Locals say it was not time for school, that it was the last day of summer vacation. The children are still missing. A picture was posted of smiling teachers surrounding the faux doctor Jill. It should have been posted with a BARF ALERT.
Locals say it was not time for school, that it was the last day of summer vacation. The children are still missing. A picture was posted of smiling teachers surrounding the faux doctor Jill. It should have been posted with a BARF ALERT.
Locals say it was not time for school, that it was the last day of summer vacation. The children are still missing. A picture was posted of smiling teachers surrounding the faux doctor Jill. It should have been posted with a BARF ALERT.
The fire started on 8 August. First semester started 7 Aug, student's first day. It seems like they waited for school to start. https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/DOE%20Forms/2023-24calendar.pdf
Their calendar is not based on prosaic events like school starting; their 'setting of the date' for school starting is based on their evil calendar!