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If they knew, perhaps the purpose IS to get people to blame the rich, or perhaps the purpose was a test run to see how people would react.

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People all over the world are asking what the heck is wrong with Americans that they just sit back and let their government burn them alive ....it's just another crime against Americans that our government is quite confident will never be brought to justice because we have a population that has been lied to non stop, 24/7 for more than a hundred years...we all know that the KM Jews own the media and court system...FBI works as the muscle for the Communist Democrats...America has been the killing force for the British Crown and KM Jew families - destroying whole countries for Israeli hegemony...years and years of death and destruction....and now they have turned on their own population...Americans are now in the crosshair of a rogue criminal government ...throwinf aliens into the mix is just a distraction.

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It could be they're baiting a revolution so they can put down all the people on their target list, essentially resetting 'government' for another few generations until people are mad enough to rise again. It's a controlled culling, how the system survives. I'm sifting through (real) history and there's evidence this happens cyclically, like a machine programmed self-cleaning. Prior to these cycles, which began late 3rd millenium BC, there were numerous attempts at city-building/government-control-structures that met with bloody resistance. I think they learned from those early days that they have to 'run' the resistance themselves and put out the threat of fire with a controlled-burn.

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You are so right! A revolt in the streets would please them to know end...I am sure a bloody revolution filled with death and destruction to America is their ultimate wet dream... I am sure the gay muslim designer negro Birther Huessin spends long hours imagining the traitorous Generla/Pentagon and Fag Military simply wiping out American by the millions...drone attacks, fires...whatever...

And can anyone doubt it now that we know the Covid Hoax and Kill Shot was a DOD and CIA Big Pharma operation?

We are all Fauci beagles to them...maybe someone should have stopped Fauci back in the 60s when he was taking little black children from the inner cities and experimenting on them...torturing them...it's in JFK Jr book...SICK..and yet the DEMONRATS love Fauci...

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I read the book by RFK, Jr - The Real Anthony Fauci, an excellent read.

The Real Anthony Fauci reveals how тАЬAmericaтАЩs DoctorтАЭ launched his career during the early AIDS crisis by partnering with pharmaceutical companies to sabotage safe and effective off-patent therapeutic treatments for AIDS. Fauci orchestrated fraudulent do-nothing studies, and then pressured US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators into approving a deadly chemotherapy treatment he had good reason to know was worthless against AIDS. Fauci did the unthinkable and repeatedly violated federal laws to allow his Pharma partners to use impoverished and dark-skinned children as lab rats in beyond order, deadly experiments with toxic AIDS and cancer chemotherapies.

The Real Anthony Fauci details how Fauci, Gates, and their cohorts use their control of media outletsтАФboth conservative and liberal leaning, scientific journals, key government and quasi-governmental agencies, global intelligence agencies, and influential scientists and physicians to flood the public with fearful propaganda about COVID-19 virulence and pathogenesis, and to muzzle debate and ruthlessly censor dissent.

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There is a new paradigm in the US:

Democrats can riot, burn and even kill, and pretty much get away with it. Because "Democrats." Example: BLM riots.

Republicans cannot even protest; if they do, they will be dealt with in the harshest way possible and treated like enemies of the state. Example: j@n6.

Most of the rank and file Democrats I know are OK with what's going on. They complain about the prices, but say J0e is a good guy and it's not his fault. So they're NOT going to protest.

The only hope conservatives have in a protest situation are fed up blacks. If they start stirring sh*t, I don't believe they will be given the same treatment as whites who would protest.

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In reality, there are aliens in our Solar system now. They are here to help, and the 1st thing they did was to get rid of the largest, most powerful alien there was here: Enlil!

Enlil is the "puppet master" we've heard of often. Without him, the Cabal can only flail about like a headless snake and it will become increasingly obvious that they are not as smart as they think. We are Much Smarter! And Much More Powerful!! Puts a new slant on "There are More of Us than there are of Them."

Enki loves us EArth Humans, as we are quite literally his children. He waited a very long time to come back to see us --- but I'm not writing a book here . . .

The Good aliens have been doing everything they can to obliterate the DEWs, but haven't quite deciphered the code to destroy them. It's a work in progress and soon they WILL succeed.

EnKi (Prince Ea) is working with the Galactic Federation, as well as the Intergalactic Federation, the Earth Alliance and Space Force.

Oh, yes . . . You may be in for a great shock. There are more planets in this Solar system than our 3D eyes can discern; they are "cloaked," and We shall see them easily and fairly soon.

You heard Clif speak of "guys" working on the moon . . . He's been paying attention!

When the Age of Aquarius arrived (early 2023), many releases were granted. Although time as We know it does not exist, the Ages of our Zodiac mark the ends/beginnings of various activities; therefore, We are going to witness some things that are definitely high in Woo factor, in fairly short order. Bide a wee bit longer, my clever lassie. It's gonna get Good! Real Good.

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