Certainly Not. But Gene Roddenberry included one heck of a lot of great information in Star Trek and the Andromeda Series. Maybe you are unaware of the extent to which the Truth can only get Published as Fiction , and Science Fiction assists a lot of Truths to get Published. Frankly, most of my knowledge comes from studying comparative Religions, which led straight into Constitutional Philosophy, with a lot of hands on experience getting my hands dirty, doing hard work. You ? 🤔
So... Comparative Religions and Constitutional Philosophy led you to know all about the "Specially Trained Priests"... a comprehensive "woo library"... and a "Special Religious Ceremony that was carried out to satisfy the concerns of the gods..."
Oh, yes, and some ditch digging... plumbing... house painting... whatever?
Yo, Clown-boy... knock off the insipid sarcasm and get some help... you are deranged. Savvy?
You get all your knowledge from watching Star Trek?
Certainly Not. But Gene Roddenberry included one heck of a lot of great information in Star Trek and the Andromeda Series. Maybe you are unaware of the extent to which the Truth can only get Published as Fiction , and Science Fiction assists a lot of Truths to get Published. Frankly, most of my knowledge comes from studying comparative Religions, which led straight into Constitutional Philosophy, with a lot of hands on experience getting my hands dirty, doing hard work. You ? 🤔
So... Comparative Religions and Constitutional Philosophy led you to know all about the "Specially Trained Priests"... a comprehensive "woo library"... and a "Special Religious Ceremony that was carried out to satisfy the concerns of the gods..."
Oh, yes, and some ditch digging... plumbing... house painting... whatever?
Yo, Clown-boy... knock off the insipid sarcasm and get some help... you are deranged. Savvy?