His Woo video collection is without equal in concept and delivery. 4/19/21 was a pre woo work which set my paradigm regarding long term vaccination ramifications. Consider it’s been 4 years since vaccines 💉 began 12/10/20. What has changed in the zombie population? Many still hold jobs in healthcare, police force, government agencies and government leadership. Are we not all fucked completely unless military rescue teams are involved perpetually to protect justice from vaccinated zombie lawyers judges DOJ departments.
Logically the vaccinated have been disabled and are victims. We should all get $1.5 million now in wire transfers. WIRE TRANSFERS are GLOBAL BANKING ONE WORLD TECHNOLOGY. JUBILEE TIME FOR SURVIVORS
I’m more interested in the Woo Circle and the connections that I have made since I started following Clif. I am much better at looking at the current world news and pointing out the flaws. I was able to see a captured pallet of counterfeit money in 2019 at the International Falls Canadian border and figure out that it was laced with Fentanyl. Some of the money traveled down to the Twin Cities and landed in the hands of a man named George. We are all here to help each other.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing you would have to live a thousand lives to learn everything this guy knows. AHHHHHHH!
Some creative guys made a witty little song called "Little Ms. Communication" as an excerise with their new flash animation skills (decades ago), still remember after all these years, popped into mind after reading all the comments generated under yours:
"She makes every Dei a new adventure in communication"
When I lived in Hong Kong my friend brought me to an Invention exhibition to present my work.
There I came across a business man who later became my friend that presented an Invention from a Chinese man (all of them actually Chinese) that should be of Interest...
It was basically a Generator and a new type of electricity that had some special attributes...
One was it created plasma.
Two was that this type of electricity did not shorten under water.
For example you took a normal Bosh drill 220v and with this type of electricity it operated and worked perfectly under water.
So Imagine we change this type of electricity we basically can run normal electrical appliances not only to run under water but also avoid shortcuts in general and as such electrical fires.
My best guess is that it depends on frequency.
You know a lot more about electricity than I do.
If we can replicate this technology it'l open a whole of a lot new possibilities.
These currents and their interactions are the cosmic rays that create new (to us) coherent light that our antennae (DNA) receives, and we evolve quickly (not slow like Darwin wrote). Heart frequency first affected then brain = new talents for some and perhaps confusion for others 😊⚔️⚔️⚔️
Yes, personally I'm already noticing a coming together of exactly suitable people abd activities for mysrlf. Now my latent ingrnious intelligence is re-energing ... building bicycle lights with existing bits and pieces. Including toilet roll cardboard tubes folded to fit AA batteries.
Water bottle screw cap and neck ready made opening and spring compressing battery compartment ends. Couldn't want for a better quality waterproof tough component than a throw away Evian bottle.
We will be thanking our plastic mass production past, if society collapses , because the skill set in demand will be efficient repurposing of salvaged stuff.
astrophysicist Stefan Burn's daily space weather report-- he explains what's going on in the Universe with graphs and illustrations --like yesterday's earth directed 3.3 X solar flare and is easy on the eyes as well A really cool.guy who promotes grounding and sells all natural leather shoes that don't block the earth's energy...A nice balance for Clif's macroviews of Universe..
Clif says "It is predictable that our solar system WILL be encountering such Birkeland current events in the future ..."
Dude, we are in it RIGHT NOW! Every 6,000 years there is a periodic galactic wave that washes through riding on the galactic "current sheet". Many are seen in the geological record.
Get your daily Space Weather news at SuspiciousObservers channel; and be sure to watch the various Earth disaster cycle series.
The galactic current sheet has likely been tickling us since 1800 or so when we began to rapidly move into electrical forces understanding. Knowledge has been continuously accelerating doubling and doubling every year, world being tied together in rapid comm, internet, on and on...We are being accelerated as old paradigms start dissolving.
For fun, consider that the Woke movement and all the Trans stuff shows a mutability and inversion already mutating the Old. Transhumanism? seems inevitable...do we really want to stay the same stupid superstitious trauma-laden humanoids as in the past 6,000 years? We need a OS upgrade and reformatting. And the Cosmic Admin has pulled the lever, whether we like it or not.
Dr Heather Ensworth just did an in-depth presentation re this very subject on her YouTube channel....correlated with Galactic Milky Way and Andromedan cycles and end of the present-day Kali Yuga...worth a listen esp if you're into the larger astronomical/astrological perspectives 🌄🦁🌍
This is AI crap, black holes don’t exist, that’s Einstein and his quantum physics shit. Birkland currents ARE plasma, not “sometimes “ plasma. You are much better without the AI crap.
The descriptions and related analysis are very good though predictions maybe a little off... Remembering that Religions are really nothing other than
" Croud Control " ... we may expect more off the wall INTERNET reactions and dependency. The next few generations may need "Tinfoil Hats" with gold or silver linings.
Good food for thought Cliff ... I expect new health problems ...
Clif I'm impaired academically and suffering from wooitis to keep up on many occasions. I was surfing down the Olympic peninsula on Google earth on a road near the ocean. I could see dwellings in the timber near the beach wondering if one of those jewels was yours. I appreciate you sharing with us all your knowledge gained from your appetite for reading, absorbing and retaining. Do you use a bread maker?
Pen P ... not sure what KM refers to. I' am glad the graphic grabbed your attention; it served its purpose. I do not stand for the genocide the USA government supports. They are not alone. Furthermore, I don't stand for the fake democracy in the USA and the bought off idiots running the joint. Can you feel it? -Later-
He's done many videos for us while waiting for his bread to do it's thing, bakes it weekly, gives the leftovers to the crows around his place. Need to watch some of his older vids:
Good evening Woo Crew! Hope you are ready for the next level of Sci Fi world!! Love you all!
His Woo video collection is without equal in concept and delivery. 4/19/21 was a pre woo work which set my paradigm regarding long term vaccination ramifications. Consider it’s been 4 years since vaccines 💉 began 12/10/20. What has changed in the zombie population? Many still hold jobs in healthcare, police force, government agencies and government leadership. Are we not all fucked completely unless military rescue teams are involved perpetually to protect justice from vaccinated zombie lawyers judges DOJ departments.
Logically the vaccinated have been disabled and are victims. We should all get $1.5 million now in wire transfers. WIRE TRANSFERS are GLOBAL BANKING ONE WORLD TECHNOLOGY. JUBILEE TIME FOR SURVIVORS
I’m more interested in the Woo Circle and the connections that I have made since I started following Clif. I am much better at looking at the current world news and pointing out the flaws. I was able to see a captured pallet of counterfeit money in 2019 at the International Falls Canadian border and figure out that it was laced with Fentanyl. Some of the money traveled down to the Twin Cities and landed in the hands of a man named George. We are all here to help each other.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing you would have to live a thousand lives to learn everything this guy knows. AHHHHHHH!
A day without cliff is like a day without a BM
Beautiful Moment that is
This is AI though, not "Clif".
most of it is, but that is ok. AI is a very useful tool for gathering and extending thought.
Is there really a difference?
Who AL?
A pox on all the typographers that make a lower case "el" (l) look like an upper case "eye" (I)...
Verdana is the Font of choice....
To heal that blemish of communication.🌞
Yes, for clarity ban all Sans-Serif. How 'bout fancy New Serifs in town?
Yes that's true. What use letters if undiscernable?
One of the modern
"7 Bulnders of the world "
Paul Simon will tell you..
"You can call me AL"
Great cheeky song!
Some creative guys made a witty little song called "Little Ms. Communication" as an excerise with their new flash animation skills (decades ago), still remember after all these years, popped into mind after reading all the comments generated under yours:
"She makes every Dei a new adventure in communication"
And I'm satee claws
Oh... by the way...
When I lived in Hong Kong my friend brought me to an Invention exhibition to present my work.
There I came across a business man who later became my friend that presented an Invention from a Chinese man (all of them actually Chinese) that should be of Interest...
It was basically a Generator and a new type of electricity that had some special attributes...
One was it created plasma.
Two was that this type of electricity did not shorten under water.
For example you took a normal Bosh drill 220v and with this type of electricity it operated and worked perfectly under water.
So Imagine we change this type of electricity we basically can run normal electrical appliances not only to run under water but also avoid shortcuts in general and as such electrical fires.
My best guess is that it depends on frequency.
You know a lot more about electricity than I do.
If we can replicate this technology it'l open a whole of a lot new possibilities.
Go on tic tock and look up spring generator a bunch of off grid people are making them and it supplies all their power needs no fuel
Prob have 2 replace the spring every few years
Not on tic toc.
There are a bunch of overunity generators.
Bruce DePalma...
Fleischman and ponds
Dan Nocera.
On that subject I appreciate any and all information I collect and will publish.
Sent it to me as a comment.
These currents and their interactions are the cosmic rays that create new (to us) coherent light that our antennae (DNA) receives, and we evolve quickly (not slow like Darwin wrote). Heart frequency first affected then brain = new talents for some and perhaps confusion for others 😊⚔️⚔️⚔️
Yes, personally I'm already noticing a coming together of exactly suitable people abd activities for mysrlf. Now my latent ingrnious intelligence is re-energing ... building bicycle lights with existing bits and pieces. Including toilet roll cardboard tubes folded to fit AA batteries.
Water bottle screw cap and neck ready made opening and spring compressing battery compartment ends. Couldn't want for a better quality waterproof tough component than a throw away Evian bottle.
We will be thanking our plastic mass production past, if society collapses , because the skill set in demand will be efficient repurposing of salvaged stuff.
Thank you Clif. You & your wife are in our thoughts. Blessings
Hey space watching humans be sure to catch
astrophysicist Stefan Burn's daily space weather report-- he explains what's going on in the Universe with graphs and illustrations --like yesterday's earth directed 3.3 X solar flare and is easy on the eyes as well A really cool.guy who promotes grounding and sells all natural leather shoes that don't block the earth's energy...A nice balance for Clif's macroviews of Universe..
Thank you for this recommendation!
I watch Stefan nearly every day🙂
Do tell where to find this guy please
Jyst Google his name, he is on You Tube. Or try Space Weather Report You Tube. It makes what Clif says easier to understand.
This guy comes from that faint cluster of stars called the Pleides
Stefan is great 😃👍
Clif says "It is predictable that our solar system WILL be encountering such Birkeland current events in the future ..."
Dude, we are in it RIGHT NOW! Every 6,000 years there is a periodic galactic wave that washes through riding on the galactic "current sheet". Many are seen in the geological record.
Get your daily Space Weather news at SuspiciousObservers channel; and be sure to watch the various Earth disaster cycle series.
The galactic current sheet has likely been tickling us since 1800 or so when we began to rapidly move into electrical forces understanding. Knowledge has been continuously accelerating doubling and doubling every year, world being tied together in rapid comm, internet, on and on...We are being accelerated as old paradigms start dissolving.
For fun, consider that the Woke movement and all the Trans stuff shows a mutability and inversion already mutating the Old. Transhumanism? seems inevitable...do we really want to stay the same stupid superstitious trauma-laden humanoids as in the past 6,000 years? We need a OS upgrade and reformatting. And the Cosmic Admin has pulled the lever, whether we like it or not.
Dr Heather Ensworth just did an in-depth presentation re this very subject on her YouTube channel....correlated with Galactic Milky Way and Andromedan cycles and end of the present-day Kali Yuga...worth a listen esp if you're into the larger astronomical/astrological perspectives 🌄🦁🌍
(Okay, sorry. Somebody had to say it 🤷 )
Much wisdom in Ghost Busters....ha!!🦁🌄😃
Thank You Clif,
Hello Humans Hello Humans
Interesting pov
This is AI crap, black holes don’t exist, that’s Einstein and his quantum physics shit. Birkland currents ARE plasma, not “sometimes “ plasma. You are much better without the AI crap.
Correct! Birkeland Currents are the field of The Electric Universe. Wal Thornhill et al. Z pinches make stars.
Sounds like left-wing rally
Interesting... how do they work together with eddy currents?
I would love to sit down and exchange ideas with you.
Maybe we could build an Interstellar spaceship together.
However... the Elohimites have started the AI wars... and there is no turning back.
After the war... maybe?
Welcom to the AI war.
And the AI war chronicles.
I predicted this 4 years ago.
Thank's Clif!🙏❤️🤯
The descriptions and related analysis are very good though predictions maybe a little off... Remembering that Religions are really nothing other than
" Croud Control " ... we may expect more off the wall INTERNET reactions and dependency. The next few generations may need "Tinfoil Hats" with gold or silver linings.
Good food for thought Cliff ... I expect new health problems ...
Clif I'm impaired academically and suffering from wooitis to keep up on many occasions. I was surfing down the Olympic peninsula on Google earth on a road near the ocean. I could see dwellings in the timber near the beach wondering if one of those jewels was yours. I appreciate you sharing with us all your knowledge gained from your appetite for reading, absorbing and retaining. Do you use a bread maker?
can one check out that Zionist KM flag; do you stand by that flag you have on your vessel;
Pen P ... not sure what KM refers to. I' am glad the graphic grabbed your attention; it served its purpose. I do not stand for the genocide the USA government supports. They are not alone. Furthermore, I don't stand for the fake democracy in the USA and the bought off idiots running the joint. Can you feel it? -Later-
KM; here Uncle Clif discusses the KM;
Bsajk. (2022, December 11). 20220304 – DOJO->(SOURCE CODE). Clif High Videos. https://clifhighvideos.com/20220304a/
heard; 10-4; feel it; well served; 100 % on board with that; Khazarian Mafia/KM;
I've been wondering about a bread maker as well...
That's the second time I've heard Clif say he has to finish up so he can get the bread started.
his bread recipe calls for a pullman to bake it in the oven; for loaf bread to make toast; no bread maker in his recipe;
Funny, I am making bread right now and just yesterday I had Pullman pans on the brain. I want to get a couple of those.
He's done many videos for us while waiting for his bread to do it's thing, bakes it weekly, gives the leftovers to the crows around his place. Need to watch some of his older vids:
This short but brilliant description of the plasma universe at work is at the edge of understanding the mysteries at play.
Could this be how the Grand Canyon was formed?