Aliens would have no REASON to do so. Come on, an ISLAND near nowhere/nothing of "governmental" importance? In medical training, we teach (we HAVE to teach!): "Think horse!!" Many students, learning about the gazillion diseases and syndromes "decide" their normal hay fever headache is ACTUALLY a brain tumor! They must be taught over and …
Aliens would have no REASON to do so. Come on, an ISLAND near nowhere/nothing of "governmental" importance? In medical training, we teach (we HAVE to teach!): "Think horse!!" Many students, learning about the gazillion diseases and syndromes "decide" their normal hay fever headache is ACTUALLY a brain tumor! They must be taught over and over: "**when you HEAR hoof beats, think HORSE, not zebra!**"
And to the dismay (I'm projecting) of the corrupt and venal administration -- the whole "HEY everybody! Look! LOOK! A UFO!!! No, reeeally! A UFO!!" crap has caused BARELY a ripple in the populace! Some young folks, a few old folks, are 'caught' and thinking zebra. (and a bunch of corrupt govies are playacting along...) Most of the rest are thinking -- one more made-up "conspiracy theory" to herd the masses! (The "masses" ain't buying it! DO. NOT. COMPLY!)
Aliens would have no REASON to do so. Come on, an ISLAND near nowhere/nothing of "governmental" importance? In medical training, we teach (we HAVE to teach!): "Think horse!!" Many students, learning about the gazillion diseases and syndromes "decide" their normal hay fever headache is ACTUALLY a brain tumor! They must be taught over and over: "**when you HEAR hoof beats, think HORSE, not zebra!**"
And to the dismay (I'm projecting) of the corrupt and venal administration -- the whole "HEY everybody! Look! LOOK! A UFO!!! No, reeeally! A UFO!!" crap has caused BARELY a ripple in the populace! Some young folks, a few old folks, are 'caught' and thinking zebra. (and a bunch of corrupt govies are playacting along...) Most of the rest are thinking -- one more made-up "conspiracy theory" to herd the masses! (The "masses" ain't buying it! DO. NOT. COMPLY!)