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Magnesium and silica!

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Silica would be diatomaceous earth, correct? Been taking 1tsp or 1/2 tsp each morning. Also I spray magnesium oil in my mouth once per week and I eat 1/2 avocado daily.

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I've been on food grade diatomaceous earth for 5 months. I increased my dosage quickly until I saw & felt results to my health. At 8 tablespoons per day, my osteoarthritis was gone, H.Pylori gone, eczema healing, improved teeth & gums, eyesight, hair, nails. It removed visible parasites and eggs and biofilm. DE has a negative electomagnetic charge that attracts only the bad stuff that doesn't belong in our body & brain....because the bad stuff has a positive charge. The minerals etc that we need are negative charged so the binders do not remove them. And its an INEXPENSIVE SUPPLEMENT that I'm also giving to my dogs.... They love it and it has changed their health from nose to tail.

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Nice. I follow Florida Sharkman on Truth social and he helps people with all kinds of sicknesses especially cancer. Food grade dia earth is one of the smaller components he uses. The majors are ivermectin, doxycycline, fenbendazole and berberine. He is all about getting rid of parasites.

Here is his web site: he is not selling anything and he is on Truth:


He talks a lot about H Pylori which many people have and doctors usually have no clue. Food Grade Dia Earth makes so much sense to kill parasites. Thank you.

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Dr Lee Merritt, whom our dear Clif has spent two hours in a fantastic podcast with, has a whole protocol and info about parasites on her site: TheMedical Rebel.com. Lots of great pods with her on Rumble. But DEFINITELY check out Lee and Clif!!

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there's simply no downside to DE. We have a large! bag of it (chickens, garden, human use), all doing good.

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I think you have to be careful about inhaling it into your lungs. Is Food Grade safer? When people take it do they put it in a smotthie? I know you can get the capsules

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Yes with natural compounds, not big pharma!

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See the post by Sky Scraper about Master Peace

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8 tablespoons per day! How do you get it all down?

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Food grade dissolves very easy. I just put a 2 or 3 T in whatever I'm drinking. Just make sure you have enough liquid. My drinks are usually 8-12 ounces....juice, milk, tea...whatever. There's no flavor that I can notice.

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Wow, that is a lot , but if it is working for you that is wonderful. I will increase mine as well. Thank you for the information.

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you may not need that much to get improvement in your health problems. Or you might need more! Every one is different/unique. I just kept increasing the dosage until I started receiving noticeable healing results. Just keep up with liquids in order to help your body flush out the "stuff" that DE is escorting out. Since its only ancient minerals and all Americans are deficient in minerals for their daily maintenance alone, I assumed that the parts of my body are breaking down due to being depleted and I would have to take more than a daily maintenance until the "tank has been filled up". Not to mention that we are exposed to parasites, toxins, chemicals, heavy metals on a daily basis now. I feel good on my 8 T dose and each person has to find the dose that heals them and maintains that healing. Its only minerals.....but the world has filled us with more fear of the natural things than of the man made chemicals given to us as prescriptions.

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Master Peace is a game changer........see post by Sky Scraper

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What is your daily dose now Linda?

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I went up to 12 tablespoons per day for about 2 weeks and came back down to 8 tablespoons. I didn't see a huge improvement with the 12 T...that's why I came back down to 8 T. This will be my dosage for the rest of my life. My health is still improving, just not as dramatic as at the beginning. I think this is a good dosage for me for daily maintenance.....oh I forgot....my sleep is deep & solid now without any bathroom trips. The eczema is slowly disappearing....drying up without scars.

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Congratulations Linda! Thats fantastic! I guess IтАЩll move back to a full tsp this week then will go to a TBLSPN for a month then add from there. I really dont have any know maladies but my body does retain iron. Im so glad DM has helped you!

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Is there a brand you recommend? IтАЩm not familiar but I would like to try. Thank you!

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How do you take 8 tablespoons? Smoothie? Water?

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I put it into whatever I'm drinking. Just make sure you have enough liquid. To me there's no flavor. I put it in tea, milk, smoothie, juice....and sometimes just warm water. I split up the 8 T. into 4T. twice a day. I take before or after a meal....or with a smoothie.

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According to world expert on silica, https://www.substack.com/@drchristopherexley, the silica in DE won't be effective for this purpose. Drinking silica rich water is the only way he's found to get the silica in the form needed for aluminium elimination.

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Hmmmmm.... "don't drink the cheap stuff, buy my products?" I'll start out by trying DE..

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I think there may be a way to determine if you're excreting it thru your urine so you may be able to verify?

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I'm not sure what you're referring to. AFAIK, Dr. Exley isn't selling spring water. It's not really feasible to sell and ship massive bottles of water, and I am not aware of him recommending (let along selling) any other "product" for effective elimination of aluminum.

People typically buy silica rich water from most supermarkets, or a health food store. You simply need to ensure it has at least 30 mg/L or 30 ppm written as тАШsilicaтАЩ on the label.

Or get it from a local artesian spring (after paying a lab to test the dissolved silica content, so you can be sure it's at least 30 mg/L or 30 ppm silica)

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@drchristopherexley - care to comment?

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It looks like Mentions / User Tags don't actually work in comments on Substack.

Try asking him directly.

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I asked Dr. Exley about various silica products, water additives, and recipes being promoted online, and in each case his professional opinion is they wouldn't work. Natural silica rich spring water was the only way he found (in his extensive research into the matter) that was effective.

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"World expert on aluminium." (why doesn't subdtack allow comment editing? ЁЯд╖тАНтЩВя╕П

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well, I'll be getting facts in a couple of months when I take the blood & urine tests again. The detox gurus say that it takes years to remove heavy metals from the body.....the kidneys, liver and lymph can only take the parasites, biofilms, metals, fungus chemicals etc a layer at a time. That's why I'm staying on the DE for life. My health improvements are miraculous to me. last year the osteoarthritis had me crippled up to the point I could only shuffle for a short distance at a time. I refused to take pain meds....so I had excruciating pain in my feet, ankles and calves. Just 2 days ago I ran up a flight of stairs. I'm 75 years old. I couldn't do that when I was 65!

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You can get silica in liquid tincture which is easiest to absorb. Modified citrus pectin and chlorella is good. And infrared sauna and coffee enemas!!

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According to https://www.substack.com/@drchristopherexley none of these things effectively support the body in eliminating aluminium. Requires silica rich spring water.

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Mari, that's great. Chemtrails - epsom salt baths too - i take 2 or 3 per week - chemtrails

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Add baking soda, the water is also toxic unless you have a bath filterтАж

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I use reverse osmosis water... I hope it is clean enough... I do drink a glass of distilled water in the am... with my chlorine dioxide solution (CDS)

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My wife always tells me that about baking soda.

I never go near city water. NO fluoride, chlorine, pharmaceuticals for me. I even take my own water when we go to restaurants.

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Thanks for sharing your affiliate link to this product. Is there any evidence it effectively removes aluminum from the body? I did a fairly quick look through there site, and didn't find any.

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Master Peace the only product currently in the world that eliminates all forever chemicals. See Post by Sky Scraper

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Mineral water with 30mg/l silicon or 14 mg/l silicic acid when labelled such. eg Malaysian Spritzer Acilis

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Thanks for sharing your affiliate link to this product. Is there any evidence it effectively removes aluminum from the body? I did a fairly quick look through there site, and didn't find any.

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And Jonathon - you please keep helping with your references; your service to others who are clearly in some distress or fear is a noble cause and effort to help others damaged by the multiple food, cleaning, water & medical toxifying agendas in play.

You're a prince in a pond full of ugly toads with uncertain motives.

Good on you, sir...

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I'd look for some peer-reviewed studies on it if you can avoid the standard medical research enterprise that has been revealed over this past 4 years. Also look into ClO2 as you can make it at home for literally pennies a day & it detoxes many metals (not all). Mr. Scraper has what appears to be dozens of links with his affiliate # and that spells skepticism for the claims made, especially when the tiny bottle of the product is $53.


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Thanks Rik. I appreciate comment. I did do some research into CIO2 around 10 to 15 years ago. I tried it, and my body intelligence rejected it as not something it wanted. So I moved on from that line of investigation.

Yes, Scraper seems to be rather trigger happy with his/her affiliate link. Each to their own, I suppose. Like you, the $53 price tag, and the excessive marketing hyperbole with a lack of any credible study data, left my uninspired by the product Scraper is so avidly promoting.

Which book are those photos taken from?

The content covered in those particular images happens to be covering exactly what IтАЩm currently writing about in a forth-coming book on true health.

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