It's not just the mind regressing and connecting first-time sexual feelings to deep urges for that age group. Therapy won’t help. Only 'the Devil' compelling the weak minded into thinking about performing the most evil act non-stop can overwhelm like that, why they can't be rehabilitated.
The Devil and his Pitchfork are Gaddling About
It's not just the mind regressing and connecting first-time sexual feelings to deep urges for that age group. Therapy won’t help. Only 'the Devil' compelling the weak minded into thinking about performing the most evil act non-stop can overwhelm like that, why they can't be rehabilitated.
It's not just the mind regressing and connecting first-time sexual feelings to deep urges for that age group. Therapy won’t help. Only 'the Devil' compelling the weak minded into thinking about performing the most evil act non-stop can overwhelm like that, why they can't be rehabilitated.
The Devil and his Pitchfork are Gaddling About
The Devil will Get You if You Don’t Watch Out
He Places Temptation in Your Way
Be Firm, be Strong, and You Won’t Stray