . Then about 9 months later, I finally had a dream, that my good friend Tiffany had died. When I woke up, I called her and told her about it and it kind of freaked her out because she was a bit on the woo woo side, and I told her it is just a dream and not even possible because the dream happened in Arizona and I was living in Florida with no expectation of returning. Then I promptly; forgot about telling her about the dream. Six, ... Months, ... Later, Tiffany was dead AND I was In Arizona and the dream played out exactly as I had dreamed it.

I still hold a bit of a grudge against the person who put the notion of dreaming again into my subconscious mind !!! I had to double down on my resolve and have not had any dreams since then, it was 2014

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Yeah. I can relate

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de ja poo .... a feeling you have heard this poo before ... just a joke no offence intended

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Thanks Clif. It sounds like it's a great time to get an astrological bangle - there is real science to this as Master Yogi Sri Yuktwesar says, I'm working on an article about this now:

"Just as a house can be fitted with a copper rod to absorb the shock of lightning, so the bodily temple can be benefited by various protective measures. Ages ago our yogis discovered that pure metals emit an astral light which is powerfully counteractive to negative pulls of the planets. Subtle electrical and magnetic radiations are constantly circulating in the universe; when a man's body is being aided, he does not know it; when it is being disintegrated, he is still in ignorance. Can he do anything about it?

This problem received attention from our rishis; they found helpful not only a combination of metals, but also of plants and - most effective of all - faultless jewels of not less than two carats. The preventive uses of astrology have seldom been seriously studied outside of India. One little-known fact is that the proper jewels, metals, or plant preparations are valueless unless the required weight is secured, and unless these remedial agents are worn next to the skin..." ~ Sri Yuktwesar

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Hi Anne, when you mentioned the copper rod and yogis with their pure metals. Has anyone here tried electroculture? I tried it this year, wrapping bamboo sticks with a copper wire and sticking them in the soil near our plants. Our marjorham and oregano grew to take over their entire raised beds twice. Our tomato plants grew twice their cages, our basil grew higher than the tomato cages and had a stem thicker than 3 fingers. Even the marigolds we plant near the borders to discourage deer grew bigger than any marigold i've ever seen. Check it out... electroculture.

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We tried it too. we had a great concord grape harvest! But tomatoes were very poor. I attribute this mostly to the variety and not the soil, or anything else. We used double twisted thick copper wire wound around some scrap wood turnings. They dress up the garden terraces, even if they didn't work we still like the way they look there. We had a fantastic hot banana pepper harvest, too. But the thing we really noticed different this year was the absence of aphids. In fact, we didn't see many insects in our garden at all, and we don't use pesticides of any kind. We usually have a terrible problem with them on the kale in warm months, this year we haven't seen ANY aphids at all! 10 years of aphids covering the kale by summer, but this year GONE! Anyone else noticing insects missing? Could this be from the chemtrails?

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That sounds very cool. I will try that! Thank you!

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Clif did show on copper rods for growing plants a while back

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A day for without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realize you have not had this good a cup of ☕️ since yesterday, and the day before. And the day before that. And the day before that. And the day before that. That's a lot of Deja ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️. AHHHHHHH!

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John the Java Jo Jo dark roasted cup of coffee

Pleasure to hear from you as always. Clif says more UFO occurances coming to a town near you!

I did see a UFO about 6 years ago. Super speed craft bright light ascends up and within two seconds it's gone

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I think time is very complex and we can't fathom the complete extent of the influence in lives. An experience with my grandmother long ago makes me question your interpretation of deja vu. I was about 13 and just sitting talking to her, and all of a sudden I knew we'd had this same conversation when I was younger. I knew what she was gonna say next. I was dumbfounded at the time, realizing this situation and not knowing why it was happening. I never told anyone, but it stands out in my mind still. So there's loops of some sort going on. So strange to experience it at a young age!

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Could deja vu be related to a past life if you've had a very complete metempsychosis. I feel it's possible.

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I don't belive I've ever met a metempsychosis. Unless perhaps I unknowingly met em without meeting em.

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My thoughts.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

It's been a while since I've seen one. The first looked to be a jet flying at about 45+K feet, untill it went hypersonic, veering off to it's soft left, making a very short light trail then was gone. Changed my life. There've been a few since, one very beautiful, but the first was such a knock-out. I did have two dreams where nefarious ufo's were flying in like massive war plane formations...chilling.

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Hey, Juliebelize! That speed transition is one I have also observed, in my case summer of 1974 along the Columbia River, Washington side, near Bonneville Dam. The aircraft (and in retrospect it probably was a sort of aircraft, but likely using at least some alien derived lift technology - given where I saw it, almost certainly flying north out of the Nevada airspace known as Dreamland, associated with Area 51), did much the same transition - from a subsonic overflight roughly south to north, into a right hand turn (into what at the time was an official east-west supersonic military aircraft operating corridor, I later determined) and then they hit the speed controller and were outta there PDQ - seemingly nearly instantaneously. I rather doubt you heard any supersonic boom, either, did you? (No boom at supersonic speeds is a known UFO/UAP phenomenon.) I'd be willing to bet that was not actually a jet you were seeing, but rather a black program "UFO" (that is to say, one of ours). If your estimate of 45,000' altitude is correct, that's about a mile above normal civil jet operational altitude, slightly above the troposphere boundary. As the motive power technology of at least some of the craft does not require "breathing" oxygen containing atmosphere, (these are not jet engine powered craft,) operating in the troposphere to stratosphere levels would generally keep them away from any civil aircraft, and (for that matter) most military aircraft as well.

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It's just a glitch in the matrix.

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Matrix the accretion.

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Good afternoon Woo Crew! All I know, is that it’s been a hellacious VU shitshow lately. Plan accordingly! Love you all!

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Thank's Clif! Boi is shit going to get fun lol! FINALLY!🙏❤️🍻

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In 1968 I dreamed a dream... which played out in real life exactly 3 days later. No one could tell me what it was or what it meant or why it happened. I didn't like the outcome of the event - but because I had the dream 3 days before, could I have changed that outcome? Thanks for this post - it helps.

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It is significant enough that you remember the event along with the year. You may have been able to change the outcome or the course of events. It did not happen.

Is this a good time to say “hindsight is twenty twenty” ?

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Yeah, it really helps to tell people that you trust about your dreams. Often, they will point out the things that you can change. Sort of like, don’t get on the Titanic, it might be a bad trip!?!😜

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Hi, I've experienced precognitive dreaming my whole life, many are super detailed such as being able to know what's in all the drawers to house, not mine and 1st time inside. My precog dreams are not "crazy-random" like my normal dreams...these feel like I'm awake watching what's going on around me, but people don't interact with me. I'll continue to sporadically have the precog dream until it comes to pass. They're beyond deja-vu for me, which I've experienced. Deja-vu lasts a few seconds or little longer and some of my precogs go on for couple hours, depending on what it's about. There's info out there about precognitive dreaming, it may be what you experienced, not sure. Hope that helps...it's interesting none-the-less. Leslie

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However, I appreciate the terminology "precognitive dream". It brings more clarity than the "deja vu" I labeled my dream with because I had no other reference point. I really wish I had been raised in a situation where spirituality and consciousness experiences were discussed and even encouraged, rather than squashed. Ah life.

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It is always a challenge to dismiss the explanations offered for the mysteries of dreams, sensations, feelings, a "knowing," when a person is raised in a "wasteland." The essence of karma. Overcoming those limitations can take a lifetime and a lot of work. I found being an obstinate "independent thinker" and not giving a damn if anyone else agreed or understood, to be the best recourse to Kali Yuga ignorance, bless their narrow souls. We are born a thousand years too soon to feel comfortable with [their] narrow, unimaginative paradigms. I can't wait to come back and see what's happened! I recall someone saying that it is unlikely to reincarnate AS a space alien until humanity has what might be considered a "universal" experience of them. Right now, not an appealing aspect, but hell, we're all explorers and brash bits of frequency, light and vibration. There's no telling what we will become this time!

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If I had a choice, ... I might come back as a Pet Rock.

But with my luck, it would be, ... Worry Stone.

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Here's what Bing copilot tells me about precognitive dreams. Nothing at all about the time/space continuum or quantum reality: Precognitive dreams, also known as premonition dreams, are dreams that seemingly predict future events. These dreams often contain specific details and vivid imagery that later unfold in real life12. While the exact mechanism behind precognitive dreams isn’t fully understood, there are several theories and perspectives on why they occur:

Why Do Precognitive Dreams Happen?

Psychological Perspective: Some psychologists suggest that precognitive dreams may be a result of the brain processing information and making predictions based on subconscious observations and patterns1.

Coincidence and Memory: Another explanation is that these dreams might be coincidental, and our brains are wired to notice and remember events that match our dreams, creating a sense of prediction2.

Intuition and Sensitivity: Some believe that individuals who experience precognitive dreams might have heightened intuition or sensitivity to subtle cues in their environment1.

What Does It Mean?

Precognitive dreams can be fascinating and sometimes unsettling. They might indicate a strong connection between your subconscious mind and your waking life. These dreams could also reflect your brain’s ability to process and predict future events based on existing knowledge and experiences12.

Can You Change the Outcome?

The idea of changing the outcome of a precognitive dream by making different choices is intriguing. While there’s no scientific evidence to support this, some people believe that being aware of a precognitive dream might allow them to alter their actions and potentially change the course of events. This concept is more aligned with personal belief and anecdotal experiences rather than established science2.

If you find these dreams distressing or if they significantly impact your daily life, it might be helpful to discuss them with a mental health professional who can provide further insights and support.

Have you noticed any patterns or specific triggers that seem to precede these dreams?

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Hmmm, Precognitive dreams is One topic where I would take the word of "anecdotal experiences", over anything "The Science" has to say about it. And when it comes to talking it over with a mental health professional, ...... No, ... Just NO !!

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Past 1½-2wks I've been getting random dizzy spells, lasting ~30-45sec. This is new for me. Has anyone else had this experience lately?


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Have heard numerous claims of vertigo lately. A bit myself.

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Did you have any of the Covid shots?

Lack of blood flow to the brain.

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No vaxxs, no way!

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Doesn't need to be vaxx's fault, and it can be worse than vertigo or mild dizziness. When you see your vision close into a pinpoint and then go completely black, ... you are then completely passed out, .. on your feet. When I was young I had low blood pressure and springing up out of a chair, many times, would have me biting the dirt within a dozen paces. It never ends well. Sometimes you get lucky, .. but only because it could have been worse. Other times, it's about as bad as it can get. You NEVER land on a pile of pillows, lets just put it that way. lol

It might be possible you are lacking in certain vitamins, Walgreen's has a 50yrs+ daily multivitamin that has well over the daily recommended amounts of almost all of them, especially the B6 and B12 which gives a morning boost at least as well as 4 cups of Joe. But if that doesn't put a stop to the dizzies, bad circulation is definitely worth taking a peek at. I wonder if a daily shot of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar might give the old pipes a god chemical rooting ?? I know the acidity worked wonders on my gall stone.

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With my gall stone, I did a glass full, mixed 30/70 with apple juice in an attempt to disguise the sour flavor. It didn't work great to combat the flavor, but the apple juice is also acidic, so it still worked well. I took 3-4 glasses per day and within 4 days the pain had vanished and has not returned. This was at least 7 years ago For rooting the pipes, I'd do the same, but then once the dizzies stop, I'd continue with one glass per day mixed 20/80, for continuing to get whatever buildup might remain, ... or slam a straight shot glass full, or two, per day, if you can stand the flavor. Over time the flavor is less of a shock, you sort of get used to it, ... but at first it is WOWZERS !!

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Yes, I had them too

but associated this

with the arrival of the full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 17th.

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Back when I had high blood pressure, I had dizzy bouts . Took L-arginine and it helped a lot . Later I discovered EDTA chelation and then after a 90 day ration . Plus 90 days of Serrapeptase, I suffer no heart or arterial problems for 12 years now . Plus Doctor free for 5 years

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Try laying off caffeine. If you're a long time heavy or strong brew drinker headaches will occur, but after a few days disappear. The dizzy spells, if cardio related, will cease almost immediately. Good luck

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After a week of upper 90 degree weather, had a prob with dizziness. No a/c, just fans for relief. Watch diet, hydrated and take food supplements.

Salt, NaCl, intake was too low. Problem solved.

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Geez, I'm in total sympathy! High humidity AND 90F heat which we have in S. GA. It can wear you out, but August is called "Hell's Front Porch" for a reason, and, as far as I've determined, September is just a continuation thereof! I'd love rain, only it would just increase the humidity!

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I like that, ... S. Georgia August called "Hell's Front Porch". After being north west of Phoenix for the first summer, (118 deg) I concluded it was right next to Satan's sphincter. lmao

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Like Yogi Berra once said, "This is like DejaVu all over again."

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All But Stew- Hall of Shame

I've been Banned/Censored by the following in order and wear it as a Badge of Honor.

The Gate Way Pundit


Brighteon/Natural News

Patriot Street Fighter



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Good. Change works when stimulus provides a stir.. ufo.. stir... I think I am ready.. yet I know I have no idea! 👽

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Wow! No wonder sometimes I remember what I want to say, but I can't get to it to say it! Usually just one word. But I also sit right next to a Mag drive Filter that puts out a ton of EMF on my meter. So, that fish tank is going to move tomorrow! Thank you Clif! Maybe I don't have Dementia! Yet.

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Is there any truth to the theory that our phones ... especially held and kept close to our heads for extended periods...can erase our memories?

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I don't know about t hat, but it does have a detrimental effect on our brains. Use the speaker function. Turn up the volume. Frankly, I miss landlines.

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On that topic a good friend of mine had been suffering headaches and feeling crap so I suggested they check their house and appliances EMF/RF. Turned out to be the range hood/fan in her big fancy kitchen! She's using her BBQ on the porch mostly now.....

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Is that a SMART Hood ???

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