Clif, the analyst, the decoder, the wise, and the romantic. This evolution of Clif is awe inspiring and a masterpiece to experience.

Thank you for your efforts and time invested in the experience for us all. 🙏

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Clif is truly a Man in the Full, a well rounded Renaissance male. Sorry if I offend anyone but I hope to see the day when all the attention, the undeserved attention to the letter people, ceases and desists. Go back to the extremities of the bell shaped curve where you belong.

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100% agree. the groveling cult-people are really disgusting.

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fuck right off to the lonely cat-lady part of the net. Remember; for every like you get, at least ten of us hope you wander in to traffic so we don't have to witness your ass kissing weirdness ever again.

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Thery are many things in this world which can make us sad and angry.

A life is unfulfilled if something so simple as a substack comment can induce those emotions.

Spread a little love ❤️, it feels good.

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brother, ill spread as much anger as i can. This world is drowning in soft fools like you. DROWNING. We are killed for lack of anger. you people are killing us all.

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Well, calling me Brother, isxa good start.

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you could at least give it a like, sugar ;)

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Imagine Clif gets remarried and has kids. That would be the ultimate. One day a lil Clif calling out fuckers.

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That thought brought a smile to my face.

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Like... who the hell needed to know that some rando someone on earth smiled at that?

Is this is narcissistic call in hour? lol

Christ, lady! lol Do people in this substak realize how mentally ill they really are?

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Wow. Me expressing my delight at the thought of a little Clif running around the planet seemed to hit a sour nerve in you. If mental illness is finding joy in the little things in life, than guilty as charged. Hoping you find yourself sowing some positivity going forward. Peace

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He's an old man. Have some empathy. There's nothing delightful about starting a family at his age.

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You do sound sour, are you? 🤔 Might want to ponder on Clif's list 🧘‍♂

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no. im BBQing steak right now on my back porch. shouldn't you be out ? its Saturday night?

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I am a couple of years older than Clif, and married 50 years last Autumn.

Have often wondered about what life would be like without her,

but certainly not anxious to find out.

Getting re-married would NOT be on the agenda, nor having more children. Two was enough. Not to mention, Had the tubes cut many years ago.

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No!!! not the tubes! Jesus Christ grandpa... why do we need to know about your damn tubes?

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Love your comment. I doubt if I could put it any more succinctly.

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So why did you open your mouth at all? you could have just "liked" the comment?!

This is the cult like behavior that smart people find super disgusting... this "lets-support-a-touchy/feely-cult-under-someone-who's-trying-to-teach" vibe.... It's bullshit.

Go away.

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Lady... some of us like this place and would really appreciate it if you took your cult like behavior, comments, and childish fancies to Facebook where they belong. this is a room for thinkers... not fan girls/boys. Trust me, this community is largely sick of your shit, no matter how many likes your comments gets... there's always going to be 200 or more of us who hate it and you should know :)

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I would have had his baby in a heartbeat. I was much younger then.

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"One day a Lil Clif calling out fuckers!" - my goodness, that is so sweet and so funny! 🤗 We'd love more Clifs! I love you Clif.....thank Q for everything!

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what poor woman would you wish that upon? are you a pedophile or something?

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Love you all!! Woo Crew!!

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Building your communities based on love and compassion is a synchronized experience starting with a clear thought. We can manifest our own destiny. Get to work! Love you all!

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every cool place has got to have some blow hard like you to say some stupid shit like that to make everyone feel totally uneasy. 1969 is calling... go back to your mud pit.

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Get some therapy, before you try to jump…just saying.

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gas lighting... the go to for any woman over 40.

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Perhaps you are having a “Mid-Life Crisis”? Small penis issue? Inquiring minds want to know.

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This is funny! You have to define "small" to make it make sense. We know for a fact that it can't be 12 inches long, because then it would be a "foot"

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Its like you're the example character, in Psych 101, that goes around abusing people. lol i'm screenshotting this for my class.

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I’m thankful that you reminded me “Not to feed the Trolls” and that I am still a member in good standing of one of my favorite Facebook groups called “Miserable Assholes”. I just did a “Drive by” thanks to you. I’m back to my normal self today. Now I’m going to go find some wonderful projects and make something great! Cheers!

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so after all that nasty, unhinged, projection your back to let us all know you were only temporarily the ugliest person on this forum? you really are crazy. you really do need a therapy group. and i'm really not going to mess with you anymore because you seem wrecked. Try and have a good one.

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How fitting it is that Suzirhae takes home the coveted first comment award today because she exudes so much love which radiates to the entire Woo crew. 😀 ❤️

🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆

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we all want you and people like her to disappear from this place. you people are a blight on the thinking man. If substack allowed a thumbs down option.... you'd know how truly obnoxious you all are. groveling, filthy, cult followers.

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Building community, baby!

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The internet doesn't count. one day you'll wake up and realize your just an old woman in a basement without real community. the internet cant give that to you. Its going to suck when you die. There wont be an "internet funeral"... trust me.

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I'm so glad Stimpicus is here because we need a challenge - it makes us stronger and more resolute in our expression. The arguing with strangers has honed my verbal and writing abilities, I must say.

And Clif has said challenge is necessary for growth, which I know to be true.

The supporters of the Philistine outlook are just fertilizer in our quest to self-improve.

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i bet your skin is grey and your toenails are 9 inches long.

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Throwing a good insult is a “Skill Set, Sunshine”. You are lacking…just saying.

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my kung-fu is strong. Admit it.

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Agitated monkey shit slinger "Normie".

Let us pray with George Carlin that ye may exorcist that Luciferian demon 😈 in you. 🙏 🤲 🕍 🕌 ⛪️ 🛕 🙏

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Hilarious, I needed this! I didn’t realize how much anxious anxiety has been created lately. I have not let out my inner “Miserable Asshole” in a very long time. What a perfect target, thank you for sharing @Stimpicus! Cheers!

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Stimpicus gave me a Like on that comment. He's just puffing his chest and deep down was just looking for attention.

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no . i didnt. Likes are for simps. I talk. clicks are for dicks.

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"I don't care if Monday's blue, Tuesday's gray and Wednesday too

Thursday I don't care about you, it's Friday, I'm in love with you.

Monday you can fall apart, Tuesday Wednesday break my heart,

Oh Thursday doesn't even start, it's Friday I'm in love.

I don't care if Monday's black, Tuesday Wednesday heart attack,

Thursday never looking back, It's Friday I'm in love.

Monday you can hold your head, Tuesday Wednesday stay in bed.

On Thursday watch the walls instead, It's Friday I'm in love.

Never looking to Saturday wait, and Sunday always comes too late,

But Friday never hesitate, dressed up to the eyes,

It's a wonderful surprise to see your shoes and your spirits rise." song by Cure

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Divinity Inside of Me

Born...with a spark inside of me, an original piece of our infinity

My own trinity of a symphony, who is done living a dream of captivity

Held hostage since my delivery, and blindly programmed with negativity

Taught to be just another facsimile, despite the destiny inside of me

Yet I held a high affinity, to imagine creatively a life of conspiracy

Dreams of a hero sniffing out villany, dreaming that dream so mentally

Now...I'm in search of my serenity, a pathway to lift me spiritually

One that loves me unconditionally, a heart and mind married in epiphany

First, I must address any volatility, placed within me since my nativity

This is my challenge of individuality, an experience of my possibilities

Overcoming this anomaly inside of me, is all part of my hidden ability

Shaping me...judicially...responsibly, into a me within my own validity

Reliably & most especially explicitly, the true festivity inside of me

Not past little boy named Timothy, a legal entity assigned as my identity

But literally the spirit within me, Cristos energy, The Divinity inside of me

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Excellent epiphany Timothy 👏

OMG that Rhymes

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We're all turning into poets, after living so long as robots.

So you go ahead and rhyme, I believe it's well past time.

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May the blessings you give with your prose be given back to you 10 fold.

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That's about the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. I will cherish your message as I receive those blessings...so that I may share those blessings too. Thank you my friend...may peace and love forever remain your companions.

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Why, what a wonderful response. Thank you. I was blessed by the poem! Here is one that I hope blesses you…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfURSLhkNXY

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Thank you my friend.

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you people are fucking sad. you all need to find a therapy place and stay the hell out of our science club. some of us are here for the science and knowledge.... not your filthy, personal, and cringe masturbation clubs for boomers. you may need a therapy club... but that's a long way away from the stub stack. seriously fuck off and get help. Cliff himself feels the EXACT same way. he thinks you guys suck, and because he's too much of a nice guy to say it... some of us are saying it for him (and ourselves): get lost.

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Fuck yeah!

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When a simple "Yeah!" isn't enough...there's "Fuck Yeah!"

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Awesomely crafted couplets: countless thanks 🥳

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I love it when you talk about my awesomely crafted couplets...please, don't...stop ;)

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Shakespeare is smiling 😁

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you people are fucked in the head. go to a therapy class... this is not a place for your cringe personal BS. go start your own little substack and piss off. Cliff hates the shit you people post. some of you are even talking about your genitals... its ridiculous. nobody smart likes your comments.

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And this is your way of telling us you care...by trying to control our behavior to fit within YOUR expectations. No thanks...I'm fine being "fucked in the head," with my other "fucked in the head" friends. As for those smart people, please pass the word to them...we don't discriminate against know-it-alls...or their cronies that lurk in the background, waiting to drop knowledge on us dumbshits. Oh...and tell your dad he doesn't own the chats.

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yup. hard love. you need it.

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Why does love matter? I know and have experienced most of these different kinds of love. I do believe that the most important is loving yourself for when you understand YOU then you understand humanity and so much more. Having said that, I have found that it still does not make it any easier to find that "true love." I have learned that I am probably too much for most men and so I have settled in to having loving friendships with them instead. Still...it does not awaken the joy and immense capacity to love one special person in my soul... I do crave that one special person who can take me from 0 to 100 in seconds. But I also crave that deep connection through the mind. The curiosity and excitement from learning something more about myself and the world from my beloved. And the peace and comfort of being in silence too, while together. There's a lot of components to love. Mostly, I believe love is all it's cracked up to be. And, that's why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. Because if we don't risk anything, we risk even more. Love is simply creation's greatest joy. So, we must embrace love because it inspires us with a burning passion. Love matters. Allow yourself to open your heart. Why? Because you're worth it.

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When I was in my 50's and 60's I felt that true love was something I was not going to experience in this life time and I had settled into the thought of being without it.....but I was wrong.......out of the blue it came and I believe it will come for you too....when the time is right.

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Just imagine a world full of people who would love one another as they love themselves and that love their Creator with their heart mind body and soul. I'm convinced that would manifest the Kingdom of the Almighty here on earth. No more hate and all that comes from it. No more lies and all that comes from them. No more want and all that comes from it. No more psychopaths ruling us and all that comes from it. No more murder or theft and all that comes from it. Oh what a wonderful world it would be. BUT FIRST let's make our own little world fit that mold with our friends, family and people in our communities.

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save it. you boomers always have the most long winded hissy fits. thankfully, you'll all be dead in the next few years.

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Why don’t you shut up you little twerp. Most of the boomers are tougher and smarter than you.

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Ok, you took a good throw at me grandma, now go lie down and have some turmeric tea.

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And you need to change your diapers. Smelly!!

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That's it. "infantilize" and vomit out all that bile. Here; let me hold your hair, my little demon.

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" I am probably too much for most men "

- lets face it, you're probably unbearable.

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I know one thing, just from reading your responses. You would be unbearable for not only women, but everyone else in the room.

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I have two wives and 4 daughters. Something tells me you're not even married.

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lol. If you say so. I found it to be an energy/frequency thing...

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Would you survive a 51/49 relationship where the man is 51%?

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all i smell are broken women in this room. fishy to say the least.

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Amazing! You are so talented that you can "smell" from a computer screen! And here you are with your fantastic "high school" edjakashun unable to capitalize words that need to be, and create a proper sentence! I'd go back to my high school and lodge a complaint for the wonderful job they did!

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when you're as dirty and filthy as you are... it aint hard :)

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I thought that strange too! I believe you are what you think! that is "Too Much"

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yep might take a while but someone worthy is out there somewhere...

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We're all well fukkt if these violent egomaniacs are our ubermensch. If true, I demand 1) recognition of my inviolable sovereignty, 2) release from their control mechanisms, 3) reparations for the physical harm done to me and my planet, as well as for the psychic angst caused by the negative interference of these aliens on all beings on Earth, and 4) get your asses off this planet immediately or suffer actions taken w/ xtreme prejudice. These terms are non-negotiable. You have been put on notice.

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Thank you, our wise cantankerous 80 yr old, for putting this s*** show on notice. It's about time

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83+ thenkewveddymuch

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Maybe it's time we tell them give us our liberty or we will give you your death!

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Right On Salty, I'm hoping to get some bloodlust satisfied when we get the Colossal SHTF event.

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It must becoming close because the index finger of my right hand has been becoming spasmatic lately.

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Bought a new bullpup 12 gage recently and itching to shoot it.

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I like the Keltec KSG with the 16 rounds available or one of the Turkish shotguns that can use the 20 round drums. They don’t work to well on the bullpups due to how the drum is so close to the rear.

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There you go, reading C. S. Lewis again!

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BUt expanding on it. I am going to use it.

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The end of C. S. Lewis and love was his A Grief Observed, pseud. Nat Wilik or some such. It has the idea of a sacrifice of the self for another, an idea he gets from his near alter ego Charles Williams. These highly romantic gestures.

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This was a beautiful writing. I find as a woman that just being true to yourself and expressing my innate "agape" love into what ever I am doing seems to attract males to me. I think it is the energy of unconditional love in my auric field that does it first because it makes me approachable...I don't give off threatening vibes or "fuck off" vibes. This generally puts men at ease and from there playful love can happen....all in a friendly and non threatening fashion. I will be 71 in a couple of days and I live my life as a basic hermit.....I rarely go out and i still attract males.....generally much younger than I am......they seem attuned to when I come out of my living space (which is rare) and they are there....it is weird. I am married to a sweet Cancerian man and we have that enduring form of love. I am basically a care giver to him as he is 87 years of age.....but it does all balance out. So love permeates my world and I seem to have developed the reputation in this area of being really nice, loving and kind so that helps. Bottom line for women though is to love yourself and to pursue your own special interests and exude an unconditional love that is unspoken but can be felt and males will be attracted to this.....and I do feel that the male should do the advances (smile)

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Wonderful summation. A woman who does not have the "fuck off" vibe was always attracted to me and visa versa. Kathy, my wonderful wife was never a like that. Ever.

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I am so happy you found such a beautiful woman (smile). It is the loving openness about this quality that I think society as a whole could seriously benefit from. If this happened in society today, then people finding love with one and other would not be such a difficult task.

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Married to a Cancer man? You could be a Pisces. The Cancer/Pisces combo always seems to be a good match.

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I agree. My husband (Joseph) is a creative genius type. He is an incredible artist and used to work doing commercial art designing album covers and so forth for other artists.....but the thing about him that is so incredible is that absolutely everything that he does is creative. He moves things around in the house because the asthetics seem better or we walk in the woods and he finds this or that and either carves something with it or designs sculptures...these are things that another person would not even see the creative potential. He is a walking and talking creative person.....and I was very lucky to find him (smile). He also loves cooking ( a classic Cancer trait (ha ha)) and is constantly experimenting in this area as well. He is a beautiful man (smile).

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Also....just for the people out there that are older and single and thinking that something special won't come their way now because they are not young anymore. I found Joseph when he was 77 years of age and I was 62. You are never too old for love to come to you if you are open to it.

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And Joseph had serious health issues including a pacemaker when we got together. As a healer I have gotten him back into good shape now for an 87 year old man. All things are possible....and so is love no matter how old you are or what your health situation is.

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How about a Gemini and Taurus? Just curious what you might say.

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It depends on many other factors in a natal chart combination. It could be fantastic or not so fantastic depending. It is not a clear cut thing. But more importantly it depends on the time of life...meaning.....is each person ready for a relationship and are they committed to the work of forming one? If so...you can make almost anything work.

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We both must have been ready because here we still are, 49 years later! I brag on her all the time.

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How Beautiful! (smile)

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Magnificent and appreciated.

55 going on 25 and feeling better every 22 trillion times a second.

Healthy relationships are true WEALTH.

Simplicity is divinity 369

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well said

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I learned this from a lot of self-study as an adult, not from schooling and not from my upbringing.

Thanks for the reminder, you explained it well!

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Methinks there is no other way.

And yeah, it isn't always easy to learn to love some parts, but redemption is a thing.

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I learned a little from my baby sitter

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I spent the better part of last night listening to interviews by “Johnny Rotten” AKA John Lyndon from the “Sex Pistols”. He was banned from the BBC in his day for trying to out the Pedos. He is an amazing man with a phenomenal love story with his late wife Nora. He is well worth a deep dive.


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Thank you Suzirhae, watching this helps me to understand my precious son who took his life after COVID, HRT therapy and massive pain depression, and rejections. Transmaxing is even less know or understood, what a woke hoax! I am devastated! I miss him every day!

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Hollywood is RIPPING itself open.

Ah, The Apocalypse.

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Wow my son loved this. So prophetic !

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Dig me some Leftfield. He would probably like my old techno and electronica selections. What's left of them...

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Yes absolutely Kraftworks the model he played for me loved the Ramones Suxie & the Banchees the CBGB cross I have his MarKe Moon album by Television.

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Dig me some Leftfield. He would probably like my old techno and electronica selections. What's left of them...

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Awe darn Starmonkey I am not allowed to follow you 😢

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Thank you, Sensei. I love your testimony to universe providing and guiding so dramatically. ❤️

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Thank's Clif!🙏❤️👍👍

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Easy to dissect the term Love, as we can experience it many ways. Thank you for this cliff.

But to me there is just one Love, and it is only the degrees of depth and use that might then fit into categories. Its something soft and enduring, our pets show us through their attachment, yet it appears to be so much more than that to me..

It is the field in which we live. People generally love to laugh, kid each other and show positivity to others. I have seen this in all cultures around the world. Its when it rains on their parade do they go dark or sad. I watch people all day at work, while making flower arraignments in a very large store. The jovial humanity is there, all around. Groups of young men coming in, bonded and kidding each other to no end, laughing and walking fast to the pizza section. Families shopping together have a more quiet display of love through their interaction and conversations on what they need at home. Its easy to get lost when people write acute observances of the discrepancies of controlling groups. its easy to step aside from that bubble of Love and fear so much. But the reality I see, here in the USA, is one of looming unity. Love is the bond. Maybe it is the ontology core.

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Where there is laughing there is usually some learning becasue the synapses creation tuckles us. Knowledge transfer through reltaionships instead of the metphor of the written word. It impossible to write about the experince of marine in battle its something you have to experience, but being in relationship with one you get a much greater sense of the horror of it.

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing the reason you are such a love magnet is because of the fantastic coffee beans you use. No one can resist them. Your under my Java Java baby. AHHHHHHH!

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We love you Clif! You have done so much good for humans that you deserve every bit of love, on whatever level, you receive. I'm sure I speak for the entire woo crew that we are happy for you and wish you all the best this body's life has to offer!

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name one thing Cliff has done for Man that deserved your cult like adoration?

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