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I knew about the vax as soon as I heard them calling this a ‘Pandemic’. Truth is I’m one of the lucky ones, I got to hear Bill Cooper speak for my first time in 1993. Truth was I learned a computer language the year before just to be able to get on the internet back then in 1992, just to read the documents Top Secet documents that Bill Cooper posted back then. He told us then that the government had plans to kill off most of us. Bill Cooper had Q Security Clearance. He was our whistleblower. I saw him speak at least 5 times in the 1990s. So I was ready for the shananagens. His biggest message even though he was the one to show the Zapruder film of JFK. His biggest message was to heck with the UFOs. Our government was what we needed to fear. He also said our government was run by the Illuminati. Idiot me, that was out of my paradigm back then. I didn’t wake up to the Illuminati till I read their publication that came out Feb 2015. Book ILLUMINATIAM The First Testament of the Illuminati. It read like a book to recruit people into the Illuminati. “If you join, jobs will just come to you and money will appear in your account.” I thought then about our bad economy, and thought how many could turn down that offer. Their whole aim was to create their New World Order. That same month I read the book. I was understanding the Clintons were not just pedophiles but Pedovores. Research Cathy O’Brien in YouTube. Find the 4 minute video by searching YouTube for “Vicki 1989 Oprah” , look for a four minute video. It will be amongst the first 4 videos listed. Bottomline these evil descendants and their cohorts are all throughout the US and internationally. They have been planning their New World Order for some time. Papa Bush said in a speech he hoped the NWO would happen in his lifetime. His real last name was Scherff, he was a Nazi in WWII. My mother was in Military Intelligence in WWII, my mother is rolling in her grave. I guess I was a little ahead of most everyone else. We all need to be on our knees praying, repenting and begging God for help. 😁❤️🙏❤️

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Seems you may still have a blind spot your intuition isn't helping with. If, after reading Clif (and others) for a while, you are still "begging God for help", then you must not have come to grips yet with the realization that your Abrahamic "God" was an Elohim/Annunaki.....

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Let's refer to that as the "Creator."

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or Creatrix :) Either way, the getting on knees and begging part is ridiculous and the mark of a slave mentality...

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I could not agree more! Lifelong objection to that mentality and those actions. Actually, I take it as an indicator of a baby soul mentality. But that's just me.

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When I connect to something higher, I talk to the Creator. Personal call without middlemen. In my language creator is synonym to God. Do not mean to hurt anybody’s feelings, this is how I think.

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Lovely. There are a lot of us who speak directly to Source and let that conversation be the meat of our existence.

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I seem to remember early stuff (2005?) from Clif where there was still the idea of a super-EL or some self-aware creative force higher and separate from the Elohim/Annukai/ neocons (hehe). Am I wrong. Was there "new light"? (Anyone, but clarification from Clif would be awesome!!)

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There very likely is - but that level of entity would be so vast & far removed from the likes of us that anything we might attempt to elaborate on about it would just be speculation ...

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True, but what if he/she/it/them/us walked on earth? That would be mindblowing. Just sayin'

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Great point…..there is no god. It does re enforce how effective it is when you brainwash the subconscious. We want to cling to the possibility that we are going to heaven!

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Well, I'm not willing to go on record as saying there is no "god". I'm guessing that there probably is some type of Universal Source / Creator Consciousness (that has nothing to do with the human "heaven mythology"). But the issue is that it would necessarily be so vast that our little human minds could not ever begin to comprehend it properly.

That said, I AM 100% sure it's NOT an Annunaki warlord that landed it's spaceship on this rock a few thousand years ago and conned some unsophisticated tribesmen into worshiping it and it's retinue (elohim, igigi, etc.) as the "one and only god and it's angels" :)

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Evil Enlil was YHWH, part reptillian Anunnaki. Enki is his half-brother, a very positively oriented master genetisist whose mother is Human and who donated his own DNA to create what I call "Project Human" long ago. I think EArth was named for Enki (Prince EA), who loves us as his own children! He has come to our Solar system, having banished Enlil from EArth, to remove negative aliens. Enki will not, however, take away the Black Hats, the Cabal in our society. That is Our Job. We need to get organized and get on wiith it! STAT. What is coming is Amazing. The Anunnaki are immortals . . .

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That's one version of the story. There are others. The jury is still out as to who or what may *really* have our best interests at heart - as far as actual un-human corporeal entities are concerned....

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Would you care to elucidate?

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Great comment...except the last sentence. No need to get on the knees, praying, bowing down to anyone. When you learn the truth it’s a new day. Go from there. You are a sovereign human. The earth is our mother. Love her and look to Nature for your answers.

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It was like…… I just knew ..things did not add up.

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Exactly! I'll never forget that day of lockdowns on Mar 15, 2020. My youngest daughter messaged me that she was suddenly out of a job working as a waitress as with many others who lost their jobs that day. I was just stunned. However, I knew this was a planned event, not the usual flu season we normally have every year. I had a feeling they were up to something nefarious, which was the coming vaccines, not realizing it was something else, that turned out to be the kill shot. I later found out what COVID-19 stood for - (Certificate Of Vaccine ID 2019). My husband & I, our children & grand-children did not get the shot. Several family members, mostly our cousins and friends did because they were afraid and compliant, believing in our govt, which were all lies. For a long while, we refused to wear the masks until all the stores/doctors offices, etc., required wearing them, so we wore masks that said "Placebo" and many people gave us thumbs up!! We surely got to see how many dumbed-down people were wearing these masks, some still wearing them to this day 3 years later!! Mask wearing doesn't protect you!! Well, I'm hearing evil Bill Gates is planning another pandemic for this Fall? I'm sure he's already got the vaccines lined up ready to go!! Not participating in any of their sick insanity. We don't need vaccines, reason why we have an immune system. Read the book Bechamp or Pasteur? Learned a lot reading this book from the mid-1800's of the Germ Theory. Pasteur was a Plagiarist.

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Oh my

I listened to Bill C in the 90s smart straight brother ...

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No begging required- My Creator has an open door policy- hell, we chitchat all day-everyday- if I just think of something I find new and exciting- BOOM! We are there...it's happening! LOVELOVELOVE! I do not know of or about anything, other than My One and Only Creator of All that Is and All that Has Been and All that Will Ever Be. All I need.

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It was my grandfather who clued me in as a young kid. Most of my life I’ve been listening closely and always heard the underlying messages. They got me w the childhood vaccines for my kids before I realized and stopped getting my kids them, but I knew this plan as soon as a “novel” respiratory illness was announced where they were going and their intentions. Fortunately, my 4 adult children have heeded the messages I’ve shared over the years, even as I’ve been the occasional embarrassment to them for what I know.

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Don't worry. I believe all these people that have a problem with the last sentence will repent once they see what is about to happen here on this earth. They will learn that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life! God bless!

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