I’m getting the feeling that the USAcorp is so far in debt that they are selling off the “Assets” to the big guys at the BRICS. Joe is heading to Alaska for 9/11, and I’m making some beer bets that it’s next. Thinking about the song, “The Man Who Sold The World”. Opra is trying to cover her bootie by setting up a “GofundMe” for Maui...isn’t she a billionaire? Gross and pathetic...ewww!
Lady from Lahaina did a 'YT short' vid -- says Oprah HIRED A PRIVATE FIREFIGHTING company 3 weeks before the fire. Also a private security to keep people off her properties... Is it true? Who knows?
I read that Oprah & Jackson(?) were given 5 million each to do the spot, which they donated to the fund. So it cost them nothing but the airtime to snooker the dopes into donating to thier 'cause'.
Watched a video that covered that. I think at that time they had raised something in the low four figures. The Canadian truckers got a couple million in no time.
I heard the trucker event was the globalists running survial stuff to their underground cities. It was all a lie, and the truckers actually worked for them. I can never tell what is real anymore.
Yes, there is disinformation on everything that fools a lot of people. You wouldn't have considered that opinion for a second had you been to Ottawa during the rally.
CIA would not be so stupid as to just run all the main stream media...of course they infiltrated and took over most of what we call ALT Media....so most of what you find on the internet will be lies...and keeping us in the dark and confused is how they get away with all the crimes against humanity...
Highly unlikely. The globalists were reacting like bullies with a club, pulling licenses, de-banking private contractors, and ordering (illegal IMO) arrests. This was grass roots, and the reaction showed the world how effective it was. Trudeau reacted like a terrified despot, breaking multiple laws under the mantle of "national security". Now consider if just the Teamsters Union of the US went on strike nation wide?
Unlike the AFL-CIO (which is affiliated with the Brussels-based International Trade Union Confederation-anything out of Brussels is globalist/elites), the Teamsters Union is US/CAN, and represents far more than truckers. The DS/Globalists were terrified of seeing the CAN-Truckers inspiring US Teamsters members from following suit, here's a brief list of their representation:
--Public Works: Sanitation, road crews, wastewater treatment facilities, maintenance workers, elevator mechanics, and bridge operators
--Public Housing: Security officers, maintenance workers, and skilled trades
--Law Enforcement: Housing police, school system police, police, court system deputies and marshals, county jail employees, and juvenile offenders counselors
--Transportation: Bus drivers, transit workers, and school district employees such as bus drivers, school custodians, and maintenance workers
--Industrial Trades: Workers in the laundry industry, manufacturing plants, car rental companies, parking lots, factories, and related worksites
--Airline Industry: Mechanics, customer service and ramp agents, stock clerks, dispatch personnel, flight attendants, and pilots
--Food Processing Industry: Mechanics, forklift drivers, machine operators, and production line workers
--Freight Industry: Truck drivers, dockworkers, mechanics, and office personnel
If the Teamsters went on strike nationwide, in every industry to bring our political caste and their administrative minions to heel, it would take only a small number of weeks to clean house. I know Teamsters members in a variety of industries, and without exception they not only supported the CAN Truckers (all of them donated) but wanted to participate. Without exception, they were told to settle down by their union officers. I have my suspicions as to why, but I leave others to draw their own conclusions.
Did you not WATCH any of it? Or are you a plant to try to spread doubt? Won't work -- anyone who watched ANY of the truckers trying to call their corrupt and evil government BACK to the good, the true, and the beautiful would know that.
So, when the high-and-might... er, MASSIVELY-corrupt didn't get their stuff delivered, THAT is when they started freezing bank accounts, confiscating DOGS, damaging the trucks, and arresting the drivers?! A moment's thought could have cleared this up for you!
I did not follow the story enough to know all of the details. I try to stay away from MSM. Many times things look real, and they go out of their way to make it believable, when in fact, it is just the opposite. Usually as years pass, the truth surfaces too.
IF Oprah and The Rock think they will somehow be APPLAUDED for having bought up tons of land -- and leading some money raising OF THIER OWN -- their advisors are stupid! IF they had wanted to be seen to be doing GOOD works, they should have chartered a cargo plane, flown in some tons of food, clothes, and supplies, and had their minions set up several dispersal stations. WTH is MONEY going to do for folks with NOTHING to buy?! Later on -- once everyone is housed, however temporarily, and has some clothes and toothbrushes (etc.); THEN they could see to raising money for the folks to LIVE on going forward!! (For someone who was raised poor -- she's SURE forgotten real life!
AND FJB!!!! A million times over with a rusty chainsaw!!
The government of Ontario has the money. No one involved in the convoy got a dime. If any funds were deposited into their accounts, the system would have flagged it, and the Attorney General of Ontario would have immediately confiscated the funds. The truckers will probably never see a dime for it.
They are strip mining the entire planet. I mean, how many people think they are harvesting entire forests for 'carbon credit' and burying the trees. You'd have to be retarded, at some point not to notice that Earth is being totally and completely SAVAGED for every last resource it can produce.
They will probably harvest humanity for meat (or God knows what else) as well.
Your comment on strip mining the planet is an interesting one.
It makes me think of Easter Island. They stripped their land of trees and their society was decimated. Makes me wonder if the reason the people of Easter Island stripped their land of trees is the same unknown reason that those in charge seem to be hell bent on doing it now.
If you remember the Sumerian texts where the (((aliens))) came here to mine gold and reflect on their current actions you will see that they aren't just mining gold, but rather, taking everything of value. Since people continue to cooperate with them, 'believing in the things they value and letting them set the course of society' we will end up a dead planet with nothing but a wasteland when they are done. There seems to be no other option as people have some sort of death wish.
I remember how Clinton, Bush and Gay Birther Huessin got together to collect $$$$ for some disaster charity and how they kept the millions they collected for themselves..these demons are pigs to max...they never have enough...they want it all..if you only have $20.00 in your pocket they want that too...morally bankrupt and demonic...that pretty much describes several American Presidents...
Yes, they want it all. Since the fake Covid Plannedemic, the rich got richer, the poor got poorer. The middle class has been destroyed. They want to take everything away from us till we have nothing left. WEF evil boss Klaus said, you will own nothing and be happy....yeah sure.
Not being able to walk down the street isn't good enough punishment for these homicidal maniacs like pedophile and mass murderer Killer Gates. Come on people - don't scream at his car....roll it over and drag the MF to street lamp and hang him upside down and let the stoning begin....after that move onto the next MF...
Just between you and me, Debbie, I whole-heartedly admire your rather quaint attitude toward schooling these arse-hats. btw, I hear Fauci is still in the country . . .
So agree with you Clif! Whatever it was a DEW or HPW it incinerated people. Way too many children are still missing. And way too many were killed. I pray we find out who did this. I doubt our local government will ever tell the truth . Our current Governor in Hawai’i is as crooked as they come. People are awake here tho especially on Maui. A lot of great Freedom Fighters throughout the State as well. MsuibStrobg! 💯🙏🏻♥️🇺🇸
Democrat no doubt...that's how every state gets a crooked government ...although I know it is a Uniparty with Republicans playing spineless, helpless support for Demonrats...
How did so many of our citizens become these morons believing in all these hideous lies the KM Jew government tells us? JFK , 9/11, Covid shut down, Kill shots, climate change, Ukraine (money laundering).... All of it backed up 24/7 by the KM Jew press.
Maui wasn't an alien attack although I would not be surprised for the cowards and traitorous fat fag generals from the Pentagon to come out and say it was.....
People have become intellectually lazy. It's easier to believe what the MSM/ tv tells them to believe, and instead, spend their time on Tik Tok or whatever. Sad.
Aliens would have no REASON to do so. Come on, an ISLAND near nowhere/nothing of "governmental" importance? In medical training, we teach (we HAVE to teach!): "Think horse!!" Many students, learning about the gazillion diseases and syndromes "decide" their normal hay fever headache is ACTUALLY a brain tumor! They must be taught over and over: "**when you HEAR hoof beats, think HORSE, not zebra!**"
And to the dismay (I'm projecting) of the corrupt and venal administration -- the whole "HEY everybody! Look! LOOK! A UFO!!! No, reeeally! A UFO!!" crap has caused BARELY a ripple in the populace! Some young folks, a few old folks, are 'caught' and thinking zebra. (and a bunch of corrupt govies are playacting along...) Most of the rest are thinking -- one more made-up "conspiracy theory" to herd the masses! (The "masses" ain't buying it! DO. NOT. COMPLY!)
I KEEP wondering if the cop who blocked the folks from escaping Front Street SO THEY DIED is sitting home contemplating suicide? NO human could think his "just following orders" in the midst of a conflagration was okay...
Having worked with computing, as you have, the target of “blue” could easily be changed to another “color” (if color was the target). So not sure how helpful it is to consider this as “protection” after the fact. Just my two cents. Also, I have been wondering if Maui is considered a good stronghold for a “new capitol”, because of the large moat around it, (the Ocean), and the fact there is in progress, a new and complex network of underwater “roadways”, traveled by the wealthy and their growing fleets of submersibles. The Titan, in part, being a useful distraction from many things, including a vote which occurred the day after the implosion, on changing the control of the international water routes, which have been controlled by the British for centuries. And some of those on board, had influence on this vote, it seems. No single event ever has a single purpose. They appear to always have double-back hidden agendas. But the ownership of the land, is something clearly underway. The clearing of the land, the fire-hosing of the “debris”, then the possession of it. It is happening in all US cities now. new Ownership of the cities has been underway with a vengeance since 2019. Covid was part of that. The changing of the infrastructure for travel to and from and within the cities was part of that. Take for instance the west Seattle bridge... one of the first events in Seattle. Very interesting series of “breakdowns”. Again, just my two cents.
Yes, I agree with you. Go look into the long list of “Smart Cities”. AKA dumbasses who took the grant money and sold everything out to the top bidder, most likely xina. Yea, we are in a corporate war and our assets are just about gone.
Maggie Hope Braun is on Twitter and exposes the process through which Canadian municipalities were persuaded to sell out to the WEF and globalist Smart City agenda. She's very methodical and well educated in environmental issues so sees through the fake climate crisis.
Yes. The history of this cabal's "worldscaping" is long, if not varied. Earliest documentation is the GU-Eden, the breadbasket of Mesopotamia around 24th c BC, a land/water-grab that sparked a 100+ year war (Umma-Lagash). They diverted water from the Tigris to the Euphrates via canals they called "boundaries" and starved out the people near Umma who no longer had water. They bought the right to grow food in the Eden, but the fees went so exhorbitantly high over the years that they couldn't afford to do it anymore. Rather than abandon the land, they fought. History would indicate they lost, but I'm not so sure about WHEN. They won that war, but were retaken (maybe more than once) and evidence of their final defeat is...well, the world we have today, with Maui on its way to being a smart-island.
Can we PLEASE agree to stop calling these parasites 'elite'? Elite compared to what? A pile of dogshit? They are not 'elite' compared to humanity...just better murderers and thieves.
They are not my 'god' though. This is why I would never address someone as 'rabbi' either. It means 'lord' or 'god' in hebrew. I am not calling those beasts 'god' under any circumstances. I know God and they have nothing to do with God.
Just out of curiosity, how is it you "know" God? Not trying to be argumentative. Genuinely curious. Do you know God through scripture and/or lived experience? Say more if it pleases you. Example:When did you first experience "God"?
Nah -- the normal folks won't get it. Rhetoric has to be 'pitched' to the audience/target. If it makes YOU smile and feel vindicated but goes right straight over the heads of the audience, you've completely failed at rhetoric.
And if you have to EXPLAIN it to someone NOT already in the know to understand -- you've FAILED at rhetoric and persuasion! (Like having to explain a joke -- you've LOST the moment!)
ALWAYS think of your audience -- not what please you, but what can/will/might EMOTIONALLY 'strike' them!
I wasn't trying to persuade Kiki. I am genuinely curious about someone thinking they know God. I'm also not very interested in striking someone, emotionally or otherwise, unless warranted, and at this late stage in my life I don't do anything unless it pleases me. Trying to convince someone against their will is like teaching pigs to sing. Her answer gave me something in that she feels that her very existence proves to her there is a God, and that by being alive she "knows" God. I find that very interesting, like finding a rock in my path with a pattern on it that looks like a wolf or a mushroom cloud. So many people these days think they are beyond the ordinary, that they have some inside edge that others don't have, and they like to lord it over others with a relish I find off putting and boring, frankly. I look for novelty in the ordinary, in the "normies" where one might lest expect to find it. You think I failed at something but you really have no clue what I was looking for in my questions to this person. When you refinish a piece of furniture you have to remove the old sealant to get to the beautiful wood grain underneath. To do that well you need different grades of grit. But thanks for the feedback. Oh, lastly, did you survive an avalanche or do you just enjoy crushing people when they least expect it?
Agreed... I usually go with calling them Parasite... But there are plenty of fun ones. " The over served and under creative" ... " Those who shit in my backyard" ... or my fave, "The Einstien posse"
Does anyone remember WAY back in the day, when eugeniGates got splatter with a pie in the face? Think it was in London.. I have that moment of absolute rejection and self pitty that flashed across his face as wall paper in my mind castle rec-room. And for the "Rock" ... Dam if he really wants to be a part of raising funds... How about a PPV event where 5 or 6 Giant Kapuna Koa get a hold of him and insert a couple of pineapple... green pointies first..
Good question, and those billionaires buying up all of that expensive island property are obviously not worried about the sea levels rising, are they? So, I'm not either.
Even so, an island or a cave are the last places I would consider for a viable escape...
Interesting insights. A search didn't produce any changes to the international maritime shipping or trade routes for 2023. Do you have a link to the agreement you've referenced. It would be interesting to dig into.
Here is a link to my Tweet which has links to it. It was a UN vote. Also, I did a lot of mapping of the Titan incident, during that time, which is why I am including this in my tweet. As if you do look into it, there may be useful pointers or details. https://x.com/marta_lyall/status/1673191126902398976?s=12
I imagine it wouldn't be rocket science necessarily to go ahead and change the frequency so it targets different shades and colours? What if half the planet puts up blue tarps and suddenly it's everything blue that gets targeted? LOL
This is so fucked up. I never want to manifest here again.
I agree...WTF...we have a government where the DOD and CIA worked together with Big Pharma to inject a kill shot in everyone from babies to elderly and is still at it, and then they burned people up alive so they can steal land and have their fairy fag town fantasy city in Maui...it wasn't aliens that did this...this was US Government all the way...US Government run by the British Crown and City of London and other KM Jew freaks....
All over the internet it is being reported that over 2000 children are missing from the burned areas ...is that true?
Oprah is a stinking child trafficker for her KM Jew masters...it has paid off for her bigly...same with all the billionaire parasites that we should never refer to as "elites" which implies some type of superiority - the only thing they are superior to us in is their monumental crimes against humanity...they stole their wealth by tricks and murder...and Maui is just another example.
We need to hammer that home...NEVER CALL THEM ELITES....I also agree with the person who is lobbying for us to stop calling Washington DC the swamp...it's an insult to swamps everywhere....we should refer to it as the SEWER....nothing but wall to wall turds.....
I also read the same thing regarding the 2000 children missing. For nefarious purposes? I don't need to spell it out. Definitely done by US govt. I agree, best to call them parasites not elites because that's what they are committing multiple crimes against humanity and they're getting away with it. We have a completely lawless govt, along with completely lawless justice system.
Yeah, so we all need to point a STRONG accusing finger at all the stupid stupid liberals who VOTED for them! THIS is what you wanted! THIS is what you created! Stay the HELL in your own destroyed cities and states, and stay the HELL away from the remaining AMERICAN places!! And dammit BUILD THE WALL and DEPORT THEM ALL!
I'd like to get to that part post stat. Not sure I have 3 plus more years in the meat grinder in me. I think it's grinding down the ambitions that brought me here to begin with, lol.
Love you clif x apparently Maui is the heart chakra of the planet and it’s one of the places where the hybrid children will be along with other places on the planet. Interesting
When houses burn one usually see some parts not burned with black ash, but in Maui the houses burned so hot only white ash was left and in some cases next to houses that had no damage. To burn so hot that only white ash is left requires extremely high heat, hotter than a grass fire. Nothing looks like a normal fire in Maui.
Look on YTR for Robert Brame -- forensic arborist. His vids are STUNNING! He's been researching these 'unnatural' fires for 7 years! FASCINATING and horrifying!
Out of all the drone videos I saw, there were only 2 blue cars unburned. Surely there were more than 2 blue vehicles on that area, and they WERE burned beyond recognition like the rest and there had to have been other blue homes or items that did burn up. Something not right about that whole blue theory, a few umbrellas and 2 cars- I need a little more than that before I buy that theory. Although leaving a few blue items unscathed does seem to be signaling of some sort. Of what, and to whom, is anyone's guess.
IMO, we have been in a covert war for a number of years, now it is overt and people are catching on fast. Perhaps, Maui was about to announce it's sovereignty and this was a warning,
In 1993, the United States Congress, recognizing the injustice of the past, passed the Apology Resolution. It was a reluctant acknowledgment that the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii had been facilitated by American agents and citizens. The resolution also recognized that the Native Hawaiian people had never truly relinquished their claims to their inherent sovereignty.
Debates over the events of that fateful day continued to shape the destiny of Hawaii. The spirit of Queen Liliʻuokalani lived on in the hearts of her people, who steadfastly sought to restore the sovereignty that had been unjustly taken from them.
In the lush, tropical paradise that was Hawaii, the legacy of that coup d'état still lingered, a testament to the resilience of a people and the enduring quest for justice and sovereignty over their National Lands.
Yes, I believe that they have a contract with Russell-Jay:Gould, for their sovereignty. Interesting thoughts, but it’s no good if it all burned up, including the kids who were to inherit it.
A bit off subject, I have been looking into Parse Syntax or Quantum Grammer (Russell-Jay: Gould.). Parse Syntax experts advise that in court you ask the judge to define almost every word used in the charges. You do NOT want to 'understand' them. Most likely the judge will not want to define the words, which would set a precedent. Judges don't like to set precedent.
Reading about Musk's tiff with the ADL, it seems that the ADL is the ultimate ‘go-to’ authority setting the definitions of words. This morning on Louder with Crowder (9*5*23), he showed the definition set by the ADL on the word "RACIST" pre-George Floyd and post George Floyd. These are the definitions used by corporations and tech that results in censoring on social media, MSM, print, etc. I am creating FOIAs to ask for the definition of some of the following words. White; supremacist, and white supremacist. The DOJ seems like a good place to make an initial inquiry, among many others. Like those public figures who so thoughtfully make such claims on video.
DNA analysis proves that man has been practicing relationship diversity for generations. Is any culture 100% pure? What cultures must exist in a person's DNA to qualify them as 'white'? What percentage of these cultures in the DNA qualifies a person to be labeled white? Who determines these qualifications and percentages? What credentials do they present to make them an authority?
Since DNA proves that man has been culturally diverse for generations through intermarriage, can anyone really be labeled by a broad sweeping identity based on an irrelevantly assigned color? And the DNA mixtures make the extraordinary actions to create a diverse society a waste of energy, since man has been doing a far better job of creating cultural diversity than any of the proposed actions by government or globalists.
Awesome insights. And so logically spot on. You've just demonstrated the deeper level of thinking that so many have lost. It's "critical" to exiting their web of deceit. Thank you.
p.s., dja ever notice the medical PLEAS for organs or blood donations (another form of organ donation) for MIXED subspecies? Because if you NEED an organ, it needs to be as close as possible to you GENETICALLY! And so if you've miscegenated and created beloved children who NEED medical help - you're S.-out-of-L unless you can FIND someone else with that mix....
So you have HARMED and possibly KILLED your own child because you wanted to play diverse!
"broad sweeping identity based on an irrelevantly assigned color"
Most of what you wrote is good: This, however, is stupid wrong commie propaganda! Genetic studies across *populations* show that the vast vast MAJORITY of people self-identify AS the color their genetics/appeance indicate! There are absolutely different SUBSPECIES, who are, in the main, what their own and other's EXTERNAL appearance leads them to conclude.
You are intentionally -- and illicitly! -- trying to hide that absolute boundaries between populations by suggesting the ... "relationship diversity" of miscegenation **AT THE EDGES** of a genetic population somehow wipes out the genetic identity of the vast majority of that/any population! What you are suggesting is, in essence: there is no such thing as being ill -- because there is a non-definite/defining (physical/visual/genetic) boundary between "I'm ill" and "I'm healthy" -- you are declaring there is NO SUCH THING as being ill!!!
THAT is commie propaganda to destroy the natural and normal connection of shared genetics! Steve Sailer has a lovely definition -- which I will proceed to mangle, but it goes about like this: a "race" {he uses a term I no longer use} consists of a very large, extended family connected by GENETICS.
So, yes WHITE absolutely exists and is an *accurate* description of a very large, extended family that shares MORE genes with the others in the population than with humans outside that genetically related population. And just as you are closely related to your cousins, but not AS closely as to your siblings -- White Americans are closely related across their many varied NATIONAL connections. For instance, I am WAY more closely connected to the Scots, Brits, and Germans, than I am to East Europeans in their various national lines. But I am, WAY more closely connected TO East Europeans than to ANY African, Asian, or other non-White population.
Your phrase: "irrelevantly assigned color" is intentional EVIL and designed to DESTROY the "extended genetically related" family that is White people (or Black people or Asian people)! And you're not merely lacking science and biology education, you've missed history entirely! NO "diverse" society since the beginning of humans has EVER succeeded! (And probably before humans began: look to ANY mammalian species! No mammal 'pretends to value' diversity.)
ALL homogeneous societies ALWAYS result from either ethnic cleansing or expulsion. EVERY single one EVER! This is the history -- and future! -- of ALL human species. Period, no exceptions!
You know I've been thinking a lot about that. It seemed like : David-Wynn : Miller had the islands and the Hawaiians pretty well protected. (Legally) I just wasn't sure if there were any changes because of the big weirdness after Miller died.
Understand they are puppets to the agenda, playing a role. IMO, the "pretendancy " has been created to awaken many of the die hard sleepers and it will not continue much longer.
I don't know how many are waking up. Of the handful of Democrats I know, only ONE is fed up with Joe. Everyone else gives him a pass. I also know RINO types that are still asleep and OK with Joe. So I really don't know if the awake numbers are growing exponentially.
I travel full time in the Western US as a house and creature sitter, so I observe at "ground level". It has been my experience that many who are questioning and just beginning to awaken are afraid to voice their opinions immediately. Just yesterday while standing in the Post Office in a town near Denver I casually said hello to the lady behind me and that opened a door to an amazing conversation regarding the awakening. This happens to me quite often. I do not connect with either political affiliation because they are both the same, IMO. The best thing that I can do is flow, connect, and shine the light. I am very optimistic that humanity wins this one in a monumental shift in consciousness that is now occurring. Keep the faith and connect with like minded individuals.
NOT a land grab, Over 2,500 children are MISSING and REPORTS say that the schools NEVER sent the children home, So the QUESTION is; Where did "THEY" take the children too ???
I’m getting the feeling that the USAcorp is so far in debt that they are selling off the “Assets” to the big guys at the BRICS. Joe is heading to Alaska for 9/11, and I’m making some beer bets that it’s next. Thinking about the song, “The Man Who Sold The World”. Opra is trying to cover her bootie by setting up a “GofundMe” for Maui...isn’t she a billionaire? Gross and pathetic...ewww!
Lady from Lahaina did a 'YT short' vid -- says Oprah HIRED A PRIVATE FIREFIGHTING company 3 weeks before the fire. Also a private security to keep people off her properties... Is it true? Who knows?
I read that Oprah & Jackson(?) were given 5 million each to do the spot, which they donated to the fund. So it cost them nothing but the airtime to snooker the dopes into donating to thier 'cause'.
Exactly! Their body language reads; “GUILTY”!!
Watched a video that covered that. I think at that time they had raised something in the low four figures. The Canadian truckers got a couple million in no time.
Curious as to what happened to that.
Smart meters are also dangerous as is all lithium batteries and led bulbs. Ground everything and I guess blue tarps🤷♀️
I heard the trucker event was the globalists running survial stuff to their underground cities. It was all a lie, and the truckers actually worked for them. I can never tell what is real anymore.
Yes, there is disinformation on everything that fools a lot of people. You wouldn't have considered that opinion for a second had you been to Ottawa during the rally.
No doubt.
CIA would not be so stupid as to just run all the main stream media...of course they infiltrated and took over most of what we call ALT Media....so most of what you find on the internet will be lies...and keeping us in the dark and confused is how they get away with all the crimes against humanity...
Unplug all devices. What we see in our neighborhoods is real.
Yes, thanks for the reminder.
Highly unlikely. The globalists were reacting like bullies with a club, pulling licenses, de-banking private contractors, and ordering (illegal IMO) arrests. This was grass roots, and the reaction showed the world how effective it was. Trudeau reacted like a terrified despot, breaking multiple laws under the mantle of "national security". Now consider if just the Teamsters Union of the US went on strike nation wide?
Unlike the AFL-CIO (which is affiliated with the Brussels-based International Trade Union Confederation-anything out of Brussels is globalist/elites), the Teamsters Union is US/CAN, and represents far more than truckers. The DS/Globalists were terrified of seeing the CAN-Truckers inspiring US Teamsters members from following suit, here's a brief list of their representation:
--Public Works: Sanitation, road crews, wastewater treatment facilities, maintenance workers, elevator mechanics, and bridge operators
--Public Housing: Security officers, maintenance workers, and skilled trades
--Law Enforcement: Housing police, school system police, police, court system deputies and marshals, county jail employees, and juvenile offenders counselors
--Transportation: Bus drivers, transit workers, and school district employees such as bus drivers, school custodians, and maintenance workers
--Industrial Trades: Workers in the laundry industry, manufacturing plants, car rental companies, parking lots, factories, and related worksites
--Airline Industry: Mechanics, customer service and ramp agents, stock clerks, dispatch personnel, flight attendants, and pilots
--Food Processing Industry: Mechanics, forklift drivers, machine operators, and production line workers
--Freight Industry: Truck drivers, dockworkers, mechanics, and office personnel
If the Teamsters went on strike nationwide, in every industry to bring our political caste and their administrative minions to heel, it would take only a small number of weeks to clean house. I know Teamsters members in a variety of industries, and without exception they not only supported the CAN Truckers (all of them donated) but wanted to participate. Without exception, they were told to settle down by their union officers. I have my suspicions as to why, but I leave others to draw their own conclusions.
They will be risking a lot, but will be heroes. This kind of resistance is necessary.
No. The truckers convoy was a grass-roots movement.
It appears that way.
Did you not WATCH any of it? Or are you a plant to try to spread doubt? Won't work -- anyone who watched ANY of the truckers trying to call their corrupt and evil government BACK to the good, the true, and the beautiful would know that.
So, when the high-and-might... er, MASSIVELY-corrupt didn't get their stuff delivered, THAT is when they started freezing bank accounts, confiscating DOGS, damaging the trucks, and arresting the drivers?! A moment's thought could have cleared this up for you!
I did not follow the story enough to know all of the details. I try to stay away from MSM. Many times things look real, and they go out of their way to make it believable, when in fact, it is just the opposite. Usually as years pass, the truth surfaces too.
Mary Morris, This could be the most ridiculous comment I've ever seen on the internet. 😦
You would know. You follow MSM right?
No, I don't consume any MSM but you've gone way too far down the rabbit hole. You definitely lack discernment. ✌️
IF Oprah and The Rock think they will somehow be APPLAUDED for having bought up tons of land -- and leading some money raising OF THIER OWN -- their advisors are stupid! IF they had wanted to be seen to be doing GOOD works, they should have chartered a cargo plane, flown in some tons of food, clothes, and supplies, and had their minions set up several dispersal stations. WTH is MONEY going to do for folks with NOTHING to buy?! Later on -- once everyone is housed, however temporarily, and has some clothes and toothbrushes (etc.); THEN they could see to raising money for the folks to LIVE on going forward!! (For someone who was raised poor -- she's SURE forgotten real life!
AND FJB!!!! A million times over with a rusty chainsaw!!
The government of Ontario has the money. No one involved in the convoy got a dime. If any funds were deposited into their accounts, the system would have flagged it, and the Attorney General of Ontario would have immediately confiscated the funds. The truckers will probably never see a dime for it.
Yep they're harvesting us.
They are strip mining the entire planet. I mean, how many people think they are harvesting entire forests for 'carbon credit' and burying the trees. You'd have to be retarded, at some point not to notice that Earth is being totally and completely SAVAGED for every last resource it can produce.
They will probably harvest humanity for meat (or God knows what else) as well.
Disgusting thought; however, that is already being done.
Reptillians on several planets find Human flesh delicious, and it is being traded.
Nearly anything you can think of as totally disgusting is already being done.
Please don't think otherwise, let you lose your edge.
Your comment on strip mining the planet is an interesting one.
It makes me think of Easter Island. They stripped their land of trees and their society was decimated. Makes me wonder if the reason the people of Easter Island stripped their land of trees is the same unknown reason that those in charge seem to be hell bent on doing it now.
If you remember the Sumerian texts where the (((aliens))) came here to mine gold and reflect on their current actions you will see that they aren't just mining gold, but rather, taking everything of value. Since people continue to cooperate with them, 'believing in the things they value and letting them set the course of society' we will end up a dead planet with nothing but a wasteland when they are done. There seems to be no other option as people have some sort of death wish.
Yes Just Like Killary, Bill, Laura Silsby & Sean Penn "HELPED" Themselves To Haiti!
I remember how Clinton, Bush and Gay Birther Huessin got together to collect $$$$ for some disaster charity and how they kept the millions they collected for themselves..these demons are pigs to max...they never have enough...they want it all..if you only have $20.00 in your pocket they want that too...morally bankrupt and demonic...that pretty much describes several American Presidents...
Haiti relief , Indian Ocean tsunami relief
Yes Just Like Killary, Bill, Laura Silsby & Sean Penn "HELPED" Themselves To Haiti!
Yes, they want it all. Since the fake Covid Plannedemic, the rich got richer, the poor got poorer. The middle class has been destroyed. They want to take everything away from us till we have nothing left. WEF evil boss Klaus said, you will own nothing and be happy....yeah sure.
"Gross and pathetic."
You are a marvel of self-control. I admire and sort of envy you that.
The Woo told me Clif would post today.....
Refined huckleberry connection.
Bill Gatus of Borg. Wanted in India for murder.
Not being able to walk down the street isn't good enough punishment for these homicidal maniacs like pedophile and mass murderer Killer Gates. Come on people - don't scream at his car....roll it over and drag the MF to street lamp and hang him upside down and let the stoning begin....after that move onto the next MF...
My most favorite comment in this thread is yours.
"Villainy Wears Many Masks, None So Dangerous As The Mask Of Virtue". ~Ichabod Crane
“The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.” - H.L. Mencken
“America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.” -- Claire Wolfe
"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats" ~H.L. Mencken
Oh I LOVE Claire Wolfe!!
Just between you and me, Debbie, I whole-heartedly admire your rather quaint attitude toward schooling these arse-hats. btw, I hear Fauci is still in the country . . .
Well said, this is what needs to be done to these evil psychopathic bastards.
So agree with you Clif! Whatever it was a DEW or HPW it incinerated people. Way too many children are still missing. And way too many were killed. I pray we find out who did this. I doubt our local government will ever tell the truth . Our current Governor in Hawai’i is as crooked as they come. People are awake here tho especially on Maui. A lot of great Freedom Fighters throughout the State as well. MsuibStrobg! 💯🙏🏻♥️🇺🇸
I know of a few who live there and believe it was climate change. How can anyone be so stupid?
Democrat no doubt...that's how every state gets a crooked government ...although I know it is a Uniparty with Republicans playing spineless, helpless support for Demonrats...
How did so many of our citizens become these morons believing in all these hideous lies the KM Jew government tells us? JFK , 9/11, Covid shut down, Kill shots, climate change, Ukraine (money laundering).... All of it backed up 24/7 by the KM Jew press.
Maui wasn't an alien attack although I would not be surprised for the cowards and traitorous fat fag generals from the Pentagon to come out and say it was.....
People have become intellectually lazy. It's easier to believe what the MSM/ tv tells them to believe, and instead, spend their time on Tik Tok or whatever. Sad.
Advanced Maui Optical and Space surveillance. AMOS is the acronym.
Thanks for that. Every bit of info is precious, useful.
Aliens would have no REASON to do so. Come on, an ISLAND near nowhere/nothing of "governmental" importance? In medical training, we teach (we HAVE to teach!): "Think horse!!" Many students, learning about the gazillion diseases and syndromes "decide" their normal hay fever headache is ACTUALLY a brain tumor! They must be taught over and over: "**when you HEAR hoof beats, think HORSE, not zebra!**"
And to the dismay (I'm projecting) of the corrupt and venal administration -- the whole "HEY everybody! Look! LOOK! A UFO!!! No, reeeally! A UFO!!" crap has caused BARELY a ripple in the populace! Some young folks, a few old folks, are 'caught' and thinking zebra. (and a bunch of corrupt govies are playacting along...) Most of the rest are thinking -- one more made-up "conspiracy theory" to herd the masses! (The "masses" ain't buying it! DO. NOT. COMPLY!)
I KEEP wondering if the cop who blocked the folks from escaping Front Street SO THEY DIED is sitting home contemplating suicide? NO human could think his "just following orders" in the midst of a conflagration was okay...
Those guys stopped being Human when they signed on to get the $$$, or whenever they understood what was really happening, yet remained.
He may have already. I’ve read peoples opinions and some state that more people are committing suicide or have committed same. Just heart breaking 💔🙏🏻
Having worked with computing, as you have, the target of “blue” could easily be changed to another “color” (if color was the target). So not sure how helpful it is to consider this as “protection” after the fact. Just my two cents. Also, I have been wondering if Maui is considered a good stronghold for a “new capitol”, because of the large moat around it, (the Ocean), and the fact there is in progress, a new and complex network of underwater “roadways”, traveled by the wealthy and their growing fleets of submersibles. The Titan, in part, being a useful distraction from many things, including a vote which occurred the day after the implosion, on changing the control of the international water routes, which have been controlled by the British for centuries. And some of those on board, had influence on this vote, it seems. No single event ever has a single purpose. They appear to always have double-back hidden agendas. But the ownership of the land, is something clearly underway. The clearing of the land, the fire-hosing of the “debris”, then the possession of it. It is happening in all US cities now. new Ownership of the cities has been underway with a vengeance since 2019. Covid was part of that. The changing of the infrastructure for travel to and from and within the cities was part of that. Take for instance the west Seattle bridge... one of the first events in Seattle. Very interesting series of “breakdowns”. Again, just my two cents.
Yes, I agree with you. Go look into the long list of “Smart Cities”. AKA dumbasses who took the grant money and sold everything out to the top bidder, most likely xina. Yea, we are in a corporate war and our assets are just about gone.
Maggie Hope Braun is on Twitter and exposes the process through which Canadian municipalities were persuaded to sell out to the WEF and globalist Smart City agenda. She's very methodical and well educated in environmental issues so sees through the fake climate crisis.
Yes. The history of this cabal's "worldscaping" is long, if not varied. Earliest documentation is the GU-Eden, the breadbasket of Mesopotamia around 24th c BC, a land/water-grab that sparked a 100+ year war (Umma-Lagash). They diverted water from the Tigris to the Euphrates via canals they called "boundaries" and starved out the people near Umma who no longer had water. They bought the right to grow food in the Eden, but the fees went so exhorbitantly high over the years that they couldn't afford to do it anymore. Rather than abandon the land, they fought. History would indicate they lost, but I'm not so sure about WHEN. They won that war, but were retaken (maybe more than once) and evidence of their final defeat is...well, the world we have today, with Maui on its way to being a smart-island.
I was wondering about that. A simple change of frequency is all that's needed I guess.
Some Elites thinking they are all knowing being set up to be harvested by their rulers whenever the next tidal wave/cataclysm happens.
Can we PLEASE agree to stop calling these parasites 'elite'? Elite compared to what? A pile of dogshit? They are not 'elite' compared to humanity...just better murderers and thieves.
Let's call them el-ites. The El-ites. :-)
They are not my 'god' though. This is why I would never address someone as 'rabbi' either. It means 'lord' or 'god' in hebrew. I am not calling those beasts 'god' under any circumstances. I know God and they have nothing to do with God.
Just out of curiosity, how is it you "know" God? Not trying to be argumentative. Genuinely curious. Do you know God through scripture and/or lived experience? Say more if it pleases you. Example:When did you first experience "God"?
Strange question. How could you exist here and not know the answer?
Nah -- the normal folks won't get it. Rhetoric has to be 'pitched' to the audience/target. If it makes YOU smile and feel vindicated but goes right straight over the heads of the audience, you've completely failed at rhetoric.
And if you have to EXPLAIN it to someone NOT already in the know to understand -- you've FAILED at rhetoric and persuasion! (Like having to explain a joke -- you've LOST the moment!)
ALWAYS think of your audience -- not what please you, but what can/will/might EMOTIONALLY 'strike' them!
I wasn't trying to persuade Kiki. I am genuinely curious about someone thinking they know God. I'm also not very interested in striking someone, emotionally or otherwise, unless warranted, and at this late stage in my life I don't do anything unless it pleases me. Trying to convince someone against their will is like teaching pigs to sing. Her answer gave me something in that she feels that her very existence proves to her there is a God, and that by being alive she "knows" God. I find that very interesting, like finding a rock in my path with a pattern on it that looks like a wolf or a mushroom cloud. So many people these days think they are beyond the ordinary, that they have some inside edge that others don't have, and they like to lord it over others with a relish I find off putting and boring, frankly. I look for novelty in the ordinary, in the "normies" where one might lest expect to find it. You think I failed at something but you really have no clue what I was looking for in my questions to this person. When you refinish a piece of furniture you have to remove the old sealant to get to the beautiful wood grain underneath. To do that well you need different grades of grit. But thanks for the feedback. Oh, lastly, did you survive an avalanche or do you just enjoy crushing people when they least expect it?
Agreed... I usually go with calling them Parasite... But there are plenty of fun ones. " The over served and under creative" ... " Those who shit in my backyard" ... or my fave, "The Einstien posse"
Does anyone remember WAY back in the day, when eugeniGates got splatter with a pie in the face? Think it was in London.. I have that moment of absolute rejection and self pitty that flashed across his face as wall paper in my mind castle rec-room. And for the "Rock" ... Dam if he really wants to be a part of raising funds... How about a PPV event where 5 or 6 Giant Kapuna Koa get a hold of him and insert a couple of pineapple... green pointies first..
Good one! I usually call him DollarBill Gates.... but this is better!
Dr. Lee Merritt (worth watching!) calls them uber-parasites -- because it's an ACCURATE description!
Many many -- seach Dr Lee Merritt on Rumble and/or Bitchute.
Also: The medicalrebel.com is her site.
Link? :)
It is super accurate. Personally, I can't believe that more people don't see it. All devourers.
Good question, and those billionaires buying up all of that expensive island property are obviously not worried about the sea levels rising, are they? So, I'm not either.
Even so, an island or a cave are the last places I would consider for a viable escape...
A cave is a grave, and an island is a kill box.
These "elites" have no idea how despised they are by their "gods." These "gods" have no idea they work for mere humans lol. All a grift.
Interesting insights. A search didn't produce any changes to the international maritime shipping or trade routes for 2023. Do you have a link to the agreement you've referenced. It would be interesting to dig into.
Here is a link to my Tweet which has links to it. It was a UN vote. Also, I did a lot of mapping of the Titan incident, during that time, which is why I am including this in my tweet. As if you do look into it, there may be useful pointers or details. https://x.com/marta_lyall/status/1673191126902398976?s=12
Thank you. Fascinating. Followed.
I'm Ghost Painter
Yes. Will link here later today.
I imagine it wouldn't be rocket science necessarily to go ahead and change the frequency so it targets different shades and colours? What if half the planet puts up blue tarps and suddenly it's everything blue that gets targeted? LOL
This is so fucked up. I never want to manifest here again.
I agree...WTF...we have a government where the DOD and CIA worked together with Big Pharma to inject a kill shot in everyone from babies to elderly and is still at it, and then they burned people up alive so they can steal land and have their fairy fag town fantasy city in Maui...it wasn't aliens that did this...this was US Government all the way...US Government run by the British Crown and City of London and other KM Jew freaks....
All over the internet it is being reported that over 2000 children are missing from the burned areas ...is that true?
Oprah is a stinking child trafficker for her KM Jew masters...it has paid off for her bigly...same with all the billionaire parasites that we should never refer to as "elites" which implies some type of superiority - the only thing they are superior to us in is their monumental crimes against humanity...they stole their wealth by tricks and murder...and Maui is just another example.
I refer to them as "deletes". Mostly becasue I believe that will be their fate; and there is nothing elite about being a murdering psychopath.
We need to hammer that home...NEVER CALL THEM ELITES....I also agree with the person who is lobbying for us to stop calling Washington DC the swamp...it's an insult to swamps everywhere....we should refer to it as the SEWER....nothing but wall to wall turds.....
I also read the same thing regarding the 2000 children missing. For nefarious purposes? I don't need to spell it out. Definitely done by US govt. I agree, best to call them parasites not elites because that's what they are committing multiple crimes against humanity and they're getting away with it. We have a completely lawless govt, along with completely lawless justice system.
Yeah, so we all need to point a STRONG accusing finger at all the stupid stupid liberals who VOTED for them! THIS is what you wanted! THIS is what you created! Stay the HELL in your own destroyed cities and states, and stay the HELL away from the remaining AMERICAN places!! And dammit BUILD THE WALL and DEPORT THEM ALL!
We're here to clean it up.
I'd like to get to that part post stat. Not sure I have 3 plus more years in the meat grinder in me. I think it's grinding down the ambitions that brought me here to begin with, lol.
I pray you're right!
Freedom is choice, and you made me chuckle, Laura.
I must admit, I've felt the same way until recently. I've heard We likely will not need to.
I've heard this is the last incarnation here for most of us.
Wishing you luck until then, though.
"I'm your huckleberry. That's just my game." [Someone had to . . .]
"skin that smoke wagon and see what happens"
“That seals it; now I really hate him.”
"Nope, I'm sure of it . . . I hate him!" lmao
Love you clif x apparently Maui is the heart chakra of the planet and it’s one of the places where the hybrid children will be along with other places on the planet. Interesting
That's Uluru.
When houses burn one usually see some parts not burned with black ash, but in Maui the houses burned so hot only white ash was left and in some cases next to houses that had no damage. To burn so hot that only white ash is left requires extremely high heat, hotter than a grass fire. Nothing looks like a normal fire in Maui.
Same thing happened in the Victorian fires in Australia a few years ago...everyone with half a brain knew they were not natural!
The heat was uncanny.
Look on YTR for Robert Brame -- forensic arborist. His vids are STUNNING! He's been researching these 'unnatural' fires for 7 years! FASCINATING and horrifying!
Out of all the drone videos I saw, there were only 2 blue cars unburned. Surely there were more than 2 blue vehicles on that area, and they WERE burned beyond recognition like the rest and there had to have been other blue homes or items that did burn up. Something not right about that whole blue theory, a few umbrellas and 2 cars- I need a little more than that before I buy that theory. Although leaving a few blue items unscathed does seem to be signaling of some sort. Of what, and to whom, is anyone's guess.
IMO, we have been in a covert war for a number of years, now it is overt and people are catching on fast. Perhaps, Maui was about to announce it's sovereignty and this was a warning,
Good point... attack the native and indigenous populations before they declare sovereignty
In 1993, the United States Congress, recognizing the injustice of the past, passed the Apology Resolution. It was a reluctant acknowledgment that the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii had been facilitated by American agents and citizens. The resolution also recognized that the Native Hawaiian people had never truly relinquished their claims to their inherent sovereignty.
Debates over the events of that fateful day continued to shape the destiny of Hawaii. The spirit of Queen Liliʻuokalani lived on in the hearts of her people, who steadfastly sought to restore the sovereignty that had been unjustly taken from them.
In the lush, tropical paradise that was Hawaii, the legacy of that coup d'état still lingered, a testament to the resilience of a people and the enduring quest for justice and sovereignty over their National Lands.
Yes, I believe that they have a contract with Russell-Jay:Gould, for their sovereignty. Interesting thoughts, but it’s no good if it all burned up, including the kids who were to inherit it.
A bit off subject, I have been looking into Parse Syntax or Quantum Grammer (Russell-Jay: Gould.). Parse Syntax experts advise that in court you ask the judge to define almost every word used in the charges. You do NOT want to 'understand' them. Most likely the judge will not want to define the words, which would set a precedent. Judges don't like to set precedent.
Reading about Musk's tiff with the ADL, it seems that the ADL is the ultimate ‘go-to’ authority setting the definitions of words. This morning on Louder with Crowder (9*5*23), he showed the definition set by the ADL on the word "RACIST" pre-George Floyd and post George Floyd. These are the definitions used by corporations and tech that results in censoring on social media, MSM, print, etc. I am creating FOIAs to ask for the definition of some of the following words. White; supremacist, and white supremacist. The DOJ seems like a good place to make an initial inquiry, among many others. Like those public figures who so thoughtfully make such claims on video.
DNA analysis proves that man has been practicing relationship diversity for generations. Is any culture 100% pure? What cultures must exist in a person's DNA to qualify them as 'white'? What percentage of these cultures in the DNA qualifies a person to be labeled white? Who determines these qualifications and percentages? What credentials do they present to make them an authority?
Since DNA proves that man has been culturally diverse for generations through intermarriage, can anyone really be labeled by a broad sweeping identity based on an irrelevantly assigned color? And the DNA mixtures make the extraordinary actions to create a diverse society a waste of energy, since man has been doing a far better job of creating cultural diversity than any of the proposed actions by government or globalists.
So enjoyed what you wrote here Judi.
Maybe add conquesting rape to the intermarriage sentence..
Awesome insights. And so logically spot on. You've just demonstrated the deeper level of thinking that so many have lost. It's "critical" to exiting their web of deceit. Thank you.
p.s., dja ever notice the medical PLEAS for organs or blood donations (another form of organ donation) for MIXED subspecies? Because if you NEED an organ, it needs to be as close as possible to you GENETICALLY! And so if you've miscegenated and created beloved children who NEED medical help - you're S.-out-of-L unless you can FIND someone else with that mix....
So you have HARMED and possibly KILLED your own child because you wanted to play diverse!
"broad sweeping identity based on an irrelevantly assigned color"
Most of what you wrote is good: This, however, is stupid wrong commie propaganda! Genetic studies across *populations* show that the vast vast MAJORITY of people self-identify AS the color their genetics/appeance indicate! There are absolutely different SUBSPECIES, who are, in the main, what their own and other's EXTERNAL appearance leads them to conclude.
You are intentionally -- and illicitly! -- trying to hide that absolute boundaries between populations by suggesting the ... "relationship diversity" of miscegenation **AT THE EDGES** of a genetic population somehow wipes out the genetic identity of the vast majority of that/any population! What you are suggesting is, in essence: there is no such thing as being ill -- because there is a non-definite/defining (physical/visual/genetic) boundary between "I'm ill" and "I'm healthy" -- you are declaring there is NO SUCH THING as being ill!!!
THAT is commie propaganda to destroy the natural and normal connection of shared genetics! Steve Sailer has a lovely definition -- which I will proceed to mangle, but it goes about like this: a "race" {he uses a term I no longer use} consists of a very large, extended family connected by GENETICS.
So, yes WHITE absolutely exists and is an *accurate* description of a very large, extended family that shares MORE genes with the others in the population than with humans outside that genetically related population. And just as you are closely related to your cousins, but not AS closely as to your siblings -- White Americans are closely related across their many varied NATIONAL connections. For instance, I am WAY more closely connected to the Scots, Brits, and Germans, than I am to East Europeans in their various national lines. But I am, WAY more closely connected TO East Europeans than to ANY African, Asian, or other non-White population.
Your phrase: "irrelevantly assigned color" is intentional EVIL and designed to DESTROY the "extended genetically related" family that is White people (or Black people or Asian people)! And you're not merely lacking science and biology education, you've missed history entirely! NO "diverse" society since the beginning of humans has EVER succeeded! (And probably before humans began: look to ANY mammalian species! No mammal 'pretends to value' diversity.)
ALL homogeneous societies ALWAYS result from either ethnic cleansing or expulsion. EVERY single one EVER! This is the history -- and future! -- of ALL human species. Period, no exceptions!
Russell-Jay:Gould I also follow him. Who will take his place if he suddenly meets his demise, I wonder?
Joey probably.
Who is Joey?
You know I've been thinking a lot about that. It seemed like : David-Wynn : Miller had the islands and the Hawaiians pretty well protected. (Legally) I just wasn't sure if there were any changes because of the big weirdness after Miller died.
Not sure if most people are catching on.
In my limited corner of the world, the Democrats are still blinded by the democrap media, and give Ped0 J0e a pass for whatever he does.
Understand they are puppets to the agenda, playing a role. IMO, the "pretendancy " has been created to awaken many of the die hard sleepers and it will not continue much longer.
I don't know how many are waking up. Of the handful of Democrats I know, only ONE is fed up with Joe. Everyone else gives him a pass. I also know RINO types that are still asleep and OK with Joe. So I really don't know if the awake numbers are growing exponentially.
I travel full time in the Western US as a house and creature sitter, so I observe at "ground level". It has been my experience that many who are questioning and just beginning to awaken are afraid to voice their opinions immediately. Just yesterday while standing in the Post Office in a town near Denver I casually said hello to the lady behind me and that opened a door to an amazing conversation regarding the awakening. This happens to me quite often. I do not connect with either political affiliation because they are both the same, IMO. The best thing that I can do is flow, connect, and shine the light. I am very optimistic that humanity wins this one in a monumental shift in consciousness that is now occurring. Keep the faith and connect with like minded individuals.
NOT a land grab, Over 2,500 children are MISSING and REPORTS say that the schools NEVER sent the children home, So the QUESTION is; Where did "THEY" take the children too ???
Why aren't the parents talking?
Because if anyone says anything over phone lines or the web, they will get a knock at the,( or a boot through) the door...
One friend of mine has a mate in Maui who refuses to communicate anything to do with this over the phone/web, because people have been disappearing.
parents might be dead.
They ARE -- the correct question is:" why isn't the MEDIA reporting the cries of the parents?!"