Understand they are puppets to the agenda, playing a role. IMO, the "pretendancy " has been created to awaken many of the die hard sleepers and it will not continue much longer.
Understand they are puppets to the agenda, playing a role. IMO, the "pretendancy " has been created to awaken many of the die hard sleepers and it will not continue much longer.
I don't know how many are waking up. Of the handful of Democrats I know, only ONE is fed up with Joe. Everyone else gives him a pass. I also know RINO types that are still asleep and OK with Joe. So I really don't know if the awake numbers are growing exponentially.
I travel full time in the Western US as a house and creature sitter, so I observe at "ground level". It has been my experience that many who are questioning and just beginning to awaken are afraid to voice their opinions immediately. Just yesterday while standing in the Post Office in a town near Denver I casually said hello to the lady behind me and that opened a door to an amazing conversation regarding the awakening. This happens to me quite often. I do not connect with either political affiliation because they are both the same, IMO. The best thing that I can do is flow, connect, and shine the light. I am very optimistic that humanity wins this one in a monumental shift in consciousness that is now occurring. Keep the faith and connect with like minded individuals.
Understand they are puppets to the agenda, playing a role. IMO, the "pretendancy " has been created to awaken many of the die hard sleepers and it will not continue much longer.
I don't know how many are waking up. Of the handful of Democrats I know, only ONE is fed up with Joe. Everyone else gives him a pass. I also know RINO types that are still asleep and OK with Joe. So I really don't know if the awake numbers are growing exponentially.
I travel full time in the Western US as a house and creature sitter, so I observe at "ground level". It has been my experience that many who are questioning and just beginning to awaken are afraid to voice their opinions immediately. Just yesterday while standing in the Post Office in a town near Denver I casually said hello to the lady behind me and that opened a door to an amazing conversation regarding the awakening. This happens to me quite often. I do not connect with either political affiliation because they are both the same, IMO. The best thing that I can do is flow, connect, and shine the light. I am very optimistic that humanity wins this one in a monumental shift in consciousness that is now occurring. Keep the faith and connect with like minded individuals.