So, when the high-and-might... er, MASSIVELY-corrupt didn't get their stuff delivered, THAT is when they started freezing bank accounts, confiscating DOGS, damaging the trucks, and arresting the drivers?! A moment's thought could have cleared this up for you!
So, when the high-and-might... er, MASSIVELY-corrupt didn't get their stuff delivered, THAT is when they started freezing bank accounts, confiscating DOGS, damaging the trucks, and arresting the drivers?! A moment's thought could have cleared this up for you!
I did not follow the story enough to know all of the details. I try to stay away from MSM. Many times things look real, and they go out of their way to make it believable, when in fact, it is just the opposite. Usually as years pass, the truth surfaces too.
So, when the high-and-might... er, MASSIVELY-corrupt didn't get their stuff delivered, THAT is when they started freezing bank accounts, confiscating DOGS, damaging the trucks, and arresting the drivers?! A moment's thought could have cleared this up for you!
I did not follow the story enough to know all of the details. I try to stay away from MSM. Many times things look real, and they go out of their way to make it believable, when in fact, it is just the opposite. Usually as years pass, the truth surfaces too.