Yes, I believe that they have a contract with Russell-Jay:Gould, for their sovereignty. Interesting thoughts, but it’s no good if it all burned up, including the kids who were to inherit it.
Yes, I believe that they have a contract with Russell-Jay:Gould, for their sovereignty. Interesting thoughts, but it’s no good if it all burned up, including the kids who were to inherit it.
A bit off subject, I have been looking into Parse Syntax or Quantum Grammer (Russell-Jay: Gould.). Parse Syntax experts advise that in court you ask the judge to define almost every word used in the charges. You do NOT want to 'understand' them. Most likely the judge will not want to define the words, which would set a precedent. Judges don't like to set precedent.
Reading about Musk's tiff with the ADL, it seems that the ADL is the ultimate ‘go-to’ authority setting the definitions of words. This morning on Louder with Crowder (9*5*23), he showed the definition set by the ADL on the word "RACIST" pre-George Floyd and post George Floyd. These are the definitions used by corporations and tech that results in censoring on social media, MSM, print, etc. I am creating FOIAs to ask for the definition of some of the following words. White; supremacist, and white supremacist. The DOJ seems like a good place to make an initial inquiry, among many others. Like those public figures who so thoughtfully make such claims on video.
DNA analysis proves that man has been practicing relationship diversity for generations. Is any culture 100% pure? What cultures must exist in a person's DNA to qualify them as 'white'? What percentage of these cultures in the DNA qualifies a person to be labeled white? Who determines these qualifications and percentages? What credentials do they present to make them an authority?
Since DNA proves that man has been culturally diverse for generations through intermarriage, can anyone really be labeled by a broad sweeping identity based on an irrelevantly assigned color? And the DNA mixtures make the extraordinary actions to create a diverse society a waste of energy, since man has been doing a far better job of creating cultural diversity than any of the proposed actions by government or globalists.
Awesome insights. And so logically spot on. You've just demonstrated the deeper level of thinking that so many have lost. It's "critical" to exiting their web of deceit. Thank you.
p.s., dja ever notice the medical PLEAS for organs or blood donations (another form of organ donation) for MIXED subspecies? Because if you NEED an organ, it needs to be as close as possible to you GENETICALLY! And so if you've miscegenated and created beloved children who NEED medical help - you're S.-out-of-L unless you can FIND someone else with that mix....
So you have HARMED and possibly KILLED your own child because you wanted to play diverse!
"broad sweeping identity based on an irrelevantly assigned color"
Most of what you wrote is good: This, however, is stupid wrong commie propaganda! Genetic studies across *populations* show that the vast vast MAJORITY of people self-identify AS the color their genetics/appeance indicate! There are absolutely different SUBSPECIES, who are, in the main, what their own and other's EXTERNAL appearance leads them to conclude.
You are intentionally -- and illicitly! -- trying to hide that absolute boundaries between populations by suggesting the ... "relationship diversity" of miscegenation **AT THE EDGES** of a genetic population somehow wipes out the genetic identity of the vast majority of that/any population! What you are suggesting is, in essence: there is no such thing as being ill -- because there is a non-definite/defining (physical/visual/genetic) boundary between "I'm ill" and "I'm healthy" -- you are declaring there is NO SUCH THING as being ill!!!
THAT is commie propaganda to destroy the natural and normal connection of shared genetics! Steve Sailer has a lovely definition -- which I will proceed to mangle, but it goes about like this: a "race" {he uses a term I no longer use} consists of a very large, extended family connected by GENETICS.
So, yes WHITE absolutely exists and is an *accurate* description of a very large, extended family that shares MORE genes with the others in the population than with humans outside that genetically related population. And just as you are closely related to your cousins, but not AS closely as to your siblings -- White Americans are closely related across their many varied NATIONAL connections. For instance, I am WAY more closely connected to the Scots, Brits, and Germans, than I am to East Europeans in their various national lines. But I am, WAY more closely connected TO East Europeans than to ANY African, Asian, or other non-White population.
Your phrase: "irrelevantly assigned color" is intentional EVIL and designed to DESTROY the "extended genetically related" family that is White people (or Black people or Asian people)! And you're not merely lacking science and biology education, you've missed history entirely! NO "diverse" society since the beginning of humans has EVER succeeded! (And probably before humans began: look to ANY mammalian species! No mammal 'pretends to value' diversity.)
ALL homogeneous societies ALWAYS result from either ethnic cleansing or expulsion. EVERY single one EVER! This is the history -- and future! -- of ALL human species. Period, no exceptions!
You know I've been thinking a lot about that. It seemed like : David-Wynn : Miller had the islands and the Hawaiians pretty well protected. (Legally) I just wasn't sure if there were any changes because of the big weirdness after Miller died.
Yes, I believe that they have a contract with Russell-Jay:Gould, for their sovereignty. Interesting thoughts, but it’s no good if it all burned up, including the kids who were to inherit it.
A bit off subject, I have been looking into Parse Syntax or Quantum Grammer (Russell-Jay: Gould.). Parse Syntax experts advise that in court you ask the judge to define almost every word used in the charges. You do NOT want to 'understand' them. Most likely the judge will not want to define the words, which would set a precedent. Judges don't like to set precedent.
Reading about Musk's tiff with the ADL, it seems that the ADL is the ultimate ‘go-to’ authority setting the definitions of words. This morning on Louder with Crowder (9*5*23), he showed the definition set by the ADL on the word "RACIST" pre-George Floyd and post George Floyd. These are the definitions used by corporations and tech that results in censoring on social media, MSM, print, etc. I am creating FOIAs to ask for the definition of some of the following words. White; supremacist, and white supremacist. The DOJ seems like a good place to make an initial inquiry, among many others. Like those public figures who so thoughtfully make such claims on video.
DNA analysis proves that man has been practicing relationship diversity for generations. Is any culture 100% pure? What cultures must exist in a person's DNA to qualify them as 'white'? What percentage of these cultures in the DNA qualifies a person to be labeled white? Who determines these qualifications and percentages? What credentials do they present to make them an authority?
Since DNA proves that man has been culturally diverse for generations through intermarriage, can anyone really be labeled by a broad sweeping identity based on an irrelevantly assigned color? And the DNA mixtures make the extraordinary actions to create a diverse society a waste of energy, since man has been doing a far better job of creating cultural diversity than any of the proposed actions by government or globalists.
So enjoyed what you wrote here Judi.
Maybe add conquesting rape to the intermarriage sentence..
Awesome insights. And so logically spot on. You've just demonstrated the deeper level of thinking that so many have lost. It's "critical" to exiting their web of deceit. Thank you.
p.s., dja ever notice the medical PLEAS for organs or blood donations (another form of organ donation) for MIXED subspecies? Because if you NEED an organ, it needs to be as close as possible to you GENETICALLY! And so if you've miscegenated and created beloved children who NEED medical help - you're S.-out-of-L unless you can FIND someone else with that mix....
So you have HARMED and possibly KILLED your own child because you wanted to play diverse!
"broad sweeping identity based on an irrelevantly assigned color"
Most of what you wrote is good: This, however, is stupid wrong commie propaganda! Genetic studies across *populations* show that the vast vast MAJORITY of people self-identify AS the color their genetics/appeance indicate! There are absolutely different SUBSPECIES, who are, in the main, what their own and other's EXTERNAL appearance leads them to conclude.
You are intentionally -- and illicitly! -- trying to hide that absolute boundaries between populations by suggesting the ... "relationship diversity" of miscegenation **AT THE EDGES** of a genetic population somehow wipes out the genetic identity of the vast majority of that/any population! What you are suggesting is, in essence: there is no such thing as being ill -- because there is a non-definite/defining (physical/visual/genetic) boundary between "I'm ill" and "I'm healthy" -- you are declaring there is NO SUCH THING as being ill!!!
THAT is commie propaganda to destroy the natural and normal connection of shared genetics! Steve Sailer has a lovely definition -- which I will proceed to mangle, but it goes about like this: a "race" {he uses a term I no longer use} consists of a very large, extended family connected by GENETICS.
So, yes WHITE absolutely exists and is an *accurate* description of a very large, extended family that shares MORE genes with the others in the population than with humans outside that genetically related population. And just as you are closely related to your cousins, but not AS closely as to your siblings -- White Americans are closely related across their many varied NATIONAL connections. For instance, I am WAY more closely connected to the Scots, Brits, and Germans, than I am to East Europeans in their various national lines. But I am, WAY more closely connected TO East Europeans than to ANY African, Asian, or other non-White population.
Your phrase: "irrelevantly assigned color" is intentional EVIL and designed to DESTROY the "extended genetically related" family that is White people (or Black people or Asian people)! And you're not merely lacking science and biology education, you've missed history entirely! NO "diverse" society since the beginning of humans has EVER succeeded! (And probably before humans began: look to ANY mammalian species! No mammal 'pretends to value' diversity.)
ALL homogeneous societies ALWAYS result from either ethnic cleansing or expulsion. EVERY single one EVER! This is the history -- and future! -- of ALL human species. Period, no exceptions!
Russell-Jay:Gould I also follow him. Who will take his place if he suddenly meets his demise, I wonder?
Joey probably.
Who is Joey?
You know I've been thinking a lot about that. It seemed like : David-Wynn : Miller had the islands and the Hawaiians pretty well protected. (Legally) I just wasn't sure if there were any changes because of the big weirdness after Miller died.