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Absolutely. There are psych studies showing that pedophiles have an extremely high recidivism rate. IMO they should either get life or death penalty. No parole, no sentence shorter than life. Personally. I do not like the idea of paying for their life sentences. And for certain KBJ, should fail this nomination process completely. IMO she should never be allowed to adjudicate anymore, especially anything related to sex crimes including child trafficking, porn , molestation etc. What she said made my hair stand on end!!!! I'm not a legal Eagle or a shrink, but I've read plenty on the subject. You would think a JUDGE would do the same to educate themselves. 😱

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They have a high recidivism rate because they have an untreatable psychiatric disorder. I agree that they should be confined permanently, but putting somebody to death for a mental disorder seems a bit extreme. I'm generally not in favor of the state killing people, because it is a slippery slope. I am perfectly comfortable with the family or friends of the victim of a pedophile dismembering that pedophile in a public square. No problem there at all.

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Once upon a time, there was a solution to overcrowding in the US prison system. The idea was that we should simply pay. Russia to reopen the gulags in Siberia, and place our criminals there. That might be a solution for pedophiles. They can still offend if they are castrated, and need to be removed from society.

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I would recommend the punishment given to homosexuals in the inquisition, nationally televised at Super Bowl half time. Did you hear about the Latino who raped his young niece, judge gave him light sentence. His head was found on judges front porch.

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