Certainly! Here’s a **summary** and **analysis** of the main points from your message:

### **Summary:**

1. **The Maelstrom as a Metaphor:**

- The “maelstrom” refers to both a historical whirlpool off the coast of Denmark and Norway, as well as a metaphor for the chaotic and turbulent period humanity is currently experiencing. The idea is that we are in the midst of swirling, uncontrollable forces driven by larger cosmic or energetic cycles.

2. **Historical Cycles and Galactic Energy:**

- In the 1600s, cosmic energy increased as the solar system emerged from a dense part of the galaxy. This led to an influx of energetic changes on Earth, which influenced human consciousness and history, particularly between 1620 and 1720. This energy cycle is now at a more intense phase (M9), and over the next 5,500 years, these energies will shape the world.

3. **Upcoming Six-Month Turbulence:**

- The next six months (from October to April) are described as the densest part of the maelstrom. During this time, there will be a collapse of current structures like the financial system, the U.S. government, and possibly global religion. There will be a rise in cryptos and a decline of fiat currencies and real estate markets.

4. **Collapse of Global Financial and Government Systems:**

- The U.S. dollar will collapse, leading to the rise of cryptocurrencies. The banking system, particularly fiat currencies, will face a massive reckoning. The collapse of the government will be a result of economic failures and a loss of legitimacy.

5. **Religious Upheaval and UFO Disclosure:**

- Major religions will face crises, particularly those rooted in Abrahamic traditions, as more is revealed about their origins (e.g., the Council of Nicaea inventing Jesus Christ). There will also be an increase in official discussions around UFOs, extraterrestrials, and potentially the presence of alien activity on the moon.

6. **Jack Cruz and Health-Related Conspiracies:**

- Dr. Jack Cruz, a neurosurgeon, is discussed as a key figure raising concerns about SV40, a virus introduced through vaccines in the 1950s, which has allegedly caused cancers in millions. The narrative suggests that this was a deliberate effort by powerful groups (like Big Pharma and the government) to profit from cancer treatments and control the population.

7. **Language and the Control of Information:**

- The manipulation of language and ideas is a core theme, particularly in the way the "woke" culture and the rewriting of history are used to control public perception. The breakdown of control over language and media will lead to a broader awakening in the population as people realize the truths hidden from them.

8. **Government Secrets and Collapse:**

- By February, there will be a major breach of government secrecy, with classified information leaking out, which will ultimately accelerate the collapse of trust in the government and other systems of authority.

### **Analysis:**

1. **Historical Patterns & Energetic Cycles:**

- The use of historical and cosmic cycles to explain human events draws on a cyclical view of history, where cosmic energies influence Earthly affairs. This idea is often found in esoteric and astrological traditions, where planetary or galactic alignments are seen as driving shifts in consciousness or global events.

2. **Conspiracy Theories & Distrust of Authority:**

- Central to the narrative is a deep distrust of institutions like Big Pharma, the government, and religious organizations. The idea that a conspiracy involving vaccines and a global elite (described as the "Elohim worship cult" or "Jewish Mafia") has deliberately engineered mass suffering and control fits within a broader framework of alternative historical interpretations and health-related conspiracy theories.

3. **Religious Critique:**

- The narrative criticizes Abrahamic religions, particularly Christianity, as being manufactured for political control during the Roman Empire. The discussion of Constantine and the Council of Nicaea suggests that Jesus Christ was a fictional construct created for the sake of unity, and that religions have been manipulated by elites throughout history. This aligns with various historical revisionist perspectives that question the foundations of organized religion.

4. **Financial Collapse & Cryptocurrencies:**

- The prediction of an impending financial collapse, with a transition to cryptocurrencies, reflects concerns about fiat currency and centralized banking systems, which are prevalent in libertarian and cryptocurrency communities. The idea that real estate and fiat currencies will become obsolete as cryptos rise echoes popular sentiments among crypto enthusiasts.

5. **UFO Disclosure & Government Secrets:**

- There is a belief in an imminent disclosure of UFOs and extraterrestrial life, which will also expose the involvement of government cover-ups. This theme of UFOs intersecting with a broader "awakening" is a common feature of certain alternative and conspiracy subcultures.

6. **Crisis as Opportunity for Awakening:**

- The overall tone suggests that this period of collapse and chaos is also a time of awakening and empowerment for those who are paying attention. The collapse of the "normie" worldview (people who accept mainstream narratives) will lead to a deeper understanding of hidden truths.

### **Key Themes:**

- **Energetic Shifts:** The idea that galactic energies affect Earth and human behavior.

- **Conspiracy & Distrust:** The distrust of vaccines, Big Pharma, and the U.S. government.

- **Religious Manipulation:** The claim that major religions were created or manipulated for control.

- **Financial & Governmental Collapse:** Predictions of imminent collapses in traditional systems, particularly finance and governance.

- **UFO Disclosure:** Expectations that humanity will officially encounter UFOs or extraterrestrials soon.

- **Language as Control:** The belief that language is used by the elite to shape perceptions and maintain control.

### **Conclusion:**

The message presents a blend of historical revisionism, conspiracy theories, and alternative spirituality, with a focus on the breakdown of established systems (religious, financial, governmental) in the coming months. The metaphor of the "maelstrom" serves to describe this period of turbulence and transformation, suggesting that humanity is on the brink of a significant shift, and those aware of these hidden forces will be better equipped to navigate the chaos.

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There is nothing like hearing Clif firsthand, but this is a good way to keep handy notes or whatever for future reference if needed. Helpful so nice add to the mix good sir!!

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For those of us who don't always have an hour to spare lol

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This is why I'd like the volume to be a bit higher. I do things while I listen.

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I am hearing-impaired (and hearing-aids don't fix everything) so I wear comfortable (and not cheap) headphones and the dishes get done, the floor swept and the dry laundry folded. :-)

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Not relevant, but I have hearing problems when there is background noise. I have a hard time filtering it out.

I stopped using wireless headphones, everything is wired now, but I did love them for exactly that when I used them.

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Allie, you know that there are Closed Captions & also Transcripts in Clif's & all Substack videos, right? Don't even need to use headphones... which are very damaging to one's hearing! Try to limit wearing earbuds or headphones as much as you can on the computer, to protect & preserve what hearing you do have. That is straight from my audiologist :-) and in fact, here's more of what he told me: "Safety regulations for noise exposure are: 80 dB for 8 hrs per day is acceptable, 85 dB for 4 hrs, 90 dB for two hrs, 95 dB for one hr. As you can see, every 5 dB of increased volume halves the time allowed for exposure. There are dB meters that you can download for free from the App store or Google Play store. They are called Dosimeters." NOTE: dosimeters are only for cellphones. I haven't found dB meters for computers yet; they may exist but haven't researched enough.

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Not easy to do the dishes, sweep the floor or fold the laundry while reading though, eh? Unless you have a bad squint?!

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The closed captioning writes lots of wrong words from what he's saying. It was just auto-on when I began listening and I just left it as I was running back n forth doing stuff while listening but when I was watching the second time around it put so many wrong words up in place of things he was saying. lol

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Thanks for this info!!

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Thanks, Lisa. I'll definitely look into what you suggested.

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sounds like my routine;

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Let's ALL chip in and buy Clif a good microphone with muffler so no 🐍 🐍 🐍. Not that he has that speech impediment, but it would get the slurping and chuffing that bothers some sensitive (in that way 😉) types.

He was leaning back from his computer in a relaxed posture.

Everybody just RELAX.


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This is why I follow Cliffy. For the slurping.

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And I follow him for the chuffing, but I haven't heard it in awhile.

I gulp my coffee, Jim Carrey style. Drink it right out of the steaming pot.


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I appreciate joshua your reference, it helps to understand Cliff also when listening. Especially when ones mother tongue is not English. Thank you

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your welcome,

Here is "You're welcome" translated into the top 10 most spoken languages:

1. **Mandarin (Chinese):** 不客气 (Bù kèqì)

2. **Spanish:** De nada

3. **English:** You're welcome

4. **Hindi:** आपका स्वागत है (Aapka swagat hai)

5. **Arabic:** على الرحب والسعة (ʿalā ar-raḥb wa as-sʿa)

6. **Bengali:** স্বাগতম (Śbāgatam)

7. **Portuguese:** De nada

8. **Russian:** Пожалуйста (Pozhaluysta)

9. **Japanese:** どういたしまして (Dōitashimashite)

10. **Lahnda (Punjabi):** ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਸਵਾਗਤ ਹੈ (Tuhada swagat hai)

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Does anyone know the actual Latin phrase they used to ask if people were woke? ( 25:25)

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I actually kept notes on Clif for about a year. He's a big picture... "feeling" kind of guy. Lots of details don't always manifest, or if they do, they manifest in a different way.

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He tries to keep his finger on the pulse of the zeitgeist.

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He totally nailed Hypernovelty. Every day is weirder than the last.

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Congrats guy! You just dared to sum up Cliff's knowledge and wisdom into one sentence. How marvelous a god-brain you are.. 😅🤣🤡

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Sorry wish it was me, it was ChatGPT.

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And what if none of this shit happens? Then what?

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We carry on.

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Excellent answer Soldier

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Then there's the possibility that our becoming aware of it before it happens has its own register, IMO.

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You think the banks won't fail? Well keep your fiat toilet paper then and see what happens.

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The big banks will prevail as always. The dollar won't collapse as it's too engrained into world finance but tangible assets, as Clif says, will be our hedge against inflation. Inflation is theft orchestrated by the Rothschlids, England and the Pope. Mainly the khazarian mafia Rothschilds. I believe physical assets like housing is the reason housing prices have not come down yet. We are way overdue on the cyclical cycle of ups and downs and it will be interesting to see what comes about but you need to have physical assets such as gold silver real estate Etc

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Fiat currencies all eventually go to zero. No exceptions in history. Of course physical assets are the hedge. But now we have Bitcoin, and Veritaseum, a patented peer to peer transaction mechanism that eliminates the need for corrupt regulators.

We have a choice, we can continue to accept fiat, or we can choose a currency that offers us true freedom. It is up to us, do we want to continue to allow the banksters to enslave us, or do we want to choose freedom. I choose freedom. I hope I am not alone.

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The financial system is up to the Rothschilds unless they somehow get squashed like a bug on the floor. Basically we just need to go back on the gold and silver standard and have it verifiable which means gold and silver will Skyrocket to what it should be anyway

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Crypto is what it says - a crypt - in which to keep the dead. we already see as the grid goes down in floods and "natural" engineered disasters.... the cryptoids are outta luck... their phones don't work... no gas, food or supplies can be bought...

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Veritaseum lol. That shitcoin is totally dead.

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if 'this shit' doesn't happen have no fear 'other' shit will happen! lol

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Aside from the fact that I agree with you, your "handle" always makes me smile when I see it, Paddy! :-)

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I used that handle “Paddy O Furniture “ about 15 years ago. Because I’m Irish & have worked in furniture for 50 years. But it’s all yours now. Begorrah

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You're Ir-ish.

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It's so clever!

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Thanks for the Clif Notes! 😁

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Started the Jack Kruse video on the Danny Jones podcast. He connects many dots. Highly recommend people watch it.

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Yes, I'm halfway through and it is mind blowing - yet I'm not surprised at all! It's a jigsaw puzzle and the bits are connecting.

As for royalty - I am not a royalist. Thing Chas the Turd and Concubine Camilla.

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Yes, it connects a lot of dots, some of them new, some of them known (George Webb, Dean Henderson etc.) … bit heavy on the "Bro's" for me though.

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How do I find the Jack Kruse podcast that Clif mentioned several times?

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It's a long one. But lots of good information, watch to the end.

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thank you!

Was looking for this.

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Excellent summary. Thank you very much for that. It's reassuring to see such clarity in language. It's rare!

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Clif didn't mention Bitcoin as fiat. It is a ponzi fiat scheme as it's not backed by any physical asset like gold and silver

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Bitcoin is mined into existence which is a very expensive process requiring all the miners to agree on the transactions. It is far from fiat. If your ignorance prevents you from understanding what Bitcoin is, that is your problem. Don't try to school us about Ponzi schemes and other such nonsense when discussing Bitcoin.

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So don't allow freedom of speech?

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Just critical analysis —- just letting them know it’s misinformation!

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All honest currencies in the world have been backed by a tangible asset. It's the technology behind Bitcoin that governments can't manipulate it but I just can't touch it or feel it so it's not tangible.

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It's Jack Kruse.

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Thankyou, and Good job!

I'm going to refrain from speaking, I like Clif, he's a wealth of knowledge, but im a flat earthor.

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Thank you so very much! I got a screen cap of the white board and this helps me understand what I'm looking at.

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Thank you Joshua.. This is very helpful. 😊

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Oct 1·edited Oct 2

Thank you for the summary to avoid bad sound.

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here is great information about the MOON ya'll;

Bruce Sees all. (2024b, August 29). Alien/Ufo Disclosure is Now & it’s Here -Research Video of Alien Civilization [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sCJfPIVkXI

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Uncle Clif discussing The Wooble; the Little Bloop Theory; a video on his old Youtube channel; this will make a difference in order to comprehend how the black magicians may use the Gap in between the Pulse to spell and spirit cook; etc; may have a huge factor involving the maelstrom; with regard to time and space; reality;

clif high. (2015, May 5). Little Bloop Theory, Universe, Matterium, humans, Time and space [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka6FKX9HlDM

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phenomenal 'Clif' Notes; thanks;

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Uncle Clif High; makin me nervous with that ruler; im hiding my hands; nuns love to smack your knuckles when you ask questions; hands on desk is not a good thing;

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Cliff's Notes on Clif

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Consider Ilya Prigogine & his concept of "dissipative structures". He wrote how any complex system (even water flowing through a pipe is mathematically complex )develops a structure that allows it to handle increasing input (by "dissipating" energy) -- up to a point. Then its structure breaks down, its flow becomes extremely turbulent (like Maelstrom) -- and then a new structure forms & flow resumes in a new, different pattern, that *can* manage the higher input.

He noted that it is not even theoretically possible to predict, before the turbulent change, what the new pattern or structure will be.

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JUST what i was saying!

Time to mostly turn off the feeds and screens as well and FOCUS on what we want to manifest, NOT what we don't want perpetuated. That just FEEDS it.

Don't with the FILTH. Good luck to y'all.


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I've been sitting at home for a couple weeks waiting for a phone call. I agree. Been spending too much time on SHTF crap. After I get the phone call I can go play in the woods.

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In your own woods! In your very own 100 acres. yeaaahhh! :-) :-)

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You're waiting to hear that the teddy bears' picnic is ready?!

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The Beareareareinstein Bears and the SPOOKY tree.


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There are bears. And I'm not going there for the hunting. I'm hoping we don't meet but it is a construction issue. Any building has to be bear proof and temptation has to be avoided. So, no to the picnic. &^/

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Oh, you're such a killjoy!


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So are bears. Don't be fooled by cartoon propaganda.

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Quite right!

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"Time to mostly turn off the feeds and screens as well and FOCUS on what we want to manifest, NOT what we don't want perpetuated. That just FEEDS it."

This is exactly why I made my podcast (I also wanted to help inspire my fellow Clif-heads).

You're going to get what you focus on... WHETHER YOU WANT IT OR NOT. So be super-careful what you put your attention on.

This is also a reason to read Thinking and Destiny (recommended by Clif). It's a hard read, but I'm getting a lot out of.


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I'll check them out.

Funny enough, Shadowlands is a Colin Wilson book I need to wrap up the old Spider World saga.

If he actually wraps it up, who knows?...

A visit to the UK might do it, but I'm goin nowhere near that place anytime soon!

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Agree. Have been listening to some older metaphysical audiobooks on youtube a lot in order to stay more positively focused.

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So Constantine created Q and everything is a lie. Got it.

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I have been getting occasional letters from health Canada advising me to get my colon checked since I was 50. I don't trust them so that's not going to happen.

I have lots of pure sleep.

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I just chuck my mammogram test requests straight into the bin. The Hungarian gov is planning to make mammogram and colon tests mandatory...with a hefty fine if you disobey...I hope many will resist! We have just given space to the HQ of the WHO in Budapest...the bastards have literally moved in!🤬

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A colon test is invasive. A Mammogram exposes you to radiation does it not? Forced or coerced invasive procedures, by the Nuremburg code, are egregious violations of human rights.

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Not only that, but they produce INCORRECT results more often than not, so women get their boobs lopped off for absolutely no reason. AND mammograms can actually spread a real tumor.

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Well, that too. If I did have a test I wouldn't trust the results.

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It’s a trap to get all these preventative care issues. I was a RN for 25 plus years and then I woke up. No doctors for me.

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Me, too. Old, retired RN here. I do my own vitals and assessments now (where I can) and I document. I can order my own blood tests (out of pocket) if I want to, and I supplement (vitamins, etc) carefully, in a addition to a healthy lifestyle. I stopped all injections nearly ten years ago and have had only one head-cold for three days since. That's it. My last actual annual office visit was five years ago. I wouldn't bother with a virtual visit, in my case. A serious injury would bring me to a doctor. That's about it. Anyone can learn to do this.

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My cousin is a retired nurse. She just returned my copy of "Can You Catch a Cold?"

She's pretty based.

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Forced colonoscopies for all....

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Colonoscopy my ass. Mine!

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"Colonoscopy my ass" I find humor in that. As a request it takes on an instructional vibe.

As a statement it translates to "Up Yours". hahaha.

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Heh, you see thing so clearly!

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Did ya know that instead of getting a colonoscopy, you can get an "at-home fecal immunochemical test (FIT) in Canada? (Or at least in my province.) Which translates into taking a swab of yer poo & sending it into the lab in the little container they provide. Not invasive. So that's something...

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Someone made a quip about shitting in a box. I have no idea what is involved in a colonoscopy but it doesn't matter, I've never trusted our medical establishment. If I break my leg I'll let them set it but when they want to start fooling with my health that's where we don't see eye to eye. I wouldn't trust the results of their tests.

They are good with the structural stuff but allopathic medicine is a scam.

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Who wants to see eye to eye with a poop swab?!

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100% agreed. and I enjoyed reading the related quips:-)

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Yep but I don’t trust anyone In Allopathic care so I won’t do it. I don’t see medical doctors but I’m doing a good job being my own. If I’m not having any colon issues I don’t feel the need to check anything. The body is brilliant and it will tell you what’s going on if you go inside and ask and pay attention. Meditate on your body and it’s status. It might surprise you how aware you become.

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Excellent! :-)

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Smart! Mammograms are total bullstuff. Same for colonoscopy's. My wife and I refuse them. After getting a physical and refusing the mammogram, a nurse followed her out to her car, trying to convince her how bad/not smart she was for refusing it. $$$'s.

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Medicine for profit.

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There *are* some well-meaning, caring healthcare staff who truly believe what they are saying but those behind them, feeding them the info, are the ones with dollar signs in their eyes.

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Agreed, most are probably well-meaning, but not well-informed and that's STILL on them. Medicine is too important to take a laissez-faire attitude.

Of course, when the few DO speak up, they get shut down, licenses removed and/or called "quacks".

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I believe they [those running the tests] have target numbers to meet and they send through perfectly healthy people into the death spiral of surgery and chemo. I'm speaking [above] of the programme for biennial mammograms in the UK, for perfectly healthy women of child-bearing age, not the breast turbo cancers caused by the waxxeens, which sadly are all too real.

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Mammograms cause cancer. The thermal mammogram with an ultrasound for baseline tissue structure is the way to go. That can see heat from any abnormal cells way before a regular mammogram

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That's what my wife started doing.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

Yes best but out of pocket wife get 2 X per year

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It's expensive.

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I thought Orban would prevent this type of thing. Guess not.

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That's what I thought. Very disappointing.

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O;ediant workers who don't think outside of their box

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I'm sorry to hear that. I was under the impression that Hungary was anti-woke, anti-big gov, anti- EU meddling and generally good guys... Is that not so? Mandatory tests sounds unbelievable; although, mandates are not the same as law. My understanding is that 'mandates' are trickery posing as law. You all need to resist and refuse. From personal observation, I'm absolutely certain that unwelcome mammogram results are faked, and those who do the tests have targets to meet, of 'women with early signs of cancer', to funnel them into the system of surgery and poison drugs. It's despicable. Have lost several friends and acquaintances in this way.

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Crazy, they should all be shot. Talk about govt invasion into every area of life. They are supposed to be administrators and servants.

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How did Orbán allow that??

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Get on the fenbendazole and tocotrienols (also consider alternating with ivermectin). It's an anti-cancer protocol that's so cheap you can't afford not to take it prophylactically.

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I religiously took ~ 35 vitamins/supplements, including mixed tocotrienols daily for about 20 years and got wrapped up in the fenbendazole/ivermectin thingie and took each of them once. Then, I came across this deep research: https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/dear-dr-yeadon-please-expose-vitamins?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1865725&post_id=147873546&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=44al5&triedRedirect=true

I'm thinking that the vitamin/supplement industry is just as bad as the medical industry and we've been brainwashed - AGAIN - to take crap that's actually detrimental to our health.

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I have a cabinet full of crap that I don't take any more. I'm down to magnesium, zinc, and seal oil. I drink lemon balm tea with chaga in the first one, I like it.

That's still quite a bit but I shelved the vitamins.

So yeah, I'm thinking that too.

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Same here, I've got a few hundred bucks worth of vitamins/supplements taking up space. I'm down to magnesium and boron. Did you mean "seed" oil?? If so, that may be a big mistake.

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Also: Take K2 with vitamin D.

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That's the mess I got into. You're also supposed to take magnesium with K2 & D3, just like several other vitamins and supplements, you're supposed to take this with that ant that with this, but only in the morning, afternoon or evening, along with all other kinds of hoops to jump through. It gets crazy.

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To rats.

You aren't a rat, right?

That said, don't be dumb, it's toxic at extreme levels.

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Yes, the poison is in the dose.

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I've read and comprehended the entire article and others like it.

Believe what you want to believe. ✌🏻

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If Clif takes D supplements, I am quite sure he has done the research.

My vitamin D level was recently tested to > 80ng per ml. My health is excellent and I never get sick. High D levels is one way to insure good health.

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Check the experiments by Louis Kervran that suggest that animals can transmute elements internally. Chickens starved of calcium still produced strong eggs with lots of calcium though when they deprived them of potassium the eggs got weak... Was it a precursor to calcium or a catalyst for the production of calcium???

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Long term exposure to any thing is bad change up

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Vitamins are specific. How are you gonna change them up?

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I'm not concerned about cancer. I had some Ivermectin, I gave it to someone who had cancer.

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I was looking for the protocol...is the best one by Joe Tippens?

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I can't say. I can say I have read to take fenben 3 days a week, along with tocotrienols. I have read that some alternate between ivermectin and fenben.

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I get letters from my medical insurance telling me "It's Time For". I don't even open them anymore, they get deposited into the recycle can before I even get back to the house from the mailbox.

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Well at least you don't have a stupid weather app on your phone that tells you mosquito and "common cold" risk.

Mosquitoes disappeared from it weeks ago, although now we have little bitey nocms.

The other thing has a little maskhole emoji that goes "😷beneficial". And there's nobody sick around as far as I can see. Coughing at least, they're all sick in OTHER ways.

Beneficial for whom? The undertaker?

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smart phone LOL

turn off the phone and live

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I don't have a phone to put the app on.

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I didn't just fall off the turnip truck yesterday. It was a few weeks ago sometime...



GAWD. Y'all are TOO EASY.

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How ling did it take to get rid of the turnip smell?

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Still there. I kinda like it.

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Mmmm, smell like colonoscopy.

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The medical industry profits from treating sick people, not healthy folks. Shout outs to you John & Starmonkey who I'll call red. First to jump on the comments

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Of course, they treat symptoms not illness. Symptoms are generally the body trying to heal itself, so suppressing symptoms does nothing more than interfere with your bodies efforts to heal itself.

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Right. It's sad that so many people do not know the basics of how the body works. Just adds to the fear which simply adds fire to the stress that is chronic for most people now. That does not help the immune system at all.

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Aye. Fear, panic, stress, are debilitating. Think of the stress felt by a person getting a cancer diagnosis. "You're gonna die", the statement itself, is going make you sick to some degree.

Learning how the body works is a better use of your time than obsessing over the evil in the world.

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That's for sure!

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They don't even treat symptoms they either mask them or make them worse, one or the other.

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Would you mind sharing with me as a very poor individual. What can I expect if I spend my few dollars on? Thank you

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Just crap in the box, John ,)

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poop in box one fee then get told you need colonoscopy second fee

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That's a colon test? I really have no idea, I figured they would be all up in your ass.

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The Maelstrom follows the Pluto in Capricorn hitting the USA natal Pluto - exposing all the corruption and removing the limitations that keep us enslaved. I am so grateful that I was studying my astrology and also spent 40 years studying the financial systems - No easy answers - must read lots of books and grok the message. How fortunate to be here now!!! - and HEALTHY - no vaccines for me or my children - now 79 years old

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nice job no vaccines for you at 79, probably very rare - i had many (especially w/ travel different countries as young boy) but my son has 0

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And how did you and your children Dodge all those vaccine bullets? Homeschooling I'm guessing too

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

I'm Norwegian. Maelstrom derives from (norsk) MALSTRØM. Mal means bad, like in malice, malpractice, malfeasance. Strøm means stream or current. The fenomenon happens when two currents meet and start circling around (each other), similar to a tornado. South of Bodø in northern Norway is the Saltstraumen (the salty stream), with a very strong downward pull, when a large inland "lagoon" empties out into the sea as the tide comes in. Look up the saltstraumen and you mignt see pictures or a video.

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Thank you!

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Well I guess it's no Sober for October for me this year, gonna need some soporifics I'm afraid.

Let's see...

Day 1- Iran "maelstroming the bejeebus out of Izzy. Off to a flying start. Also we begin the dock strike, another flying start. My oh my can't wait for the rest of the month that ends on Halloween. Popcorn and scotch at the ready.

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Irish wiskey

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It's called Scotch because whiskey made in Scotland is called Scotch

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Fall juncture abstinence and cleanse right now. A couple weeks off, so I don't get to medicate for another week.

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To stay balanced, empowered, and optimally physically and mentally healthy through personal and Earth changes, spend as much time as possible away from electronic devices and in Nature, stay grounded (directly connected to Earth), sungaze daily, practice relaxation, and raise your vibrational frequency at every opportunity:


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recorded at low vol, turn it up

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Yes, more than usual. I have my speakers cranked.

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I didn't even notice a difference in volume. But I use a small pair of usb speakers plugged into my laptop that have a volume knob right on the front of one of them. The built in laptop speaker was never enough.. Some occasions I use the larger three piece PC speakers that I have to plug into the wall for power, with those I can rock the whole house on the Sunday six hour blues show on KJZZ 91.5 online.

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I don't ever use PC speakers, I have speakers and I can hear this fine sitting here with them cranked but I can't hear it very well in the kitchen.

I do miss wireless headphones but they irradiate you.

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Yes, the built in laptop speakers I never use, they are so weak and sound bad because they are so small. Have you thought about using a decent sized bluetooth speaker that isn't headphones? It would still have a bit of the same effect, but at least not strapped to the head. Or get a set of speakers like I use for rockin' the whole house. It has two good sized boxes for right and left and also a center bass unit that likely has a power booster in it. The damn things just blast. Surprised neighbors haven't complained.

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If I used bluetooth I would have many solutions. Everything has to be wired.

I do have such speakers, I have many sets of speakers, the thing is that I never have this problem making the effort to retool my sound system would be just for this particular video. No.

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I don't use anything bluetooth either, everything wired. One thing I did that helps a lot while listening and working in the kitchen, .... I set up my laptop and usb speakers on my dining table, .... which is right next to the kitchen. Worked so well for me I left it there for the last five years. Luckily, it's a large rectangular table with plenty of room. Of course yesterday it was still hard to hear while sitting right in front of the laptop, even turned up louder, but that's only because I was running an old Rival ice cream maker in the sink. hahaha.

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So glad my daughter-in-law is a non-vaxxer. My 3 grand kids have never been vaccinated.

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Beautiful Clif. So very happy to hear from you ❤️

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Clif this is awesome work, very interesting thank you for putting it together.

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Special treat two days in a row. Go Clif!

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I thought Maelstrom was some foreign word meaning big storm.

This is why we have Clif.

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and dictionary

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If you google Dr Jack Kruze you Tube lots of his interviews will pop up. They are all chock full of info

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Yea he said 99% of truthers are compromised of making stuff up and I agree. It's a shit storm jungle out there on YT, predators and uninformed know it all's makin stuff up everywhere.

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Jack Kruse has the right idea. Thinking of proteins as semiconductors of energy and light and relating the mechanism to our circadian rhythms seems to be backed up by the common sense experience of feeling good when we are outside in the sunshine. What a sobering thought that humans may be devolving while living an urban existence under artificial light and nocturnal schedules.

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Danny Jones interview with Dr. Jack Kruse:


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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

Clif often presents his "evidence" as conclusive while ignoring other evidence that disputes his assertions. One example is what is known as Papyrus 137 which dates from the 1st century. This is an early fragment of the New Testament in Greek, which contains text from the first chapter of the Gospel of Mark.

Also, The first complete copies of single New Testament books appeared around 200 not 330 or so.

Clif has an agenda and that is to create doubt in the minds of those who would believe in anything other that what he calls "universe". Use his words with great caution...

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I nearly fell off my seat when he said Constantine was a Brit. Was he being humourous? Constantine’s father was a senior officer in the Roman army, of Balkan descent, and his mother was a Greek peasant. He was born in what is now Serbia, and he never set foot in Britannia until his early thirties.

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Yes, for sure, it appears to be an agenda to create doubt. I think one needs to pick and choose. I definitely do not take on board any of the Roman whistleblower stuff and 2,500 religions the Romans wanted to sort out into a manageable three. Sheer baloney, unless he can produce hard evidence for any of this. I do wonder if Clif has actually read the bible he likes to knock with impunity. I'm no expert, and the violence reported in the Old Testament is truly shocking and abhorrent. But it isn't just one book, the Bible is a huge collection of books and letters and there are some bits [mainly, but not only, New Testament] that I find absolutely mind blowing. In particular the gospels, the Psalms [OT], Book of Daniel and Revelation. Quite extraordinary. Also, the wisdom of Jesus, the parables and miracles are astonishing and there seems no reason why some gathering of Roman dignitaries would get together to produce this material, even supposing they had the skills, wit, imagination, inclination, time, and humanity to do so. Completely implausible that this is cobbled together Roman fiction. On the other hand, Clif is very interesting on other things. I would like him to give us an update on his insights into the progress, or otherwise, of the SOC, Special Ops Collective, which he used to talk about a great deal.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

Do you know the work of Paul Wallis? I've recently started to read his books and suddenly the lights are starting to come on regarding the violent "God" in the OT. Paul also has a YT channel where you can get an impression of what his work is about. Regarding the NT I've found the late NT-scholar Marcus Borg's work to be most enlightening. He doesn't have the whole picture, as he was a so called "liberal" who misses most of the conspiracies and dark agendas, but he is able to paint a believable picture of an enlightened soul (the historical Jesus), who became very dangerous to the establishment, and therefore had to be executed. Borg also explains why the Gospels re-use a lot of the old imagery of the Son-of-God myths. They do that on purpose because they are contrasting the teachings and the life of Jesus with Roman imperial theology. Freedom vs. Empire. Also, Borg's book about Paul is very insightful. He shows based on manuscript evidence how Paul's original message was very revolutionary, very close to Jesus', and so it had to be corrupted and toned down, which is why we now have very contradictory texts in the NT claiming to be all written by Paul.

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