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Clif, honey, there is no way that you can describe what to expect after one dies. You can describe your death experience, but that was YOUR experience. Waaaaaay too many people have had documented NDE's and they report a most beautiful experience, so wonderful that many don't want to return to their corporeal body. Many see their dead relatives and resolve earthly issues with them. Sorry dude....I love ya but I ain't buying your after death shyte.

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Clif's an interesting guy but without a doubt he's a massive bullshit artist.

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He winds both truth and fiction together well. Guess it's up to choose and see which places there's stuff between the lines. I am only just listening to this. I've no idea what he's gonna say on the subject, but I daresay from reading I'm likely to continue to hold the views I do.

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How do u know this stuff is fiction. Prove your hypothesis. Where is the proof this is all b.s. nice to say it’s made up but prove it with actual facts and not from the internet deep state crap.

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Erm... You sound angry? Why? Come on Clif spins yarns. There's puzzles to solve in the fiction to find the fact. Didn't say he was spinning just fiction. Read properly before spouting at people. It's not the place to get angst, is it? I thought we all came here as we were of similar character?.Not really sure why you're getting at me.... Or are you just trolling?

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“You live in the image you have of the world. Every one of us lives in a different world, with different space and different time.” (Alejandro Jodorowsky)

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And u would know how….lmao. U guys come and go. Pls go.

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You are the voice of reason it seems lol

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Agree with you totally Chiwawa, I ain't buying it either. Too many to list other unquestionable examples of the other side of life. Cliff very good at telling you about the evil guys, waiting for him to tell us who the good guys are and the strength and value of love.

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If he can't describe it, how is it that others can?

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Excellent Point...

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Maybe he got a little taste of Hell?

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Is that the place that you go if you don't believe the priests of Jesus?

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Most of the "loving" christians will sure tell you that... as they claw your face off...

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Anti-Christian shillery pollutes the entire internet. Satanists despise Christians. You come here to gratuitously insult Christians a then in your next comment cast aspersions on God.

Hmmmm. Who could YOU be here representing? Not much of a mystery.

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Your psychotic hysteria makes you spew lies and hate. Some "christian"... typical though, of you pompous ignorant clowns... viciously attacking anyone that doesn't believe in your laughable mythology.

Clif doesn't buy the "christian" fairy tales either... so why are YOU here on his substack, you vile yeasty loud pig?

As Clif recommends... read Biglino's "The naked Bible"... might wake your big dumb ass up.

And who do you think I represent, Porky?

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There's good and bad in everyone, including "Christians". We are to try and do what's good while on this Earth. Heaven is for real, and so is Hell.

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NONE of us know if heaven or hell is for real... not me... not you. You can believe strongly, even until you turn blue in the face... and many do... but you simply don't KNOW.

I like to think that IF there is a supreme creator/life force, it is not as sadistic and psychotic enough to send any of its own creation to eternal torment in any "hell".

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We all have God in us, built into our DNA and Spirit. Yes, I do, KNOW, and so will you, if you decide to WAKE UP.

You are describing satan who has control of those on Earth right now who haven't turned to God/Jesus.

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You are a garden-variety "christian... a loud, unbalanced nut-roll clinging to her bizarre ancient mythology.

I pity your dumb ass.

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For anyone who is interested in the actual Christian teaching about Heaven and Hell (as opposed to silly caricatures thereof), here is an excellent essay on that topic:

"The River of Fire" by Dr. Alexander Kalomiros


HINT: It is not what many people think that it is!

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" But why do men hate God? They hate Him not only because their deeds are dark while God is light, but also because they consider Him as a menace, as an imminent and eternal danger, as an adversary in court, as an opponent at law, as a public prosecutor and an eternal persecutor. To them, God is no more the almighty physician who came to save them from illness and death, but rather a cruel judge and a vengeful inquisitor."

I think this is pretty much spot on and has not changed. I am an agnostic/atheist not because I hate "God"... but because I simply cannot believe in a vengeful, psychotic, judgemental deity that sends "his" own creations to eternal torment. I and I do not do "dark deeds".

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I don't have an issue with the notion of God, .... I just detest Religion. Religion is a poison.

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I don't either. I suppose I am an "agnostic"... as I do not know whether or not a "God" exists but it might... and have no idea as to what form it would take.

Neither does anyone else on earth... despite all the bullcrap spewed by the frightened and/or pompous sheep...

Like Lennon said: "Imagine no religion".... what a better world we would have...

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You gave me a weird thought. If everyone had the truth and facts from the beginning, there would already be a One World Religion, .... and it would have existed since the beginning. Perhaos it would also have been a far less poisonous or polluted religion.

I shouldn't say such things, .... the Televangelists Union might hit me with lawfare. lol Such a notion would mean no more money rain,, on their money train..

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Jeeze, I would HOPE it would be far less poisonous and polluted!! 🤪

Early man was tribal... they lived in suspicion and fear... danger all around... they developed primitive "religions" to try to explain the unexplainable and to quell their fear. As the tribes grew in number, those that wanted to control large numbers could often do that through being the biggest, baddest bad-ass in the group... or take the "witch-doctor"/"High Priest" approach and gain status and/or control via magic and fear. Only THEY knew the secrets to healing and to pleasing the "Creator". Those with this special "knowledge" of course, required payment and gifts... and especially "status"... it was only fair...

The tribes, each with their own "Priests" and, naturally, their own mythologies... came into contact with other tribes, each with their own "Priests" and, naturally, their own mythologies... generally ended up going to war and killing each other to prove their mythology was supreme.

Isn't it amazing how much has changed over the years!! 🙄

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If you read further (I know that this is a LONG essay!), you will see that the "eternal persecutor" idea is a paganistic distortion, introduced by Roman Catholic theologians in the 11th century. Again, salvation is not what a lot of us has been taught that it is!

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I think it is all ancient mythology, developed by the evil powerful to control the moronic masses... and it worked for a long time.

IF there were a "God" that gave a damn about humans, let alone "loved" them, why the silent treatment? Why is the world so FUBAR? And if you answer "free will" and "Satan"... I'll be disappointed...

What do you think of Biglino's "The Naked Bible"?? Clif recommended it. Very interesting!

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I haven't read it. Will I? Doubtful. Here's why.

I read all of the liberal Protestant "Higher Criticism" from Schliermacher, through D.F. Strauss, to Schweitzer, and I found all of it to be completely subjective "eisegesis" (i.e., "reading into" a text what you want it to say.). The reductio ad absurdum of this process was the so called "Jesus Seminar" with its "colour coded" Gospels (remember that?).

From that point forward, I have ignored modern scholarship of the past 200 years, as tendentious and ideologically motivated.

And yes, I will answer "free will" and "Satan," so be as disappointed as you please! I think that makes far more sense than Clif's idea that all religions were imported by evil space aliens.

I don't think that there actually are any "space aliens." I agree with scholars like Jacques Vallee that so called "UFO's" are of Earth origin, and that all the "close encounters" correspond almost exactly to ancient accounts of demonic visitations. So there we stand! I suspect we are simply talking past each other, so I will close here.

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You won't read Biglino, but expect people to read what YOU recommend?

Pretty arrogant and pompous, no?


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My understanding is we all face God. Hell for us, is to be in His presence, wishing to be anywhere else.

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Like going to the principal's office?

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You wish.....!

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LOL!! You think your sadistic, psychotic, vengeful nut-roll of a "god" will torture poor John, eh?

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Bring it.

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You have little to fear... other than the spew of the psudo-religious harpies.


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No, not the "priests" of Jesus, just God/Jesus.

I certainly don't want to find out!

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What do you expect from a person that trashes the Bible every chance he gets and doesn’t’ believe in either God or the Bible.

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Which god and which Bible. There are many.. 😄

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Nope. Only one God/Jesus. You had better figure that out real soon, or you may get a taste of Hell, too.

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I think u better do some research, we have been indoctrinated to believe this crap. There is so much strife as to all religions. Look at it logically, like George Carlin did. There is a white haired guy in the sky who is puttting fear into you by telling you if you don’t follow him you will burn in hell for all eternity. And there is fire and brimstone in this eternity. But…. Wait…..he loves you.

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Yeah, George Carlin is someone to look up to. He was funny to listen to, but that was all.

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He was a great guy... you sure sound bitter and hateful for one who supposedly lives in the bosom of Jesus' love...

IOW... typical loony "christian".

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Uhhh, I think it's you who sounds bitter and hateful, as you have allowed the evil one to control your thoughts.

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You're an ignorant fool just like all the rest of the bible thumpers

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Would you happen to know when Yahshuahs' birthday was and his date of death?.. 🤔

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I don't believe anyone knows, for sure, as there are different calendars used since Jesus's birth and resurrection. Listen to what Jonathan Cahn has to say about it.

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Cahn is a lowlife grifter and con-artist.

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I don't know about that, but I do know that he is very knowledgeable about Biblical history.

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Typical vicious, hateful lunatic comment.

IF there is a christian hell... YOU will burn in it for SURE.

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Too funny.. we are in hell already. How heavy is that body your carrying around?.. here's one for ya.. how many lives did your savior save from sacrifices?.especially the unborn?. 🤔

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Not MY savior, Kiddo... you must mean the screeching loon Carrie.

I wonder what her "christian" take is on this one:


Loving "god" indeed!!

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You're forgetting that the devil has full reign of this Earth right now. Blame him for all of the bad and evil happening in these end times, not God. We were all given free will. The choices you make are yours. God wants us to use our COMMON SENSE and discernment.

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YOU are forgetting that your beliefs are all based on ancient mythology. You know nothing of "God" or what "his" (lol) intentions are.

"free will"... free to what?? You can spout your own laughable beliefs all day... changes nothing.

Read Biglino's "The Naked Bible"... might wake you up

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Just someone else's opinion. We all will have to answer to God, our Creator for our transgressions while in this life on Earth, whether you choose to believe it or not. Why take a chance?

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No we don't. And stop bullying w/fear-of-gawd porn.

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Biglino and Paul Wallis...also Billy Carson. Mythvision!! All good references

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Programmed much? Anuddah abrahamic bully.

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And we have another rainlet's twat thinking there's only one God. And one Jesus jesus did not exist The way you think he did. actually it can't be proved. He existed at all, so take your mentally defunct Brain and go fuck yourself. The Bible is a pile of crap. It's the greatest bullshit story ever told.

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Hey, don't sugar coat it!! Come right out and tell her what you feel!


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I thought I was being subtle!!

I guess the woke censorship Czar deleted the comment... ah well...

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For decades I have thought of Organized Religion as the worlds oldest long-con. Bad part is that by the time they figure it out, they're dead. Kind of ingenious actually. lol

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It is, it is the greatest story ever told. Jesus is nothing more than a word made up 500 years ago and the Son of God actually means the S UN which is the bright light. The morning Light that comes up and is in the sky for twelve hours because without the sun there would be no you and me. But bible thumpers are so hungry to grab on to The whole line of bullshit and swallow but They will get their rude awakening.And I can't wait to see them all just like The woke left libtards, throwing themselves down on the ground, pounding their fists on the pavement. While screaming Jesus Christ just alive he's real, he's God. He's the king, no, that's not true.

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Your description made me think how embarrassing it must be, to be that person. I think it's a she, a very ugly one with glasses, screaming at the sky, the image everyone has seen a thousand times in the last few years. Eeeks, I'd really hate to be them. lol But seeing tens of millions of them would be another story. Perhaps she/it was just a bit of predictive programming, ?? How benevolent of the globalist fucks, to get us ready for religious folk losing their minds. lmao

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Nice language: shows your high IQ. Guess we will all find out, huh? Hopefully sooner than later.

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He does believe in god…just not the one in the Bible

Iisten, god is literally everything in existence. The Bible “gods” was not that lol

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Thank you. He doesn’t know any more than any other. He is not the last word, though he would like to be.

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Like the many billions of Buddhists, muslims, hindus and agnostics?

Let me guess... bound for hell to suffer in torment for eternity... right?

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Are you referring to me?.. The Kjver's don't read their Bible much. For it says earth was given to Satan.. Earth is hell..

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No, I referred to the nut-roll "religious christian" Carrie.

I agree with you,,, life is shitty... though I don't believe in satan anymore than I believe in any other mythological creature...

We are animals and animals can be vicious... and most often are.

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In 2015 there were remains found dated about 15, 000 yrs ago. They were half human, half Ape.. now if you study the oldest cuneform texts, you'll find the Annunaki, ( some say Elohim) took their DNA and mixed with Ape to eventually form Adamu.. mankind to be slaves..its lengthy, but if people actually seek the truth, they will find it.

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I am not surprised... I actually find that to be a positive... it explains humanity well, and there is no vicious, sadistic "God" waiting to send us to eternal torment... dead is dead and that suits me fine. Life stinks.

We STILL have half human, half apes running around... lots!

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And are the sons of "god" still breeding with the daughters of men today? Why would they have stopped?

I read a comment on one of Cliff's posts that suggested that Moslem women started wearing the hijab to avoid attracting the attention of the Elohim/Anunnaki/Archons. I thought that was quite perceptive.

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Their body odor helps in that too... 😄

Clif is very interesting and fun to listen to... but let's keep in mind... he may well be a raving lunatic!

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Interesting.. no lust.. hmmm..

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Looks like the sect that is tailing Clif in real life is also haunting his Substack chats. The posts are laced with venom.

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Then why are YOU here, Fatty?

Your vibrator batteries go dead?

YOUR posts have plenty of "venom" and judgement, you pathetic roach... you will burn in hellfire for eternity for that... as you well know...

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very low, bad manners, and there's no hell. are you his stalker?

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Why stick YOUR nose in, Piggy?

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Like I said: Maybe he got a little taste of Hell, instead.

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Your fear is a stench.

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I don't fear, as fear gives satan his power.

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My sky wizard is better than your sky wizard

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near death AINT DEATH so he may be right and it may all be very personal as well...just saying!

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If what you say is true, then Clif did not die completely. He then, only had an NDE since he came back. So, he wouldn't really know would he? His opinions about death simply don't resonate with me due to my own spiritual experiences.

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What do you care?

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Someone had a Near Death Experience, ... and Didn't Die?? Can't "Come Back" if they didn't die, yes ?? Maybe it's just my own perspective, but I figure every NDE involves Death That Didn't Stick. It's still death.

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I've had 3 near death experiences. they are very real.. I didnt see any relatives but I went to the Hall of Records in one experience where there was millions of scrolls of everyones journey, and 'God' spoke to me and told me they werent ready for me yet. :-)

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ANYONE'S take on after-death is pure speculation, AKA bullcrap.

At least Clif admits he is a paranoid schizophrenic... sort of like a warning on his label...

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There's only one way to find out. In the meantime, enjoy the ride. 🙏🏼

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I had a NDE last August after a stomach operation and appendix removal. I had not eaten in 9 days. It changed me forever and I am convinced you are right about individual death experiences. It was so long and intense, most folks can't even listen to the story. A very individual experience, not even churches/pastors want to hear about it.

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We live in a simulation, when he die we are still in that simulation. You're right, Clif experienced his own Sim. I very much believe afterlife /between lives is indivualized.

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Totally agree!! Too many other NDEexperiences out there

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